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HP Procurve 1850 - Firmware reset geht nicht

Ich hab mir meinen HP Procurve 1850 verkonfiguriert.
Laut Anleitung ein Firmware reset

1. Strom aus
2. Port 1 und 2 mit Netzwerkkabel verbinden
3. Strom ein
4. ca. 40 Sekunden warten (hab über 5 Minuten auch schon gewartet)
5. (Strom aus)
6. Kabel an Port 1 und 2 raus
7. (Strom ein)

(mal mit Schritt 5. und 7. versucht und auch ohne)

Danach sollte der Switch wieder unter der IP-Adresse erreichbar sein.

Aber genau das klappt nicht. Ich bekommt nicht mal einen Ping auf die Adresse.

Ja ich hab die IP-Adresse am PC richtig eingestellt, hab sogar extra zwei verschiedene PC's genommen,
da ich dachte es liegt am Port vom Switch usw..

Gibt es irgend eine Möglichkeit herauszubekommen, unter welcher IP-Adresse der Switch jetzt erreichbar ist,
bzw. einen anderen Weg für ein Firmware reset ?

arp funktioniert ebenfalls nicht.

Danke für die Hilfe


Content-ID: 254758


Ausgedruckt am: 23.02.2025 um 09:02 Uhr

Crusher79 13.11.2014 aktualisiert um 23:54:46 Uhr
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Von Schitt 5 steht da nix. Ka ob man noch Dialog quittieren muss. Würd mal Strom aus weg lassen....

mfg Crusher
TorstenE 13.11.2014 um 23:55:53 Uhr
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Klar hab ich es auch ohne 5 Schritt und 7 versucht, geht aber auch nicht.
brammer 14.11.2014 um 08:51:33 Uhr
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welche IP Adresse hat in dem Moment dein Rechner?

TorstenE 14.11.2014 aktualisiert um 10:48:40 Uhr
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Klar hat mein PC auch eine IP-Adresse in dem Bereich z.B. /

Hier mal ein Auszug aus dem Protokoll, LLDP_Multicat
Da ist in Zeile 109 zu erkennen das die Management Adresse ist, was meiner Meinung nach auch richtig ist.

Vielleicht erkennt ja jemand noch mehr, weshalb es nicht geht

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      <field name="lldp.tlv.type" showname="0000 010. .... .... = TLV Type: Port Id (2)" size="2" pos="23" show="2" value="2" unmaskedvalue="0402"/>  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.len" showname=".... ...0 0000 0010 = TLV Length: 2" size="2" pos="23" show="2" value="2" unmaskedvalue="0402"/>  
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      <field name="" showname="Port Id: 3" size="1" pos="26" show="3" value="33"/>  
    <field name="" show="Time To Live = 120 sec" size="4" pos="27" value="06020078">  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.type" showname="0000 011. .... .... = TLV Type: Time to Live (3)" size="2" pos="27" show="3" value="3" unmaskedvalue="0602"/>  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.len" showname=".... ...0 0000 0010 = TLV Length: 2" size="2" pos="27" show="2" value="2" unmaskedvalue="0602"/>  
      <field name="lldp.time_to_live" showname="Seconds: 120" size="2" pos="29" show="120" value="0078"/>  
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      <field name="lldp.tlv.type" showname="0000 100. .... .... = TLV Type: Port Description (4)" size="2" pos="31" show="4" value="4" unmaskedvalue="0807"/>  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.len" showname=".... ...0 0000 0111 = TLV Length: 7" size="2" pos="31" show="7" value="7" unmaskedvalue="0807"/>  
      <field name="lldp.port.desc" showname="Port Description: Port #3" size="7" pos="33" show="Port #3" value="506f7274202333"/>  
    <field name="" show="System Name = PROCURVE J9450A" size="17" pos="40" value="0a0f50524f4355525645204a3934353041">  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.type" showname="0000 101. .... .... = TLV Type: System Name (5)" size="2" pos="40" show="5" value="5" unmaskedvalue="0a0f"/>  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.len" showname=".... ...0 0000 1111 = TLV Length: 15" size="2" pos="40" show="15" value="F" unmaskedvalue="0a0f"/>  
      <field name="" showname="System Name: PROCURVE J9450A" size="15" pos="42" show="PROCURVE J9450A" value="50524f4355525645204a3934353041"/>  
    <field name="" show="System Description =  HP ProCurve 1810G - 24 GE, P.2.2, eCos-2.0, CFE-2.1" size="54" pos="57" value="0c342048502050726f4375727665203138313047202d2032342047452c20502e322e322c2065436f732d322e302c204346452d322e31">  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.type" showname="0000 110. .... .... = TLV Type: System Description (6)" size="2" pos="57" show="6" value="6" unmaskedvalue="0c34"/>  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.len" showname=".... ...0 0011 0100 = TLV Length: 52" size="2" pos="57" show="52" value="34" unmaskedvalue="0c34"/>  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.system.desc" showname="System Description:  HP ProCurve 1810G - 24 GE, P.2.2, eCos-2.0, CFE-2.1" size="52" pos="59" show=" HP ProCurve 1810G - 24 GE, P.2.2, eCos-2.0, CFE-2.1" value="2048502050726f4375727665203138313047202d2032342047452c20502e322e322c2065436f732d322e302c204346452d322e31"/>  
    <field name="" show="Capabilities" size="6" pos="111" value="0e0400040004">  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.type" showname="0000 111. .... .... = TLV Type: System Capabilities (7)" size="2" pos="111" show="7" value="7" unmaskedvalue="0e04"/>  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.len" showname=".... ...0 0000 0100 = TLV Length: 4" size="2" pos="111" show="4" value="4" unmaskedvalue="0e04"/>  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.system_cap" showname="Capabilities: 0x0004" size="2" pos="113" show="4" value="0004">  
        <field name="lldp.tlv.system_cap.other" showname=".... .... .... ...0 = Other: Not capable" size="2" pos="113" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0004"/>  
        <field name="lldp.tlv.system_cap.repeater" showname=".... .... .... ..0. = Repeater: Not capable" size="2" pos="113" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0004"/>  
        <field name="lldp.tlv.system_cap.bridge" showname=".... .... .... .1.. = Bridge: Capable" size="2" pos="113" show="1" value="1" unmaskedvalue="0004"/>  
        <field name="lldp.tlv.system_cap.wlan_access_pt" showname=".... .... .... 0... = WLAN access point: Not capable" size="2" pos="113" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0004"/>  
        <field name="lldp.tlv.system_cap.router" showname=".... .... ...0 .... = Router: Not capable" size="2" pos="113" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0004"/>  
        <field name="lldp.tlv.system_cap.telephone" showname=".... .... ..0. .... = Telephone: Not capable" size="2" pos="113" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0004"/>  
        <field name="lldp.tlv.system_cap.docsis_cable_device" showname=".... .... .0.. .... = DOCSIS cable device: Not capable" size="2" pos="113" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0004"/>  
        <field name="lldp.tlv.system_cap.station_only" showname=".... .... 0... .... = Station only: Not capable" size="2" pos="113" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0004"/>  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.enable_system_cap" showname="Enabled Capabilities: 0x0004" size="2" pos="115" show="4" value="0004">  
        <field name="lldp.tlv.enable_system_cap.other" showname=".... .... .... ...0 = Other: Not capable" size="2" pos="115" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0004"/>  
        <field name="lldp.tlv.enable_system_cap.repeater" showname=".... .... .... ..0. = Repeater: Not capable" size="2" pos="115" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0004"/>  
        <field name="lldp.tlv.enable_system_cap.bridge" showname=".... .... .... .1.. = Bridge: Capable" size="2" pos="115" show="1" value="1" unmaskedvalue="0004"/>  
        <field name="lldp.tlv.enable_system_cap.wlan_access_pt" showname=".... .... .... 0... = WLAN access point: Not capable" size="2" pos="115" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0004"/>  
        <field name="lldp.tlv.enable_system_cap.router" showname=".... .... ...0 .... = Router: Not capable" size="2" pos="115" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0004"/>  
        <field name="lldp.tlv.enable_system_cap.telephone" showname=".... .... ..0. .... = Telephone: Not capable" size="2" pos="115" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0004"/>  
        <field name="lldp.tlv.enable_system_cap.docsis_cable_device" showname=".... .... .0.. .... = DOCSIS cable device: Not capable" size="2" pos="115" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0004"/>  
        <field name="lldp.tlv.enable_system_cap.station_only" showname=".... .... 0... .... = Station only: Not capable" size="2" pos="115" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0004"/>  
    <field name="" show="Management Address" size="14" pos="117" value="100c0501c0a8151f020000001900">  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.type" showname="0001 000. .... .... = TLV Type: Management Address (8)" size="2" pos="117" show="8" value="8" unmaskedvalue="100c"/>  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.len" showname=".... ...0 0000 1100 = TLV Length: 12" size="2" pos="117" show="12" value="C" unmaskedvalue="100c"/>  
      <field name="lldp.mgn.address.len" showname="Address String Length: 5" size="1" pos="119" show="5" value="05"/>  
      <field name="lldp.mgn.address.subtype" showname="Address Subtype: IPv4 (1)" size="1" pos="120" show="1" value="01"/>  
      <field name="lldp.mgn.addr.ip4" showname="Management Address: (" size="4" pos="121" show="" value="c0a8151f"/>  
      <field name="lldp.mgn.interface.subtype" showname="Interface Subtype: ifIndex (2)" size="1" pos="125" show="2" value="02"/>  
      <field name="lldp.mgn.interface.number" showname="Interface Number: 25" size="4" pos="126" show="25" value="00000019"/>  
      <field name="lldp.mgn.obj.len" showname="OID String Length: 0" size="1" pos="130" show="0" value="00"/>  
    <field name="" show="IEEE 802.3 - MAC/PHY Configuration/Status" size="11" pos="131" value="fe0900120f010300010000">  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.type" showname="1111 111. .... .... = TLV Type: Organization Specific (127)" size="2" pos="131" show="127" value="7F" unmaskedvalue="fe09"/>  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.len" showname=".... ...0 0000 1001 = TLV Length: 9" size="2" pos="131" show="9" value="9" unmaskedvalue="fe09"/>  
      <field name="lldp.orgtlv.oui" showname="Organization Unique Code: IEEE 802.3 (0x00120f)" size="3" pos="133" show="4623" value="00120f"/>  
      <field name="" showname="IEEE 802.3 Subtype: MAC/PHY Configuration/Status (0x01)" size="1" pos="136" show="1" value="01"/>  
      <field name="" showname="Auto-Negotiation Support/Status: 0x03" size="1" pos="137" show="3" value="03">  
        <field name="" showname=".... ...1 = Auto-Negotiation: Supported" size="1" pos="137" show="1" value="1" unmaskedvalue="03"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... ..1. = Auto-Negotiation: Enabled" size="1" pos="137" show="1" value="1" unmaskedvalue="03"/>  
      <field name="" showname="PMD Auto-Negotiation Advertised Capability: 0x0001" size="2" pos="138" show="1" value="0001">  
        <field name="" showname=".... .... .... ...1 = 1000BASE-T (full duplex mode): Capable" size="2" pos="138" show="1" value="1" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... .... .... ..0. = 1000BASE-T (half duplex mode): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... .... .... .0.. = 1000BASE-X (-LX, -SX, -CX full duplex mode): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... .... .... 0... = 1000BASE-X (-LX, -SX, -CX half duplex mode): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... .... ...0 .... = Asymmetric and Symmetric PAUSE (for full-duplex links): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... .... ..0. .... = Symmetric PAUSE (for full-duplex links): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... .... .0.. .... = Asymmetric PAUSE (for full-duplex links): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... .... 0... .... = PAUSE (for full-duplex links): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... ...0 .... .... = 100BASE-T2 (full duplex mode): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... ..0. .... .... = 100BASE-T2 (half duplex mode): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... .0.. .... .... = 100BASE-TX (full duplex mode): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... 0... .... .... = 100BASE-TX (half duplex mode): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname="...0 .... .... .... = 100BASE-T4: Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname="..0. .... .... .... = 10BASE-T (full duplex mode): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".0.. .... .... .... = 10BASE-T (half duplex mode): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname="0... .... .... .... = Other or unknown: Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
      <field name="" show="Same in inverse (wrong) bitorder" size="2" pos="138" value="0001">  
        <field name="" showname="0... .... .... .... = 1000BASE-T (full duplex mode): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".0.. .... .... .... = 1000BASE-T (half duplex mode): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname="..0. .... .... .... = 1000BASE-X (-LX, -SX, -CX full duplex mode): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname="...0 .... .... .... = 1000BASE-X (-LX, -SX, -CX half duplex mode): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... 0... .... .... = Asymmetric and Symmetric PAUSE (for full-duplex links): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... .0.. .... .... = Symmetric PAUSE (for full-duplex links): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... ..0. .... .... = Asymmetric PAUSE (for full-duplex links): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... ...0 .... .... = PAUSE (for full-duplex links): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... .... 0... .... = 100BASE-T2 (full duplex mode): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... .... .0.. .... = 100BASE-T2 (half duplex mode): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... .... ..0. .... = 100BASE-TX (full duplex mode): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... .... ...0 .... = 100BASE-TX (half duplex mode): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... .... .... 0... = 100BASE-T4: Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... .... .... .0.. = 10BASE-T (full duplex mode): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... .... .... ..0. = 10BASE-T (half duplex mode): Not capable" size="2" pos="138" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... .... .... ...1 = Other or unknown: Capable" size="2" pos="138" show="1" value="1" unmaskedvalue="0001"/>  
      <field name="" showname="Operational MAU Type: Unknown (0x0000)" size="2" pos="140" show="0" value="0000"/>  
    <field name="" show="TIA TR-41 Committee - Media Capabilities" size="9" pos="142" value="fe070012bb01000304">  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.type" showname="1111 111. .... .... = TLV Type: Organization Specific (127)" size="2" pos="142" show="127" value="7F" unmaskedvalue="fe07"/>  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.len" showname=".... ...0 0000 0111 = TLV Length: 7" size="2" pos="142" show="7" value="7" unmaskedvalue="fe07"/>  
      <field name="lldp.orgtlv.oui" showname="Organization Unique Code: TIA TR-41 Committee (0x0012bb)" size="3" pos="144" show="4795" value="0012bb"/>  
      <field name="" showname="Media Subtype: Media Capabilities (0x01)" size="1" pos="147" show="1" value="01"/>  
      <field name="" showname="Capabilities: 0x0003" size="2" pos="148" show="3" value="0003">  
        <field name="" showname=".... .... .... ...1 = LLDP-MED Capabilities: Capable" size="2" pos="148" show="1" value="1" unmaskedvalue="0003"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... .... .... ..1. = Network Policy: Capable" size="2" pos="148" show="1" value="1" unmaskedvalue="0003"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... .... .... .0.. = Location Identification: Not capable" size="2" pos="148" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0003"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... .... .... 0... = Extended Power via MDI-PSE: Not capable" size="2" pos="148" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0003"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... .... ...0 .... = Extended Power via MDI-PD: Not capable" size="2" pos="148" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0003"/>  
        <field name="" showname=".... .... ..0. .... = Inventory: Not capable" size="2" pos="148" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0003"/>  
      <field name="" showname="Class Type: Network Connectivity (4)" size="1" pos="150" show="4" value="04"/>  
    <field name="" show="TIA TR-41 Committee - Network Policy" size="10" pos="151" value="fe080012bb0201000701">  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.type" showname="1111 111. .... .... = TLV Type: Organization Specific (127)" size="2" pos="151" show="127" value="7F" unmaskedvalue="fe08"/>  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.len" showname=".... ...0 0000 1000 = TLV Length: 8" size="2" pos="151" show="8" value="8" unmaskedvalue="fe08"/>  
      <field name="lldp.orgtlv.oui" showname="Organization Unique Code: TIA TR-41 Committee (0x0012bb)" size="3" pos="153" show="4795" value="0012bb"/>  
      <field name="" showname="Media Subtype: Network Policy (0x02)" size="1" pos="156" show="2" value="02"/>  
      <field name="" showname="Application Type: Voice (1)" size="1" pos="157" show="1" value="01"/>  
      <field name="" showname="0... .... .... .... .... .... = Policy: Defined" size="3" pos="158" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="000701"/>  
      <field name="" showname=".0.. .... .... .... .... .... = Tagged: No" size="3" pos="158" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="000701"/>  
      <field name="" showname="...0 0000 0000 011. .... .... = VLAN Id: 3" size="3" pos="158" show="3" value="3" unmaskedvalue="000701"/>  
      <field name="" showname=".... .... .... ...1 00.. .... = L2 Priority: 4" size="3" pos="158" show="4" value="4" unmaskedvalue="000701"/>  
      <field name="" showname=".... .... .... .... ..00 0001 = DSCP Priority: 1" size="3" pos="158" show="1" value="1" unmaskedvalue="000701"/>  
    <field name="" show="End of LLDPDU" size="2" pos="161" value="0000">  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.type" showname="0000 000. .... .... = TLV Type: End of LLDPDU (0)" size="2" pos="161" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0000"/>  
      <field name="lldp.tlv.len" showname=".... ...0 0000 0000 = TLV Length: 0" size="2" pos="161" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="0000"/>  

Crusher79 14.11.2014, aktualisiert am 17.11.2014 um 07:19:09 Uhr
Goto Top
Aber nach dem setten ist das Netz doch 192.168.2.x

Hast du deiner Kiste wirklich vor dem Reset 24 gegeben?

Wenn der noch auf die lauscht, war der Reset nicht komplett durch. Also hast du die gleichen Probleme wie vorher. Entweder hat das Ding einen weg, oder wir haben auf einer Seite einen Denkfehler.
TorstenE 14.11.2014 um 11:16:44 Uhr
Goto Top
Also Reset nach Anleitung hab ich gemacht, Ausser Lichtlein-Blinken kann man ja nichts verfolgen.
Ob der Reset also tatsächlich funktioniert, sieht man ja praktisch nicht.
Ich hab den bestimmt über 10 mal gemacht, sogar unterschiedliche Kabel verwendet um auch das auszuschließen.

Beide Varianten als auch funktionieren nicht.
Klar hab ich den PC jedesmal entsprechend umgestellt, geht aber trotzdem nicht.