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VMWare Converter Standalone Failed

ich kämpfe zurzeit mit dem Converter, ich bekomme es nicht hin eine Maschine zu "Convertieren" V2V.
Es funktioniert alles wunderbar, dei Maschine wird ausgewählt, der Zielort gewählt, keine Änderungen vorgenommen (um Fehlerquellen auszuschließen).
Nach start der Task dauert es 3 -10 Sekunden und ich bekomme ein rotes "Failed" im Status des Auftrags.
Hier der Log Auszug, vielleicht kann mir jemand weiterhelfen:

[#5] [2010-11-10 16:04:50.359 03432 info 'App'] [,0] boot.ini:
[#5] [boot loader]
[#5] timeout=30
[#5] default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS
[#5] [operating systems]
[#5] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:04:54.187 03432 info 'App'] [,0] [LoadTempHive] Registry hive \\.\vstor2-mntapi10-shared-6A3E6A3E007E00000000000007000000\WINDOWS\system32\config\SOFTWARE is loaded under the name mntApi267279089630114024
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:04:54.187 03432 info 'App'] [,0] CurrentType key is Uniprocessor Free
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:04:54.187 03432 info 'App'] [,0] Error 2 opening key mntApi267279089630114024\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:04:54.187 03432 info 'App'] [,0] Error 2 reading 64 bit info, probably not a 64 bit system
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:04:54.187 03432 info 'App'] [,0] product name is Microsoft Windows XP
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:04:55.125 03432 info 'App'] [,0] [LoadTempHive] Registry hive \\.\vstor2-mntapi10-shared-6A3E6A3E007E00000000000007000000\WINDOWS\system32\config\SYSTEM is loaded under the name mntApi271107214630114024
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:04:55.218 03432 info 'App'] [,0] Unloaded hive mntApi271107214630114024
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:04:55.250 03432 info 'App'] [,0] Unloaded hive mntApi267279089630114024
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:04:56.140 03432 info 'App'] [,0] [LoadTempHive] Registry hive \\.\vstor2-mntapi10-shared-6A3E6A3E007E00000000000007000000\WINDOWS\system32\config\SYSTEM is loaded under the name mntApi272169714630114024
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:04:56.187 03432 info 'App'] [,0] Unloaded hive mntApi272169714630114024
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:04:59.906 03432 info 'App'] [,0] [LoadTempHive] Registry hive \\.\vstor2-mntapi10-shared-6A3E6A3E007E00000000000007000000\WINDOWS\system32\config\SOFTWARE is loaded under the name mntApi273091589630114024
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:04:59.906 03432 info 'App'] [,0] CurrentType key is Uniprocessor Free
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:04:59.906 03432 info 'App'] [,0] Error 2 opening key mntApi273091589630114024\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:04:59.906 03432 info 'App'] [,0] Error 2 reading 64 bit info, probably not a 64 bit system
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:04:59.906 03432 info 'App'] [,0] product name is Microsoft Windows XP
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:00.828 03432 info 'App'] [,0] [LoadTempHive] Registry hive \\.\vstor2-mntapi10-shared-6A3E6A3E007E00000000000007000000\WINDOWS\system32\config\SYSTEM is loaded under the name mntApi276810339630114024
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:00.843 03432 info 'App'] [,0] Unloaded hive mntApi276810339630114024
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:00.875 03432 info 'App'] [,0] Unloaded hive mntApi273091589630114024
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:01.812 03432 info 'App'] [,0] [LoadTempHive] Registry hive \\.\vstor2-mntapi10-shared-6A3E6A3E007E00000000000007000000\WINDOWS\system32\config\SYSTEM is loaded under the name mntApi277779089630114024
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:01.843 03432 info 'App'] [,0] Unloaded hive mntApi277779089630114024
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:01.843 03432 info 'task-4'] [LogMessagesForQA] MNTAPI OS Info: Microsoft Microsoft Windows XP edition: root: WINDOWS Service Pack: 3 Ver: 5.1
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:01.843 03432 info 'task-4'] [LogMessagesForQA] OS resides on partition 1 disk path [Datastore Home] CC RDP Client/Windows XP Professional.vmdk
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:01.843 03432 info 'task-4'] [BaseComputerImpl::Open] Config file: [Datastore Home] CC RDP Client/Windows XP Professional Vorlage.vmx
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:01.843 03432 info 'task-4'] VolumeBasedCloneTask::CreateSubTasks: Creating SingleVolumeCloneTask subtask with used space of 7474610176 bytes and a contribution percentage of 100
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:01.843 03432 info 'task-4'] SingleVolumeCloneTask: estimated time to clone volume [:6>3:6>300>7000000000000] in seconds = 370
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:01.843 03432 info 'task-4'] CloneTask::InitializeTargetComputer
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:01.843 03432 info 'task-4'] CloneTask updates, state: 1, percentage: 0, xfer rate (Bps): <unknown>
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:01.843 03432 info 'task-4'] VolumeBasedCloneTask::IsSnapshottingRequested: source volume snapshotting was requested
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:01.843 03432 warning 'task-4'] VolumeBasedCloneTask::PreDoRun: Snapshotting was requested but it is not supported
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:01.843 03420 info 'task-3'] Reusing existing VIM connection to
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:01.859 03420 info 'task-3'] GetManagedDiskName: Get virtual disk filebacking [datastore1] CC RDP Client-v2/CC RDP Client-v2.vmdk
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:01.859 03420 info 'task-3'] GetManagedDiskName: ticket has empty hostname, using hostname from connection
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:01.859 03420 info 'task-3'] GetManagedDiskName: updating nfc port as 902
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:01.859 03420 info 'task-3'] GetManagedDiskName: get protocol as ha-nfc
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:01.859 03420 info 'task-3'] GetManagedDiskName: Get disklib file name as ha-nfc://[datastore1] CC RDP Client-v2/CC RDP Client-v2.vmdk@!52 26 3d ba 8a 04 4d 6b-4c 63 93 e5 41 f8 fa 12
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:01.984 03432 warning 'App'] [,0] SSLSystemVerifyDERCert: Subject mismatch: localhost.localdomain vs
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:01.984 03432 warning 'App'] [,0] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: The remote host certificate has these problems:
[#5] * The host name used for the connection does not match the subject name on the host certificate.
[#5] * The host certificate chain is not complete.
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:01.984 03432 warning 'App'] [,0] SSLVerifyIsEnabled: failed to open the product registry key. Falling back to default behavior: verification off. LastError = 0
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:01.984 03432 warning 'App'] [,0] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: Certificate verification is disabled, so connection will proceed despite the error
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:02.937 03432 info 'task-4'] [LogMessagesForQA] System volume is not detected.
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:02.937 03432 info 'task-4'] [BaseComputerImpl::Open] Config file: [datastore1] CC RDP Client-v2/CC RDP Client-v2.vmx
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:02.937 03432 info 'task-4'] VolumeBasedCloneTask CC RDP Client --> target VM (unknown name) updates, state: 1, percentage: 0, xfer rate (Bps): <unknown>
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:02.937 03432 info 'task-4'] SingleVolumeCloneTask [CC RDP Client]-:6>3:6>300>7000000000000 --> [target VM (unknown name)]-:6>3:6>300>7000000000000 updates, state: 1, percentage: 0, xfer rate (Bps): <unknown>
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:02.937 03432 info 'task-4'] GetVolumeCloneMgr: filesystem type: NTFS, source volume capacity: 8587160064 bytes, target volume capacity: 16113291264 bytes, resize requested: true.
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:02.937 03432 info 'task-4'] GetVolumeCloneMgr: Block level cloning has been selected for volume :6>3:6>300>7000000000000
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:02.937 03432 info 'task-4'] BlockLevelVolumeCloneMgr::InitCloningPassType: not an incremental clone, and we are not tracking changes for the next iteration, so this must be a standard full clone.
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:02.937 03432 info 'task-4'] BlockLevelVolumeCloneMgr::CloneVolume: cloning volume with ID :6>3:6>300>7000000000000
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:02.937 03432 info 'task-4'] BlockLevelVolumeCloneMgr::CloneVolume: Source volume is mounted under the name \\.\vstor2-mntapi10-shared-6A3E6A3E007E00000000000007000000\
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:02.937 03432 info 'task-4'] BlockLevelVolumeCloneMgr::CloneVolume: Using transferSize of 655360, blocksize 0 bytes, Write Cache Disabled.
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:02.937 03432 info 'task-4'] [StreamCacheWriter] - BlockSize 0, CapToFill 0
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:02.937 03432 info 'task-4'] BitmapBuilderCollection::ConsultModifiedClusterBitmap: the modified cluster bitmap will not be consulted for volume :6>3:6>300>7000000000000
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:02.937 03432 info 'task-4'] BitmapBuilderCollection::ConsultModifiedClusterBitmap: the modified cluster bitmap will not be consulted for volume :6>3:6>300>7000000000000
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:02.937 03432 info 'task-4'] BitmapBuilderCollection::ConsultUsedClusterBitmap: the used cluster bitmap will be consulted for volume :6>3:6>300>7000000000000
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:03.140 03432 info 'task-4'] [UsedClusterBitmapImpl] FlushFileBuffers for volume \\.\vstor2-mntapi10-shared-6A3E6A3E007E00000000000007000000...
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.187 03432 warning 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder [AddBadBlockExtents] Unable to get bad blocks extents for \\.\vstor2-mntapi10-shared-6A3E6A3E007E00000000000007000000\. Error: 5
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.203 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder [ExcludeSystemRestoreFiles] Excluding System Restore directory: \\.\vstor2-mntapi10-shared-6A3E6A3E007E00000000000007000000\System Volume Information\_restore{1B4B739E-F4BE-41F5-9339-030495028C44}
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x0000000009f10000 length 10678272 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x0000000032fab000 length 21327872 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x0000000056e9d000 length 55779328 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x000000007fbb5000 length 402653184 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x00000000c06f4000 length 156483584 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x00000000ca366000 length 12140544 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x00000000cca9e000 length 15024128 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x00000000cd9ad000 length 21643264 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x00000000cf58b000 length 11575296 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x00000000d40f3000 length 57683968 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x00000000d7efa000 length 12275712 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x00000000d8ef4000 length 12718080 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x00000000da3da000 length 12996608 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x00000000e8ea8000 length 11100160 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x00000000ec5f1000 length 13639680 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x000000010253d000 length 684032 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x000000010c747000 length 15204352 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x000000010dd04000 length 10022912 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x000000010fe6d000 length 14237696 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x0000000111ef1000 length 17813504 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x0000000121b5a000 length 10547200 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x0000000127ea7000 length 15597568 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x000000012a94d000 length 17506304 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x000000012e08b000 length 14577664 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x000000012f5ad000 length 12120064 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x0000000130c36000 length 90251264 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x000000013808a000 length 13815808 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x000000013b3e7000 length 9949184 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x000000014cefb000 length 15974400 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x000000014ec05000 length 11321344 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x000000014f6d2000 length 16048128 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x0000000150d58000 length 54358016 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x0000000154314000 length 23605248 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x00000001559b6000 length 82751488 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x000000015b02c000 length 37494784 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x000000015d3f0000 length 57389056 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x000000016116f000 length 12804096 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x0000000161dbf000 length 38100992 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x00000001654ec000 length 16076800 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x000000016644d000 length 35438592 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x0000000168625000 length 93077504 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x000000016ed95000 length 23683072 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x0000000173067000 length 173432832 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x000000017d5e7000 length 236851200 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x000000018e5b6000 length 40255488 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x0000000192131000 length 52264960 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x0000000195328000 length 25853952 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x0000000198bd0000 length 65028096 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x000000019c9ea000 length 10883072 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::FindExtentsToSkip: Skipping file extents at 0x00000001c2907000 length 1027944448 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] GetStartingBitmapOffset: the starting bitmap offset is 0
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::AddExtentsToBitmap: adding extent at 0x0000000009f10000 length 10678272 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::AddExtentsToBitmap: adding extent at 0x0000000032fab000 length 21327872 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::AddExtentsToBitmap: adding extent at 0x0000000056e9d000 length 55779328 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:08.406 03432 info 'task-4'] FileClusterBitmapBuilder::AddExtentsToBitmap: adding extent at 0x000000007fbb5000 length 4501504 bytes
[2010-11-10 16:05:19.953 03592 warning 'App'] [,0] [NFC ERROR] NfcNetTcpRead: bRead: -1
[2010-11-10 16:05:19.953 03592 warning 'App'] [,0] [NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvrRecv: failed with code = 8
[2010-11-10 16:05:19.953 03592 warning 'App'] [,0] [NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvr_IO: failed to receive io reply
[2010-11-10 16:05:19.953 03592 error 'task-4'] TargetVolumeWriter::WriteToVolume(): Error (type: 1, code: 290) writing 155648 bytes to the destination volume at offset 0x0000000001c95000
[2010-11-10 16:05:19.953 03592 error 'task-4'] Converter::BackgroundWriter::WriteToVolume: Write failed with error 4641.
[2010-11-10 16:05:19.953 03592 info 'task-4'] BackgroundWriter::ThreadFunc: Broadcasting "ThreadDone" condition.
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.562 03432 error 'task-4'] BackgroundWriter::QueueItem: CircularBuffer AddItem error, destroy workItem!
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.562 03432 error 'task-4'] BlockLevelVolumeCloneMgr::CloneVolume: Detected a write error during the cloning of volume :6>3:6>300>7000000000000. Error: 4641 (type: 1, code: 290)
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.562 03432 error 'task-4'] BlockLevelVolumeCloneMgr::CloneVolume: failed with exception BlockLevelVolumeCloneMgr::CloneVolume: Detected a write error during the cloning of volume :6>3:6>300>7000000000000. Error: 4641 (type: 1, code: 290)
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.562 03432 info 'task-4'] BackgroundWriter::~BackgroundWriter: Emptying CircularBuffer with abort conditions
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.562 03432 info 'task-4'] BackgroundWriter::~BackgroundWriter: Emptying CircularBuffer with abort conditions
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.562 03432 error 'task-4'] ScopedBackgroundWriter::~ScopedBackgroundWriter: Error in ReleaseBackgroundWriter 4641.
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.562 03432 info 'task-4'] [StreamCacheWriter] - TotalZeros : 0, TotalWrites : 57
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.562 03432 error 'task-4'] SingleVolumeCloneTask:DoRun: Volume cloning failed with clone error BlockLevelVolumeCloneMgr::CloneVolume: Detected a write error during the cloning of volume :6>3:6>300>7000000000000. Error: 4641 (type: 1, code: 290)
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.562 03432 error 'task-4'] TaskImpl has failed with MethodFault::Exception: converter.fault.CloneFault
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.562 03432 info 'task-4'] SingleVolumeCloneTask [CC RDP Client]-:6>3:6>300>7000000000000 --> [target VM (unknown name)]-:6>3:6>300>7000000000000 updates, state: 4, percentage: 0, xfer rate (Bps): <unknown>
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.562 03432 warning 'App'] [,0] [NFC ERROR] NfcNetTcpWrite: bWritten: -1
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.562 03432 warning 'App'] [,0] [NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvrSend: failed
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.562 03432 warning 'App'] [,0] [NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvr_Close: failed to send close message
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.562 03432 warning 'App'] [,0] [NFC ERROR] NfcNetTcpWrite: bWritten: -1
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.562 03432 warning 'App'] [,0] [NFC ERROR] NfcNet_Send: requested 264, sent only 4294967295 bytes
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.562 03432 warning 'App'] [,0] [NFC ERROR] NfcSendMessage: send failed:
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.562 03432 info 'task-4'] VolumeBasedCloneTask CC RDP Client --> target VM (unknown name) updates, state: 4, percentage: 0, xfer rate (Bps): <unknown>
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.562 03432 info 'task-4'] VolumeBasedCloneTask failed
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.562 03432 info 'task-4'] CloneTask updates, state: 4, percentage: 0, xfer rate (Bps): <unknown>
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.562 03432 info 'task-4'] CloneTask failed
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.562 03432 error 'App'] Task failed:
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.906 03432 info 'task-4'] Scheduled timer canceled, StopKeepAlive succeeds
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.906 03432 info 'vmomi.soapStub[13]'] Resetting stub adapter for server TCP: : Closed
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.906 03432 info 'App'] Task Completed : task-4
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.906 03420 info 'task-3'] Worker CloneTask updates, state: 4, percentage: 0, xfer rate (Bps): <unknown>
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.906 03420 info 'task-3'] TargetVmManagerImpl::DeleteVM
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.906 03420 info 'task-3'] Reusing existing VIM connection to
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.921 03420 info 'task-3'] Destroying vim.VirtualMachine:864 on
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.984 03420 error 'App'] Task failed:
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:20.984 03420 info 'task-3'] Scheduled timer canceled, StopKeepAlive succeeds
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:21.000 03420 info 'vmomi.soapStub[12]'] Resetting stub adapter for server TCP: : Closed
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:21.000 03420 warning 'vmomi.soapStub[12]'] Canceling invocation: server=TCP:, moref=vim.SessionManager:ha-sessionmgr, method=logout
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:21.000 03420 info 'App'] Task Completed : task-3
[#5] [2010-11-10 16:05:21.046 01424 info 'App'] [Converter.Worker.DiagnosticManagerImpl][task-3] Generating task log bundle.

Content-ID: 154799


Ausgedruckt am: 22.02.2025 um 23:02 Uhr

60730 10.11.2010 um 17:04:02 Uhr
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das eine + bei Anspruchsvoll kommt von mir und ist ironisch gemeint..

Warum schreibst du nicht, das du einen ESXi einsetzt und diese ellenlangen Logfiles interessieren dafür niemanden.

Anhand deiner Geschichte vermute ich, du willst ein Backup über den Converter bauen, das das nicht funktioniert, bracuh ich dir ja nicht zu erklärbären, hast ja schon den Veem Tipp bekommen.

attix22 11.11.2010 um 10:48:50 Uhr
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ja wir setzen einen ESXi ein und nein das soll keine Backup Lösung werden, das wäre hirnrissig.
Ich will einfach V2V und P2V Converten, das was der Converter tun sollte.

Das Log habe ich gepostet, weil ich dachte vl sagt einem das Fehlerbild was.

Man kann auch mal zwei Fragen zur ESXi Thematik haben ohne gleich das schlimmste unterstellen zu wollen ....

awagner82 11.11.2010 um 12:54:29 Uhr
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Leider habe ich mit dem Standalone Converter bisher auch keine wirklich guten Ergebnisse erzielen können.
Manchmal tuts manchmal nicht, der Rest ist mir schleierhaft.

Was gut funktioniert ist der sog. VCenterConverter.
Hängt meiner Meinung nach einfach mit der KOST-KOST-NIX Problematik zusammen ;)

attix22 11.11.2010 um 16:31:55 Uhr
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Hallo awagner82,

vielen Dank für deinen Tipp, damit funktionert alles wunderbar.
Hätte nicht gedacht, das das so einen Unterscheid macht aber nochmals tausend Dank.
Die Empfehlung hat mir einiges an Arbeit gespart.

awagner82 16.11.2010 um 11:34:54 Uhr
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Klaro, jederzeit wieder gerne.
Freut mich, dass es hingehauen hat!