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Exchange Online Scope

wir befinden uns gerade in der Migration nach Exchange Online.
Unter Exchange on Prem. konnte man ein Scope erstellen das zb. ein Account nur bestimmte Postfächer administrieren kann. Gibt es so etwas auch unter Exchange Online das ich ein Scope erstellen kann?


Content-ID: 668112

Url: https://administrator.de/forum/exchange-online-scope-668112.html

Ausgedruckt am: 23.02.2025 um 09:02 Uhr

Xaero1982 13.09.2024 um 21:22:05 Uhr
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nicht das ich wüsste. face-smile

Lösung Dani 13.09.2024 um 21:51:58 Uhr
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HaschkeD 14.09.2024 um 15:11:57 Uhr
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Vielen Dank.
Punkt 2 müsste es sein:

HaschkeD 18.09.2024 um 09:02:03 Uhr
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Das wäre passend:

https://msryanph.wordpress.com/2012/07/10/exchange-online-365-administra ...

New-ManagementScope -Name “DomainX.com Management Scope” -RecipientRestrictionFilter -RecipientRestrictionFilter {WindowsEmailAddress -like *@DomainX.com}

Weiß jemand ob ich da auch 2 E-Mail Domänen hinzufügen kann?
150704 18.09.2024 um 09:21:58 Uhr
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{(WindowsEmailAddress -like "*@DomainX.com") -or (WindowsEmailAddress -like "*@DomainY.com" }
150704 18.09.2024 aktualisiert um 09:26:54 Uhr
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Sorry Tippfehler, lässt sich hier leider gerade nicht nachbearbeiten wegen Fehlermeldung deswegen neuer Kommentar
{(WindowsEmailAddress -like "*@DomainX.com") -or (WindowsEmailAddress -like "*@DomainY.com")}  
HaschkeD 18.09.2024 um 12:56:51 Uhr
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Scope erstellt, danach hatte ich keine Rechte mehr, wohl selbst ausgesperrt wie hier beschrieben.......

2. Create a new exclusive management scope with UPN as recipient restriction filter:

New-ManagementScope -Name "Protect dominikhoefling.com" -RecipientRestrictionFilter { UserPrincipalName -Like "*dominikhoefling.com*} -Exclusive

Note: be careful with exclusive scopes! There will be a confirm message after you ran the cmdlet:

When you create exclusive management scopes, only users or universal security groups that are assigned exclusive scopes that contain objects to be

modified will be able to access those objects. Users or USGs that aren't assigned an exclusive scope that contains the objects will immediately lose

access to those objects. Are you sure you want to create the dominikhoefling.onmicrosoft.com\Protect dominikhoefling.com exclusive scope?

[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [?] Help (default is "Y"):

What is a exclusive scope and why are we using this? When you create an exclusive scope, only those who are assigned that exclusive scope, or an equivalent exclusive scope, can modify the objects that match the scope. Role assignees who aren't assigned that exclusive scope, or an equivalent, can't modify the objects that match the scope, even if their own roles have scopes that would otherwise include the objects. Exclusive scopes override any other regular scope that isn't exclusive. This behavior is similar to how a deny access control entry (ACE) on an Active Directory access control list (ACL) functions. Source: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd638110(v=exchg.150).aspx

Hab die Scope dann schnell gelöscht und nun passt es wieder.
Hat da jemand Erfahrung mit?