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M365 Aktivierungsproblem


wir habe auf diversen PC folgendes Problem:


Das Klicken auf Reaktivieren ruft den M365 Anmeldescreen hervor, aber selbst nach richtiger Eingabe der Daten verschwindet das "Reaktivieren" nicht.

Auf einigen PCs hat folgende Lösung geholfen.

1. Komplettes Deinstallieren aller Office Produkte
2. In der Registry alle Einträge unter Identity löschen ( Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Identity\Identities )
3.) dieses Script laufen lassen

' Name: OLicenseCleanup.vbs - v 1.15  
' Author: Microsoft Customer Support Services  
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation  
' Removes all licenses for Office 2013 and 2016   
' from the (Office) Software Protection Platform  
'Option Explicit  

Dim oProductInstances, oWmiLocal, oReg, oWShell, oFso
Dim sQuery, sTemp, sLogDir, sOSinfo
Dim f64, fO64, fCScript, fQuiet, fClearO15, fClearO16, fSafeForRoamingUsers
Dim LogStream

'Const SKUFILTER = "" 'Removes all licenses  
Const SKUFILTER = "O365" 'Removes all licenses that contain O365 in their name  
'Const SKUFILTER = "2013"  'Removes all licenses that contain 2013 in their name  
'Const SKUFILTER = "2016"  'Removes all licenses that contain 2016 in their name  

fQuiet		= True
fClearO15	= True
fClearO16	= True
sLogDir		= "" 'Custom log folder/directory. No trailing "\" in the path!  

'Set this to False if the script needs to run more than once and you don't   
'have roaming profile users  
fSafeForRoamingUsers = True  


Const OfficeAppId = "0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663"  'Office 2013/2016  
Const HKLM  = &H80000002
Const SCRIPTVERSION = "1.15"  

' MAIN  
On Error Resume Next
Set oWShell 	= CreateObject("WScript.Shell")  

LogH2 "Cleanup start"  
LogH2 "Cleanup end"  
' END  

'   Initialize  
'   Initialize script settings  
Sub Initialize
    Dim ComputerItem, Item
    Dim sOsVersion

    'Check if we're running as 32 bit process on a 64 bit OS  
    If InStr(LCase(wscript.path), "syswow64") > 0 Then RelaunchAs64Host  

    Set oWmiLocal 	= GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")  
    Set oReg 		= GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")  
    Set oFso		= CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  

    sTemp = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%")  
    fCScript = (UCase(Mid(Wscript.FullName, Len(Wscript.Path) + 2, 1)) = "C")  

    ' get Win32_OperatingSystem details  
    Set ComputerItem = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")  
    For Each Item in ComputerItem 
        sOSinfo = sOSinfo & Item.Caption 
        sOSinfo = sOSinfo & Item.OtherTypeDescription
        sOSinfo = sOSinfo & ", " & "SP " & Item.ServicePackMajorVersion  
        sOSinfo = sOSinfo & ", " & "Version: " & Item.Version  
        sOsVersion = Item.Version
        sOSinfo = sOSinfo & ", " & "Codepage: " & Item.CodeSet  
        sOSinfo = sOSinfo & ", " & "Country Code: " & Item.CountryCode  
        sOSinfo = sOSinfo & ", " & "Language: " & Item.OSLanguage  


    LogOnly "Remove O15 Lic: " & fClearO15  
    LogOnly "Remove O16 Lic: " & fClearO16  
    LogOnly "Quiet mode:     " & fQuiet  
End Sub

'   ResetUserLicensingKey  
'   clear HKCU cached user license registry  
Sub ResetUserLicensingKey ()
	Dim sSettingsKey, sCount, sRetVal, sCmd
	Dim iCount
	Dim oExec
	If fClearO15 Then
	    'remove current user key  
        Log "Remove key HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\Licensing"  
        sRetVal = oWShell.Run("REG DELETE HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\Licensing /f", 0, True)  
        'create user settings key to cover other profiles  
	    sSettingsKey = "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\User Settings"  
	    If (f64 And fO64) Or (Not f64) Then sSettingsKey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\User Settings"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense\Delete"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense\Delete\Software"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense\Delete\Software\Microsoft"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\Licensing"  
	    iCount = 1
	    If Not fSafeForRoamingUsers Then
	    	If RegReadDWordValue(HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense", "Count", sCount) Then iCount = CInt(sCount) + 1  
	    End If
	    oReg.SetDWordValue HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense", "Count", iCount  
	    oReg.SetDWordValue HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense", "Order", 1  
        LogOnly "Add SettingsKey: HKLM\" & sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\Licensing"  
        LogOnly "Count: " & iCount  
    End If
    If fClearO16 Then
 	    'remove current user key  
        Log "Remove key HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing"  
        sRetVal = oWShell.Run("REG DELETE HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing /f", 0, True)  
        'create user settings key to cover other profiles  
	    sSettingsKey = "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\16.0\User Settings"  
	    If (f64 And fO64) Or (Not f64) Then sSettingsKey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\User Settings"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense\Delete"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense\Delete\Software"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense\Delete\Software\Microsoft"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing"  
	    iCount = 1
	    If Not fSafeForRoamingUsers Then
	    	If RegReadDWordValue(HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense", "Count", sCount) Then iCount = CInt(sCount) + 1  
	    End If
	    oReg.SetDWordValue HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense", "Count", iCount  
	    oReg.SetDWordValue HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense", "Order", 1  
        LogOnly "Add SettingsKey: HKLM\" & sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserLicense\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing"  
        LogOnly "Count: " & iCount  
    End If

End Sub 'ResetUserLicensingKey  

'   ClearConfigUser  
'   clear HKLM cached user license id  
Sub ClearConfigUser
    Dim value
    Dim sConfigKey, sRetVal, sCmd
    Dim arrNames, arrTypes

    If NOT fClearO16 Then Exit Sub

    sConfigKey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration"  

    If RegEnumValues(HKLM, sConfigKey, arrNames, arrTypes) Then
        For Each value in arrNames
            If (InStr(LCase(value), LCase(".EmailAddress")) > 0) Or (InStr(LCase(value), LCase(".TenantId")) > 0) Or (LCase(value) = "productkeys") Then  
                sCmd = "REG DELETE HKLM\" & sConfigKey & " /v " &  value & " /f"  
                sRetVal = oWShell.Run(sCmd, 0, True)
                Log "Remove entry: HKLM\" & sConfigKey & "\" & value   
            End If
    End If
End Sub 'ClearConfigUser  

'   ClearSCALicCache  
'   clear local license cache for SharedComputerActivation   
Sub ClearSCALicCache
	Dim attr, fld
	Dim sLocalAppData, sCmd, sDelFld
	sLocalAppData = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%localappdata%")  
    If fClearO15 Then
        sDelFld = sLocalAppData & "\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Licensing"  
	    If oFso.FolderExists(sDelFld) Then
		    Set fld = oFso.GetFolder(sDelFld)
		    'ensure to remove read only flag  
		    attr = fld.Attributes
		    If CBool(attr And 1) Then fld.Attributes = attr And (attr - 1)
		    'delete folder  
		    fld.Delete True
		    Set fld = Nothing
		    'check if removal succeeded. If not try to RD  
		    If oFso.FolderExists(sDelFld) Then
	            sCmd = "cmd.exe /c rd /s " & chr(34) & sDelFld & chr(34) & " /q"  
	            Log "Remove folder: " & sDelFld  
                oWShell.Run sCmd, 0, True
            End If
	    End If
    End If

    If fClearO16 Then
	    sDelFld = sLocalAppData & "\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Licensing"  
	    If oFso.FolderExists(sDelFld) Then
		    Set fld = oFso.GetFolder(sDelFld)
		    'ensure to remove read only flag  
		    attr = fld.Attributes
		    If CBool(attr And 1) Then fld.Attributes = attr And (attr - 1)
		    'delete folder  
		    fld.Delete True
		    Set fld = Nothing
		    'check if removal succeeded. If not try to RD  
		    If oFso.FolderExists(sDelFld) Then
	            sCmd = "cmd.exe /c rd /s " & chr(34) & sDelFld & chr(34) & " /q"  
	            Log "Remove folder: " & sDelFld  
	            oWShell.Run sCmd, 0, True
            End If
	    End If
    End If

End Sub 'ClearSCALicCache  

'   ClearCredmanCache  
'   clear Office credentials from Windows Credentials Manager Cache  
Sub ClearCredmanCache
	Dim oExec, line
	Dim sCmd, sRetVal, sCmdOut, sLine
	Dim arrLines
	sCmd = "cmdkey.exe /list:MicrosoftOffice1*"  
    Set oExec = oWShell.Exec(sCmd)
    sCmdOut = oExec.StdOut.ReadAll()
    Do While oExec.Status = 0
         WScript.Sleep 100
    arrLines = Split(sCmdOut)
	For Each line In arrLines
		If InStr(line, "MicrosoftOffice1") > 0 And Not InStr(line, "MicrosoftOffice1*") > 0 Then   
			sLine = Replace(line, vbCrLf, "")  
			sCmd = "cmdkey.exe /delete:" & Trim(sLine)  
            Log "Remove from CredmanCache: " & sLine  
			sRetVal = oWShell.Run(sCmd, 0, True)
		End If
End Sub 'ClearCredmanCache  

'   ResetOfficeIdentityKey  
'   configures the Office Identity key to be reset on next application launch  
Sub ResetOfficeIdentityKey ()
	Dim sSettingsKey, sCount, sRetVal, sCmd
	Dim iCount
	Dim oExec
	If fClearO15 Then
        'remove current user key  
        Log "Remove key HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\Identity"  
	    sRetVal = oWShell.Run("REG DELETE HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\Identity /f", 0, True)  
        'create user settings key to cover other profiles  
	    sSettingsKey = "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\User Settings"  
	    If (f64 And fO64) Or (Not f64) Then sSettingsKey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\User Settings"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity\Delete"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity\Delete\Software"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity\Delete\Software\Microsoft"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\Identity"  
	    iCount = 1
	    If Not fSafeForRoamingUsers Then
	    	If RegReadDWordValue(HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity", "Count", sCount) Then iCount = CInt(sCount) + 1  
	    End If
	    oReg.SetDWordValue HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity", "Count", iCount  
	    oReg.SetDWordValue HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity", "Order", 1  
        LogOnly "Add SettingsKey: HKLM\" & sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\Identity"  
        LogOnly "Count: " & iCount  
    End If

	If fClearO16 Then
        'remove current user key  
        Log "Remove key HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Identity"  
        sRetVal = oWShell.Run("REG DELETE HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Identity /f", 0, True)  
        'create user settings key to cover other profiles  
	    sSettingsKey = "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\16.0\User Settings"  
	    If (f64 And fO64) Or (Not f64) Then sSettingsKey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\User Settings"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity\Delete"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity\Delete\Software"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity\Delete\Software\Microsoft"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Identity"  
	    iCount = 1
	    If Not fSafeForRoamingUsers Then
	    	If RegReadDWordValue(HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity", "Count", sCount) Then iCount = CInt(sCount) + 1  
	    End If
	    oReg.SetDWordValue HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity", "Count", iCount  
	    oReg.SetDWordValue HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity", "Order", 1  
        LogOnly "Add SettingsKey: HKLM\" & sSettingsKey & "\ResetIdentity\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Identity"  
        LogOnly "Count: " & iCount  
    End If

End Sub 'ResetOfficeIdentityKey  

'   ResetOfficeUserRegistrationKey  
'   configures the Office Identity key to be reset on next application launch  
Sub ResetOfficeUserRegistrationKey ()
	Dim sSettingsKey, sCount, sRetVal, sCmd
	Dim iCount
	Dim oExec
	If fClearO15 Then
        'remove current user key  
        Log "Remove key HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Registration"  
	    sRetVal = oWShell.Run("REG DELETE HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Registration /f", 0, True)  
        'create user settings key to cover other profiles  
	    sSettingsKey = "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\User Settings"  
	    If (f64 And fO64) Or (Not f64) Then sSettingsKey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\User Settings"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserRegistration"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserRegistration\Delete"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserRegistration\Delete\Software"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserRegistration\Delete\Software\Microsoft"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserRegistration\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserRegistration\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserRegistration\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Registration"  
	    iCount = 1
	    If Not fSafeForRoamingUsers Then
	    	If RegReadDWordValue(HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserRegistration", "Count", sCount) Then iCount = CInt(sCount) + 1  
	    End If
	    oReg.SetDWordValue HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserRegistration", "Count", iCount  
	    oReg.SetDWordValue HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserRegistration", "Order", 1  
        LogOnly "Add SettingsKey: HKLM\" & sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserRegistration\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Registration"  
        LogOnly "Count: " & iCount  
    End If
    If fClearO16 Then
        'remove current user key  
        Log "Remove key HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Registration"  
        sRetVal = oWShell.Run("REG DELETE HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Registration /f", 0, True)  
        'create user settings key to cover other profiles  
	    sSettingsKey = "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\16.0\User Settings"  
	    If (f64 And fO64) Or (Not f64) Then sSettingsKey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\User Settings"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserRegistration"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserRegistration\Delete"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserRegistration\Delete\Software"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserRegistration\Delete\Software\Microsoft"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserRegistration\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserRegistration\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0"  
	    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserRegistration\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Registration"  
	    iCount = 1
	    If Not fSafeForRoamingUsers Then
	    	If RegReadDWordValue(HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserRegistration", "Count", sCount) Then iCount = CInt(sCount) + 1  
	    End If
	    oReg.SetDWordValue HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserRegistration", "Count", iCount  
	    oReg.SetDWordValue HKLM, sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserRegistration", "Order", 1  
        LogOnly "Add SettingsKey: HKLM\" & sSettingsKey & "\ResetUserRegistration\Delete\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Registration"  
        LogOnly "Count: " & iCount  
    End If

End Sub 'ResetOfficeUserRegistrationKey  

'   CleanOSPP  
'   unpkeys the licenses from OSPP  
Sub CleanOSPP (sFilter)
    Dim pi
    Dim oProductInstances

	' Initialize the software protection platform object with a filter on Office 2013/2016 products  
	If GetVersionNT > 601 Then
	    Set oProductInstances = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("SELECT ID, ApplicationId, PartialProductKey, Description, Name, ProductKeyID FROM SoftwareLicensingProduct WHERE ApplicationId = '" & OfficeAppId & "' " & "AND PartialProductKey <> NULL")  
	    Set oProductInstances = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("SELECT ID, ApplicationId, PartialProductKey, Description, Name, ProductKeyID FROM OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct WHERE ApplicationId = '" & OfficeAppId & "' " & "AND PartialProductKey <> NULL")  
	End If
	' Remove all licenses  
	For Each pi in oProductInstances
	    Log "License: " & pi.Name  
	    If NOT IsNull(pi) Then
	        If InStr(pi.Name, sFilter) > 0 Or sFilter = "" Then  
		        Log "Uninstall ProductKey: " & pi.Name & " - Key: " & pi.ProductKeyID  
	        End If
	    End If
	Next 'pi  
End Sub 'CleanOSPP  

'   DetectOfficeBitness  
'   detect bitness of Office  
Sub DetectOfficeBitness ()
	Dim sOPlatform, sInstallRootPath

	fO64 = False
	If Not f64 Then Exit Sub
	If RegReadStringValue(HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration", "platform", sOPlatform) Then  
		fO64 = (sOPlatform = "x64")  
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If RegReadStringValue(HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\Configuration", "platform", sOPlatform) Then  
		fO64 = (sOPlatform = "x64")  
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If RegReadStringValue(HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\propertyBag", "Platform", sOPlatform) Then  
		fO64 = (sOPlatform = "x64")  
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If RegReadStringValue(HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\propertyBag", "Platform", sOPlatform) Then  
		fO64 = (sOPlatform = "x64")  
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If RegReadStringValue(HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\Common\InstallRoot", "Path", sInstallRootPath) Then  
		'fO64 = Not (InStr(sInstallRootPath,"(x86)") > 0)  
		fO64 = False
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If RegReadStringValue(HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\InstallRoot", "Path", sInstallRootPath) Then  
		'fO64 = Not (InStr(sInstallRootPath,"(x86)") > 0)  
		fO64 = False
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If RegReadStringValue(HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Common\InstallRoot", "Path", sInstallRootPath) Then  
		'fO64 = Not (InStr(sInstallRootPath,"(x86)") > 0)  
		fO64 = True
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If RegReadStringValue(HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\InstallRoot", "Path", sInstallRootPath) Then  
		'fO64 = Not (InStr(sInstallRootPath,"(x86)") > 0)  
		fO64 = True
		Exit Sub
	End If

End Sub 'DetectOfficeBitness  

'   DetectOSBitness  
'   detect bitness of the operating system  
Sub DetectOSBitness ()
	Dim ComputerItem, item
    Set ComputerItem = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")  
    For Each item In ComputerItem
        f64 = Instr(Left(item.SystemType, 3), "64") > 0  
End Sub 'DetectOSBitness  

'   GetVersionNT  
'   Calculate the VerionNT number as integer   
Function GetVersionNT ()
    Dim sOsVersion
    Dim arrVersion
    Dim qOS
    Dim oOsItem

    Set qOS = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery( "Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")  
    For Each oOsItem in qOS 
        sOsVersion = oOsItem.Version
    arrVersion = Split( sOsVersion, GetDelimiter( sOsVersion))
    GetVersionNT = CInt( arrVersion( 0)) * 100 + CInt( arrVersion( 1))
End Function

'   GetDelimiter  
'   Returns the delimiter in a version string   
Function GetDelimiter (sVersion)
    Dim iCnt, iAsc

    GetDelimiter = " "  
    For iCnt = 1 To Len(sVersion)
        iAsc = Asc(Mid(sVersion, iCnt, 1))
        If Not (iASC >= 48 And iASC <= 57) Then 
            GetDelimiter = Mid(sVersion, iCnt, 1)
            Exit Function
        End If
    Next 'iCnt  
End Function

'   RegReadDWordValue  
'   Check if a string value exists and return on zero if not  
Function RegReadDWordValue(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, sName, sValue)
    Dim RetVal
    RetVal = oReg.GetDWORDValue(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, sName, sValue)
    RegReadDWordValue = (RetVal = 0)
End Function 'RegReadDWordValue  

'   RegReadStringValue  
'   Check if a string value exists and return on zero if not  
Function RegReadStringValue(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, sName, sValue)
    Dim RetVal
    RetVal = oReg.GetStringValue(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, sName, sValue)
    RegReadStringValue = (RetVal = 0)
End Function 'RegReadSringValue  

'   RegEnumValues  
'   Enumerate a registry key to return all values  
Function RegEnumValues(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, arrNames, arrTypes)
    Dim RetVal
    RetVal = oReg.EnumValues(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, arrNames, arrTypes)
    RegEnumValues = (RetVal = 0) AND IsArray(arrNames) AND IsArray(arrTypes)
End Function 'RegEnumValues  

'   RelaunchAs64Host  
'   Relaunch self with 64 bit CScript host  
Sub RelaunchAs64Host
    Dim Argument, sCmd
    Dim fQuietRelaunch

    fQuietRelaunch = False
    sCmd = Replace(LCase(wscript.Path), "syswow64", "sysnative") & "\cscript.exe " & Chr(34) & WScript.scriptFullName & Chr(34)  
    If fQuiet Then fQuietRelaunch = True
    If Wscript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then
        For Each Argument in Wscript.Arguments
            sCmd = sCmd  &  " " & chr(34) & Argument & chr(34)  
            Select Case UCase(Argument)
            Case "/Q", "/QUIET"  
                fQuietRelaunch = True
            End Select
        Next 'Argument  
    End If
    sCmd = sCmd & " /ChangedHostBitness"  
    If fQuietRelaunch Then
        sCmd = Replace (sCmd, "\cscript.exe", "\wscript.exe")  
        Wscript.Quit CLng(oWShell.Run (sCmd, 0, True))
        Wscript.Quit CLng(oWShell.Run (sCmd, 1, True))
    End If

End Sub 'RelaunchAs64Host  

'   CreateLog  
'   Create the removal log file  
Sub CreateLog
    Dim DateTime
    Dim sLogName
    On Error Resume Next
    ' create the log file  
    Set DateTime = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")  
    DateTime.SetVarDate Now, True
    If sLogDir = "" Then sLogDir = sTemp  
    sLogName = sLogDir & "\" & oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMPUTERNAME%")  
    sLogName = sLogName &  "_" & Left(DateTime.Value, 14)  
    sLogName = sLogName & "_OLicenseClean.txt"  
    Set LogStream = oFso.CreateTextFile(sLogName, True, True)
    If Err <> 0 Then 
        sLogDir = sTemp
        sLogName = sLogDir & "\" & oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMPUTERNAME%")  
        sLogName = sLogName &  "_" & Left(DateTime.Value, 14)  
        sLogName = sLogName & "_oLicenseClean.txt"  
        Set LogStream = oFso.CreateTextFile(sLogName, True, True)
    End If
    On Error Goto 0

    LogH2 "Microsoft Customer Support Services - Office License Reset Utility" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _  
        	"Version: " & vbTab & SCRIPTVERSION & vbCrLf & _  
        	"64 bit OS: " & vbTab & f64 & vbCrLf & _  
        	"64 bit Office: " & vbTab & fO64 & vbCrLf & _  
        	"Cleanup start: " & vbTab & Time   
    LogH2	"OS Details: " & sOSinfo & vbCrLf  
End Sub 'CreateLog  

'   LogH  
'   Write a header log string to the log file  
Sub LogH (sLog)
    LogStream.WriteLine ""  
    sLog = sLog & vbCrLf & String(Len(sLog), "=")  
    If NOT fQuiet AND fCScript Then wscript.echo ""  
    If NOT fQuiet AND fCScript Then wscript.echo sLog
    LogStream.WriteLine sLog
End Sub 'Logh  

'   LogH1  
'   Write a header log string to the log file  
Sub LogH1 (sLog)
    LogStream.WriteLine ""  
    sLog = sLog & vbCrLf & String(Len(sLog), "-")  
    If NOT fQuiet AND fCScript Then wscript.echo ""  
    If NOT fQuiet AND fCScript Then wscript.echo sLog
    LogStream.WriteLine sLog
End Sub 'LogH1  

'   LogH2  
'   Write w/o indent Cmd window and the log file  
Sub LogH2 (sLog)
    If NOT fQuiet AND fCScript Then wscript.echo sLog
    LogStream.WriteLine ""  
    LogStream.WriteLine sLog
End Sub 'LogH2  

'   Log  
'   Echos the log string to the Cmd window and the log file  
Sub Log (sLog)
    If NOT fQuiet AND fCScript Then wscript.echo sLog
    If sLog = "" Then  
        LogStream.WriteLine "   " & Time & ": " & sLog  
    End If
End Sub 'Log  

'   LogOnly  
'   Commits the log string to the log file  
Sub LogOnly (sLog)
    If sLog = "" Then  
        LogStream.WriteLine "   " & Time & ": " & sLog  
    End If
End Sub 'Log  

Danach erneute Installation via ODT.

Obige Vorgehensweise hilft aber leider nicht bei allen PCs dauerhaft. Auf Vielen erscheint nach einer gewissen Zeit, meist am Montag", wieder der "Reaktivieren" Knopf.

Ich habe keine Ahnung wie das Problem noch zu lösen ist. Lizenzierung ist für alle User korrekt ( M365 Business Standard im Admin Center)

Content-Key: 1763326494

Url: https://administrator.de/contentid/1763326494

Printed on: April 19, 2024 at 08:04 o'clock

Member: Ausserwoeger
Ausserwoeger Jan 26, 2022 at 10:07:17 (UTC)
Goto Top

Rechnung bezahlt ? Ich würde mich an die MS Hotline wenden die können dir das auf anhieb sagen.

Member: 7Gizmo7
7Gizmo7 Jan 26, 2022 at 14:29:26 (UTC)
Goto Top

und wieviele Office Aktvierungen hat der User schon aktviert, maximale Anzahl ist 5 ?