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25. November 2019: IPv4 ist aufgebraucht!

Kurze Durchsage vom RIPE NCC: "We have now run out of IPv4 addresses."

Dear colleagues,

Today, at 15:35 UTC+1 on 25 November 2019, we made our final /22 IPv4 allocation from the last remaining addresses in our available pool. We have now run out of IPv4 addresses.

Our announcement will not come as a surprise for network operators - IPv4 run-out has long been anticipated and planned for by the RIPE community. In fact, it is due to the community's responsible stewardship of these resources that we have been able to provide many thousands of new networks in our service region with /22 allocations after we reached our last /8 in 2012.  

Recovered IPv4 Addresses and the Waiting List

Even though we have run out, we will continue to recover IPv4 addresses in the future. These will come from organisations that have gone out of business or whose LIR accounts are closed, or from networks that return addresses they no longer need. They will be allocated to our members according to their position on a new waiting list that is now active.

While we therefore expect to be allocating IPv4 for some time, these small amounts will not come close to the many millions of addresses that networks in our region need today. Only LIRs that have never received an IPv4 allocation from the RIPE NCC (of any size) may request addresses from the waiting list, and they are only eligible to receive a single /24 allocation.

LIRs that have submitted an IPv4 request can see their position on the waiting list in the LIR Portal. A new graph has also been published that shows the number of requests on the waiting list and the number of days that the LIR at the front of the queue has been waiting:

Call for Greater Progress on IPv6

This event is another step on the path towards global exhaustion of the remaining IPv4 addressing space. In recent years, we have seen the emergence of an IPv4 transfer market and greater use of Carrier Grade Network Address Translation (CGNAT) in our region. There are costs and trade-offs with both approaches and neither one solves the underlying problem, which is that there are not enough IPv4 addresses for everyone.

Without wide-scale IPv6 deployment, we risk heading into a future where the growth of our Internet is unnecessarily limited - not by a lack of skilled network engineers, technical equipment or investment, but by a shortage of unique network identifiers. There is still a long way to go, and we call on all stakeholders to play their role in supporting the IPv6 roll-out.

At the RIPE NCC, we are here to support our membership and the wider RIPE community in this work. Aside from allocating the IPv6 resources that will be required, we will continue to provide advice, training, measurements and tools to help network operators as they put their deployment plans into action.

We are optimistic and excited to see what the next chapter will bring. So let's get to work - and together, let's shape the future of the Internet.  

Best regards,

Everyone at the RIPE NCC

Content-ID: 518971

Url: https://administrator.de/knowledge/25-november-2019-ipv4-ist-aufgebraucht-518971.html

Ausgedruckt am: 03.03.2025 um 20:03 Uhr

Dani 25.11.2019 um 17:45:18 Uhr
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kurze Durchsage von @Dani: Wir haben uns eingedeckt. face-smile
Spaß bei Seite. Die Großen, die ich kenne, haben sich alle vor geraumer Zeit "gut" eingedeckt. Es trifft wie immer erst einmal die Kleinen.

brammer 25.11.2019 um 20:12:44 Uhr
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Die Meldung wird auch schon seit 15 jahren regelmäßig publiziert...

Und trotzdem kann manch Server im Internet noch kein IPv6..

LordGurke 25.11.2019 um 20:48:07 Uhr
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Zitat von @brammer:
Und trotzdem kann manch Server im Internet noch kein IPv6..

administrator.de, um mal ein Beispiel zu nennen face-wink
Henere 25.11.2019 um 22:00:40 Uhr
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So schlimm ist das nicht. Ich hab noch jede Menge zu verkaufen nach RFC1918.
Halte ich dann so wie mancher MS-Lizenzverkäufer... doppelt ? Macht ja nix.
Dilbert-MD 25.11.2019 um 22:18:20 Uhr
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Ich hab noch jede Menge zu verkaufen nach RFC1918.

Verkäufername auf dem Portal: "CGN"
aqui 26.11.2019 aktualisiert um 13:45:54 Uhr
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Heise hats auch schon gemeldet:
https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Das-war-s-mit-IPv4-Adressen-in-E ...
administrator.de, um mal ein Beispiel zu nennen
Was für ein IT Technikportal ein wirkliches Armutszeugnis und der Grund unverständlich ist...
Dani 26.11.2019 um 19:07:44 Uhr
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administrator.de, um mal ein Beispiel zu nennen
IPv6-Adresse für die Webseite

aqui 26.11.2019 um 19:48:21 Uhr
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...und das ist schon peinliche 2 Jahre her und nix ist passiert.