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SQUID mit FTP - löschen oder umbenennen möglich?

Geht es inzwischen, über SQUID Dateien zu löschen/umbenennen?


es gibt zu dem Thema im Internet/auf sehr wenig Info, hat vielleicht hier jemand Erfahrung:
unterstützt denn SQUID die FTP-Befehle fürs Löschen/Umbenennen, wie DELE ?
Hat jemand evtl. eine Liste der zZ unterstützten FTP-Befehlen?


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Ausgedruckt am: 04.03.2025 um 15:03 Uhr

Eukky 01.03.2006 um 09:34:43 Uhr
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Hier die Erklärung auf meinen Beitrag in SQUID-USERS Mailinglist:
The Problem is, that although I've read (in some old Forums, 2003 and earlier), that there is no DELETE (DELE) through SQUID possible, it works - by me in 2.5 STABLE5 and STABLE 12.
I have made with ethereal a dump of network traffic, there are:
Client->SQUID HTTP-Request DELE Filename
SQUID->FTP FTP-Request DELE Filename
FTP-> SQUID FTP-Response File Filename deleted
And the file is really deleted

Important: works only with "HTTP CONNECT" Client-Method, neither with "HTTP-Proxy with FTP-Support" (TotalCommander - Response auf DELETE - "Not implemented"), nor anything else.
Thanks for the help

Important: works only with "HTTP CONNECT" Client-Method, neither with "HTTP-Proxy with FTP-Support" (TotalCommander - Response auf DELETE - "Not implemented"), nor anything else.

If you use CONNECT there is no HTTP involved other than the initial CONNECT request to open the control channel. CONNECT in HTTP is equivalent to CONNECT in SOCKS. It gives you a full duplex "direct"
connection to the requested server.

If you think allowing CONNECT to be used in this manner (the default squid.conf does not for very valid security reasons) I assure you that you would be much better off using a SOCKS proxy.

Squid does not implement the DELETE HTTP method on ftp:// URLs.