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Mail mit Blat und Message-ID versenden

Hallo zusammen
Hat jemand von euch erfahrung mit dem Tool "Blat"
Ich möchte mit Blat automatisiert ein Mail versenden was auch funktioniert.
Ich muss der Mail jedoch eine Message ID hinzufügen, da dies der Mailprovider verlangt.
Wie kann ich das realisieren?
Hat jemand eine Idee?
Mein Befehl:

C:\Blat\blatguy0.9.0.25\Blat "C:\Blat\blatguy0.9.0.25\Mailtext.txt" -tf "C:\Blat\blatguy0.9.0.25\Empfaenger.txt" -server (server.de) -u (sendeadresse) -pw (Password) -attach "C:\anhang.txt" -debug -timestamp -log blatSMTPlog.txt -subject "neues Mail"  

Hier die Syntax:
Blat v2.5.0 w/GSS encryption (build : Sep 14 2005 22:46:29)

Win32 console utility to send mail via SMTP or post to usenet via NNTP
by P.Mendes,M.Neal,G.Vollant,T.Charron,T.Musson,H.Pesonen,A.Donchey,C.Hyde
  Blat <filename> -to <recipient> [optional switches (see below)]
  Blat -install <server addr> <sender's addr> [<try>[<port>[<profile>]]] [-q]  
  Blat -profile [-delete | "<default>"] [profile1] [profileN] [-q]  
  Blat -h

-------------------------------- Installation ---------------------------------
-install[SMTP|NNTP|POP3] <server addr> <sender's email addr> [<try n times>  
                [<port> [<profile> [<username> [<password>]]]]]
                : set server, sender, number of tries and port for profile
                  (<try n times> and <port> may be replaced by '-')  
                  port defaults are SMTP=25, NNTP=119, POP3=110
                  default profile can be specified with a '-'  
                  username and/or password may be stored to the registry
                  order of options is specific
                  use -installNNTP for storing NNTP information
                  use -installPOP3 for storing POP3 information
                      (sender and try are ignored, use '-' in place of these)  

--------------------------------- The Basics ----------------------------------
<filename>      : file with the message body to be sent
                  if your message body is on the command line, use a hyphen (-)
                  as your first argument, and -body followed by your message
                  if your message will come from the console/keyboard, use the
                  hyphen as your first argument, but do not use -body option.
-of <file>      : text file containing more options (also -optionfile)
-to <recipient> : recipient list (also -t) (comma separated)
-tf <file>      : recipient list filename
-cc <recipient> : carbon copy recipient list (also -c) (comma separated)
-cf <file>      : cc recipient list filename
-bcc <recipient>: blind carbon copy recipient list (also -b)
                  (comma separated)
-bf <file>      : bcc recipient list filename
-maxNames <x>   : send to groups of <x> number of recipients
-ur             : set To: header to Undisclosed Recipients if not using the
                  -to and -cc options
-subject <subj> : subject line, surround with quotes to include spaces(also -s)
-ss             : suppress subject line if not defined
-sf <file>      : file containing subject line
-body <text>    : message body, surround with quotes to include spaces
-sig <file>     : text file containing your email signature
-tag <file>     : text file containing taglines, to be randomly chosen
-ps <file>      : final message text, possibly for unsubscribe instructions

----------------------------- Registry overrides ------------------------------
-p <profile>    : send with server, user, and port defined in <profile>
                : use username and password if defined in <profile>
-profile        : list all profiles in the Registry
-server <addr>  : specify SMTP server to be used (optionally, addr:port)
-serverSMTP <addr>
                : same as -server
-serverNNTP <addr>
                : specify NNTP server to be used (optionally, addr:port)
-serverPOP3 <addr>
                : specify POP3 server to be used (optionally, addr:port)
                  when POP3 access is required before sending email
-f <sender>     : override the default sender address (must be known to server)
-i <addr>       : a 'From:' address, not necessarily known to the server  
-port <port>    : port to be used on the SMTP server, defaults to SMTP (25)
-portSMTP <port>: same as -port
-portNNTP <port>: port to be used on the NNTP server, defaults to NNTP (119)
-portPOP3 <port>: port to be used on the POP3 server, defaults to POP3 (110)
-u <username>   : username for AUTH LOGIN (use with -pw)
-pw <password>  : password for AUTH LOGIN (use with -u)
-pu <username>  : username for POP3 LOGIN (use with -ppw)
-ppw <password> : password for POP3 LOGIN (use with -pu)

---------------------- Miscellaneous RFC header switches ----------------------
-organization <organization>
                : Organization field (also -o and -org)
-ua             : include User-Agent header line instead of X-Mailer
-x <X-Header: detail>
                : custom 'X-' header.  eg: -x "X-INFO: Blat is Great!"  
-noh            : prevent X-Mailer/User-Agent header from showing Blat homepage
-noh2           : prevent X-Mailer header entirely
-d              : request disposition notification
-r              : request return receipt
-charset <cs>   : user defined charset.  The default is ISO-8859-1
-a1 <header>    : add custom header line at the end of the regular headers
-a2 <header>    : same as -a1, for a second custom header line
-dsn <nsfd>     : use Delivery Status Notifications (RFC 3461)
                  n = never, s = successful, f = failure, d = delayed
                  can be used together, however N takes precedence
-hdrencb        : use base64 for encoding headers, if necessary
-hdrencq        : use quoted-printable for encoding headers, if necessary
-priority <pr>  : set message priority 0 for low, 1 for high

----------------------- Attachment and encoding options -----------------------
-attach <file>  : attach binary file(s) to message (filenames comma separated)
-attacht <file> : attach text file(s) to message (filenames comma separated)
-attachi <file> : attach text file(s) as INLINE (filenames comma separated)
-embed <file>   : embed file(s) in HTML.  Object tag in HTML must specify
                  content-id using cid: tag.  eg: <img src="cid:image.jpg">  
-af <file>      : file containing list of binary file(s) to attach (comma
-atf <file>     : file containing list of text file(s) to attach (comma
-aef <file>     : file containing list of embed file(s) to attach (comma
-base64         : send binary files using base64 (binary MIME)
-uuencode       : send binary files UUEncoded
-enriched       : send an enriched text message (Content-Type=text/enriched)
-unicode        : message body is in 16- or 32-bit Unicode format
-html           : send an HTML message (Content-Type=text/html)
-alttext <text> : plain text for use as alternate text
-alttextf <file>: plain text file for use as alternate text
-mime           : MIME Quoted-Printable Content-Transfer-Encoding
-8bitmime       : ask for 8bit data support when sending MIME
-multipart <size>
                : send multipart messages, breaking attachments on <size>
                  KB boundaries, where <size> is per 1000 bytes
-nomps                : do not allow multipart messages

---------------------------- NNTP specific options ----------------------------
-groups <usenet groups>
                : list of newsgroups (comma separated)

-------------------------------- Other options --------------------------------
-h              : displays this help (also -?, /?, -help or /help)
-q              : suppresses all output to the screen
-debug          : echoes server communications to a log file or screen
                  (overrides -q if echoes to the screen)
-log <file>     : log everything but usage to <file>
-timestamp      : when -log is used, a timestamp is added to each log line
-ti <n>         : set timeout to 'n' seconds.  Blat will wait 'n' seconds for  
                  server responses
-try <n times>  : how many times blat should try to send (1 to 'INFINITE')  
-binary         : do not convert ASCII | (pipe, 0x7c) to CrLf in the message
-hostname <hst> : select the hostname used to send the message via SMTP
                  this is typically your local machine name
-raw            : do not add CR/LF after headers
-delay <x>      : wait x seconds between messages being sent when used with
                  -maxnames or -multipart
-comment <char> : use this character to mark the start of commments in
                  options files and recipient list files.  The default is ;
-superdebug     : hex/ascii dump the data between Blat and the server
-superdebugT    : ascii dump the data between Blat and the server

Note that if the '-i' option is used, <sender> is included in 'Reply-to:'  
and 'Sender:' fields in the header of the message.  

Optionally, the following options can be used instead of the -f and -i

-mailfrom <addr>   The RFC 821 MAIL From: statement
-from <addr>       The RFC 822 From: statement
-replyto <addr>    The RFC 822 Reply-To: statement
-returnpath <addr> The RFC 822 Return-Path: statement
-sender <addr>     The RFC 822 Sender: statement

For backward consistency, the -f and -i options have precedence over these
RFC 822 defined options.  If both -f and -i options are omitted then the
RFC 821 MAIL FROM statement will be defaulted to use the installation-defined
default sender address.

Content-ID: 192590

Url: https://administrator.de/forum/mail-mit-blat-und-message-id-versenden-192590.html

Ausgedruckt am: 23.02.2025 um 15:02 Uhr

60730 10.10.2012 aktualisiert um 22:37:29 Uhr
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finde den Fehler
Hier die Syntax:
Blat v2.5.0 w/GSS encryption (build : Sep 14 2005 22:46:29)


Ps: Die von uns, die dir helfen können, sollten theoretisch Blat kennen und wer den kennt, kennt auch /?
Magst du das etwas eindampfen?

User mit ner nummer und dann noch "0815" suchmachine kaputt?
Quickly0815 10.10.2012 um 23:07:30 Uhr
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Hallo Rambospfeil

Ich verstehe in deiner Antwort leider nur Bahnhof.
Aber ich glaube nicht das hier nur User mit Informatcstudium fragen stellen dürfen.
Leider verstehe ich die Syntax nicht, aber anscheinend sollte das irgendwie gehen.

PS:Rambospfeil finde ich auch nicht gerade kreativer
tschuldige meine unwissenheit.
60730 10.10.2012 um 23:47:36 Uhr
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  • Angenommen, man hat nicht Informatik studiert oder wäre Informatik Professor...
  • Und würde in einer Suchmaschine Blaat Message Id eingeben..
  • Dann würde man relativ schnell herausfinden, das es dazu mindestens einen Treffer gibt.
  • Der könnte dann zum Beispiel am "Sun May 20, 2012 9:42 pm" geschrieben worden sein (ist etwas neuer, als deine Blatversion)
  • Wenn man dann kombinieren würde, diese Chipprogrammer wäre derjenige, welcher Blat geschrieben hat. Oder sich zumindestens den Sourcecode angesehen hat um eine Aussage zu treffen, die "Recompile the source code to remove the version text at line 1094 in
bldhdrs.cpp." lauten würde...

Dann ist doch alles geschrieben?
Oder ganz ohne Bahnhof
Es gibt derzeit keine fertige Version von Blat, wo man die Message-ID selber ändern könnte.
