Win7 firewall list von
in Win7 kann ich mit dem Befehl
netsh advfirewall firewall show rule status=enabled name=all
zeige alle Rules, die aktiv sind
wie kann ich alle auflisten, die den Status „Block“ haben?
in Win7 kann ich mit dem Befehl
netsh advfirewall firewall show rule status=enabled name=all
zeige alle Rules, die aktiv sind
wie kann ich alle auflisten, die den Status „Block“ haben?
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Content-ID: 307636
Ausgedruckt am: 09.03.2025 um 02:03 Uhr
7 Kommentare
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you should definitly use powershell for this
The netsh > advfirewall context is deprecated and will be removed from the next versions of Windows. So hurry up and use modern scripting languages.
you should definitly use powershell for this
Get-NetFirewallRule -Action Block

This cmdlet is only supported on win8.x and above.
In win7 you could pipe the content to findstr and search for the term 'Block' to filter out the rules you want.
In win7 you could pipe the content to findstr and search for the term 'Block' to filter out the rules you want.

You could also use netsh within Powershell to filter out the rules like this.
I have put in the german translation for analysing the output.
I have put in the german translation for analysing the output.
((netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all status=enabled) | out-string ) -split '(?=Regelname)' | ?{$_ -match 'Aktion:\s+Blockieren'}

And i extra did the translation for nothing, ohh no 
Have a nice sunday.
Have a nice sunday.