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Windows 11 - Microsoft is changing its famous Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) to black

Nothing more important than color ... the newest innovation from Redmond since tomato sauce is red!

The Black Screen of Death is here


Content-Key: 883576300


Printed on: July 27, 2024 at 00:07 o'clock

Member: aqui
aqui Jul 02, 2021 at 11:53:20 (UTC)
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Very sad, cause BSOD was always the foundation of good jokes ! 🤣
Member: colinardo
colinardo Jul 02, 2021 updated at 12:31:50 (UTC)
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Quote from @aqui:
Very sad, cause BSOD was always the foundation of good jokes ! 🤣
Luckily the shortcut needn't be changed 🙈