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Windows MUI - Sprache wechseln beim Login mglich


weis vielleicht jemand ob es möglich ist die Sprache beim Login zu wechseln, damit man nicht immer in die Spracheinstellung die gewünschte Sprache abändern muss.


MUI XP, ital,eng,ger

Content-Key: 32341

Url: https://administrator.de/contentid/32341

Printed on: May 7, 2024 at 23:05 o'clock

Member: MLuther
MLuther Feb 24, 2011 at 10:59:26 (UTC)
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ich weiss, ist 5 Jahre her, der post, aber ich habe ähnliches Problem.
Zunächst: beim Login kann man nach strg,alt,entf mit ALT und Shift die Sprachen ansteuern. Gilt aber nur fürs login.

Ich habe das Problem, dass ich das gerne dauerhaft auf DE hätte, da standardmäßig EN einstellt ist.

Gruss, Micha
Member: suvv7777
suvv7777 Jul 14, 2011 at 07:36:32 (UTC)
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kommt vielleicht ein bisschen spät, aber hier mal ein Eintrag dazu aus unserem firmeninternen IT-Blog:

Although you may select a foreign language keyboard, at logon time (no user is logged on yet) the default keyboard settings are used. So at logon time no country-specific extended characters are available.
You must change the default keyboard settings in the registry as follows:
Run Registry Editor
From the HKEY_USERS subtree, go to the following key:
\.DEFAULT\Keyboard Layout\Preload
Change the value for the following entry to contain the keyboard layout that you want to have available at logon.
This example would set the default keyboard layout to German (Standard):
\.DEFAULT\Keyboard Layout\Preload
"1" REG_SZ = "00000407"
The following are the language IDs:
00000402 = "Bulgarian"
0000041a = "Croatian"
00000405 = "Czech"
00000406 = "Danish"
00000813 = "Dutch (Belgian)"
00000413 = "Dutch (Standard)"
00000409 = "English (American)"
00000c09 = "English (Australian)"
00000809 = "English (British)"
00001009 = "English (Canadian)"
00001809 = "English (Irish)"
00001409 = "English (New Zealand)"
0000040b = "Finnish"
0000080c = "French (Belgian)"
00000c0c = "French (Canadian)"
0000040c = "French (Standard)"
0000100c = "French (Swiss)"
00000c07 = "German (Austrian)"
00000407 = "German (Standard)"
00000807 = "German (Swiss)"
0000040e = "Hungarian"
0000040f = "Icelandic"
00000410 = "Italian (Standard)"
00000810 = "Italian (Swiss)"
00000414 = "Norwegian (Bokmal)"
00000814 = "Norwegian (Nynorsk)"
00000415 = "Polish"
00000416 = "Portuguese (Brazil)"
00000816 = "Portuguese (Portugal)"
00000418 = "Romanian"
00000419 = "Russian"
0000041b = "Slovak"
00000424 = "Slovenian"
0000080a = "Spanish (Mexican)"
00000c0a = "Spanish (Modern Sort)"
0000040a = "Spanish (Traditional Sort)"
0000041d = "Swedish"