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Modify Datum wird nicht angezeigt (aus logfile kann nur creationdate angezeigt werden)

Hallo zusammen

Wir brauchen dringend die Möglichkeit bzw. ein Tool mit welchem wir .dll's und sonstige Files analysieren können. Wichtig ist, dass wir das MODIFICATION DATE rausfinden können. Leider schaffen wir das nicht und es wird nur das CREATION DATE angezeigt.

Gewünscht wäre folgende Anzeige:


Gibt es einen Kommandozeilenbefehl oder ein gutes Tool?
Danke für eure schnelle Hilfe

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Printed on: April 28, 2024 at 15:04 o'clock

Mitglied: 77559
77559 Jun 09, 2010 at 17:54:26 (UTC)
Goto Top
Hallo BinaryMan,

ich benutze da filever.exe von Microsoft (da gibt es aber auch eine neuere Version)
>filever.exe /?
Prints file version information.

filever.exe [/S] [/V] [/E] [/X] [/B] [/A] [/D] [[drive:][path][filename]]

/S      Displays files in specified directory and all subdirectories.
/V      List verbose version information if available.
/E      List executables only.
/X      Displays short names generated for non-8dot3 file names.
/B      Uses bare format (no dir listing).
/A      Don't display file attributes.
/D      Don't display file date and time.

19:22:37 +D:\Test\2010-06\09____________________
>filever.exe  /V D:\Sys\filever.exe
-ra-- W32i   APP ENU      5.0.2134.1 shp     13,584 11-30-1999 filever.exe
        Language        0x0409 (Englisch (USA))
        CharSet         0x04b0 Unicode
        OleSelfRegister Disabled
        CompanyName     Microsoft Corporation
        FileDescription Microsoft Version Resource Dump Utility
        InternalName    filever.exe
        OriginalFilenam filever.exe
        ProductName     Microsoft(R) Windows (R) 2000 Operating System
        ProductVersion  5.00.2134.1
        FileVersion     5.00.2134.1
        LegalCopyright  Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1981-1999

        Signature:      feef04bd
        Struc Ver:      00010000
        FileVer:        00050000:08560001 (5.0:2134.1)
        ProdVer:        00050000:08560001 (5.0:2134.1)
        FlagMask:       0000003f
        Flags:          00000000
        OS:             00040004 NT Win32
        FileType:       00000001 App
        SubType:        00000000
        FileDate:       00000000:00000000
oder Fver von Bill Stewart
>fver D:\Sys\FVER.EXE
FVER - (C) 2001-2004 by Bill Stewart (

Usage: FVER -f [d:][path]filename.ext [-v version]

  -f  Specifies the file to check for version information
  -v  The version number to check

The specified file must be a Win32 executable, DLL, driver, etc. compiled with
version information. If you don't specify -v, the file's version will be shown
as: a.b.c.d (a.bcd)
Where: a = major version, b = minor version, c = release, and d = build

You may specify as much of the version as you want. For example, 9 means
version, but 9.006926 means version

Exit codes:
0  File's version is >= than the version specified
1  File's version is < than the version specified
2  No version information found
3  Invalid version number specified on command line
4  File not found

>fver -f D:\Sys\FVER.EXE
D:\Sys\FVER.EXE is version (6.000)
oder auch vbscript
' filever.vbs -----------------------------------------------------------------  
' Aufruf mit cscript //nologo filever.vbs datei_exe_oder_dll  
Option Explicit
Dim oFS, cFiles, oFile, oWMI

Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  
Wscript.Echo oFS.GetFileVersion(wscript.arguments(0))

Set oWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")  

Set cFiles = oWMI.ExecQuery _
  ("Select * from CIM_Datafile Where name = '" & _  
  Replace (wscript.arguments(0),"\","\\") & "'")  

For Each oFile in cFiles
  Wscript.Echo JL("Access mask") & oFile.AccessMask  
  Wscript.Echo JL("Archive") & oFile.Archive  
  Wscript.Echo JL("Compressed") & oFile.Compressed  
  Wscript.Echo JL("Compression method") & oFile.CompressionMethod  
  Wscript.Echo JL("Creation date") & oFile.CreationDate  
  Wscript.Echo JL("Last accessed") & oFile.LastAccessed  
  Wscript.Echo JL("Last modified") & oFile.LastModified  
  Wscript.Echo JL("Computer system name") & oFile.CSName  
  Wscript.Echo JL("Drive") & oFile.Drive  
  Wscript.Echo JL("8.3 file name") & oFile.EightDotThreeFileName  
  Wscript.Echo JL("Encrypted") & oFile.Encrypted  
  Wscript.Echo JL("Encryption method") & oFile.EncryptionMethod  
  Wscript.Echo JL("Extension") & oFile.Extension  
  Wscript.Echo JL("File name") & oFile.FileName  
  Wscript.Echo JL("File size") & oFile.FileSize  
  Wscript.Echo JL("File type") & oFile.FileType  
  Wscript.Echo JL("File system name") & oFile.FSName  
  Wscript.Echo JL("Hidden") & oFile.Hidden  
  Wscript.Echo JL("Manufacturer") & oFile.Manufacturer  
  Wscript.Echo JL("Name") & oFile.Name  
  Wscript.Echo JL("Path") & oFile.Path  
  Wscript.Echo JL("Readable") & oFile.Readable  
  Wscript.Echo JL("System") & oFile.System  
  Wscript.Echo JL("Version") & oFile.Version  
  Wscript.Echo JL("Writeable") & oFile.Writeable  

Function JL(String)
  JL = Left(String & Space(20),20) & ": "  
End Function
