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Regex help required (include with exclude criteria)

Hi all,

We are trying to create an expression that matches, if the sequence is containing the string "test123".
However it should not match, if the sequence also contains the string "nowEXCLUDE".

Example sequences:
1. "abc def ghi jkl mno" --> should not match
2. "abc def ghi test123 jkl mno" --> should match
3. "abc def ghi test123 jkl nowEXCLUDE mno" --> should not match
4. "abc def ghi jkl nowEXCLUDE mno" --> should not match*

We are using the library CATLRegExp and tried a lot on but are not successful.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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Ausgedruckt am: 20.04.2024 um 04:04 Uhr

Mitglied: 5175293307
Lösung 5175293307 18.01.2023 um 12:03:09 Uhr
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Mitglied: Schinken77
Schinken77 18.01.2023 um 14:59:04 Uhr
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This works as expected, thank you so much!
Mitglied: 5175293307
5175293307 18.01.2023 um 21:31:57 Uhr
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You're welcome.
Mitglied: reynolds2301
reynolds2301 02.03.2023 um 05:49:45 Uhr
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The solution worked for me thanks to the community and the members for the solution.