Script zum Auslesen des Active Directory und import nach Excel funktioniert nicht
Set objwb = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(shtName)
Zeile 126
Index außerhalb des gültigen Bereichs
Code: 800A0009
Hallo Leute,
ich habe versucht unten stehendes Script auszuführen, bekomme aber leider eine Fehlermeldung.
Etliche andere User konnten dieses Script aber fehlerfrei ausführen. Ein einziger hatte das selbe Problem wie ich, da der Thread aber schon so alt war gab es keine Hilfe mehr.
Vielleicht wisst Ihr Rat?
Wie kann es nur sein, dass er bei anderen funktioniert??
Der Fehler ist folgender:
Zeile 126
Index außerhalb des gültigen Bereichs
Code: 800A0009
Zeile 126 beinhaltet folgendes:
Set objwb = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(shtName)
Der Link zum Original Post:
und hier das ganze Script:
Dim ObjWb
Dim ObjExcel
Dim x, zz
Set objRoot = GetObject("LDAP:RootDSE")
strDNC = objRoot.Get("DefaultNamingContext")
Set objDomain = GetObject("LDAP:" & strDNC) ' Bind to the top of the Domain using LDAP using ROotDSE
Call ExcelSetup("Sheet1") ' Sub to make Excel Document
x = 1
Call enummembers(objDomain)
Sub enumMembers(objDomain)
On Error Resume Next
Dim Secondary(20) ' Variable to store the Array of 2ndary email alias's
For Each objMember In objDomain ' go through the collection
If ObjMember.Class = "user" Then ' if not User object, move on.
x = x +1 ' counter used to increment the cells in Excel
objwb.Cells(x, 1).Value = objMember.Class
' I set AD properties to variables so if needed you could do Null checks or add if/then's to this code
' this was done so the script could be modified easier.
SamAccountName = ObjMember.samAccountName
Cn = ObjMember.CN
FirstName = objMember.GivenName
LastName =
initials = objMember.initials
Descrip = objMember.description
Office = objMember.physicalDeliveryOfficeName
Telephone = objMember.telephonenumber
EmailAddr = objMember.mail
WebPage = objMember.wwwHomePage
Addr1 = objMember.streetAddress
City = objMember.l
State =
ZipCode = objMember.postalCode
Title = ObjMember.Title
Department = objMember.Department
Company = objMember.Company
Manager = ObjMember.Manager
Profile = objMember.profilePath
LoginScript = objMember.scriptpath
HomeDirectory = ObjMember.HomeDirectory
HomeDrive = ObjMember.homeDrive
AdsPath = Objmember.Adspath
LastLogin = objMember.LastLogin
zz = 1 ' Counter for array of 2ndary email addresses
For each email in ObjMember.proxyAddresses
If Left (email,5) = "SMTP:" Then
Primary = Mid (email,6) ' if SMTP is all caps, then it's the Primary
ElseIf Left (email,5) = "smtp:" Then
Secondary(zz) = Mid (email,6) ' load the list of 2ndary SMTP emails into Array.
zz = zz + 1
End If
' Write the values to Excel, using the X counter to increment the rows.
objwb.Cells(x, 2).Value = SamAccountName
objwb.Cells(x, 3).Value = CN
objwb.Cells(x, 4).Value = FirstName
objwb.Cells(x, 5).Value = LastName
objwb.Cells(x, 6).Value = Initials
objwb.Cells(x, 7).Value = Descrip
objwb.Cells(x, 8).Value = Office
objwb.Cells(x, 9).Value = Telephone
objwb.Cells(x, 10).Value = EmailAddr
objwb.Cells(x, 11).Value = WebPage
objwb.Cells(x, 12).Value = Addr1
objwb.Cells(x, 13).Value = City
objwb.Cells(x, 14).Value = State
objwb.Cells(x, 15).Value = ZipCode
objwb.Cells(x, 16).Value = Title
objwb.Cells(x, 17).Value = Department
objwb.Cells(x, 18).Value = Company
objwb.Cells(x, 19).Value = Manager
objwb.Cells(x, 20).Value = Profile
objwb.Cells(x, 21).Value = LoginScript
objwb.Cells(x, 22).Value = HomeDirectory
objwb.Cells(x, 23).Value = HomeDrive
objwb.Cells(x, 24).Value = Adspath
objwb.Cells(x, 25).Value = LastLogin
objwb.Cells(x,26).Value = Primary
' Write out the Array for the 2ndary email addresses.
For ll = 1 To 20
objwb.Cells(x,26+ll).Value = Secondary(ll)
' Blank out Variables in case the next object doesn't have a value for the property
SamAccountName = "-"
Cn = "-"
FirstName = "-"
LastName = "-"
initials = "-"
Descrip = "-"
Office = "-"
Telephone = "-"
EmailAddr = "-"
WebPage = "-"
Addr1 = "-"
City = "-"
State = "-"
ZipCode = "-"
Title = "-"
Department = "-"
Company = "-"
Manager = "-"
Profile = "-"
LoginScript = "-"
HomeDirectory = "-"
HomeDrive = "-"
Primary = "-"
For ll = 1 To 20
Secondary(ll) = ""
End If
' If the AD enumeration runs into an OU object, call the Sub again to itinerate
If objMember.Class = "organizationalUnit" or OBjMember.Class = "container" Then
enumMembers (objMember)
End If
End Sub
Sub ExcelSetup(shtName) ' This sub creates an Excel worksheet and adds Column heads to the 1st row
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objwb = objExcel.Workbooks.Add
Set objwb = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(shtName)
Objwb.Name = "Active Directory Users" ' name the sheet
objExcel.Visible = True
objwb.Cells(1, 2).Value = "SamAccountName"
objwb.Cells(1, 3).Value = "CN"
objwb.Cells(1, 4).Value = "FirstName"
objwb.Cells(1, 5).Value = "LastName"
objwb.Cells(1, 6).Value = "Initials"
objwb.Cells(1, 7).Value = "Descrip"
objwb.Cells(1, 8).Value = "Office"
objwb.Cells(1, 9).Value = "Telephone"
objwb.Cells(1, 10).Value = "Email"
objwb.Cells(1, 11).Value = "WebPage"
objwb.Cells(1, 12).Value = "Addr1"
objwb.Cells(1, 13).Value = "City"
objwb.Cells(1, 14).Value = "State"
objwb.Cells(1, 15).Value = "ZipCode"
objwb.Cells(1, 16).Value = "Title"
objwb.Cells(1, 17).Value = "Department"
objwb.Cells(1, 18).Value = "Company"
objwb.Cells(1, 19).Value = "Manager"
objwb.Cells(1, 20).Value = "Profile"
objwb.Cells(1, 21).Value = "LoginScript"
objwb.Cells(1, 22).Value = "HomeDirectory"
objwb.Cells(1, 23).Value = "HomeDrive"
objwb.Cells(1, 24).Value = "Adspath"
objwb.Cells(1, 25).Value = "LastLogin"
objwb.Cells(1, 26).Value = "Primary SMTP"
End Sub
MsgBox "Done" ' show that script is complete
Zeile 126
Index außerhalb des gültigen Bereichs
Code: 800A0009
Hallo Leute,
ich habe versucht unten stehendes Script auszuführen, bekomme aber leider eine Fehlermeldung.
Etliche andere User konnten dieses Script aber fehlerfrei ausführen. Ein einziger hatte das selbe Problem wie ich, da der Thread aber schon so alt war gab es keine Hilfe mehr.
Vielleicht wisst Ihr Rat?
Wie kann es nur sein, dass er bei anderen funktioniert??
Der Fehler ist folgender:
Zeile 126
Index außerhalb des gültigen Bereichs
Code: 800A0009
Zeile 126 beinhaltet folgendes:
Set objwb = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(shtName)
Der Link zum Original Post:
und hier das ganze Script:
Dim ObjWb
Dim ObjExcel
Dim x, zz
Set objRoot = GetObject("LDAP:RootDSE")
strDNC = objRoot.Get("DefaultNamingContext")
Set objDomain = GetObject("LDAP:" & strDNC) ' Bind to the top of the Domain using LDAP using ROotDSE
Call ExcelSetup("Sheet1") ' Sub to make Excel Document
x = 1
Call enummembers(objDomain)
Sub enumMembers(objDomain)
On Error Resume Next
Dim Secondary(20) ' Variable to store the Array of 2ndary email alias's
For Each objMember In objDomain ' go through the collection
If ObjMember.Class = "user" Then ' if not User object, move on.
x = x +1 ' counter used to increment the cells in Excel
objwb.Cells(x, 1).Value = objMember.Class
' I set AD properties to variables so if needed you could do Null checks or add if/then's to this code
' this was done so the script could be modified easier.
SamAccountName = ObjMember.samAccountName
Cn = ObjMember.CN
FirstName = objMember.GivenName
LastName =
initials = objMember.initials
Descrip = objMember.description
Office = objMember.physicalDeliveryOfficeName
Telephone = objMember.telephonenumber
EmailAddr = objMember.mail
WebPage = objMember.wwwHomePage
Addr1 = objMember.streetAddress
City = objMember.l
State =
ZipCode = objMember.postalCode
Title = ObjMember.Title
Department = objMember.Department
Company = objMember.Company
Manager = ObjMember.Manager
Profile = objMember.profilePath
LoginScript = objMember.scriptpath
HomeDirectory = ObjMember.HomeDirectory
HomeDrive = ObjMember.homeDrive
AdsPath = Objmember.Adspath
LastLogin = objMember.LastLogin
zz = 1 ' Counter for array of 2ndary email addresses
For each email in ObjMember.proxyAddresses
If Left (email,5) = "SMTP:" Then
Primary = Mid (email,6) ' if SMTP is all caps, then it's the Primary
ElseIf Left (email,5) = "smtp:" Then
Secondary(zz) = Mid (email,6) ' load the list of 2ndary SMTP emails into Array.
zz = zz + 1
End If
' Write the values to Excel, using the X counter to increment the rows.
objwb.Cells(x, 2).Value = SamAccountName
objwb.Cells(x, 3).Value = CN
objwb.Cells(x, 4).Value = FirstName
objwb.Cells(x, 5).Value = LastName
objwb.Cells(x, 6).Value = Initials
objwb.Cells(x, 7).Value = Descrip
objwb.Cells(x, 8).Value = Office
objwb.Cells(x, 9).Value = Telephone
objwb.Cells(x, 10).Value = EmailAddr
objwb.Cells(x, 11).Value = WebPage
objwb.Cells(x, 12).Value = Addr1
objwb.Cells(x, 13).Value = City
objwb.Cells(x, 14).Value = State
objwb.Cells(x, 15).Value = ZipCode
objwb.Cells(x, 16).Value = Title
objwb.Cells(x, 17).Value = Department
objwb.Cells(x, 18).Value = Company
objwb.Cells(x, 19).Value = Manager
objwb.Cells(x, 20).Value = Profile
objwb.Cells(x, 21).Value = LoginScript
objwb.Cells(x, 22).Value = HomeDirectory
objwb.Cells(x, 23).Value = HomeDrive
objwb.Cells(x, 24).Value = Adspath
objwb.Cells(x, 25).Value = LastLogin
objwb.Cells(x,26).Value = Primary
' Write out the Array for the 2ndary email addresses.
For ll = 1 To 20
objwb.Cells(x,26+ll).Value = Secondary(ll)
' Blank out Variables in case the next object doesn't have a value for the property
SamAccountName = "-"
Cn = "-"
FirstName = "-"
LastName = "-"
initials = "-"
Descrip = "-"
Office = "-"
Telephone = "-"
EmailAddr = "-"
WebPage = "-"
Addr1 = "-"
City = "-"
State = "-"
ZipCode = "-"
Title = "-"
Department = "-"
Company = "-"
Manager = "-"
Profile = "-"
LoginScript = "-"
HomeDirectory = "-"
HomeDrive = "-"
Primary = "-"
For ll = 1 To 20
Secondary(ll) = ""
End If
' If the AD enumeration runs into an OU object, call the Sub again to itinerate
If objMember.Class = "organizationalUnit" or OBjMember.Class = "container" Then
enumMembers (objMember)
End If
End Sub
Sub ExcelSetup(shtName) ' This sub creates an Excel worksheet and adds Column heads to the 1st row
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objwb = objExcel.Workbooks.Add
Set objwb = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(shtName)
Objwb.Name = "Active Directory Users" ' name the sheet
objExcel.Visible = True
objwb.Cells(1, 2).Value = "SamAccountName"
objwb.Cells(1, 3).Value = "CN"
objwb.Cells(1, 4).Value = "FirstName"
objwb.Cells(1, 5).Value = "LastName"
objwb.Cells(1, 6).Value = "Initials"
objwb.Cells(1, 7).Value = "Descrip"
objwb.Cells(1, 8).Value = "Office"
objwb.Cells(1, 9).Value = "Telephone"
objwb.Cells(1, 10).Value = "Email"
objwb.Cells(1, 11).Value = "WebPage"
objwb.Cells(1, 12).Value = "Addr1"
objwb.Cells(1, 13).Value = "City"
objwb.Cells(1, 14).Value = "State"
objwb.Cells(1, 15).Value = "ZipCode"
objwb.Cells(1, 16).Value = "Title"
objwb.Cells(1, 17).Value = "Department"
objwb.Cells(1, 18).Value = "Company"
objwb.Cells(1, 19).Value = "Manager"
objwb.Cells(1, 20).Value = "Profile"
objwb.Cells(1, 21).Value = "LoginScript"
objwb.Cells(1, 22).Value = "HomeDirectory"
objwb.Cells(1, 23).Value = "HomeDrive"
objwb.Cells(1, 24).Value = "Adspath"
objwb.Cells(1, 25).Value = "LastLogin"
objwb.Cells(1, 26).Value = "Primary SMTP"
End Sub
MsgBox "Done" ' show that script is complete
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Ausgedruckt am: 18.02.2025 um 23:02 Uhr
4 Kommentare
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Hallo llaprosper!
Die Zeile
kommt in Deinem geposteten Code (für den es übrigens eine spezielle gäbe), gar nicht vor ...
Die Fehlermeldung deutet jedenfalls darauf hin, dass es ein Tabellenblatt mit dem in der Variablen "shtName" enthaltenen Namen (lt Zeile 7: "Sheet1", daher wohl besser "Tabelle1")) nicht gibt.
Die Zeile
Set objwb = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(shtName)
Die Fehlermeldung deutet jedenfalls darauf hin, dass es ein Tabellenblatt mit dem in der Variablen "shtName" enthaltenen Namen (lt Zeile 7: "Sheet1", daher wohl besser "Tabelle1")) nicht gibt.
Hallo llaprosper!
Ändere die Zeile einfach auf
Der Name wird dann ohnehin in der nächsten Zeile vergeben - und wenn Du den beim Aufruf angegebenen Namen "Sheet1" verwenden willst, ändere diese nächste Zeile auf
[Edit] Auch wenn es mit "Tabelle1" schon klappt, solltest Du eher die Blattnummer (1) verwenden (ist im Fall des Falles flexibler) ... [/Edit]
Ändere die Zeile einfach auf
Set objwb = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
objwb.Name = shtName
[Edit] Auch wenn es mit "Tabelle1" schon klappt, solltest Du eher die Blattnummer (1) verwenden (ist im Fall des Falles flexibler) ... [/Edit]