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Exchange Daten nach Crash nicht zugänglich

Hallo zusammen,

vor einigen Tagen hatte ich schon einmal hier gepostet mit folgendem Problem. Hier noch einmal kurz die Zusammenfassung:

Ein Exchange Server ist durch einen Crash betroffen gewesen und dadurch war ich nicht mehr in der Lage die Datenbank einfach als neue Speichergruppe zu öffnen. Nach einigem hin und her habe ich es durch eseutil /P (/R ging nicht mehr) geschafft die Datenbank konsistent zu schreiben und den Eintrag "Dirty Shutdown" durch "Clean Shutdown" zu ersetzen. Nun kann ich die Datenbank einfach mounten und mir anzeigen lassen, wie viele E-Mails jeder User in seinem Postfach hat.


Bin ich nicht in der Lage die E-Mail zu extrahieren um sie dann auf den neuen Exchangeserver zu importieren. Jeder Versuch scheiterte bisher mit unterschiedlichen Meldungen.

Ontrack gibt mir als Fehlermeldung aus, das die Datenbank entweder invalid ist, oder ein anderer User die Datenbank gerade benutzt (was aber nicht der Fall ist).

ExMerge gibt folgendes in der Logdatei aus:

Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Merge Program, v6.5.7529.0
Start Logging:August 20, 2007 13:05:57

[13:05:57] Logging Level: Maximum
[13:05:57] Reading settings from file 'C:\Programme\Exchsrvr\bin\EXMERGE.INI'.
[13:05:57] Merge action read from .INI file: 0
[13:05:57] DomainControllerForSourceServer read from INI file: ''
[13:05:57] SrcServerLDAP-Port read from INI file: ''
[13:05:57] Source server name read from .INI file: ''.
[13:05:57] DomainControllerForDestServer read from INI file: ''
[13:05:57] SrcServerLDAP-Port read from INI file: ''
[13:05:57] Destination server name read from .INI file: ''.
[13:05:57] Message selection start date read from .INI file: ''.
[13:05:57] Reading list of subjects for messages to be selected from file ''
[13:05:57] Subject string match criteria read from INI file: 0
[13:05:57] Reading list of attachment names for messages to be selected from file ''
[13:05:57] Attachment name string match criteria read from INI file: 1
[13:05:57] Folder process setting read from .INI file: 2
[13:05:57] Apply to sub folders setting, read from .INI file: 1
[13:05:57] List of folders to be ignored has been read. 0 folders in the list.
[13:05:57] Program will also ignore sub folders of selected folders.
[13:05:57] DelimiterUsedInMailboxFile setting read from .INI file: 0
[13:05:57] File containing list of mailboxes, read from .INI file: ''.
[13:05:57] Remove intermediate PST files setting read from .INI file: 1
[13:05:57] Date attribute read from .INI file: 0
[13:05:57] Data import method read from .INI file: 0
[13:05:57] ReplaceDataOnlyIfSourceItemIsMoreRecent setting read from .INI file: 1
[13:05:57] Copy user data setting read from .INI file: 1
[13:05:57] Copy associated folder data setting read from .INI file: 0
[13:05:57] Copy folder permissions setting read from .INI file: 0
[13:05:57] Copy dumpster items setting read from .INI file: 0
[13:05:57] UseThisPSTFileForAllMailboxes setting read from .INI file: ''
[13:05:57] MapFolderNameToLocalisedName setting read from .INI file: 0
[13:05:57] RenameFoldersBasedOnFolderMappings setting read from INI file: 0
[13:05:57] RenameSpecialFolders setting read from INI file: 1
[13:05:57] Default Locale read from INI file:
[13:05:57] UseLastLogonLocaleID setting read from INI file: 0
[13:05:57] Current machine locale ID is 0x407
[13:05:57] Command line received:
[13:05:57] Processor architecture: Intel
[13:05:57] Operating System Version 5.2 (Build 3790)
[13:05:57] Personal Folders service name got from EXMERGE.INI file is 'Persönliche Ordner' (LocalisedPersonalFoldersServiceName entry in section [EXMERGE]).
[13:05:57] Exchange Server service name got from EXMERGE.INI file is 'Microsoft Exchange-Informationsspeicher' (LocalisedExchangeServerServiceName entry in section [EXMERGE]).
[13:06:04] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::IdentifyFamilyOfExchangeRunningOnServer)
[13:06:04] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData)
[13:06:04] BaseDN: 'LDAP:LENINGRAD/rootDSE'
[13:06:04] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData)
[13:06:04] Default Naming Context: 'DC=4head,DC=local'
[13:06:04] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData)
[13:06:04] BaseDN: 'LDAP:
[13:06:04] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData)
[13:06:04] Default Naming Context: 'DC=4head,DC=local'
[13:06:04] Accessing Domain Controller 'LENINGRAD'
[13:06:04] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo)
[13:06:04] BaseDN: 'LDAP:LENINGRAD/CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=4head,DC=local'
[13:06:04] Got IDirectorySearch interface
[13:06:04] Set search preferences
[13:06:04] Filter used: '(&(objectCategory=msexchExchangeServer)(cn=LENINGRAD))'
[13:06:04] Successfully executed directory search
[13:06:04] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo)
[13:06:04] 'LENINGRAD' is running Exchange Server 2000 or later
[13:06:04] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::IdentifyFamilyOfExchangeRunningOnServer)
[13:06:04] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerStorageGroupInfo)
[13:06:04] BaseDN: 'LDAP:
leningrad/CN=InformationStore,CN=LENINGRAD,CN=Servers,CN=Erste administrative Gruppe,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=4HEAD Studios,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=4head,DC=local'
[13:06:04] Got IDirectorySearch interface
[13:06:04] Set search preferences
[13:06:04] Filter used: '(objectClass=msexchPrivateMDB)'
[13:06:04] Successfully executed directory search
[13:06:04] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerStorageGroupInfo)
[13:06:08] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetMailboxesHomedOnExchangeServerDatabases)
[13:06:08] Mailbox '/o=4HEAD Studios/ou=Erste administrative Gruppe/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=LENINGRAD/cn=Microsoft System Attendant' will be ignored as its DN contains strings in the ignore list
[13:06:08] Mailbox '/o=4HEAD Studios/ou=Erste administrative Gruppe/cn=Configuration/cn=Connections/cn=SMTP (LENINGRAD)/cn={658A877C-6ABB-4288-B6E3-698EC92DC96E}' will be ignored as its DN contains strings in the ignore list
[13:06:08] Mailbox '/o=4HEAD Studios/ou=Erste administrative Gruppe/cn=Recipients/cn=SystemMailbox{658A877C-6ABB-4288-B6E3-698EC92DC96E}' will be ignored as its DN contains strings in the ignore list
[13:06:08] Found 8 mailbox(es) homed on database 'ERSTE SPEICHERGRUPPE/POSTFACHSPEICHER (LENINGRAD)'.
[13:06:08] Ignored 3 mailbox(es) homed on database 'ERSTE SPEICHERGRUPPE/POSTFACHSPEICHER (LENINGRAD)'.
[13:06:08] Found 8 mailbox(es) homed on the specified databases.
[13:06:08] Ignored 3 mailbox(es) homed on the specified databases.
[13:06:08] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetMailboxesHomedOnExchangeServerDatabases)
[13:06:08] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateSystemAttendantProfile)
[13:06:08] Entered Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::CreateSystemAttendantProfile)
[13:06:08] Entered Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::CreateSystemAttendantProfile)
[13:06:08] Entered Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::HackMapiSvcInfForSA)
[13:06:08] Ending Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::HackMapiSvcInfForSA)
[13:06:08] Ending Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::CreateSystemAttendantProfile)
[13:06:08] Ending Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::CreateSystemAttendantProfile)
[13:06:08] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateSystemAttendantProfile)
[13:06:08] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon)
[13:06:08] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit)
[13:06:08] Successfully initialized MAPI.
[13:06:08] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit)
[13:06:08] MAPI Logon successful.
[13:06:08] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon)
[13:06:08] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServer)
[13:06:08] Getting list of mailboxes on the server.
[13:06:08] Found default store.
[13:06:08] Opened Exchange Server Store.
[13:06:08] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS)
[13:06:08] GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS: QueryInterface succeeded
[13:06:08] GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS: GetMailboxTable succeeded
[13:06:08] Number of mailbox records read: 47. (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS)
[13:06:08] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS)
[13:06:08] Finished getting list of mailboxes.
[13:06:08] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServer)
[13:06:08] Session logoff successful.
[13:06:08] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile)
[13:06:08] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile)
[13:06:08] Time to get mailbox data: 0 seconds
[13:06:15] Using attribute 'PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME' for date operations.
[13:06:15] Copying data to target store. The program will copy all messages from the source store to the target store, without checking whether the messages already exist in the target store.
[13:06:15] Associated folder data will NOT be copied to the target store.
[13:06:15] Using 'German' (0x407) as the default locale (Code page 1252)
[13:06:15] All mailboxes will be processed, regardless of locale
[13:06:15] Using default locale for all mailboxes
[13:06:15] Program will use 1 worker threads
[13:06:15] Initializing worker thread (Thread0)
[13:06:15] ((Thread0)) Before CopyMailboxData -OLIVERSP
[13:06:15] Entered Routine: EDKRoutines::CopyMailBoxData)
[13:06:15] Using locale 'German' (0x407) and code page 1252 to connect to mailbox
[13:06:15] Copying data from mailbox 'Oliver Specht' ('OLIVERSP') on Server 'LENINGRAD' to file 'C:\DOKUMENTE UND EINSTELLUNGEN\EXMERGE\EIGENE DATEIEN\OLIVERSP.PST'.
[13:06:15] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit)
[13:06:15] Successfully initialized MAPI.
[13:06:15] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit)
[13:06:15] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateEMSPSTProfile)
[13:06:15] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateEMSPSTProfile)
[13:06:15] Successfully created profile.
[13:06:15] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon)
[13:06:15] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit)
[13:06:15] Successfully initialized MAPI.
[13:06:15] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit)
[13:06:15] MAPI Logon successful.
[13:06:15] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon)
[13:06:15] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::GetSession)
[13:06:15] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::GetSession)
[13:06:15] Entered Routine: EDKRoutines::OpenStores)
[13:06:15] OpenStores: Start
[13:06:15] GetMsgStoresTable successful.
[13:06:15] Checking service 'Microsoft Exchange-Nachrichtenspeicher'
[13:06:15] Checking service 'Persönliche Ordner'
[13:06:15] Store 'MSPST MS' was not opened.
[13:06:15] Ending Routine: EDKRoutines::OpenStores)
[13:06:15] Errors encountered. Copy process aborted for mailbox 'Oliver Specht' ('OLIVERSP').
[13:06:15] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile)
[13:06:15] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile)
[13:06:15] Session logoff successful.
[13:06:15] Ending Routine: EDKRoutines::CopyMailBoxData)
[13:06:15] ((Thread0)) CopyMailboxData Failed -OLIVERSP
[13:06:15] ((Thread0)) Incremented progress bar
[13:06:15] Number of items copied from the source store for all mailboxes processed: 0
[13:06:15] Total number of folders processed in the source store: 0
[13:06:15] 0 mailboxes successfully processed. 1 mailboxes were not successfully processed. 0 non-fatal errors encountered.
[13:06:15] Process completion time: 00:00:00
[13:06:15] MAPI uninitialized.
[13:06:16] MAPI uninitialized.

Er exportiert zwar etwas, aber die PST Datei ist 48kb groß. Das orginal Postfach 86MB, zumindest zeigt mir das der Exchange Manager an...

Hat jemand eine Idee, wie ich die Daten aus der datenbank bekomme, damit die User wieder darauf zugreifen können?


Content-Key: 66610

Url: https://administrator.de/contentid/66610

Printed on: May 10, 2024 at 17:05 o'clock

Member: docsam
docsam Aug 20, 2007 at 11:50:21 (UTC)
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Ich hatte mit Exmerge mal ähnliche Probleme, wenn man keinen Zugriff auf die Mailbox hat.

Du hast auch nicht geschrieben, welche Version du verwendest, und wie Du den "neuen" Server aufgesetzt hast?

Hast Du den Server komplett wieder hergestellt? Also sind dort alle User mit den entsprechenden ActiveDirectory User IDs vorhanden usw.

Mitglied: 51867
51867 Aug 20, 2007 at 13:28:56 (UTC)
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So, nach einigen Versuchen hat es dann doch noch mit Ontrack geklappt. Das Problem war einfach eine alte Log-Datei, die ins falsche Verzeichnis gerutscht ist. Aber wenn man zu lange vor der Kiste sitzt, fällt einem sowas nicht mehr auf...

Danke für die Hilfe, auch wenn es meine müden Augen waren...
