Powershell Abfrage Computername, OS, Notebook oder Workstation, Office Version
ich würde gerne über eine AD Abfrage eine Clientliste generieren in der der Computername, Notebook oder Workstation und Office Version gelistet sind.
Mein momentaner Ansatz ist eine Powershellabfrage mit Get-ADComputer.
Notebook oder Workstation, OS sowie Office Version sollte man wohl über eine WMI Batterie Abfrage ermitteln können.
Leider habe ich arge Probleme damit das Ganze in ein Script zu bringen.
HILFE!!!
ich würde gerne über eine AD Abfrage eine Clientliste generieren in der der Computername, Notebook oder Workstation und Office Version gelistet sind.
Mein momentaner Ansatz ist eine Powershellabfrage mit Get-ADComputer.
Notebook oder Workstation, OS sowie Office Version sollte man wohl über eine WMI Batterie Abfrage ermitteln können.
Leider habe ich arge Probleme damit das Ganze in ein Script zu bringen.
Bitte markiere auch die Kommentare, die zur Lösung des Beitrags beigetragen haben
Content-ID: 334141
Url: https://administrator.de/forum/powershell-abfrage-computername-os-notebook-oder-workstation-office-version-334141.html
Ausgedruckt am: 24.02.2025 um 13:02 Uhr
2 Kommentare
Neuester Kommentar
$HardwareType=http://2012sg.poshcode.org/5263 #Rückgabe der Funktion anpassen
#Office Version
Je nachdem wie du es ausgegeben haben willst, kannst du es dann in einem Objekt speichern und ausgeben/speichern.
Muss noch was machen und kann das gerade nicht ordentlich fertig schreiben.
Zusammengebaut bspw. so (genügend Berechtigungen auf allen Maschinen vorausgesetzt):
Grüße Uwe
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Function Get-OfficeVersion {
Gets the Office Version installed on the computer
This function will query the local or a remote computer and return the information about Office Products installed on the computer
Name: Get-OfficeVersion
Version: 1.0.5
DateCreated: 2015-07-01
DateUpdated: 2016-07-20
.PARAMETER ComputerName
The computer or list of computers from which to query
.PARAMETER ShowAllInstalledProducts
Will expand the output to include all installed Office products
Will return the locally installed Office product
Get-OfficeVersion -ComputerName client01,client02
Will return the installed Office product on the remote computers
Get-OfficeVersion | select *
Will return the locally installed Office product with all of the available properties
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)]
[string[]]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
begin {
$HKLM = [UInt32] "0x80000002"
$HKCR = [UInt32] "0x80000000"
$excelKeyPath = "Excel\DefaultIcon"
$wordKeyPath = "Word\DefaultIcon"
$installKeys = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall',
$officeKeys = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office',
$defaultDisplaySet = 'DisplayName','Version', 'ComputerName'
$defaultDisplayPropertySet = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSPropertySet(‘DefaultDisplayPropertySet’,[string[]]$defaultDisplaySet)
$PSStandardMembers = [System.Management.Automation.PSMemberInfo[]]@($defaultDisplayPropertySet)
process {
$results = new-object PSObject 0;
foreach ($computer in $ComputerName) {
if ($Credentials) {
$os=Get-WMIObject win32_operatingsystem -computername $computer -Credential $Credentials
} else {
$os=Get-WMIObject win32_operatingsystem -computername $computer
$osArchitecture = $os.OSArchitecture
if ($Credentials) {
$regProv = Get-Wmiobject -list "StdRegProv" -namespace root\default -computername $computer -Credential $Credentials
} else {
$regProv = Get-Wmiobject -list "StdRegProv" -namespace root\default -computername $computer
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$VersionList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$PathList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$PackageList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$ClickToRunPathList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$ConfigItemList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
$ClickToRunList = new-object PSObject 0;
foreach ($regKey in $officeKeys) {
$officeVersion = $regProv.EnumKey($HKLM, $regKey)
foreach ($key in $officeVersion.sNames) {
if ($key -match "\d{2}\.\d") {
if (!$VersionList.Contains($key)) {
$AddItem = $VersionList.Add($key)
$path = join-path $regKey $key
$configPath = join-path $path "Common\Config"
$configItems = $regProv.EnumKey($HKLM, $configPath)
if ($configItems) {
foreach ($configId in $configItems.sNames) {
if ($configId) {
$Add = $ConfigItemList.Add($configId.ToUpper())
$cltr = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
$cltr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InstallPath -Value ""
$cltr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UpdatesEnabled -Value $false
$cltr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UpdateUrl -Value ""
$cltr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name StreamingFinished -Value $false
$cltr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Platform -Value ""
$cltr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ClientCulture -Value ""
$packagePath = join-path $path "Common\InstalledPackages"
$clickToRunPath = join-path $path "ClickToRun\Configuration"
$virtualInstallPath = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $clickToRunPath, "InstallationPath").sValue
[string]$officeLangResourcePath = join-path $path "Common\LanguageResources"
$mainLangId = $regProv.GetDWORDValue($HKLM, $officeLangResourcePath, "SKULanguage").uValue
if ($mainLangId) {
$mainlangCulture = [globalization.cultureinfo]::GetCultures("allCultures") | where {$_.LCID -eq $mainLangId}
if ($mainlangCulture) {
$cltr.ClientCulture = $mainlangCulture.Name
[string]$officeLangPath = join-path $path "Common\LanguageResources\InstalledUIs"
$langValues = $regProv.EnumValues($HKLM, $officeLangPath);
if ($langValues) {
foreach ($langValue in $langValues) {
$langCulture = [globalization.cultureinfo]::GetCultures("allCultures") | where {$_.LCID -eq $langValue}
if ($virtualInstallPath) {
} else {
$clickToRunPath = join-path $regKey "ClickToRun\Configuration"
$virtualInstallPath = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $clickToRunPath, "InstallationPath").sValue
if ($virtualInstallPath) {
if (!$ClickToRunPathList.Contains($virtualInstallPath.ToUpper())) {
$AddItem = $ClickToRunPathList.Add($virtualInstallPath.ToUpper())
$cltr.InstallPath = $virtualInstallPath
$cltr.StreamingFinished = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $clickToRunPath, "StreamingFinished").sValue
$cltr.UpdatesEnabled = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $clickToRunPath, "UpdatesEnabled").sValue
$cltr.UpdateUrl = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $clickToRunPath, "UpdateUrl").sValue
$cltr.Platform = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $clickToRunPath, "Platform").sValue
$cltr.ClientCulture = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $clickToRunPath, "ClientCulture").sValue
$ClickToRunList += $cltr
$packageItems = $regProv.EnumKey($HKLM, $packagePath)
$officeItems = $regProv.EnumKey($HKLM, $path)
foreach ($itemKey in $officeItems.sNames) {
$itemPath = join-path $path $itemKey
$installRootPath = join-path $itemPath "InstallRoot"
$filePath = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $installRootPath, "Path").sValue
if (!$PathList.Contains($filePath)) {
$AddItem = $PathList.Add($filePath)
foreach ($packageGuid in $packageItems.sNames) {
$packageItemPath = join-path $packagePath $packageGuid
$packageName = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $packageItemPath, "").sValue
if (!$PackageList.Contains($packageName)) {
if ($packageName) {
$AddItem = $PackageList.Add($packageName.Replace(' ', '').ToLower())
foreach ($regKey in $installKeys) {
$keyList = new-object System.Collections.ArrayList
$keys = $regProv.EnumKey($HKLM, $regKey)
foreach ($key in $keys.sNames) {
$path = join-path $regKey $key
$installPath = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $path, "InstallLocation").sValue
if (!($installPath)) { continue }
if ($installPath.Length -eq 0) { continue }
$buildType = "64-Bit"
if ($osArchitecture -eq "32-bit") {
$buildType = "32-Bit"
if ($regKey.ToUpper().Contains("Wow6432Node".ToUpper())) {
$buildType = "32-Bit"
if ($key -match "{.{8}-.{4}-.{4}-1000-0000000FF1CE}") {
$buildType = "64-Bit"
if ($key -match "{.{8}-.{4}-.{4}-0000-0000000FF1CE}") {
$buildType = "32-Bit"
if ($modifyPath) {
if ($modifyPath.ToLower().Contains("platform=x86")) {
$buildType = "32-Bit"
if ($modifyPath.ToLower().Contains("platform=x64")) {
$buildType = "64-Bit"
$primaryOfficeProduct = $false
$officeProduct = $false
foreach ($officeInstallPath in $PathList) {
if ($officeInstallPath) {
$installReg = "^" + $installPath.Replace('\', '\\')
$installReg = $installReg.Replace('(', '\(')
$installReg = $installReg.Replace(')', '\)')
if ($officeInstallPath -match $installReg) { $officeProduct = $true }
if (!$officeProduct) { continue };
$name = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $path, "DisplayName").sValue
if ($ConfigItemList.Contains($key.ToUpper()) -and $name.ToUpper().Contains("MICROSOFT OFFICE") -and $name.ToUpper() -notlike "*MUI*" -and $name.ToUpper() -notlike "*VISIO*" -and $name.ToUpper() -notlike "*PROJECT*") {
$primaryOfficeProduct = $true
$clickToRunComponent = $regProv.GetDWORDValue($HKLM, $path, "ClickToRunComponent").uValue
$uninstallString = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $path, "UninstallString").sValue
if (!($clickToRunComponent)) {
if ($uninstallString) {
if ($uninstallString.Contains("OfficeClickToRun")) {
$clickToRunComponent = $true
$modifyPath = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $path, "ModifyPath").sValue
$version = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $path, "DisplayVersion").sValue
$cltrUpdatedEnabled = $NULL
$cltrUpdateUrl = $NULL
$clientCulture = $NULL;
[string]$clickToRun = $false
if ($clickToRunComponent) {
$clickToRun = $true
if ($name.ToUpper().Contains("MICROSOFT OFFICE")) {
$primaryOfficeProduct = $true
foreach ($cltr in $ClickToRunList) {
if ($cltr.InstallPath) {
if ($cltr.InstallPath.ToUpper() -eq $installPath.ToUpper()) {
$cltrUpdatedEnabled = $cltr.UpdatesEnabled
$cltrUpdateUrl = $cltr.UpdateUrl
if ($cltr.Platform -eq 'x64') {
$buildType = "64-Bit"
if ($cltr.Platform -eq 'x86') {
$buildType = "32-Bit"
$clientCulture = $cltr.ClientCulture
if (!$primaryOfficeProduct) {
if (!$ShowAllInstalledProducts) {
$object = New-Object PSObject -Property @{DisplayName = $name; Version = $version; InstallPath = $installPath; ClickToRun = $clickToRun;
Bitness=$buildType; ComputerName=$computer; ClickToRunUpdatesEnabled=$cltrUpdatedEnabled; ClickToRunUpdateUrl=$cltrUpdateUrl;
ClientCulture=$clientCulture }
$object | Add-Member MemberSet PSStandardMembers $PSStandardMembers
$results += $object
$results = Get-Unique -InputObject $results
return $results;
$chassistypes = @{1 = "Other";2 = "Unknown";3 = "Desktop";4 = "Low Profile Desktop";5 = "Pizza Box";6 = "Mini Tower";7 = "Tower";8 = "Portable";9 = "Laptop";10 = "Notebook";11 = "HandHeld";12 = "Docking Station";13 = "All in One";14 = "Sub Notebook";15 = "Space-Saving";16 = "Lunch Box";17 = "Main System Chassis";18 = "Expansion Chassis";19 = "SubChassis";20 = "Bus Expansion Chassis";21 = "Peripheral Chassis";22 = "Storage Chassis";23 = "Rack Mount Chassis";24 = "Sealed-Case PC"}
Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties OperatingSystem,OperatingSystemVersion,DNSHostName | select Name,OperatingSystem,OperatingSystemVersion,@{n='Type';e={(gwmi Win32_SystemEnclosure -ComputerName $_.DNSHostName -EA SilentlyContinue).ChassisTypes | %{$chassistypes[[int]$_]}}},@{n='Office-Version';e={Get-OfficeVersion $_.DNSHostname | select -Expand Version}} | ft -AutoSize