Mit OSQL Datenbank anhängen
kann mir einer einen Tipp geben, wie ich mit OSQL (von MS SQL 2005) eine Datenbank anhängen kann?
Die Hilfe gibt das irgendwie nicht her...
kann mir einer einen Tipp geben, wie ich mit OSQL (von MS SQL 2005) eine Datenbank anhängen kann?
Die Hilfe gibt das irgendwie nicht her...
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Content-ID: 108636
Ausgedruckt am: 05.03.2025 um 18:03 Uhr
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Suchen ist einfach, finden ist schwierig, aber such mal nach sp_attach_db
Aus der 2005 Hilfe:
sp_attach_db [ @dbname= ] 'dbname'
, [ @filename1= ] 'filename_n' [ ,...16 ]
[ @dbname= ] ' dbname '
Is the name of the database to be attached to the server. The name must be unique. dbname is sysname, with a default of NULL.
[@filename1= ] ' filename_n '
Is the physical name, including path, of a database file. filename_n is nvarchar(260), with a default of NULL. Up to 16 file names can be specified. The parameter names start at @filename1 and increment to @filename16. The file name list must include at least the primary file. The primary file contains the system tables that point to other files in the database. The list must also include any files that were moved after the database was detached.
Aus der 2005 Hilfe:
sp_attach_db [ @dbname= ] 'dbname'
, [ @filename1= ] 'filename_n' [ ,...16 ]
[ @dbname= ] ' dbname '
Is the name of the database to be attached to the server. The name must be unique. dbname is sysname, with a default of NULL.
[@filename1= ] ' filename_n '
Is the physical name, including path, of a database file. filename_n is nvarchar(260), with a default of NULL. Up to 16 file names can be specified. The parameter names start at @filename1 and increment to @filename16. The file name list must include at least the primary file. The primary file contains the system tables that point to other files in the database. The list must also include any files that were moved after the database was detached.