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Xen 3.3 initramfs DomU - Mount Error

Erstellt wurde das Image mit dem Parameter = xen-create-image --hostname=xen1.example.com --size=4Gb --swap=256Mb --ip=87.106.XXX.XXX --memory=256Mb --arch=amd64 --role=udev --force --ide

start der DomU mit "xm create /etc/xen1.example.com ist erfolgreich somit gehe ich in die console mit "xm console xen1.example.com"
Die DomU hat jedoch einen Fehler beim Mouten des Images ( Module werden erfolgreich geladen! )

 [    1.176993] md: raid4 personality registered for level 4
[    1.203637] md: raid10 personality registered for level 10
Begin: Running /scripts/init-premount ...
Begin: Mounting root file system... ...
Begin: Running /scripts/local-top ...
Begin: Waiting for root file system... ...
Begin: Running /scripts/local-premount ...
Begin: Waiting for resume device... ...
[    7.504849] kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
[    7.504862] EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
Begin: Running /scripts/local-bottom ...
Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ...
mount: Mounting /root/dev on /dev/.static/dev failed: No such file or directory
mount: Mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: No such file or directory
mount: Mounting /proc on /root/proc failed: No such file or directory
Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init  

BusyBox v1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu12) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.  

dies ist die Ausgabe meiner Xen Console:

kann mir jemand bei diesem Problem helfen ?

Config Files sehen so aus:

# Configuration file for the Xen instance xen1.example.com, created
# by xen-tools 3.8 on Fri Apr  3 23:40:12 2009.

#  Kernel + memory size
kernel      = '/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-23-xen'  
ramdisk     = '/boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-23-xen'  
memory      = '256'  

#  Disk device(s).
root        = '/dev/hda2 ro'  
disk        = [

#  Hostname
name        = 'xen1.example.com'  

#  Networking
vif         = [ 'ip=87.106.XXX.XXX,mac=00:16:3E:16:02:D1' ]  

#  Behaviour
on_poweroff = 'destroy'  
on_reboot   = 'restart'  
on_crash    = 'restart'  

extra = '2 console=xvc0'  

Die Xen Config:

# -*- sh -*-

# Xend configuration file.

# This example configuration is appropriate for an installation that 
# utilizes a bridged network configuration. Access to xend via http
# is disabled.  

# Commented out entries show the default for that entry, unless otherwise
# specified.

#(logfile /var/log/xen/xend.log)
#(loglevel DEBUG)

# The Xen-API server configuration.
# This value configures the ports, interfaces, and access controls for the
# Xen-API server.  Each entry in the list starts with either unix, a port
# number, or an address:port pair.  If this is "unix", then a UDP socket is  
# opened, and this entry applies to that.  If it is a port, then Xend will
# listen on all interfaces on that TCP port, and if it is an address:port
# pair, then Xend will listen on the specified port, using the interface with
# the specified address.
# The subsequent string configures the user-based access control for the
# listener in question.  This can be one of "none" or "pam", indicating either  
# that users should be allowed access unconditionally, or that the local
# Pluggable Authentication Modules configuration should be used.  If this
# string is missing or empty, then "pam" is used.  
# The final string gives the host-based access control for that listener. If
# this is missing or empty, then all connections are accepted.  Otherwise,
# this should be a space-separated sequence of regular expressions; any host
# with a fully-qualified domain name or an IP address that matches one of
# these regular expressions will be accepted.
# Example: listen on TCP port 9363 on all interfaces, accepting connections
# only from machines in example.com or localhost, and allow access through
# the unix domain socket unconditionally:
#   (xen-api-server ((9363 pam '^localhost$ example\\.com$')  
#                    (unix none)))
# Optionally, the TCP Xen-API server can use SSL by specifying the private
# key and certificate location:
#                    (9367 pam '' /etc/xen/xen-api.key /etc/xen/xen-api.crt)  
# Default:
#   (xen-api-server ((unix)))

#(xend-http-server no)
#(xend-unix-server no)
#(xend-tcp-xmlrpc-server no)
#(xend-unix-xmlrpc-server yes)
#(xend-relocation-server no)
(xend-relocation-server yes)
#(xend-relocation-ssl-server no)

#(xend-unix-path /var/lib/xend/xend-socket)

# Address and port xend should use for the legacy TCP XMLRPC interface, 
# if xend-tcp-xmlrpc-server is set.
#(xend-tcp-xmlrpc-server-address 'localhost')  
#(xend-tcp-xmlrpc-server-port 8006)

# SSL key and certificate to use for the legacy TCP XMLRPC interface.
# Setting these will mean that this port serves only SSL connections as
# opposed to plaintext ones.
#(xend-tcp-xmlrpc-server-ssl-key-file  /etc/xen/xmlrpc.key)
#(xend-tcp-xmlrpc-server-ssl-cert-file /etc/xen/xmlrpc.crt)

# Port xend should use for the HTTP interface, if xend-http-server is set.
#(xend-port            8000)

# Port xend should use for the relocation interface, if xend-relocation-server
# is set.
#(xend-relocation-port 8002)

# Port xend should use for the ssl relocation interface, if
# xend-relocation-ssl-server is set.
#(xend-relocation-ssl-port 8003)

# SSL key and certificate to use for the ssl relocation interface, if
# xend-relocation-ssl-server is set.
#(xend-relocation-server-ssl-key-file  /etc/xen/xmlrpc.key)
#(xend-relocation-server-ssl-cert-file  /etc/xen/xmlrpc.crt)

# Whether to use ssl as default when relocating.
#(xend-relocation-ssl no)

# Address xend should listen on for HTTP connections, if xend-http-server is
# set.
# Specifying 'localhost' prevents remote connections.  
# Specifying the empty string '' (the default) allows all connections.  
#(xend-address '')  
#(xend-address localhost)

# Address xend should listen on for relocation-socket connections, if
# xend-relocation-server is set.
# Meaning and default as for xend-address above.
#(xend-relocation-address '')  

# The hosts allowed to talk to the relocation port.  If this is empty (the
# default), then all connections are allowed (assuming that the connection
# arrives on a port and interface on which we are listening; see
# xend-relocation-port and xend-relocation-address above).  Otherwise, this
# should be a space-separated sequence of regular expressions.  Any host with
# a fully-qualified domain name or an IP address that matches one of these
# regular expressions will be accepted.
# For example:
#  (xend-relocation-hosts-allow '^localhost$ ^.*\\.example\\.org$')  
#(xend-relocation-hosts-allow '')  
(xend-relocation-hosts-allow '^localhost$ ^localhost\\.localdomain$')  

# The limit (in kilobytes) on the size of the console buffer
#(console-limit 1024)

# To bridge network traffic, like this:
# dom0: ----------------- bridge -> real eth0 -> the network
#                            |
# domU: fake eth0 -> vifN.0 -+
# use
# (network-script network-bridge)
# Your default ethernet device is used as the outgoing interface, by default. 
# To use a different one (e.g. eth1) use
# (network-script 'network-bridge netdev=eth1')  
# The bridge is named xenbr0, by default.  To rename the bridge, use
# (network-script 'network-bridge bridge=<name>')  
# It is possible to use the network-bridge script in more complicated
# scenarios, such as having two outgoing interfaces, with two bridges, and
# two fake interfaces per guest domain.  To do things like this, write
# yourself a wrapper script, and call network-bridge from it, as appropriate.
#(network-script network-bridge)

# The script used to control virtual interfaces.  This can be overridden on a
# per-vif basis when creating a domain or a configuring a new vif.  The
# vif-bridge script is designed for use with the network-bridge script, or
# similar configurations.
# If you have overridden the bridge name using
# (network-script 'network-bridge bridge=<name>') then you may wish to do the  
# same here.  The bridge name can also be set when creating a domain or
# configuring a new vif, but a value specified here would act as a default.
# If you are using only one bridge, the vif-bridge script will discover that,
# so there is no need to specify it explicitly.
#(vif-script vif-bridge)

## Use the following if network traffic is routed, as an alternative to the
# settings for bridged networking given above.
(network-script network-route)
(vif-script     vif-route)

## Use the following if network traffic is routed with NAT, as an alternative
# to the settings for bridged networking given above.
#(network-script network-nat)
#(vif-script     vif-nat)

# dom0-min-mem is the lowest permissible memory level (in MB) for dom0.
# This is a minimum both for auto-ballooning (as enabled by
# enable-dom0-ballooning below) and for xm mem-set when applied to dom0.
(dom0-min-mem 196)

# Whether to enable auto-ballooning of dom0 to allow domUs to be created.
# If enable-dom0-ballooning = no, dom0 will never balloon out.
(enable-dom0-ballooning yes)

# In SMP system, dom0 will use dom0-cpus # of CPUS
# If dom0-cpus = 0, dom0 will take all cpus available
(dom0-cpus 0)

# Whether to enable core-dumps when domains crash.
#(enable-dump no)

# The tool used for initiating virtual TPM migration
#(external-migration-tool '')  

# The interface for VNC servers to listen on. Defaults
# to  To restore old 'listen everywhere' behaviour  
# set this to
#(vnc-listen '')  

# The default password for VNC console on HVM domain.
# Empty string is no authentication.
(vncpasswd '')  

# The VNC server can be told to negotiate a TLS session
# to encryption all traffic, and provide x509 cert to
# clients enalbing them to verify server identity. The
# GTK-VNC widget, virt-viewer, virt-manager and VeNCrypt
# all support the VNC extension for TLS used in QEMU. The
# TightVNC/RealVNC/UltraVNC clients do not.
# To enable this create x509 certificates / keys in the
# directory /etc/xen/vnc
#  ca-cert.pem       - The CA certificate
#  server-cert.pem   - The Server certificate signed by the CA
#  server-key.pem    - The server private key
# and then uncomment this next line
# (vnc-tls 1)

# The certificate dir can be pointed elsewhere..
# (vnc-x509-cert-dir /etc/xen/vnc)

# The server can be told to request & validate an x509
# certificate from the client. Only clients with a cert
# signed by the trusted CA will be able to connect. This
# is more secure the password auth alone. Passwd auth can
# used at the same time if desired. To enable client cert
# checking uncomment this:
# (vnc-x509-verify 1)

# The default keymap to use for the VM's virtual keyboard  
# when not specififed in VM's configuration  
#(keymap 'en-us')  

# Script to run when the label of a resource has changed.
#(resource-label-change-script '')  

# Rotation count of qemu-dm log file.
#(qemu-dm-logrotate-count 10)

# Path where persistent domain configuration is stored.
# Default is /var/lib/xend/domains/
#(xend-domains-path /var/lib/xend/domains)

zu sehen ist, dass wir route-networking verwenden da wir sonst in ein (anderer Thread von uns) bekanntes Mac Spoofing fallen da unser Provider Managed Switche verwendet die es nicht gestatten bridged-networking, wie bsp. Hetzner zu verwenden!

so nun kommen wir wieder auf die Frage zurück, wie wir den von uns oben genannten "Mount" Fehler beheben können ?!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

NySoft Team

Ralph Schneider

Content-ID: 113210

Url: https://administrator.de/forum/xen-3-3-initramfs-domu-mount-error-113210.html

Ausgedruckt am: 09.03.2025 um 01:03 Uhr

75823 04.04.2009 um 08:04:53 Uhr
Goto Top
Den Titel ist ein bisschen verwirrend. Also initramfs startet so wie es auch sein muss. Das Problem ist aber deine root device (Partition).
Dein disk.img,hda2 scheint leer zu sein, hasst du da auch was installiert? So wie z.B.:
sudo mount -o loop /home/xen/domains/xen1.example.com/disk.img,hda2 /mnt
sudo apt-get install debootstrap
sudo debootstrap --arch i386 sarge /mnt http://debian.tu-bs.de/debian/
NySoft 04.04.2009 um 21:40:37 Uhr
Goto Top
so hmm also ich hab da 2 varianten, da ich mir auch gedacht habe das ich mit
nur das file erstelle und es auf ein gewissen filesysss formatiere mit

Script 1:

read -p "Hostname :" hostname  
read -p "Size ? (Mb ; Gb ) :" root  
read -p "Swap-Size ? (Mb ; Gb) :" swap  
read -p "IP-Address ? :" ip  
read -p "Subnetmask  ? :" subnet  
read -p "Gateway ) :" gw  
read -p "RAM Size ? (Mb) :" ram  
read -p "Architecture : " arch  
read -p "Distribution : " dist  
xen-create-image --hostname=$hostname --ip=$ip --netmask=$subnet --gateway=$gw --force --size=$root --swap=$swap --memory=$ram --arch=$arch --role=udev --ide --passwd --role=force --dist=$dist --initrd=/boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-23-xen  --kernel=/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-23-xen
xm create /etc/xen/${hostname}.cfg
xm list
echo "finished working"  

Script 2 :


echo "no special character!"  
read -p "Filename :" inputline  
mkdir /home/xen/domains > /dev/null
mkdir /home/xen/domains/$inputline > /dev/null
cd /home/xen/domains/$inputline
        #read -p "Path to Root Partition " root_path 
        #read -p "Path to Swap Partition " swap_path 
read -p "Root Partition Size (Mb) :" root_img  
read -p "Swap Partition Size (Mb) :" swap_img  
read -p "Architecture ? alpha amd64 arm armel hppa hurd-i386 i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc s390 sparc ? :" arch  
read -p "Filesystem ? ext2 ext3 msdos fat xfs bfs cramfs ? :" filesys  
read -p "Lenny Sarge or Etch ? :" dist  
read -p "Count ? :" nmbr  
#echo $dist
#echo $filesys
#echo $arch
#echo $cd
#echo $inputline
#echo $root_img
#echo $swap_img
#echo $root_path
#echo $swap_path
echo "create domain folder"  
                dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/xen/domains/$inputline/$inputline.img seek=${root_img}M count=$nmbr
                dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/xen/domains/$inputline/${inputline}_swap.img seek=${swap_img}M count=$nmbr
mkswap /home/xen/domains/$inputline/${inputline}_swap.img
mke2fs /home/xen/domains/$inputline/$inputline.img
mkdir /mnt/$inputline
mount -o loop  /home/xen/domains/$inputline/$inputline.img /mnt/$inputline
debootstrap --arch $arch $dist /mnt/$inputline http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian
umount /mnt/$inputline
echo "finished working"  

in meinem letzen script verwende ich nicht
 mkfs.ext3 sondern 

xen-create image sollte doch so wie ich das nach der consolen ausgabe verstehe das image im ersten schritt erzeugen dannach das filesystem. dritter schritt wäre dann (steht auch in der ausgabe) debootrap die config files hierfür stehn ja oben.. oder fehlt etwas?
75823 04.04.2009 um 22:10:09 Uhr
Goto Top
dd wird viel Ressourcen nehmen und länger dauern. Nimm besser qemu-img create -f raw image.img 10G . zu mindestens auf der ext4 Partition dauert es 1s.
hasst du schon versucht den image nachher zu mounten um zu prüfen ob es alles da ist.
So wie es aussieht, initrd versucht den root zu mounten, dann kernel sagt es wurde eine Partition mit ext3 gemountet. Da du nur swap und root hattest es war schon die richtige Partition. Dann sagt es, dass es sämtlichen Ordners nicht gefunden worden, inklusive /sbin/init. Also heisst es die Partition ist leer.

Oder wolltest was anderes in deinem letzten Post sagen?
NySoft 04.04.2009 um 22:35:42 Uhr
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ich habe ja 2 scripte und beide führen zum erwünschten ergebniss nur dass ich bei einem die DomU config anlegen muss bzw einfach anpassen muss...damit die DomU starten kann..

meine frage dazu währe warum mein debootstrap nicht richtig installiert.. da ich keinerlei fehler durch echos festellen konnte...mag sein das ich falsch liege für cracks unter uns jedoch möchte ich darauß auch lernen...

zu deiner frage konkret: ja ich habe die partition schon mit diesem befehl gemountet sollte auch durch letzteres script geschehen...

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Administration NySoft
Ralph Schneider
NySoft 05.04.2009 um 16:37:44 Uhr
Goto Top
also ich habe mir mal deinen post durch den kopf gehen lassen. da du meintest das es eventuell doch am script liegen könnte, habe ich das "mounten" von hand gemacht und das debootrap auch von hand ausgeführt, dannach habe ich das file mit einem "umount" wieder freigegeben und mir die config nochmals angeschaut bevor ich sie starte. Config war ja soweit okay, nun kommen wir mal zu meinem output der console ^^ :

Dieser ist nicht sonderlich gut face-sad
Ich habe ein:
debootsrap --arch amd64 etch /mnt/vs1/  http://debian.tu-bs.de/debian/

vorrangelegt um es wie gesagt von hand auszuführen. mein output dannach sieht so aus:

I: Configuring module-init-tools...
I: Configuring libgdbm3...
I: Configuring libtasn1-3...
I: Configuring libpopt0...
I: Configuring libusb-0.1-4...
I: Configuring libgpg-error0...
I: Configuring update-inetd...
I: Configuring libssl0.9.8...
I: Configuring vim-common...
I: Configuring dmidecode...
I: Configuring adduser...
I: Configuring traceroute...
I: Configuring manpages...
I: Configuring ed...
I: Configuring liblzo1...
I: Configuring wget...
I: Configuring groff-base...
I: Configuring libnewt0.52...
I: Configuring libdb4.2...
I: Configuring libdb4.4...
I: Configuring net-tools...
I: Configuring libsasl2-2...
I: Configuring bsdmainutils...
I: Configuring libsigc++-2.0-0c2a...
I: Configuring libncursesw5...
I: Configuring info...
I: Configuring iputils-ping...
I: Configuring libbz2-1.0...
I: Configuring cron...
I: Configuring libsasl2...
I: Configuring nano...
I: Configuring dhcp3-common...
I: Configuring libconsole...
I: Configuring iptables...
I: Configuring cpio...
I: Configuring vim-tiny...
I: Configuring readline-common...
I: Configuring libwrap0...
I: Configuring netcat...
I: Configuring tcpd...
I: Configuring laptop-detect...
I: Configuring man-db...
I: Configuring libgcrypt11...
I: Configuring whiptail...
I: Configuring ifupdown...
I: Configuring dhcp3-client...
I: Configuring openbsd-inetd...
I: Configuring libreadline5...
I: Configuring logrotate...
I: Configuring libopencdk8...
I: Configuring libgnutls13...
I: Configuring libldap2...
I: Configuring netbase...
I: Configuring gnupg...
I: Configuring debian-archive-keyring...
I: Configuring apt...
I: Configuring aptitude...
I: Configuring apt-utils...
I: Configuring klogd...
I: Configuring tasksel-data...
I: Configuring sysklogd...
I: Configuring tasksel...
I: Base system installed successfully.
root@s15315430:/home/scripts# umount /mnt/vs1/
root@s15315430:/home/scripts# cat /etc/xen/xen1.
xen1.cfg              xen1.example.com.cfg
root@s15315430:/home/scripts# cat /etc/xen/xen1.example.com.cfg

# Configuration file for the Xen instance xen1.example.com, created
# by xen-tools 3.8 on Fri Apr  3 23:40:12 2009.

#  Kernel + memory size
kernel      = '/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-23-xen'  
ramdisk     = '/boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-23-xen'  
memory      = '256'  

#  Disk device(s).
root        = '/dev/hda2 ro'  
disk        = [

#  Hostname
name        = 'xen1.example.com'  

#  Networking
vif         = [ 'ip=87.106.XXX.XXX,mac=00:16:3E:16:02:D1' ]  

#  Behaviour
on_poweroff = 'destroy'  
on_reboot   = 'restart'  
on_crash    = 'restart'  

extra = '2 console=xvc0'  

root@s15315430:/home/scripts# xm create /etc/xen/xen1.example.com.cfg
Using config file "/etc/xen/xen1.example.com.cfg".  
Error: Domain 'xen1.example.com' already exists with ID '28'  
root@s15315430:/home/scripts# xm list
Name                                        ID   Mem VCPUs      State   Time(s)
Domain-0                                     0  3598     4     r-----   9952.1
xen1.example.com                            28   256     1     -b----   1127.9
root@s15315430:/home/scripts# xm shutdown xen1.example.com
root@s15315430:/home/scripts# xm list
Name                                        ID   Mem VCPUs      State   Time(s)
Domain-0                                     0  3598     4     r-----   9953.3
root@s15315430:/home/scripts# xm create /etc/xen/xen1.example.com.cfg
Using config file "/etc/xen/xen1.example.com.cfg".  
Started domain xen1.example.com
root@s15315430:/home/scripts# xm console xen1.example.com
[    0.087981] SMP alternatives: switching to UP code
[    0.088434] Freeing SMP alternatives: 23k freed
[    0.088557] Early unpacking initramfs... done
[    0.103385] Brought up 1 CPUs
[    0.103915] net_namespace: 120 bytes
[    0.103921] failed to set up cpufreq notifier
[    0.123817] Time: 165:165:165  Date: 165/165/65
[    0.123847] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[    0.124897] Brought up 1 CPUs
[    0.125253] PCI: Fatal: No config space access function found
[    0.125258] PCI: setting up Xen PCI frontend stub
[    0.125716] ACPI: Interpreter disabled.
[    0.125721] Linux Plug and Play Support v0.97 (c) Adam Belay
[    0.125744] pnp: PnP ACPI: disabled
[    0.125923] xen_mem: Initialising balloon driver.
[    0.127394] Setting mem allocation to 262144 kiB
[    0.127546] PCI: System does not support PCI
[    0.127549] PCI: System does not support PCI
[    0.130542] NET: Registered protocol family 8
[    0.130545] NET: Registered protocol family 20
[    0.130601] AppArmor: AppArmor Filesystem Enabled
[    0.130923] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[    0.134491] Time: xen clocksource has been installed.
[    0.166469] IP route cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
[    0.166655] TCP established hash table entries: 16384 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
[    0.166739] TCP bind hash table entries: 16384 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
[    0.166824] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 16384 bind 16384)
[    0.166827] TCP reno registered
[    0.178458] checking if image is initramfs... it is
[    0.194540] Freeing initrd memory: 20996k freed
[    0.202118] audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled)
[    0.202132] audit(1238941030.014:1): initialized
[    0.202289] VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.5.1
[    0.202309] Dquot-cache hash table entries: 512 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
[    0.202410] io scheduler noop registered
[    0.202413] io scheduler anticipatory registered
[    0.202415] io scheduler deadline registered
[    0.202421] io scheduler cfq registered (default)
[    0.202591] Xen virtual console successfully installed as xvc0
[    0.202628] Event-channel device installed.
[    0.208021] Successfully initialized TPM backend driver.
[    0.211854] netfront: Initialising virtual ethernet driver.
[    0.234158] xen-vbd: registered block device major 3
[    0.234177] blkfront: hda1: barriers enabled
[    0.234926] blkfront: hda2: barriers enabled
[    0.237286] rtc: IRQ 8 is not free.
[    0.237348] Linux agpgart interface v0.102
[    0.237789] RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 65536K size 1024 blocksize
[    0.237847] input: Macintosh mouse button emulation as /devices/virtual/input/input0
[    0.237938] PNP: No PS/2 controller found. Probing ports directly.
[    0.238786] i8042.c: No controller found.
[    0.250239] mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
[    0.250270] cpuidle: using governor ladder
[    0.250343] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[    0.250387] registered taskstats version 1
[    0.250396] XENBUS: Device with no driver: device/console/0
[    0.250411]   Magic number: 1:252:3141
[    0.250508] /build/buildd/linux-2.6.24/debian/build/custom-source-xen/drivers/rtc/hctosys.c: unable to open rtc device (rtc0)
[    0.250519] Freeing unused kernel memory: 220k freed
Loading, please wait...
Begin: Loading essential drivers... ...
[    0.529044] SCSI subsystem initialized
[    0.558585] 3ware Storage Controller device driver for Linux v1.26.02.002.
[    0.565365] 3ware 9000 Storage Controller device driver for Linux v2.26.02.010.
[    0.586340] md: raid1 personality registered for level 1
[    0.593713] Driver 'sd' needs updating - please use bus_type methods  
[    0.603352] fuse init (API version 7.9)
[    0.638813] thermal: Unknown symbol acpi_processor_set_thermal_limit
[    0.654497] md: linear personality registered for level -1
[    0.660674] md: multipath personality registered for level -4
[    0.666836] md: raid0 personality registered for level 0
[    0.678311] xor: automatically using best checksumming function: generic_sse
[    0.698186]    generic_sse:  6028.000 MB/sec
[    0.698189] xor: using function: generic_sse (6028.000 MB/sec)
[    0.698810] async_tx: api initialized (async)
[    0.766234] raid6: int64x1   2210 MB/s
[    0.834321] raid6: int64x2   2751 MB/s
[    0.902397] raid6: int64x4   2757 MB/s
[    0.970480] raid6: int64x8   2204 MB/s
[    1.038486] raid6: sse2x1    2819 MB/s
[    1.106508] raid6: sse2x2    4539 MB/s
[    1.174513] raid6: sse2x4    5003 MB/s
[    1.174516] raid6: using algorithm sse2x4 (5003 MB/s)
[    1.174520] md: raid6 personality registered for level 6
[    1.174522] md: raid5 personality registered for level 5
[    1.174524] md: raid4 personality registered for level 4
[    1.201360] md: raid10 personality registered for level 10
Begin: Running /scripts/init-premount ...
Begin: Mounting root file system... ...
Begin: Running /scripts/local-top ...
Begin: Waiting for root file system... ...
Begin: Running /scripts/local-premount ...
Begin: Waiting for resume device... ...
[    7.511724] kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
[    7.511738] EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
Begin: Running /scripts/local-bottom ...
Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ...
INIT: version 2.86 booting
* Mount point '/dev/shm' does not exist. Skipping mount.  
Activating swap...done.
[    7.801369] EXT3 FS on hda2, internal journal
Setting the system clock..
Cannot access the Hardware Clock via any known method.
Use the --debug option to see the details of our search for an access method.
Cleaning up ifupdown....
Loading kernel modules...FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.24-23-xen/modules.dep: No such file or directory
Loading device-mapper support.
Checking file systems...fsck 1.40-WIP (14-Nov-2006)
WARNING: Your /etc/fstab does not contain the fsck passno
        field.  I will kludge around things for you, but you
        should fix your /etc/fstab file as soon as you can.

Setting kernel variables...done.
Mounting local filesystems...done.
Activating swapfile swap...done.
Setting up networking....
Configuring network interfaces...done.
INIT: Entering runlevel: 2
Starting system log daemon: syslogd.
Starting kernel log daemon: klogd.
* Not starting internet superserver: no services enabled.
Starting periodic command scheduler: crond.

ich verstehe nicht ob es nun an der amd64 version liegt, sodass keine treiber geladen werden oder ob es (eher die vermutung) daran liegt, dass:
* Mount point '/dev/shm' does not exist. Skipping mount.  
Activating swap...done.
[    7.801369] EXT3 FS on hda2, internal journal
Setting the system clock..
Cannot access the Hardware Clock via any known method.
Use the --debug option to see the details of our search for an access method.
Cleaning up ifupdown....
Loading kernel modules...FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.24-23-xen/modules.dep: No such file or directory

einfach keine kernel module geladen werden bei einer frischen installation. da wir definitv die amd64 variante verwenden wollen, würde ich mich freuen wenn die diskussion sich auf das 64bit thema konzentriert.
alternativen für debian amd64 währen noch Ubuntu 8.04 LTS x64 oder ein eventuelles gentoo. letzteres würden wir jedoch aus dem verwaltungsaufwand nicht bevorzugen, jedoch würde es das performanteste system von allen sein...dies sei dahingestellt.
75823 05.04.2009 um 17:33:53 Uhr
Goto Top
Jetzt sieht besser aus ;) .Also, initramfs hasst eigene Kernelmodule und die rootfs eigene. Nach der "INIT: version 2.86 booting" kann Kernel nicht mehr auf die Module aus der initramfs zugreifen, und sucht die im /lib/modules/2.6.24-23-xen/. Den hasst du natürlich nicht, weil debootstrap installier kein Kernel. Du kannst es da installieren oder dort hin kopieren.

Es ist absolut egal welche Distro du hasst.
NySoft 05.04.2009 um 20:25:33 Uhr
Goto Top
also du meinst ich solle, aus meiner Dom0 den /lib/modules/2.6.24-23-xen in meine DomU ins gleichnamige Verzeichniss kopieren...um somit die Modoule auf der DomU zur Verfügung zu stellen?

wenn das so ist könnte ich es ja bei einer Script mäßigen Installation einfach mit reinbringen.

könntest du es bitte nochmals etwas präziser in der Schreibweise wiedergeben, da ich deinen Gedankengängen nicht ganz folgen konnte.
75823 05.04.2009 um 22:19:24 Uhr
Goto Top
mount -o loop vmimage.img /mnt/vmimage
cp - dpR /lib/modules/2.6.24-23-xen /mnt/vmimage/lib/modules/2.6.24-23-xen