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RemoteFX.Am I missing something?


Meine Hardware AMD FX8300 / GTX 560

i have setup RemoteFX on a physical RDS box per this guide (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=d90e841f-d8) ... ). However, it does not appear to work the same as RemoteFX via a virtual guest. Basically, AERO does not function. Screen movement is not anywhere as smooth as as RemoteFX via a virtual guest. DXDiag shows Direct3d enabled. However, DirectDraw and AGP are unavailable (these are available using RemoteFX with a virtual RemoteFX guest). Also, the display adapater shows as RDPDD chained DD. Whereas, RemoteFX via a virtual RemoteFX guest shows the display adapter as Micorosoft RemoteFX Graphics adapter. Am I missing something?

Do amd include possible?

Content-ID: 267301

Url: https://administrator.de/forum/remotefx-am-i-missing-something-267301.html

Ausgedruckt am: 09.03.2025 um 11:03 Uhr

DerWoWusste 25.03.2015 aktualisiert um 09:48:24 Uhr
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RemoteFX is meant for virtual desktop deployment. That's all there is to say - use it like it should be used, only then will you profit from the graphical advantages.
SlainteMhath 25.03.2015 um 09:34:25 Uhr
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hasn't this already been answered in another thread?

To summarize:
That is not supposed to work.... only HyperV guests can do this

Also, ülease do not double-post face-smile

117455 25.03.2015 um 21:05:22 Uhr
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You will need an HyperV Host, for every VirtualDesktop one.
117455 25.03.2015 um 21:06:02 Uhr
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I mean for every virtual desktop 1 hyperv guest.