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Seltsames Verhalten HMailServer

Hallo allerseits,

ich habe seit einiger Zeit (ca. 1 Jahr) einen HMailServer laufen (BS ist WIn10Pro). Dieser fragt 2 E-Mail-Konten bei 1und1 per POP3 ab und wird im internen Netz per IMAP abgefragt.

seit einigen Wochen legt dieser ein seltsames Verhalten an den Tag:

- Zum einen ist es so, daß immer wieder, wenn man im Posteingang Mails löscht, diese nach kurzer Zeit wieder als neu erscheinen. Manchmal ist es auch so, daß man 3-4 Mails löschen kann, nach dem löschen der 5. sind plötzlich wieder alle 5 im Posteingang.

- Aufgefallen ist auch, daß immer wieder mal einzelne Mails verschwinden, d.h. Mails, die am Vormittag definitiv da waren und auch gelesen wurden, sind am Nachmittag plötzlich nicht mehr aufzufinden. Es sind keine Regeln definiert. Ob das Verschwinden evtl. mit dem Löschen anderer Mails zusammenhängt, konnte ich nicht nachvollziehen, da das Verschwinden der Mails immer nur per Zufall entdeckt wird.

kann sich da einer von euch nen Reim drauf machen?

Viele Grüße

Content-ID: 391350


Ausgedruckt am: 23.02.2025 um 05:02 Uhr

Looser27 01.11.2018 um 10:08:37 Uhr
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welche DB setzt Du ein und wie groß sind DB und Mailablage?


kruemel80 01.11.2018 um 21:18:16 Uhr
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Hallo Looser,

es handelt sich um einen HMailServer 5.6.5-B2367
Datenbank ist MySQL 5.7
Datenbankgröße ca 19MB
Mailablage ca 10,3GB

sollte doch kein Problem sein, oder?

anteNope 01.11.2018 aktualisiert um 22:15:38 Uhr
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Nutzt du Outlook als Client? Kommt mir eher im Zusammenhang mit Outlook bekannt vor; im Sinne von fehlerhafter Kommunikation zum Server. Schon mal mit einem anderen Programm versucht auf die Mails zuzugreifen? Ggf. ist da einfach nur ein Sync-Fehler =)
Looser27 02.11.2018 um 07:27:29 Uhr
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Die bekannten DB Probleme traten soweit ich weiß nur in Verbindung mit der internen DB auf. Ob das auch bei Mysql so ist....keine Ahnung.
kruemel80 02.11.2018 um 23:28:11 Uhr
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Client ist Thunderbird (aktuell)
kruemel80 08.11.2018 um 09:22:18 Uhr
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Keiner ne Idee?

Looser27 08.11.2018 um 09:35:16 Uhr
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Lauft die MySQL-DB auf dem selben PC wie der hmailserver?
Ich vermute ein Kommunikationsproblem zwischen dem hmailserver und Deiner Datenbank.


kruemel80 08.11.2018 um 20:34:20 Uhr
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Ja läuft auf dem selben Rechner.
müßte sowas in irgendnem Log erscheinen? Normal schon, oder?

Looser27 09.11.2018 um 07:28:10 Uhr
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Schau mal in die Logs vom SQL und vom hmailserver.
kruemel80 15.11.2018 um 23:53:13 Uhr
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Mal sehn ob ich am Wochenende dazu komme... werde Bericht erstatten!
kruemel80 25.01.2019 um 22:51:07 Uhr
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Hallo Looser27,

habe jetzt endlich mal Zeit gefunden..

Im Log erscheint folgender Eintrag, meine Kommentare hintendran...

"IMAPD" 14960 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.756" "" "RECEIVED: DONE" OK
"IMAPD" 14960 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.756" "" "SENT: 1495 OK IDLE terminated" OK
"IMAPD" 15596 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.756" "" "RECEIVED: 1497 uid copy 3183 "Trash"" OK
"IMAPD" 15596 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.772" "" "SENT: 1497 OK UID completed" OK
"IMAPD" 824 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.772" "" "RECEIVED: 1498 uid store 3183 +FLAGS (\Deleted \Seen)" OK
"IMAPD" 824 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.787" "" "SENT: * 2270 FETCH (FLAGS (\Deleted \Seen) UID 3183)" OK
"IMAPD" 824 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.787" "" "SENT: 1498 OK UID completed" OK
"IMAPD" 14960 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.787" "" "RECEIVED: 1499 noop" OK
"IMAPD" 14960 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.787" "" "SENT: 1499 OK NOOP completed" OK
"IMAPD" 824 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.787" "" "RECEIVED: 1500 getquotaroot "INBOX"" OK
"IMAPD" 824 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.787" "" "SENT: * QUOTAROOT "INBOX" ""[nl]* QUOTA "" ()[nl]1500 OK GETQUOTAROOT completed" OK
"IMAPD" 15596 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.803" "" "RECEIVED: 1501 UID fetch 3545:* (FLAGS)" Was ist jetzt das??
"IMAPD" 15596 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.803" "" "SENT: 1501 OK UID completed" OK

Was die folgenden Zeilen bedeuten, weiß ich jetzt allerdings nicht...

"IMAPD" 824 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.819" "" "RECEIVED: 1502 UID fetch 3168,3183:3184 (UID RFC822.SIZE FLAGS BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (From To Cc Bcc Subject Date Message-ID Priority X-Priority References Newsgroups In-Reply-To Content-Type Reply-To)])"
"IMAPD" 824 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.834" "" "SENT: * 2265 FETCH (UID 3168 RFC822.SIZE 720 FLAGS (\Deleted \Seen) BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (From To Cc Bcc Subject Date Message-ID Priority X-Priority References Newsgroups In-Reply-To Content-Type Reply-To)] {428}"
"IMAPD" 824 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.834" "" "SENT: )"
"IMAPD" 824 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.850" "" "SENT: * 2270 FETCH (UID 3183 RFC822.SIZE 43564 FLAGS (\Deleted \Seen) BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (From To Cc Bcc Subject Date Message-ID Priority X-Priority References Newsgroups In-Reply-To Content-Type Reply-To)] {457}"
"IMAPD" 824 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.850" "" "SENT: )"
"IMAPD" 824 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.850" "" "SENT: * 2271 FETCH (UID 3184 RFC822.SIZE 54649 FLAGS (\Deleted \Seen) BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (From To Cc Bcc Subject Date Message-ID Priority X-Priority References Newsgroups In-Reply-To Content-Type Reply-To)] {453}"
"IMAPD" 824 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.850" "" "SENT: )"
"IMAPD" 824 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.850" "" "SENT: 1502 OK UID completed"
"IMAPD" 17012 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.866" "" "RECEIVED: 1503 UID fetch 3184 (UID RFC822.SIZE BODY.PEEK)"
"IMAPD" 17012 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.866" "" "SENT: * 2271 FETCH (UID 3184 RFC822.SIZE 54649 BODY {54684}"
"IMAPD" 17012 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.866" "" "SENT: )"
"IMAPD" 17012 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.866" "" "SENT: 1503 OK UID completed"
"IMAPD" 14960 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.881" "" "RECEIVED: 1504 UID fetch 3183 (UID RFC822.SIZE BODY.PEEK)"
"IMAPD" 14960 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.881" "" "SENT: * 2270 FETCH (UID 3183 RFC822.SIZE 43564 BODY {43598}"
"IMAPD" 14960 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.881" "" "SENT: )"
"IMAPD" 14960 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.881" "" "SENT: 1504 OK UID completed"
"IMAPD" 16220 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.912" "" "RECEIVED: 1505 IDLE"
"IMAPD" 16220 9 "2019-01-25 22:13:06.912" "" "SENT: + idling"

Auch hier: die Message mit der UID 3184 wurde in Thunderbird gelöscht und wurde sofort danach wieder im Posteingang als ungelesen angezeigt:

"IMAPD" 5208 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.210" "" "RECEIVED: 1549 uid copy 3184 "Trash""
"IMAPD" 5208 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.225" "" "SENT: 1549 OK UID completed"
"IMAPD" 16428 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.225" "" "RECEIVED: 1550 uid store 3184 +FLAGS (\Deleted \Seen)"
"IMAPD" 16428 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.225" "" "SENT: * 2271 FETCH (FLAGS (\Deleted \Seen) UID 3184)"
"IMAPD" 16428 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.225" "" "SENT: 1550 OK UID completed"
"IMAPD" 13908 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.225" "" "RECEIVED: 1551 noop"
"IMAPD" 13908 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.241" "" "SENT: 1551 OK NOOP completed"
"IMAPD" 13908 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.241" "" "RECEIVED: 1552 getquotaroot "INBOX""
"IMAPD" 13908 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.241" "" "SENT: * QUOTAROOT "INBOX" ""[nl]* QUOTA "" ()[nl]1552 OK GETQUOTAROOT completed"
"IMAPD" 5208 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.241" "" "RECEIVED: 1553 UID fetch 3545:* (FLAGS)"
"IMAPD" 5208 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.241" "" "SENT: 1553 OK UID completed"
"IMAPD" 5208 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.319" "" "RECEIVED: 1554 UID fetch 3170,3184 (UID RFC822.SIZE FLAGS BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (From To Cc Bcc Subject Date Message-ID Priority X-Priority References Newsgroups In-Reply-To Content-Type Reply-To)])"
"IMAPD" 5208 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.319" "" "SENT: * 2267 FETCH (UID 3170 RFC822.SIZE 10264 FLAGS (\Answered \Deleted \Seen) BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (From To Cc Bcc Subject Date Message-ID Priority X-Priority References Newsgroups In-Reply-To Content-Type Reply-To)] {345}"
"IMAPD" 5208 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.319" "" "SENT: )"
"IMAPD" 5208 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.319" "" "SENT: * 2271 FETCH (UID 3184 RFC822.SIZE 54649 FLAGS (\Deleted \Seen) BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (From To Cc Bcc Subject Date Message-ID Priority X-Priority References Newsgroups In-Reply-To Content-Type Reply-To)] {453}"
"IMAPD" 5208 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.319" "" "SENT: )"
"IMAPD" 5208 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.319" "" "SENT: 1554 OK UID completed"
"IMAPD" 5208 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.335" "" "RECEIVED: 1555 UID fetch 3184 (UID RFC822.SIZE BODY.PEEK)"
"IMAPD" 5208 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.335" "" "SENT: * 2271 FETCH (UID 3184 RFC822.SIZE 54649 BODY {54684}"
"IMAPD" 5208 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.335" "" "SENT: )"
"IMAPD" 5208 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.335" "" "SENT: 1555 OK UID completed"
"IMAPD" 5208 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.366" "" "RECEIVED: 1556 IDLE"
"IMAPD" 5208 9 "2019-01-25 22:37:13.366" "" "SENT: + idling"

Hier nochmal ein Löschvorgang:

"IMAPD" 8404 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.818" "" "RECEIVED: 1607 uid copy 3134 "Trash""
"IMAPD" 8404 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.834" "" "SENT: 1607 OK UID completed"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.834" "" "RECEIVED: 1608 uid store 3134 +FLAGS (\Deleted \Seen)"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.849" "" "SENT: * 2240 FETCH (FLAGS (\Deleted \Seen) UID 3134)"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.849" "" "SENT: 1608 OK UID completed"
"IMAPD" 16220 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.849" "" "RECEIVED: 1609 noop"
"IMAPD" 16220 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.849" "" "SENT: 1609 OK NOOP completed"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.849" "" "RECEIVED: 1610 getquotaroot "INBOX""
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.849" "" "SENT: * QUOTAROOT "INBOX" ""[nl]* QUOTA "" ()[nl]1610 OK GETQUOTAROOT completed"
"IMAPD" 16220 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.865" "" "RECEIVED: 1611 UID fetch 3545:* (FLAGS)"
"IMAPD" 16220 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.865" "" "SENT: 1611 OK UID completed"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.896" "" "RECEIVED: 1612 UID fetch 3124:3132,3134,3165,3168,3183 (UID RFC822.SIZE FLAGS BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (From To Cc Bcc Subject Date Message-ID Priority X-Priority References Newsgroups In-Reply-To Content-Type Reply-To)])"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.896" "" "SENT: * 2230 FETCH (UID 3124 RFC822.SIZE 2666 FLAGS (\Seen) BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (From To Cc Bcc Subject Date Message-ID Priority X-Priority References Newsgroups In-Reply-To Content-Type Reply-To)] {346}"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.896" "" "SENT: )"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.912" "" "SENT: * 2231 FETCH (UID 3125 RFC822.SIZE 136812 FLAGS (\Seen) BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (From To Cc Bcc Subject Date Message-ID Priority X-Priority References Newsgroups In-Reply-To Content-Type Reply-To)] {452}"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.912" "" "SENT: )"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.928" "" "SENT: * 2232 FETCH (UID 3126 RFC822.SIZE 26672 FLAGS (\Seen) BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (From To Cc Bcc Subject Date Message-ID Priority X-Priority References Newsgroups In-Reply-To Content-Type Reply-To)] {425}"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.928" "" "SENT: )"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.943" "" "SENT: * 2233 FETCH (UID 3127 RFC822.SIZE 50628 FLAGS (\Seen) BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (From To Cc Bcc Subject Date Message-ID Priority X-Priority References Newsgroups In-Reply-To Content-Type Reply-To)] {434}"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.943" "" "SENT: )"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.959" "" "SENT: * 2234 FETCH (UID 3128 RFC822.SIZE 120264 FLAGS (\Seen) BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (From To Cc Bcc Subject Date Message-ID Priority X-Priority References Newsgroups In-Reply-To Content-Type Reply-To)] {399}"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.959" "" "SENT: )"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.959" "" "SENT: * 2235 FETCH (UID 3129 RFC822.SIZE 13054 FLAGS (\Seen) BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (From To Cc Bcc Subject Date Message-ID Priority X-Priority References Newsgroups In-Reply-To Content-Type Reply-To)] {427}"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.959" "" "SENT: )"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.959" "" "SENT: * 2236 FETCH (UID 3130 RFC822.SIZE 6213 FLAGS (\Answered \Seen) BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (From To Cc Bcc Subject Date Message-ID Priority X-Priority References Newsgroups In-Reply-To Content-Type Reply-To)] {413}"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.959" "" "SENT: )"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.974" "" "SENT: * 2237 FETCH (UID 3131 RFC822.SIZE 18852 FLAGS (\Seen) BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (From To Cc Bcc Subject Date Message-ID Priority X-Priority References Newsgroups In-Reply-To Content-Type Reply-To)] {716}"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.974" "" "SENT: )"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.990" "" "SENT: * 2238 FETCH (UID 3132 RFC822.SIZE 2657 FLAGS (\Seen) BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (From To Cc Bcc Subject Date Message-ID Priority X-Priority References Newsgroups In-Reply-To Content-Type Reply-To)] {346}"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.990" "" "SENT: )"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.990" "" "SENT: * 2240 FETCH (UID 3134 RFC822.SIZE 7234 FLAGS (\Deleted \Seen) BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (From To Cc Bcc Subject Date Message-ID Priority X-Priority References Newsgroups In-Reply-To Content-Type Reply-To)] {369}"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.990" "" "SENT: )"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.990" "" "SENT: * 2262 FETCH (UID 3165 RFC822.SIZE 12452 FLAGS (\Deleted \Seen) BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (From To Cc Bcc Subject Date Message-ID Priority X-Priority References Newsgroups In-Reply-To Content-Type Reply-To)] {369}"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:06.990" "" "SENT: )"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:07.006" "" "SENT: * 2265 FETCH (UID 3168 RFC822.SIZE 720 FLAGS (\Deleted \Seen) BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (From To Cc Bcc Subject Date Message-ID Priority X-Priority References Newsgroups In-Reply-To Content-Type Reply-To)] {428}"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:07.006" "" "SENT: )"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:07.006" "" "SENT: * 2270 FETCH (UID 3183 RFC822.SIZE 43564 FLAGS (\Deleted \Seen) BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (From To Cc Bcc Subject Date Message-ID Priority X-Priority References Newsgroups In-Reply-To Content-Type Reply-To)] {457}"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:07.006" "" "SENT: )"
"IMAPD" 15484 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:07.006" "" "SENT: 1612 OK UID completed"
"IMAPD" 8404 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:07.021" "" "RECEIVED: 1613 IDLE"
"IMAPD" 8404 9 "2019-01-25 22:44:07.021" "" "SENT: + idling"

Irgendwie sieht das für mich aus, als ob da etwas passiert was nicht passieren soll... kannst du da was rauslesen?

Danke schonmal fürs Lesen face-smile
Looser27 26.01.2019 um 09:44:50 Uhr
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um den Thunderbird als Ursache auszuschließen, kannst du mal einen anderen Mail-Client testen?

