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VMWare Converter Problem

ich habe ein ESX Server ( Version 3.0.1 ) und möchte einen kompletten Server clonen.

Ich benutze den VMWare Converter.

Nach wenigen Sekunden nach dem Start erscheint folgende Fehlermeldung:

03:36:07 PM Step 1 : Connecting to VMware Converter Agent on
03:36:07 PM Step 2 : Creating target virtual machine and importing data
03:36:11 PM Configuring parameters for the target virtual machine...
03:36:13 PM Creating target virtual machine...
03:36:16 PM ERROR: Unknown error returned by VMware Converter Agent

Note: VMware Converter Agent logs can be found on at C:\WINDOWS\Temp\vmware-temp\vmware-converter*
VMware Converter Client logs on this computer can be exported, or found at "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator.Domain\Lokale Einstellungen\Temp\vmware-temp\vmware-client*"
VMware Converter logs are stored on a temporary basis, and should be retrieved as soon as possible.

Die Berechtigungen am Zielsystem passen, der angebene User hat Vollzugriff auf dem Temp Ordner.

Der ESX Server hat die IP:
Und das Zielsytem hat

Woran kann das liegen, das er nach wenigen Sekunden abbricht?


Content-ID: 89963


Ausgedruckt am: 23.01.2025 um 02:01 Uhr

BrooklynX 16.06.2008 um 15:59:44 Uhr
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Hast Du denn schon mal in das Log geguckt? Was steht denn dort drin?

Der Rest wäre einfach nur raten....
matze-pe 17.06.2008 um 11:25:50 Uhr
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Hallo, hier den Log vom Converter:

Log for VMware Converter Client, pid=3500, version=3.0.2, build=build-59994, option=Release, section=2
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.439 'App' 2632 info] Current working directory: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator.WOBJITDB\Desktop
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.439 'BaseLibs' 2632 info] HOSTINFO: Seeing Intel CPU, numCoresPerCPU 1 numThreadsPerCore 2.

[2008-06-17 11:16:54.439 'BaseLibs' 2632 info] HOSTINFO: This machine has 1 physical CPUS, 1 total cores, and 2 logical CPUs.

[2008-06-17 11:16:54.439 'ThreadPool' 2632 verbose] TaskMax=15, IoMin=1, IoMax=31
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.439 'P2V' 2632 info] [p2vSupport,181] P2V logger created
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.439 'App' 2632 info] Vmacore::InitSSL: doVersionCheck = true, handshakeTimeoutUs = 120000000
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.439 'P2V' 2632 info] [p2vSupport,187] SSL context created
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.455 'P2V' 2632 info] [p2vSupport,197] AppInit completed
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.455 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,69] This product Hard Expires: false
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.517 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [jobManager,469] Deserializing the job manager's state
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.517 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [jobManager,571] Deserializing
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.517 'P2V' 2300 verbose] [task,339] Transition from None to InProgress requested
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.517 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,232] License job init with license file: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator.WOBJITDB\Anwendungsdaten\VMware\p2vlcns
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.517 'P2V' 2300 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.517 'P2V' 2300 info] [task,274] Starting execution of a Task
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.517 'P2V' 2300 verbose] [jobDeserializationTask,239] Deserializing the individual jobs from C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator.WOBJITDB\Anwendungsdaten\VMware\p2v30\jobs
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.517 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,247] License job Success !

[2008-06-17 11:16:54.517 'P2V' 2300 verbose] [jobDeserializationTask,184] Archive file: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator.WOBJITDB\Anwendungsdaten\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000003.xml
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.564 'P2V' 2300 verbose] [job,276] Job 3 changing state from -1 to 2
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.564 'P2V' 2300 info] [jobManager,664] Adding job 3
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.564 'P2V' 2300 verbose] [jobManager,438] Raising event 0 for job 3
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.564 'P2V' 2300 info] [task,276] Task execution completed
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.564 'P2V' 2300 verbose] [task,339] Transition from InProgress to Success requested
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.564 'P2V' 2300 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.564 'P2V' 2300 verbose] [jobManager,430] Raising deserialization done event (7)
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.642 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,232] License job init with license file: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator.WOBJITDB\Anwendungsdaten\VMware\p2vlcns
[2008-06-17 11:16:54.658 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,247] License job Success !

[2008-06-17 11:21:33.845 'P2V' 2632 info] [jobManager,1210] Deleting job 3
[2008-06-17 11:21:33.845 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [serialization,303] Removing archive file for job 3
[2008-06-17 11:21:33.845 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [serialization,311] Removing file C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Administrator.WOBJITDB/Anwendungsdaten/VMware/p2v30/jobs/00000003.xml
[2008-06-17 11:21:38.580 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,232] License job init with license file: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator.WOBJITDB\Anwendungsdaten\VMware\p2vlcns
[2008-06-17 11:21:38.580 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,247] License job Success !

[2008-06-17 11:21:48.861 'P2V' 3952 verbose] [task,339] Transition from None to InProgress requested
[2008-06-17 11:21:48.861 'P2V' 3952 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded
[2008-06-17 11:21:48.861 'P2V' 3952 info] [task,274] Starting execution of a Task
[2008-06-17 11:21:48.861 'P2V' 3952 info] [clientConnection,102] Connecting to IPC$ on as\Administrator
[2008-06-17 11:22:03.861 'P2V' 3952 info] [clientConnection,105] Successfully connected to IPC$ on
[2008-06-17 11:22:03.861 'ClientConnection' 3952 info] Connecting to \\\pipe\vmware-ufad-p2v30-vmdb, use SSL: true
[2008-06-17 11:22:03.861 'ClientConnection' 3952 info] Successfully connected to \\\pipe\vmware-ufad-p2v30-vmdb
[2008-06-17 11:22:03.876 'VmdbSvc' 3952 verbose] Connected to stream: SSL([class Vmacore::System::NamedPipeClientStreamWin32:0292B7B8])
[2008-06-17 11:22:03.876 'BaseLibs' 1376 warning] [Vmdb_Unset] Unsetting unknown path: /vmomi/

[2008-06-17 11:22:03.892 'ClientConnection' 3952 info] Making sure that UFAD interface has version vmware-ufad-p2v30-build-59994
[2008-06-17 11:22:03.908 'ClientConnection' 3952 info] UFAD interface version is vmware-ufad-p2v30-build-59994
[2008-06-17 11:22:03.923 'P2V' 3952 info] [task,276] Task execution completed
[2008-06-17 11:22:03.923 'P2V' 3952 verbose] [task,339] Transition from InProgress to Success requested
[2008-06-17 11:22:03.923 'P2V' 3952 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded
[2008-06-17 11:22:03.939 'P2V' 2632 info] [ufaSession,45] QuerySourceInfo called
[2008-06-17 11:22:03.939 'P2V' 3952 verbose] [task,339] Transition from None to InProgress requested
[2008-06-17 11:22:03.939 'P2V' 3952 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded
[2008-06-17 11:22:03.939 'P2V' 3952 info] [task,274] Starting execution of a Task
[2008-06-17 11:22:03.939 'P2V' 3952 info] [ufaTask,200] Successfully connected to VMImporter
[2008-06-17 11:22:03.955 'App' 3952 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,109] Successfully connected to VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{30}
[2008-06-17 11:22:03.970 'App' 3952 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,817] Start managed object method for task VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{30}
[2008-06-17 11:22:03.970 'App' 3952 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{30}
[2008-06-17 11:22:03.970 'App' 3952 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{30}
[2008-06-17 11:22:03.970 'App' 1376 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{30}
[2008-06-17 11:22:03.970 'App' 3952 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{30}
[2008-06-17 11:22:03.970 'App' 3952 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{30}
[2008-06-17 11:22:04.751 'App' 1376 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,886] Remote task VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{30} completed
[2008-06-17 11:22:04.751 'App' 3952 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{30}
[2008-06-17 11:22:04.767 'App' 1376 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{30}
[2008-06-17 11:22:04.767 'App' 3952 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,515] Cleaning up remote task VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{30}
[2008-06-17 11:22:04.783 'App' 3952 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,1201] Disposing task wrapper for task VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{30}
[2008-06-17 11:22:04.814 'P2V' 3952 info] [task,276] Task execution completed
[2008-06-17 11:22:04.814 'P2V' 3952 verbose] [task,339] Transition from InProgress to Success requested
[2008-06-17 11:22:04.814 'P2V' 3952 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded
[2008-06-17 11:22:07.548 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,232] License job init with license file: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator.WOBJITDB\Anwendungsdaten\VMware\p2vlcns
[2008-06-17 11:22:07.548 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,247] License job Success !

[2008-06-17 11:22:07.564 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,232] License job init with license file: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator.WOBJITDB\Anwendungsdaten\VMware\p2vlcns
[2008-06-17 11:22:07.564 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,247] License job Success !

[2008-06-17 11:22:20.455 'P2V' 3952 verbose] [task,339] Transition from None to InProgress requested
[2008-06-17 11:22:20.455 'P2V' 3952 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded
[2008-06-17 11:22:20.455 'P2V' 3952 info] [task,274] Starting execution of a Task
[2008-06-17 11:22:20.455 'GetInventory' 3952 info] Connecting to host on port 443 using protocol https

[2008-06-17 11:22:20.595 'BaseLibs' 3952 warning] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: Subject mismatch: DHA-ESXSRV.wobjitdb.local vs

[2008-06-17 11:22:20.595 'BaseLibs' 3952 warning] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: The remote host certificate has these problems:

  • The host name used for the connection does not match the subject name on the host certificate

  • A certificate in the host's chain is based on an untrusted root.

[2008-06-17 11:22:20.595 'BaseLibs' 3952 warning] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: Certificate verification is disabled, so connection will proceed despite the error

[2008-06-17 11:22:20.642 'GetInventory' 3952 info] Authenticating user root
[2008-06-17 11:22:20.892 'GetInventory' 3952 info] Logged in!
[2008-06-17 11:22:21.548 'P2V' 3952 info] [task,276] Task execution completed
[2008-06-17 11:22:21.548 'P2V' 3952 verbose] [task,339] Transition from InProgress to Success requested
[2008-06-17 11:22:21.548 'P2V' 3952 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded
[2008-06-17 11:22:29.361 'P2V' 2632 info] [ufaSession,60] GetTargetDiskSize called
[2008-06-17 11:22:29.361 'P2V' 3200 verbose] [task,339] Transition from None to InProgress requested
[2008-06-17 11:22:29.361 'P2V' 3200 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded
[2008-06-17 11:22:29.376 'P2V' 3200 info] [task,274] Starting execution of a Task
[2008-06-17 11:22:29.376 'P2V' 3200 info] [ufaTask,200] Successfully connected to VMImporter
[2008-06-17 11:22:29.408 'App' 3200 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,109] Successfully connected to VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{31}
[2008-06-17 11:22:29.423 'App' 3200 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,817] Start managed object method for task VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{31}
[2008-06-17 11:22:29.423 'App' 3200 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{31}
[2008-06-17 11:22:29.423 'App' 3200 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{31}
[2008-06-17 11:22:29.423 'App' 2300 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{31}
[2008-06-17 11:22:29.423 'App' 3200 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{31}
[2008-06-17 11:22:29.423 'App' 3200 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{31}
[2008-06-17 11:22:29.486 'App' 3952 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,886] Remote task VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{31} completed
[2008-06-17 11:22:29.486 'App' 3200 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{31}
[2008-06-17 11:22:29.486 'App' 2300 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{31}
[2008-06-17 11:22:29.486 'App' 3200 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,515] Cleaning up remote task VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{31}
[2008-06-17 11:22:29.501 'App' 3200 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,1201] Disposing task wrapper for task VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{31}
[2008-06-17 11:22:29.533 'P2V' 3200 info] [task,276] Task execution completed
[2008-06-17 11:22:29.533 'P2V' 3200 verbose] [task,339] Transition from InProgress to Success requested
[2008-06-17 11:22:29.533 'P2V' 3200 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded
[2008-06-17 11:22:47.970 'P2V' 2632 info] [ufaSession,74] CheckDestAvailable called
[2008-06-17 11:22:47.970 'P2V' 2384 verbose] [task,339] Transition from None to InProgress requested
[2008-06-17 11:22:47.970 'P2V' 2384 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded
[2008-06-17 11:22:47.970 'P2V' 2384 info] [task,274] Starting execution of a Task
[2008-06-17 11:22:47.970 'P2V' 2384 info] [ufaTask,200] Successfully connected to VMImporter
[2008-06-17 11:22:48.001 'App' 2384 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,109] Successfully connected to VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{32}
[2008-06-17 11:22:48.017 'App' 2384 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,817] Start managed object method for task VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{32}
[2008-06-17 11:22:48.017 'App' 2384 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{32}
[2008-06-17 11:22:48.017 'App' 2384 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{32}
[2008-06-17 11:22:48.017 'App' 1376 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{32}
[2008-06-17 11:22:48.017 'App' 2384 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{32}
[2008-06-17 11:22:48.017 'App' 2384 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{32}
[2008-06-17 11:23:04.830 'App' 3952 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,886] Remote task VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{32} completed
[2008-06-17 11:23:04.830 'App' 2384 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{32}
[2008-06-17 11:23:04.830 'App' 2300 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{32}
[2008-06-17 11:23:04.830 'App' 2384 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,515] Cleaning up remote task VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{32}
[2008-06-17 11:23:04.845 'App' 2384 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,1201] Disposing task wrapper for task VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{32}
[2008-06-17 11:23:04.908 'P2V' 2384 info] [task,276] Task execution completed
[2008-06-17 11:23:04.908 'P2V' 2384 verbose] [task,339] Transition from InProgress to Success requested
[2008-06-17 11:23:04.908 'P2V' 2384 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded
[2008-06-17 11:23:04.908 'P2V' 2632 info] [ufaSession,91] CheckDestParams called
[2008-06-17 11:23:04.908 'P2V' 2384 verbose] [task,339] Transition from None to InProgress requested
[2008-06-17 11:23:04.908 'P2V' 2384 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded
[2008-06-17 11:23:04.908 'P2V' 2384 info] [task,274] Starting execution of a Task
[2008-06-17 11:23:04.908 'P2V' 2384 info] [ufaTask,200] Successfully connected to VMImporter
[2008-06-17 11:23:04.939 'App' 2384 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,109] Successfully connected to VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{33}
[2008-06-17 11:23:04.955 'App' 2384 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,817] Start managed object method for task VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{33}
[2008-06-17 11:23:04.955 'App' 2384 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{33}
[2008-06-17 11:23:04.955 'App' 2384 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{33}
[2008-06-17 11:23:04.955 'App' 2300 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{33}
[2008-06-17 11:23:04.955 'App' 2384 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{33}
[2008-06-17 11:23:04.955 'App' 2384 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{33}
[2008-06-17 11:23:07.955 'App' 3952 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,886] Remote task VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{33} completed
[2008-06-17 11:23:07.955 'App' 2384 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{33}
[2008-06-17 11:23:07.955 'App' 2300 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{33}
[2008-06-17 11:23:07.955 'App' 2384 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,515] Cleaning up remote task VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{33}
[2008-06-17 11:23:07.970 'App' 2384 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,1201] Disposing task wrapper for task VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{33}
[2008-06-17 11:23:08.173 'P2V' 2384 info] [task,276] Task execution completed
[2008-06-17 11:23:08.173 'P2V' 2384 verbose] [task,339] Transition from InProgress to Success requested
[2008-06-17 11:23:08.173 'P2V' 2384 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.267 'VmdbSvc' 2632 verbose] Shutting down VMDB service...
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.267 'VmdbSvc' 2632 verbose] Unregistering callback...
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.267 'VmdbSvc' 2632 verbose] ...done
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.283 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [jobManager,462] Serializing the job manager's state
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.283 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [job,276] Job 4 changing state from -1 to 0
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.283 'P2V' 2632 info] [jobManager,664] Adding job 4
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.283 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [jobManager,438] Raising event 0 for job 4
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.283 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [jobManager,560] Starting job 4 as 1/-1 running job
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.283 'P2V' 2632 info] [jobManager,1085] Starting job 4
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.283 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [job,276] Job 4 changing state from 0 to 1
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.283 'P2V' 1376 verbose] [task,339] Transition from None to InProgress requested
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.283 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [serialization,220] Serializing job 4
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.283 'P2V' 1376 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.283 'P2V' 1376 info] [task,274] Starting execution of a Task
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.283 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [serialization,227] Archiving job to C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator.WOBJITDB\Anwendungsdaten\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000004.xml
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.283 'P2V' 1376 info] [clientConnection,102] Connecting to IPC$ on as\Administrator
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.283 'P2V' 1376 info] [clientConnection,105] Successfully connected to IPC$ on
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.298 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [jobManager,438] Raising event 2 for job 4
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.298 'P2V' 1376 verbose] [jobManager,438] Raising event 4 for job 4
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.298 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [serialization,220] Serializing job 4
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.298 'P2V' 2632 verbose] [serialization,227] Archiving job to C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator.WOBJITDB\Anwendungsdaten\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000004.xml
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.298 'ClientConnection' 1376 info] Connecting to \\\pipe\vmware-ufad-p2v30-vmdb, use SSL: true
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.298 'ClientConnection' 1376 info] Successfully connected to \\\pipe\vmware-ufad-p2v30-vmdb
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.314 'VmdbSvc' 1376 verbose] Connected to stream: SSL([class Vmacore::System::NamedPipeClientStreamWin32:0292B7B8])
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.314 'BaseLibs' 3200 warning] [Vmdb_Unset] Unsetting unknown path: /vmomi/

[2008-06-17 11:23:54.330 'ClientConnection' 1376 info] Making sure that UFAD interface has version vmware-ufad-p2v30-build-59994
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.345 'ClientConnection' 1376 info] UFAD interface version is vmware-ufad-p2v30-build-59994
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.361 'P2V' 1376 info] [task,276] Task execution completed
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.408 'P2V' 1376 verbose] [task,339] Transition from InProgress to Success requested
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.408 'P2V' 1376 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.423 'P2V' 1376 verbose] [jobManager,1455] UFA session created successfully
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.423 'P2V' 1376 info] [ufaSession,109] DoImport called
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.423 'P2V' 1376 verbose] [serialization,220] Serializing job 4
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.423 'P2V' 1376 verbose] [serialization,227] Archiving job to C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator.WOBJITDB\Anwendungsdaten\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000004.xml
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.439 'P2V' 2300 verbose] [task,339] Transition from None to InProgress requested
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.439 'P2V' 2300 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.439 'P2V' 2300 info] [task,274] Starting execution of a Task
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.439 'P2V' 2300 info] [ufaTask,200] Successfully connected to VMImporter
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.470 'App' 2300 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,109] Successfully connected to VmiImportTask::task{34}
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.486 'App' 2300 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,817] Start managed object method for task VmiImportTask::task{34}
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.486 'App' 2300 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiImportTask::task{34}
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.486 'App' 2300 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiImportTask::task{34}
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.486 'App' 1376 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from VmiImportTask::task{34}
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.486 'P2V' 1376 verbose] [jobManager,438] Raising event 4 for job 4
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.486 'App' 2300 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiImportTask::task{34}
[2008-06-17 11:23:54.486 'App' 2300 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiImportTask::task{34}
[2008-06-17 11:23:58.080 'App' 1376 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from VmiImportTask::task{34}
[2008-06-17 11:23:58.080 'P2V' 1376 verbose] [jobManager,438] Raising event 4 for job 4
[2008-06-17 11:23:58.080 'App' 2300 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiImportTask::task{34}
[2008-06-17 11:23:58.080 'App' 2300 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiImportTask::task{34}
[2008-06-17 11:24:00.361 'App' 2384 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from VmiImportTask::task{34}
[2008-06-17 11:24:00.361 'P2V' 2384 verbose] [jobManager,438] Raising event 4 for job 4
[2008-06-17 11:24:00.361 'App' 2300 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiImportTask::task{34}
[2008-06-17 11:24:00.361 'App' 2300 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiImportTask::task{34}
[2008-06-17 11:24:03.580 'App' 2384 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,886] Remote task VmiImportTask::task{34} completed
[2008-06-17 11:24:03.580 'App' 2300 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiImportTask::task{34}
[2008-06-17 11:24:03.580 'App' 2384 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from VmiImportTask::task{34}
[2008-06-17 11:24:03.580 'App' 2300 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,515] Cleaning up remote task VmiImportTask::task{34}
[2008-06-17 11:24:03.595 'App' 2300 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,1201] Disposing task wrapper for task VmiImportTask::task{34}
[2008-06-17 11:24:03.705 'P2V' 2300 error] [task,295] Task failed: P2VError UNKNOWN_METHOD_FAULT(vim.fault.NoDiskSpace)
[2008-06-17 11:24:03.705 'P2V' 2300 verbose] [task,339] Transition from InProgress to Failure requested
[2008-06-17 11:24:03.705 'P2V' 2300 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded
[2008-06-17 11:24:03.705 'P2V' 2300 verbose] [job,276] Job 4 changing state from 1 to 2
[2008-06-17 11:24:03.705 'P2V' 2300 verbose] [serialization,220] Serializing job 4
[2008-06-17 11:24:03.705 'P2V' 2300 verbose] [serialization,227] Archiving job to C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator.WOBJITDB\Anwendungsdaten\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000004.xml
[2008-06-17 11:24:03.720 'P2V' 2300 verbose] [jobManager,438] Raising event 2 for job 4
[2008-06-17 11:24:03.720 'P2V' 2300 verbose] [jobManager,438] Raising event 4 for job 4
[2008-06-17 11:24:03.720 'P2V' 2300 verbose] [jobManager,438] Raising event 6 for job 4
[2008-06-17 11:24:03.720 'VmdbSvc' 2300 verbose] Shutting down VMDB service...
[2008-06-17 11:24:03.720 'VmdbSvc' 2300 verbose] Unregistering callback...
[2008-06-17 11:24:03.720 'VmdbSvc' 2300 verbose] ...done
[2008-06-17 11:24:42.001 'ClientConnection' 2632 info] Connecting to \\.\pipe\vmware-ufad-p2v30-vmdb, use SSL: true
[2008-06-17 11:24:42.001 'ClientConnection' 2632 info] Successfully connected to \\.\pipe\vmware-ufad-p2v30-vmdb
[2008-06-17 11:24:42.033 'VmdbSvc' 2632 verbose] Connected to stream: SSL([class Vmacore::System::NamedPipeClientStreamWin32:0292B7B8])
[2008-06-17 11:24:42.033 'BaseLibs' 3952 warning] [Vmdb_Unset] Unsetting unknown path: /vmomi/

[2008-06-17 11:24:42.048 'ClientConnection' 2632 info] Making sure that UFAD interface has version vmware-ufad-p2v30-build-59994
[2008-06-17 11:24:42.064 'ClientConnection' 2632 info] UFAD interface version is vmware-ufad-p2v30-build-59994
[2008-06-17 11:24:42.095 'VmdbSvc' 2632 verbose] Shutting down VMDB service...
[2008-06-17 11:24:42.095 'VmdbSvc' 2632 verbose] Unregistering callback...
[2008-06-17 11:24:42.095 'VmdbSvc' 2632 verbose] ...done

BrooklynX 17.06.2008 um 11:37:13 Uhr
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Schau mal was im Log steht:

[2008-06-17 11:24:03.705 'P2V' 2300 error] [task,295] Task failed: P2VError UNKNOWN_METHOD_FAULT(vim.fault.NoDiskSpace)

Sicher das genug Platz auf dem Zielsystem vorhanden ist?
matze-pe 17.06.2008 um 12:00:22 Uhr
Goto Top
Das Zielsystem, also hat auf der Partion C noch 17GB frei.

Der ESX Server ( ) hat ja 2 Partionen, 1x 70GB und einmal 580GB.
Das Abbild wollte ich auf Storgage2 (580GB) installieren.

Auf dem ESX Server ist alles frei!

BrooklynX 17.06.2008 um 12:09:15 Uhr
Goto Top
Das hast du doch die Lösung...kein Platz

Für die Erstellung brauchst du Platz !!! Diesen hast du mit 17GB auf dem Zielhost nicht, auch wenn du später dieses "Image" auf die 580 GB Partition kopieren willst.

ESX Server IP: 1x 70GB u. 1x 580GB
Zielsytem IP: 1x 17 GB

Image soll per Converter auf das Zielsystem mit 17 GB kopiert werden damit dieses Image später auf die 580 GB Partition kopiert werden kann.

Gehen wir davon aus, das du die 70GB Partition des laufenden Server convertieren willst, dann wirst du bestimmt mehr als 17GB benötigen.
matze-pe 17.06.2008 um 12:29:38 Uhr
Goto Top
Die ist der Server den ich "clonen" möchte!

Und der Rechner auf dem ich VMWare Converter laufen habe, ist der

Wie kann ich das denn ändern, dass er den Platz auf dem ESX nimmt.

BrooklynX 17.06.2008 um 12:39:07 Uhr
Goto Top
Du mußt für das Imageziel ein Share einrichten, also wohin das Image des Server hin kopiert werden soll. Das ist in DEinem Fall die große 580GB Platte. Das gibst Du in dem Menü des Converters ein.



Du konvertierst so wie ich es jetzt verstehe das System in sein eigenes Temp Verzeichnis rein.
matze-pe 17.06.2008 um 14:12:06 Uhr
Goto Top
Danke schoneinmal für deine Antworten,
es ist das erstmal das ich mit VMWare arbeite, ich finde im Menü des Converters kein Eintrag indem ich das die "Storage2" freigeben kann.

Worunter finde ich das denn genau?

BrooklynX 17.06.2008 um 14:18:39 Uhr
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Kein Problem!

In dem Importer gibst mehrere Möglichkeinten...Entweder du importierst den zu convertieren Server direkt auf den ESX ( IP und Logindaten werden beötigt und zwar vom ESX ), oder Du importierst den Server in eine standalone VmWare rein.

Bei der zweiten Variante ist es Step 2.2 > Da gibst Du den Namen der "neuen" Vmaware an und die Location.

Wir beide reden aber von dem VmWare Import Wizard!?!?!?
matze-pe 17.06.2008 um 14:52:09 Uhr
Goto Top
ja ich klicke auf "import maschine"
matze-pe 17.06.2008 um 15:13:29 Uhr
Goto Top
das klappt nicht, dort kommt folgende Fehlermeldung:



Muss ich die "Storge2" noch irgenwo freigeben?

BrooklynX 17.06.2008 um 16:20:07 Uhr
Goto Top
Du darfst bei dem ersten Bild nicht \\\Storage2 eingeben, sondern nur den ESX Server an sich, also Später im Wizard kommt die Frage wo du auf das Storage2 verweisen mußt.

Das ist der Login und nicht der Pfad für die Freigabe!!!!!!