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Outlook will unter Terminal Server immer im Abgesicherten Modus starten

Hallo Zusammen

Und zwar habe ich bei einem Kunden das Problem das Outlook unter Terminal Server immer im Abgesicherten Modus starten will.
Obwohl Outlook immer sauber beendet wird und die Terminal Sitzung immer Sauber geschlossen wird.

Diese Meldung ist sehr nervig.

Nun habe ich schon Lösungen gefunden wie z.B wenn Outlook im Abgesicherten Modus starten will soll man auf Nein klicken und dann bei geöffnetem Outlook das Programm nochmal starten und wenn dann die Abfrage nochmal kommt, soll man wieder auf Nein klicken.

Das funktioniert auch. Danach kommt keine Abfrage mehr. Das Problem ist aber wenn die Terminal Sitzung beendet wird und man sich wieder neu anmeldet geht das Spielchen von vorne los.

Ich weiss nicht mehr weiter. Kann mir vielleicht jemand helfen.



Content-ID: 73174

Url: https://administrator.de/forum/outlook-will-unter-terminal-server-immer-im-abgesicherten-modus-starten-73174.html

Ausgedruckt am: 24.01.2025 um 23:01 Uhr

55572 23.11.2007 um 14:28:07 Uhr
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Hallo Zusammen

Ich habe die Lösung für das Problem gefunden. Seht unten.

One of my Microsoft Office applications (Word, Outlook, excel, powerpoint) keeps coming up in safe mode on my Windows Terminal Server. How do I prevent this?
Note the below solution requires editing the Registry. Please remember to MAKE A BACKUP prior to editing the Windows Registry. Don`t mess with it if you don`t know what you are doing! All disclaimers apply.

When you start Microsoft Outlook (or another Office application on Windows Terminal Services you may receive the following error message:

Outlook failed to start correctly last time. Starting Outlook in safe mode will help you correct or isolate a startup problem in order to successfully start the program. Some functionality may be disabled in this mode.

Do you want to start Outlook in safe mode?

You can click either Yes or No and Outlook opens. The next time you launch Outlook you are not given the prompt. However, at the next launch of Outlook you are given the prompt. On the following logon, you are not given the prompt. This loop of Outlook 2002/3 prompting for Safe Mode every other time you launch Outlook continues indefinitely.


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Windows NT\Current Version\Terminal Server\Install\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Outlook\Resiliency
with the key TermSrvCopyKeyOnce with a value of 0x1 exists in the Registry on the Windows 2000 Terminal Server in one of the subkeys under Resiliency.

When Outlook 2002/3 starts, the following Registry key is created:

NOTE: The Resiliency registry key for Outlook is new for Outlook 2002.

If no problems are encountered, the Resiliency key is deleted. If one of the many tests that Outlook makes at startup fail,
subkeys are written under the Resiliency key and the Resiliency key is not deleted. If the key remains,
the next start of Outlook 2002 gives the prompt.

If a subkey is deleted by an application from HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU) --
specifically a subkey from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Outlook\Resiliency while the server is in
Terminal Server Install mode, the data is copied to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM):

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\Terminal Server\Install\Software\\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Outlook\Resiliency

When the application attempts with the server in Terminal Server Application Mode to access the key again and finds it missing,
the application looks in this location (HKLM) for the key. If the Resiliency key is there and has the key TermSrvCopyKeyOnce under one of the
subkeys of the Resiliency key, the Resiliency key is written back to HKCU.

In this case, the Resiliency key was written with subkeys while in install mode. Once the terminal server goes back
to application mode every user is affected since Outlook 2002 always looks for the Resiliency key, thus causing the loop.



HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\Terminal Server\Install\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Outlook\Resiliency

resolves the problem.

If you are running Citrix Metaframe Presentation Server, check to see if speedscreenApi.dll is listed as the faulting module.
You may run into this issue after installing Metaframe and installing the lastest batch of Microsoft Updates for Windows 2000/3.

To fix this emove the keys for iexplore.exe and outlook.exe under


which should resolve the error message.
After that run the speedscreen manager to add those two applications to the list.
FlashT 05.09.2008 um 10:57:04 Uhr
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Danke für den Beitrag!

Das hat mir gerade sehr weitergeholfen face-smile