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WLAN Radius Server 2016 GPO erneute Bestätigung bei Verbinungsherstellung

Hallo zusammen,

ich sitze grad wieder an einem Problem und komme einfach nicht weiter:

Wir haben ein WLAN mit Radius Server Authentifizierung. Soweit kann man sich damit auch verbinden. Das WLAN wird per GPO an die Clients mitgeteilt.
Leider verbinden diese sich aber nicht automatisch. Das WLAN wird auf den Windows 10 Clients zwar angezeigt und man sich auch damit verbinden, aber es kommt dann die Meldung:

Verbindung weiter herstellen?
Wenn Sie "Netzwerk" hier erwarten, können Sie bedenkenlos eine Verbindung herstellen. Andernfalls handelt es sich möglicherweise um ein anderes Netzwerk mit demselben Namen.

Die Zertifikatsdetails habe ich mir anzeigen lassen, da steht der Fingerabdruck des Servers drin. Das ist das unserer internen CA, welches in der GPO auch mit verteilt wird.

Wir haben nur eine Zertifikatsstelle im Netz, welcher auch gleich der Netzwerkrichtlinienserver ist.

Ich kenne mich mit der Zertifikatsthematik leider nicht so gut aus und habe das System auch nur so übernommen.

Was ich mir erhoffe ist, dass die Clients sich ohne weiteren Benutzereingriff an dem Radius WLAN anmelden.

Hat jemand eine Idee?

Danke und Grüße
der Willi

Content-Key: 496321

Url: https://administrator.de/contentid/496321

Printed on: May 5, 2024 at 23:05 o'clock

Member: aqui
aqui Sep 19, 2019 at 09:42:50 (UTC)
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Was ich mir erhoffe ist, dass die Clients sich ohne weiteren Benutzereingriff an dem Radius WLAN anmelden.
So sollte es auch sein. Zeigt das da irgendwas noch schiefläuft in der Client Konfig.
Details dazu auch hier:
Sichere 802.1x WLAN-Benutzer Authentisierung über Radius
Member: WilliWillsWissen19
WilliWillsWissen19 Sep 23, 2019 at 09:28:57 (UTC)
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Ich habe mir die Links angeschaut, hier wird aber auf einen alternativen Radius Server eingegangen. Wir haben einen Windows Server 2016 mit aktivierten Netzwerkrichtlinien- und Zugriffsdiensten.
Die Anmeldung funktioniert ja auch eigentlich. Aber nur eigentlich. Der Anwender muss - wie beschrieben - noch das Netzwerk bestätigen.
Anbei ein Screenshot der Netzwerkrichtlinien:
anmerkung 2019-09-23 112403

Und ein Screenshot der GPO:
Mitglied: 140913
140913 Sep 23, 2019 updated at 09:47:06 (UTC)
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https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/92c22e0e-5365- ...

After a few weeks of pondering this issue, we eventually resolved it by thinking about what the error message was telling us. We went into Network Policy Server on the RADIUS server and delved into the wireless policy, constraints and then authentication methods. We found the RADIUS server was using a different SSL cert than the one published to wifi clients. Once this was corrected, the error immediately went away and clients were once again auto connecting using our self issued cert. 

On our DC, we went into the group policy that we were pushing out to clients  (Group Policy Management Editor > Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Wireless Network (...)", and opened up the profile we had created.  We clicked on the profile name and clicked "Edit".  Then under the 'Security' tab on the next screen, next to Select a network authentication method: we clicked Properties.  What we discovered is that we had checked "Verify the server's identity by validating the certificate" (which is the correct option).  We also already had the "Connect to these servers" and in the box entered the FQDN of our NPS servers.  BUT, what we DID NOT have checked were the Root CA Servers that those NPS servers actually got their certificate from.  As soon as we put a checkmark next to the Root CA we were using, applied, and saved the GPO  (and ran gpudate on clients that had the issue) - the problem went away.  Weirdly, we discovered that in the "Notifications before connecting:" box, we couldn't chose anything other than "Tell user if the server name or root certificate isn't specified" -- which I thought was pretty weird as I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be able to turn that off.  Oh well.   

To change the value in the field  "Notifications before connecting" You need to go to it by pressing TAB, and then simply press the down or up arrow  
Member: WilliWillsWissen19
WilliWillsWissen19 Sep 23, 2019 at 11:55:54 (UTC)
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Anbei der Export der GPO:

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    strHtml += getExplainWindowCloseButton();
    strHtml += "</div></body></html>";  

    // IE specific method for showing the popup.
    if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > 0 && window.location.toString().indexOf("file:") === -1)  
        strDiagArgs = "dialogHeight=360px;dialogWidth=630px;status=no;scroll=yes;resizable=yes;minimize=yes;maximize=yes;";  

        var vModeless = window.showModelessDialog("about:blank", window, strDiagArgs);  
        window.event.returnValue = false;
        strDiagArgs = "height=360px, width=630px, status=no, toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes ";  
        var expWin = window.open("", "expWin", strDiagArgs);  
    return false;

function showEvents(srcElement,bVerbose,bInformational,bWarning,bError)
    var strWindowId = "EventDetails_" + srcElement.getAttribute("eventLogActivityId");  
    if((windowsArray[strWindowId]) && (windowsArray[strWindowId].closed === false)) {
    } else {
        var eventIdLabelNode, eventTimeLabelNode, eventDescriptionLabelNode, eventDetailsLabelNode, eventXmlLabelNode, gpEventsTitleNode;
        var eventIdLabelNodeText, eventTimeLabelNodeText, eventDescriptionLabelNodeText, eventXmlLabelNodeText, gpEventsTitleNodeText, eventDetailsLabelNodeText;
        var singlePassEventsDetailsNode, eventRecordArray;
        var dataNotFoundWarningLabelNode, dataNotFoundWarningLabelNodeText;
        var mainSection;
        var attributeValue;
        var singlePassEventsDetails;
        var singlePassEventsDetailsChildren;
        var node;
        var children;
        var xmlDocumentRoot;
        var xmlDocument;
        var serializer;
        var itemSub;
        var doc;

        if (window.XMLSerializer) 
           serializer = new XMLSerializer();

        if (window.DOMParser) 
           // This browser appears to support DOMParser
           parser = new DOMParser();

           doc = document.getElementById("data-island").textContent;  
           xmlDocumentRoot = parser.parseFromString(doc, "application/xml");  
           xmlDocument = xmlDocumentRoot.documentElement;
           itemSub = 1;
           // Internet Explorer, create a new XML document using ActiveX 
           // and use loadXML as a DOM parser. 
              doc = document.getElementById("data-island");  

              xmlDocumentRoot = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0");   
              xmlDocumentRoot.async = false; 
              xmlDocument = xmlDocumentRoot.documentElement;
              itemSub = 0;
              // Not supported.

        if (xmlDocument != null) {
            mainSection = xmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("MainSection").childNodes;  

            if (mainSection != null) {
                for (children = 0; children < mainSection.length; children++) {
                    node = mainSection[children];
                    if (node.nodeType === 1 && node.nodeName === 'Label') {  
                        attributeValue = node.getAttribute("Name");  
                        if (attributeValue != null) {
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_EventId') {  
                                eventIdLabelNode = node.childNodes[1];
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_EventTime') {  
                                eventTimeLabelNode = node.childNodes[1];
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_EventDescription') {  
                                eventDescriptionLabelNode = node.childNodes[1];
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_EventXml') {  
                                eventXmlLabelNode = node.childNodes[1];
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_EventDetails') {  
                                eventDetailsLabelNode = node.childNodes[1];
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_GPEvents') {  
                                gpEventsTitleNode = node.childNodes[1];
                            if (attributeValue === 'Warning_DataNotFound') {  
                                dataNotFoundWarningLabelNode = node.childNodes[1];

            singlePassEventsDetails = xmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("SinglePassEventsDetails");  
            if (singlePassEventsDetails != null) {
                for (singlePassEventsDetailsChildren = 0; singlePassEventsDetailsChildren < singlePassEventsDetails.length; singlePassEventsDetailsChildren++) {
                    node = singlePassEventsDetails[singlePassEventsDetailsChildren];
                    attributeValue = node.getAttribute("ActivityId");  
                    if (attributeValue === srcElement.getAttribute("eventLogActivityId")) {  
                        singlePassEventsDetailsNode = node;
        eventIdLabelNodeText = null;
        if (eventIdLabelNode != null) {
            if (eventIdLabelNode.childNodes.length > 0) {
                eventIdLabelNodeText = eventIdLabelNode.childNodes.nodeValue;
        if (eventIdLabelNodeText == null) {
            eventIdLabelNodeText = "Event ID";  

        eventTimeLabelNodeText = null;
        if (eventTimeLabelNode != null) {
            if (eventTimeLabelNode.firstChild.childNodes.length > 0) {
                eventTimeLabelNodeText = eventTimeLabelNode.childNodes.nodeValue;
        if (eventTimeLabelNodeText == null) {
            eventTimeLabelNodeText = "Event Time";  

        eventDescriptionLabelNodeText = null;
        if (eventDescriptionLabelNode != null) {
            if (eventDescriptionLabelNode.childNodes.length > 0) {
                eventDescriptionLabelNodeText = eventDescriptionLabelNode.childNodes.nodeValue;
        if (eventDescriptionLabelNodeText == null) {
            eventDescriptionLabelNodeText = "Event Description";  

        eventXmlLabelNodeText = null;
        if (eventXmlLabelNode != null) {
            if (eventXmlLabelNode.childNodes.length > 0) {
                eventXmlLabelNodeText = eventXmlLabelNode.childNodes.nodeValue;
        if (eventXmlLabelNodeText == null) {
            eventXmlLabelNodeText = "Event XML";  

        gpEventsTitleNodeText = null;
        if (gpEventsTitleNode != null) {
            if (gpEventsTitleNode.childNodes.length > 0) {
                gpEventsTitleNodeText = gpEventsTitleNode.childNodes.nodeValue;
        if (gpEventsTitleNodeText == null) {
            gpEventsTitleNodeText = "Group Policy Events";  

        eventDetailsLabelNodeText = null;
        if (eventDetailsLabelNode != null) {
            if (eventDetailsLabelNode.childNodes.length > 0) {
                eventDetailsLabelNodeText = eventDetailsLabelNode.childNodes.nodeValue;
        if (eventDetailsLabelNodeText == null) {
            eventDetailsLabelNodeText = "Event Details";  

        dataNotFoundWarningLabelNodeText = null;
        if (dataNotFoundWarningLabelNode != null) {
            if (dataNotFoundWarningLabelNode.childNodes.length > 0) {
                dataNotFoundWarningLabelNodeText = dataNotFoundWarningLabelNode.childNodes.nodeValue;
        if (dataNotFoundWarningLabelNodeText == null) {
            dataNotFoundWarningLabelNodeText = "Data Not Found";  
        if(singlePassEventsDetailsNode != null)
            eventRecordArray = singlePassEventsDetailsNode.getElementsByTagName("EventRecord");  
        var htmlText = "<html dir=" + document.dir +  ">";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<head>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge\" />";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-16\" />";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<title>" + gpEventsTitleNodeText + "</title>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "</head><style type=\"text/css\">";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "body    { background-color:#FFFFFF; color:#000000; font-size:68%; font-family:MS Shell Dlg; margin:0,0,10px,0; word-break:normal; word-wrap:break-word; }";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "table   { font-size:100%; table-layout:fixed; width:100%; }";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "td,th   { overflow:visible; text-align:left; vertical-align:top; white-space:normal; }";  
        htmlText = htmlText + ".he1    { text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color:#C0D2DE; border:1px solid #BBBBBB; color:#000000; cursor:hand; display:block; font-family:MS Shell Dlg; font-size:100%; font-weight:bold; height:4em; position:relative; }";  
        htmlText = htmlText + ".centerTxt { text-align: center; }";  
        htmlText = htmlText + ".txtFormat1 { text-align: left; vertical-align:top; white-space:pre-line; }";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "</style>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<script> function toggle(e) {";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "if (e.style.display === \"none\"){ e.style.display = \"\"; }";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "else { e.style.display = \"none\"; }";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "}</";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "script";  
        htmlText = htmlText + ">";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<body><table border=1><tr>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<th class=\"he1\"><strong>" + eventIdLabelNodeText + "</strong></th>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<th class=\"he1\"><strong>" + eventTimeLabelNodeText + "</strong></th>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<th class=\"he1\"><strong>" + eventDescriptionLabelNodeText + "</strong></th>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<th class=\"he1\"><strong>" + eventDetailsLabelNodeText + "</strong></th>";  

        htmlText = htmlText + "</tr>";  
        var i;
        var eventId;
        var eventTime;
        var eventDescription;
        var eventXml;
        var eventType;
        var displayEvent;
        var eventXmlId;
        var displayBgColor;

        if(eventRecordArray != null && eventRecordArray.length > 0)
            for (i=0; i < eventRecordArray.length; i++)
                displayEvent = false;
                var eventIdElements = eventRecordArray[i].getElementsByTagName("EventId");          
                if((eventIdElements != null) && (eventIdElements.length > 0) && (eventIdElements.firstChild != null))
                    eventId =  eventIdElements.firstChild.nodeValue;
                    eventId =  dataNotFoundWarningLabelNodeText;
                var eventTimeElements = eventRecordArray[i].getElementsByTagName("EventTime");  
                if((eventTimeElements != null) && (eventTimeElements.length > 0) && (eventTimeElements.firstChild != null))
                    eventTime = eventTimeElements.firstChild.nodeValue;
                    eventTime = dataNotFoundWarningLabelNodeText;
                var eventDescriptionElements = eventRecordArray[i].getElementsByTagName("EventDescription");  
                if((eventDescriptionElements != null) && (eventDescriptionElements.length > 0) && (eventDescriptionElements.firstChild != null))
                        eventDescription = eventDescriptionElements.firstChild.nodeValue;
                    eventDescription = dataNotFoundWarningLabelNodeText;
                var eventXmlElements = eventRecordArray[i].getElementsByTagName("EventXml");  
                if((eventXmlElements != null) && (eventXmlElements.length > 0) && (eventXmlElements.firstChild != null))
                    if (window.XMLSerializer) 
                       var xml = serializer.serializeToString(eventXmlElements.firstChild);
                       eventXml = xml;
                       if (typeof eventXmlElements.firstChild.xml != "undefined")   
                          eventXml = eventXmlElements.firstChild.xml;
                    eventXml = dataNotFoundWarningLabelNodeText;
                var eventLevelElements = eventRecordArray[i].getElementsByTagName("EventLevel");  
                if((eventLevelElements != null) && (eventLevelElements.length > 0) && (eventLevelElements.firstChild != null))
                    eventType = eventLevelElements.firstChild.nodeValue;
                    eventType = 5;
                if((bVerbose === true)&&(eventType == 5))
                    displayEvent = true;
                else if((bInformational === true)&&(eventType == 4))
                    displayEvent = true;
                else if((bWarning === true)&&(eventType == 3))
                    displayEvent = true;
                else if((bError === true)&&((eventType == 1)||(eventType == 2)))
                    displayEvent = true;
                if (displayEvent === true)
                    eventXmlId = "EventXml" + (i+"");  
                    htmlText = htmlText + "<tr>";  
                    htmlText = htmlText + "<td class=\"centerTxt\" style=\"background:" + displayBgColor +"\">" + eventId + "</td>";  
                    htmlText = htmlText + "<td class=\"centerTxt\" style=\"background:" + displayBgColor +"\">" + eventTime + "</td>";  
                    htmlText = htmlText + "<td class=\"txtFormat1\" style=\"background:" + displayBgColor +"\">" + eventDescription + "</td>";  
                    htmlText = htmlText + "<td style=\"background:" + displayBgColor +"\"><span style=\"color:blue; cursor:hand\" onclick=\"toggle(" + eventXmlId +");\" onKeyPress=\"toggle(" + eventXmlId + ");\" tabIndex=1 >";  
                    htmlText = htmlText + eventXmlLabelNodeText + "</span><br/>";  
                    htmlText = htmlText + "<span style=\"display:none\" id=" + eventXmlId +">";  
                    htmlText = htmlText + eventXml + "</span>";  
                    htmlText = htmlText + "</td>";  
                    htmlText = htmlText + "</tr>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "</table></body></html>";  

            delete windowsArray[strWindowId];
        // IE specific method for showing the popup.
        if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > 0 && window.location.toString().indexOf("file:") === -1)  
            var strDiagArgs = "dialogHeight=360px;dialogWidth=630px;status=no;scroll=yes;resizable=yes;minimize=yes;maximize=yes;";  

            var vModeless = window.showModelessDialog("about:blank", window, strDiagArgs);  
            windowsArray[strWindowId] = vModeless;            
            var strDiagArgs = "height=360px, width=630px, status=no, toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes";  
            windowsArray[strWindowId] = window.open("", "", strDiagArgs);  

    xmlDocumentRoot = null;

function cleanUp() {
    var windowsArray = this.windowsArray;
    for (var currentWindow in windowsArray) {
        if (windowsArray.hasOwnProperty(currentWindow)) {

function getMessageText(messageNode) {
    if (messageNode != null) {
        if (messageNode.firstChild != null) {
            if (messageNode.firstChild.nodeType === 3) {
                for (var i = 0; i < messageNode.childNodes.length; i++) 
                    var curNode = messageNode.childNodes[i];
                    if(curNode.nodeType === 1){
                        return curNode.childNodes.nodeValue;
            } else {
                return messageNode.firstChild.childNodes.nodeValue;
    return null;

function showComponentProcessingDetails(srcElement) {
    var strWindowId = "ProcessingDetails_" + srcElement.getAttribute("eventLogActivityId");  
    if ((windowsArray[strWindowId]) && (windowsArray[strWindowId].closed === false)) {
    } else {
        var doc;
        var parser;
        var xmlDocumentRoot;
        var xmlDocument;

        var extensionsProcessedLabelNode, slowLinkThresholdLabelNode, linkSpeedLabelNode, extensionsProcessedTimeTakenNode;
        var domainControllerIpLabelNode, domainControllerNameLabelNode, processingTypeLabelNode, loopbackModeLabelNode;
        var processingTriggerLabelNode, extensionNameLabelNode, timeTakenLabelNode;
        var dataNotFoundWarningLabelNode;
        var singlePassEventsDetailsNode, totalProcessingTimeLabelNode, refreshMessageLabelNode;
        var processingDetailsUserTitleNode, processingDetailsComputerTitleNode;
        var policySectionNode;
        var policyEventsDetailsNode, detailsLabelNode;

        var extensionsProcessedLabelNodeText, slowLinkThresholdLabelNodeText, linkSpeedLabelNodeText, extensionsProcessedTimeTakenNodeText;
        var domainControllerIpLabelNodeText, domainControllerNameLabelNodeText, processingTypeLabelNodeText, loopbackModeLabelNodeText;
        var processingTriggerLabelNodeText, extensionNameLabelNodeText, timeTakenLabelNodeText;
        var dataNotFoundWarningLabelNodeText, totalProcessingTimeLabelNodeText, refreshMessageLabelNodeText;
        var processingDetailsUserTitleNodeText, processingDetailsComputerTitleNodeText;
        var detailsLabelNodeText;

        var slowLinkThresholdValue, linkSpeedValue, domainControllerIpValue, domainControllerNameValue;
        var processingTypeValue, loopbackModeValue, processingTriggerValue, totalPolicyProcessingTime, extensionProcessingTimeArray;
        var cseNameArray = new Array();
        var cseElapsedTimeArray = new Array();
        var policyApplicationFinishedTime;

        var isComputerProcessing;
        var strDiagArgs;
        var mainSection;
        var attributeValue;
        var singlePassEventsDetails;
        var singlePassEventsDetailsChildren;
        var node;
        var children;
        var itemSub;

        if (window.DOMParser) 
           // This browser appears to support DOMParser
           parser = new DOMParser();
           doc = document.getElementById("data-island").textContent;  

           xmlDocumentRoot = parser.parseFromString(doc, "application/xml");  

           xmlDocument = xmlDocumentRoot.documentElement;

           itemSub = 1;
           // Internet Explorer, create a new XML document using ActiveX 
           // and use loadXML as a DOM parser. 
              doc = document.getElementById("data-island");  

              xmlDocumentRoot = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0");   
              xmlDocumentRoot.async = false; 
              xmlDocument = xmlDocumentRoot.documentElement;
              itemSub = 0;
              // Not supported.

        if (xmlDocument != null) {
            mainSection = xmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("MainSection").childNodes;  

            if (mainSection != null) {
                for (children = 0; children < mainSection.length; children++) {
                    node = mainSection[children];
                    if (node.nodeType === 1 && node.nodeName === 'Label') {  
                        attributeValue = node.getAttribute("Name")  
                        if (attributeValue != null) {
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_ExtensionsProcessed') {  
                                extensionsProcessedLabelNode = node;
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_SlowLinkThreshold') {  
                                slowLinkThresholdLabelNode = node;
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_LinkSpeed') {  
                                linkSpeedLabelNode = node;
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_TimeTaken') {  
                                extensionsProcessedTimeTakenNode = node;
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_DomainControllerIP') {  
                                domainControllerIpLabelNode = node;
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_DomainControllerName') {  
                                domainControllerNameLabelNode = node;
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_ProcessingTrigger') {  
                                processingTriggerLabelNode = node;
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_ExtensionName') {  
                                extensionNameLabelNode = node;
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_TimeTaken') {  
                                timeTakenLabelNode = node;
                            if (attributeValue === 'Warning_DataNotFound') {  
                                dataNotFoundWarningLabelNode = node;
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_TotalProcessingTime') {  
                                totalProcessingTimeLabelNode = node;
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_RefreshMessage') {  
                                refreshMessageLabelNode = node;
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_UserProcessingDetails') {  
                                processingDetailsUserTitleNode = node;
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_ComputerProcessingDetails') {  
                                detailsLabelNode = node;
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_ProcessingType') {  
                                processingTypeLabelNode = node;
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_LoopbackMode') {  
                                loopbackModeLabelNode = node;
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_UserProcessingDetails') {  
                                processingDetailsUserTitleNode = node;
                            if (attributeValue === 'ComponentStatus_ComputerProcessingDetails') {  
                                processingDetailsComputerTitleNode = node;

            singlePassEventsDetails = xmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("SinglePassEventsDetails");  
            if (singlePassEventsDetails != null) {
                for (singlePassEventsDetailsChildren = 0; singlePassEventsDetailsChildren < singlePassEventsDetails.length; singlePassEventsDetailsChildren++) {
                    node = singlePassEventsDetails[singlePassEventsDetailsChildren];
                    if (node.getAttribute("ActivityId") === srcElement.getAttribute("eventLogActivityId")) {  
                        singlePassEventsDetailsNode = node;

            if (singlePassEventsDetailsNode) {
                policyEventsDetailsNode = singlePassEventsDetailsNode.parentNode;
                if (policyEventsDetailsNode) {
                    policySectionNode = policyEventsDetailsNode.parentNode;
                    if (policySectionNode) {
                        if (policySectionNode.nodeName === 'UserPolicySection') {  
                            isComputerProcessing = false;
                        if (policySectionNode.nodeName === 'ComputerPolicySection') {  
                            isComputerProcessing = true;

        extensionsProcessedLabelNodeText = getMessageText(extensionsProcessedLabelNode);
        slowLinkThresholdLabelNodeText = getMessageText(slowLinkThresholdLabelNode);
        linkSpeedLabelNodeText = getMessageText(linkSpeedLabelNode);
        domainControllerIpLabelNodeText = getMessageText(domainControllerIpLabelNode);
        domainControllerNameLabelNodeText = getMessageText(domainControllerNameLabelNode);
        processingTypeLabelNodeText = getMessageText(processingTypeLabelNode);
        loopbackModeLabelNodeText = getMessageText(loopbackModeLabelNode);
        processingTriggerLabelNodeText = getMessageText(processingTriggerLabelNode);
        extensionNameLabelNodeText = getMessageText(extensionNameLabelNode);
        timeTakenLabelNodeText = getMessageText(timeTakenLabelNode);
        processingDetailsUserTitleNodeText = getMessageText(processingDetailsUserTitleNode);
        processingDetailsComputerTitleNodeText = getMessageText(processingDetailsComputerTitleNode);
        dataNotFoundWarningLabelNodeText = getMessageText(dataNotFoundWarningLabelNode);
        totalProcessingTimeLabelNodeText = getMessageText(totalProcessingTimeLabelNode);
        refreshMessageLabelNodeText = getMessageText(refreshMessageLabelNode);
        detailsLabelNodeText = getMessageText(detailsLabelNode);

        slowLinkThresholdValue = null;
        linkSpeedValue = null;
        domainControllerIpValue = null;
        domainControllerNameValue = null;
        processingTypeValue = null;
        loopbackModeValue = null;
        processingTriggerValue = null;

        if (singlePassEventsDetailsNode != null) {
            slowLinkThresholdValue = singlePassEventsDetailsNode.getAttribute("SlowLinkThresholdInKbps");  
            linkSpeedValue = singlePassEventsDetailsNode.getAttribute("LinkSpeedInKbps");  
            domainControllerIpValue = singlePassEventsDetailsNode.getAttribute("DomainControllerIPAddress");  
            domainControllerNameValue = singlePassEventsDetailsNode.getAttribute("DomainControllerName");  
            processingTypeValue = singlePassEventsDetailsNode.getAttribute("ProcessingAppMode");  
            loopbackModeValue = singlePassEventsDetailsNode.getAttribute("PolicyProcessingMode");  
            processingTriggerValue = singlePassEventsDetailsNode.getAttribute("ProcessingTrigger");  
            totalPolicyProcessingTime = singlePassEventsDetailsNode.getAttribute("PolicyElapsedTime");  
            extensionProcessingTimeArray = singlePassEventsDetailsNode.getElementsByTagName("ExtensionProcessingTime");  
        if (slowLinkThresholdValue == null) {
            slowLinkThresholdValue = dataNotFoundWarningLabelNodeText;
        if (linkSpeedValue == null) {
            linkSpeedValue = dataNotFoundWarningLabelNodeText;
        if (domainControllerIpValue == null) {
            domainControllerIpValue = dataNotFoundWarningLabelNodeText;
        else {
            domainControllerIpValue = domainControllerIpValue.replace(/^\\\\/, "");  
        if (domainControllerNameValue == null) {
            domainControllerNameValue = dataNotFoundWarningLabelNodeText;
        else {
            domainControllerNameValue = domainControllerNameValue.replace(/^\\\\/, "");  
        if (processingTypeValue == null) {
            processingTypeValue = dataNotFoundWarningLabelNodeText;
        if (loopbackModeValue == null) {
            loopbackModeValue = dataNotFoundWarningLabelNodeText;
        if (processingTriggerValue == null) {
            processingTriggerValue = dataNotFoundWarningLabelNodeText;

        if (extensionProcessingTimeArray != null && extensionProcessingTimeArray.length > 0) {
            var cseName;
            var cseElapsedTime;
            var cseProcessedTime;
            var cseId;
            var i;
            var index = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < extensionProcessingTimeArray.length; i++) {
                var cseNameElements = extensionProcessingTimeArray[i].getElementsByTagName("ExtensionName");  
                var cseElapsedTimeElements = extensionProcessingTimeArray[i].getElementsByTagName("ElapsedTime");  
                var cseProcessedTimeElements = extensionProcessingTimeArray[i].getElementsByTagName("ProcessedTime");  
                var cseIdElements = extensionProcessingTimeArray[i].getElementsByTagName("ExtensionGuid");  
                if ((cseNameElements.length > 0) && (cseElapsedTimeElements.length > 0) && (cseProcessedTimeElements.length > 0) && (cseIdElements.length > 0)) {
                    if ((cseNameElements.firstChild != null) && (cseElapsedTimeElements.firstChild != null) && (cseProcessedTimeElements.firstChild != null) && (cseIdElements.firstChild != null)) {
                        cseName = cseNameElements.firstChild.nodeValue;
                        cseElapsedTime = cseElapsedTimeElements.firstChild.nodeValue;
                        cseProcessedTime = cseProcessedTimeElements.firstChild.nodeValue;
                        cseId = cseIdElements.firstChild.nodeValue;
                        if ((cseName != null) && (cseElapsedTime != null) && (cseProcessedTime != null) && (cseId != null)) {
                            cseNameArray[index] = cseName;
                            cseElapsedTimeArray[index] = cseElapsedTime;
                            index = index + 1;
                            if (cseId === '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}') {  
                                policyApplicationFinishedTime = cseProcessedTime;
        var htmlText = "<html dir=" + document.dir +  ">";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<head>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge\" />";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-16\" />";  
        if(isComputerProcessing != null)
            if(isComputerProcessing === true)
                htmlText = htmlText + "<title>" + processingDetailsComputerTitleNodeText + "</title>";  
                htmlText = htmlText + "<title>" + processingDetailsUserTitleNodeText + "</title>";  

        htmlText = htmlText + "</head><style type=\"text/css\">";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "body    { background-color:#FFFFFF; color:#000000; font-size:68%; font-family:MS Shell Dlg; margin:0,0,10px,0; word-break:normal; word-wrap:break-word; }";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "table   { font-size:100%; table-layout:fixed; width:100%; }";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "td,th   { overflow:visible; text-align:left; vertical-align:top; white-space:normal; }";  
        htmlText = htmlText + ".he0    { background-color:#FEF7D6; border:1px solid #BBBBBB; display:block; font-family:MS Shell Dlg; font-size:100%; font-weight:bold; height:2.25em; margin-bottom:-1px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; padding-left:8px; padding-right:5em; padding-top:4px; position:relative; width:100%; }";  
        htmlText = htmlText + ".he1    { color:#000000; display:block; font-family:MS Shell Dlg; font-size:100%; font-weight:bold; height:2em;margin-left: 5 px; margin-top: 5 px; position:relative; width:100%; }";  
        htmlText = htmlText + ".tblspecialfmt { border:1px solid black;border-collapse:collapse; }";  
        htmlText = htmlText + ".tblfirstcolfmt { border-left-width: 1px;border-top-width: 1px;border-bottom-width: 1px;border-right-width: 0px;border-style: solid; border-color: black; }";  
        htmlText = htmlText + ".tblsecondcolfmt { border-left-width: 0px;border-top-width: 1px;border-bottom-width: 1px;border-right-width: 1px;border-style: solid; border-color: black; }";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "</style>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<body>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<span class=\"he1\">" + refreshMessageLabelNodeText + " " + policyApplicationFinishedTime + "</span>" ;  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<div class=\"he0\">" + detailsLabelNodeText + "</div>"  
        htmltext = htmlText + "<table><tr>";  

        htmlText = htmlText + "<td>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<table>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<tr><td colspan=\"2\">&nbsp;</td></tr>";  

        htmlText = htmlText + "<tr><td style=\"width: 50%\"><strong>" + processingTypeLabelNodeText + "</strong></td>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<td>" + processingTypeValue + "</td></tr>";  

        htmlText = htmlText + "<tr><td style=\"width: 50%\"><strong>" + loopbackModeLabelNodeText + "</strong></td>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<td>" + loopbackModeValue + "</td></tr>";  

        htmlText = htmlText + "<tr><td style=\"width: 50%\"><strong>" + linkSpeedLabelNodeText + "</strong></td>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<td>" + linkSpeedValue + "</td></tr>";  

        htmlText = htmlText + "<tr><td style=\"width: 50%\"><strong>" + slowLinkThresholdLabelNodeText + "</strong></td>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<td>" + slowLinkThresholdValue + "</td></tr>";  

        htmlText = htmlText + "<tr><td style=\"width: 50%\"><strong>" + domainControllerNameLabelNodeText + "</strong></td>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<td>" + domainControllerNameValue +"</td></tr>";  

        htmlText = htmlText + "<tr><td style=\"width: 50%\"><strong>" + domainControllerIpLabelNodeText + "</strong></td>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<td>" + domainControllerIpValue +"</td></tr>";  

        htmlText = htmlText + "<tr><td style=\"width: 50%\"><strong>" + processingTriggerLabelNodeText + "</strong></td>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<td>" + processingTriggerValue + "</td></tr>";  

        htmlText = htmlText + "</table></td></tr>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<tr ><td ><table>";  

        htmlText = htmlText + "<tr><td><span class=\"he1\" >" + extensionsProcessedLabelNodeText +"</span></td></tr>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<tr><td><table class=\"tblspecialfmt\" >";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<tr><td class=\"tblfirstcolfmt\" style=\"width: 50%;background-color:#FEF7D6;\"><strong>" + extensionNameLabelNodeText + "</strong></td>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "<td class=\"tblsecondcolfmt\" style=\"background-color:#FEF7D6;\" ><strong>" + timeTakenLabelNodeText + "</strong></td></tr>";  

        for (var idx in cseNameArray)
            htmlText = htmlText + "<tr><td style=\"width: 50%\">" + cseNameArray[idx] + "</td>";                     
            htmlText = htmlText + "<td>" + cseElapsedTimeArray[idx] + "</td></tr>";  

        if (totalPolicyProcessingTime != null)
            htmlText = htmlText + "<tr><td class=\"tblfirstcolfmt\" style=\"width: 50%\" >" + totalProcessingTimeLabelNodeText +":</td>";  
            htmlText = htmlText + "<td class=\"tblsecondcolfmt\">" + totalPolicyProcessingTime + "</td></tr>";  
        htmlText = htmlText + "</table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></body></html>";  

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</div><table class="title" >  
<tr><td colspan="2" class="gponame">C - Radius</td></tr>  
    <td id="dtstamp">Daten ermittelt am: 23.09.2019 13:31:32</td>  
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<div class="gposummary">  
<div class="he0_expanded"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">Allgemein</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
<div class="container"><div class="he1"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">Details</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
<div class="container"><div class="he4i"><table class="info" >  
<tr><td scope="row">Domäne</td><td>domain.intern</td></tr>  
<tr><td scope="row">Besitzer</td><td>Domain\Dom&#228;nen-Admins</td></tr>  
<tr><td scope="row">Erstellt</td><td>18.12.2018 17:52:24</td></tr>  
<tr><td scope="row">Geändert</td><td>23.09.2019 13:27:12</td></tr>  
<tr><td scope="row">Benutzerrevisionen</td><td>0 (AD), 0 (SYSVOL)</td></tr>  
<tr><td scope="row">Computerrevisionen</td><td>61 (AD), 61 (SYSVOL)</td></tr>  
<tr><td scope="row">Eindeutige ID</td><td>{397049F1-E587-4B14-A682-AA6A8CA63D2C}</td></tr>  
<tr><td scope="row">GPO-Status</td><td>Benutzereinstellungen deaktiviert</td></tr>  
<div class="filler"></div>  
<div class="he1"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">Verknüpfungen</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
<div class="container"><div class="he4i"><table class="info3" ><tr><th scope="col">Standort</th><th scope="col">Erzwungen</th><th scope="col">Verknüpfungsstatus</th><th scope="col">Pfad</th></tr>  
    <br/>Die Liste enthält Verknüpfungen zur Domäne des Gruppenrichtlinienobjekts.</div></div>
<div class="filler"></div>  
<div class="he1"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">Sicherheitsfilterung</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
<div class="container"><div class="he4i"><b>Die Einstellungen dieses Gruppenrichtlinienobjekts können nur auf folgenden Gruppen, Benutzer und Computer angewendet werden:</b></div>  
<div class="he4i">  
<table class="info" ><tr><th scope="col">Name</th></tr><tr><td>NT-AUTORIT&#196;T\Authentifizierte Benutzer</td></tr></table>  
<div class="filler"></div>  

<div class="filler"></div>  
<div class="he1"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">Delegierung</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
<div class="container"><div class="he4i"><b>Folgende Gruppen und Benutzer haben die angegebene Berechtigung für das Gruppenrichtlinienobjekt</b></div>  
<div class="he4i">  
<table class="info3" >  
<tr><th scope="col">Name</th><th scope="col">Zulässige Berechtigungen</th><th scope="col">Geerbt</th></tr>  
<tr><td>NT-AUTORIT&#196;T\Authentifizierte Benutzer</td><td>Lesen (durch Sicherheitsfilterung)</td><td>Nein</td></tr>
<tr><td>NT-AUTORIT&#196;T\DOM&#196;NENCONTROLLER DER ORGANISATION</td><td>Lesen</td><td>Nein</td></tr>
<tr><td>NT-AUTORIT&#196;T\SYSTEM</td><td>Einstellungen bearbeiten, löschen, Sicherheit ändern</td><td>Nein</td></tr>
<tr><td>Domain\Dom&#228;nen-Admins</td><td>Einstellungen bearbeiten, löschen, Sicherheit ändern</td><td>Nein</td></tr>
<tr><td>Domain\Organisations-Admins</td><td>Einstellungen bearbeiten, löschen, Sicherheit ändern</td><td>Nein</td></tr>

<div class="filler"></div>  
<div class="he0_expanded"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">Computerkonfiguration (Aktiviert)</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
<div class="container"><div class="he1h_expanded"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">Richtlinien</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
<div class="container"><div class="he1_expanded"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">Windows-Einstellungen</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
<div class="container"><div class="he2"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">Sicherheitseinstellungen</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
        <div class="container"><div class="he3"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">Richtlinien für Drahtlosnetzwerke (802.11)</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
<div class="container"><div class="he4"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">Radius</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
    <div class="container">  
<div class="he4i"><table class="info" >  
<tr><td>Richtlinientyp</td><td>Windows Vista und neuere Versionen</td></tr>
</div><div class="he4h"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">Globale Einstellungen</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
<div class="container"><div class="he4i"><table class="info" >  
<tr><td>Windows-Netzwerkdienste für kabelloses LAN verwenden</td><td>Aktiviert</td></tr>
<tr><td>Freigegebene Benutzeranmeldeinformationen für die Netzwerkauthentifizierung</td><td>Aktiviert</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gehostete Netzwerke</td><td>Aktiviert</td></tr>
<tr><td>Benutzer zum Ansehen verweigerter Netzwerke berechtigen</td><td>Aktiviert</td></tr>
<tr><td>Jedem gestatten, Benutzerprofile zu erstellen</td><td>Aktiviert</td></tr>
<tr><td>Nur Gruppenrichtlinienprofile für zulässige Netzwerke verwenden</td><td>Deaktiviert</td></tr>
</div></div><div class="he4h"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">Netzwerkfilter</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
<div class="container"><div class="he4i"><table class="info" >  
<tr><td>Verbindung zu Infrastrukturnetzwerken verhindern</td><td>Deaktiviert</td></tr>
<tr><td>Verbindung zu Ad-hoc-Netzwerken verhindern</td><td>Deaktiviert</td></tr>
<div class="he4h"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">Zulässige Netzwerke</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
<div class="container"><div class="he4i"><table class="info" >  
<tr><th scope="col">Netzwerkname (SSID)</th><th scope="col">Netzwerktyp</th></tr>  
</div></div></div></div><div class="he4h"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">Bevorzugte Netzwerkprofile</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
<div class="container"><div class="he4i"><div class="he4"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">WLAN-Name</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
    <div class="container">  
<div class="he4i"><table class="info" >  
<tr><td>Automatisch mit diesem Netzwerk verbinden</td><td>Aktiviert</td></tr>
<tr><td>Automatisch zu einem bevorzugten Netzwerk wechseln</td><td>Aktiviert</td></tr>
<table class="info" >  
<tr><th scope="col">Netzwerkname (SSID)</th><th scope="col">Das Netzwerk sendet seine SSID</th></tr>  
<div class="he4h"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">Sicherheitseinstellungen</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
<div class="container"><div class="he4i"><table class="info" >  
<tr><td>802.1X verwenden</td><td>Aktiviert</td></tr>
<tr><td>Zwischenspeichern des paarweisen Hauptschlüssels (PMK)</td><td>Aktiviert</td></tr>
<tr><td>PMK-Gültigkeitsdauer (Minuten)</td><td>720</td></tr>
<tr><td>Anzahl der Einträge im PMK-Cache</td><td>128</td></tr>
<tr><td>Maximale Anzahl an Vorauthentifizierungsfehlern</td><td>3</td></tr>
</div></div><div class="he4h"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">IEEE 802.1X-Einstellungen</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
<div class="container"><div class="he4i"><table class="info" >  
<tr><td>Computerauthentifizierung</td><td>Nur Computer</td></tr>
<tr><td>Maximale Anzahl an Authentifizierungsfehlern</td><td>2</td></tr>
<tr><td>Maximale Anzahl an gesendeten EAPOL-Startmeldungen</td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td>Wartezeitraum (Sekunden)</td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td>Startzeitraum (Sekunden)</td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td>Authentifizierungszeitraum (Sekunden)</td><td></td></tr>
<div class="he4h"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">Eigenschaften für Netzwerkauthentifizierungsmethode</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
<div class="container"><div class="he4i"><table class="info" >  
<tr><td>Authentifizierungsmethode</td><td>Geschütztes EAP (PEAP)</td></tr>
<tr><td>Serverzertifikat überprüfen</td><td>Aktiviert</td></tr>
<tr><td>Verbindung mit folgenden Servern herstellen</td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td>Vertrauenswürdige Stammzertifizierungsstellen</td><td>interne-CA</td></tr>
<tr><td>Keine Benutzeraufforderung zur Autorisierung neuer Server oder vertrauenswürdiger Zertifizierungsstellen</td><td>Deaktiviert</td></tr>
<tr><td>Schnelle Wiederherstellung der Verbindung aktivieren</td><td>Aktiviert</td></tr>
<tr><td>Verbindung trennen, wenn Server kein Kryptografiebindungs-TLV vorweist</td><td>Deaktiviert</td></tr>
<tr><td>Netzwerkzugriffsschutz erzwingen</td><td>Deaktiviert</td></tr>
<div class="he4h"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">Konfiguration der Authentifizierungsmethode</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
<div class="container"><div class="he4i"><table class="info" >  
<tr><td>Authentifizierungsmethode</td><td>Gesichertes Kennwort (EAP-MSCHAP v2)</td></tr>
<tr><td>Automatisch eigenen Windows-Anmeldenamen und Kennwort (und Domäne, falls vorhanden) verwenden</td><td>Deaktiviert</td></tr>
</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="he3"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">Richtlinien für öffentliche Schlüssel/Zertifikatdienstclient - Einstellung für die automatische Registrierung</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
<div class="container"><div class="he4i"><table class="info" >  
<tr><th scope="col">Richtlinie</th><th scope="col">Einstellung</th></tr>  
<tr><td>Automatische Zertifikatverwaltung</td><td>Aktiviert</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2"><table class="subtable3" >  
<tr><th scope="col">Option</th><th scope="col">Einstellung</th></tr>  
<tr><td scope="row">Neue Zertifikate registrieren, abgelaufene Zertifikate erneuern, ausstehende Anforderungen für Zertifikate verarbeiten und gesperrte Zertifikate entfernen</td><td>Aktiviert</td></tr>  
<tr><td scope="row">Zertifikate, die Zertifikatvorlagen von Active Directory verwenden, aktualisieren und verwalten</td><td>Aktiviert</td></tr>  
</div></div><div class="he3"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">Richtlinien öffentlicher Schlüssel/Einstellungen der automatischen Zertifikatanforderung</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
<div class="container"><div class="he4i"><table class="info" ><tr><th scope="col">Automatische Zertifikatanforderung</th></tr><tr><td>Computer</td></tr></table><br/>Starten Sie den lokalen Gruppenrichtlinienobjekt-Editor, wenn Sie weitere Informationen zu bestimmten Einstellungen wünschen.</div></div></div></div></div></div>  
<div class="filler"></div>  
<div class="he0_expanded"><span class="sectionTitle" tabindex="0">Benutzerkonfiguration (Deaktiviert)</span><a class="expando" href="#"></a></div>  
<div class="container"><div class="he4i">Keine Einstellungen definiert</div></div>  

Die Zertifikate habe ich überprüft, auch ein neues erstellt und das probiert - leider ohne Besserung. Es wird mir zwar der neue Fingerabdruck angezeigt, aber die automatische Verbindung klappt nach wie vor nicht.
Mitglied: 140913
140913 Sep 23, 2019 updated at 12:35:03 (UTC)
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Keine Benutzeraufforderung zur Autorisierung neuer Server oder vertrauenswürdiger Zertifizierungsstellen Deaktiviert
Sollte auf Aktiviert stehen.