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Which VPN is more reliable?

Hello guys,

Good day to all! I'm a newbie here. I'm going to use VPN service for the first time. I would like to know more about a reliable VPN. Can you please help me?

Thank you so much!

Content-ID: 662333

Url: https://administrator.de/en/which-vpn-is-more-reliable-662333.html

Ausgedruckt am: 31.01.2025 um 03:01 Uhr

transocean 13.03.2021, aktualisiert am 16.05.2023 um 15:17:26 Uhr
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Hello guy,

ask the question again in German. Then you might get some answers.

And you can also take this opportunity to explain to your readers what you mean by a reliable VPN.


brammer 13.03.2021, aktualisiert am 16.05.2023 um 15:17:26 Uhr
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what for?
a connection between 2 sites? ? or between a Client and a site?
available Hardware?

Pjordorf 13.03.2021, aktualisiert am 16.05.2023 um 15:17:26 Uhr
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Zitat von @Jicardo77:
Good day to all! I'm a newbie here. I'm going to use VPN service for the first time. I would like to know more about a reliable VPN. Can you please help me?
Any VPN you like. Once established and running every VPN is Reliable. It is just a question Site to Site, Client to Site, which settings need to be pushed, how much overhead you need or don't need and so on. PPTP is now obselete since you can buy for approx. USD 200 a service to crack to contents, IPSEC is still Standard as well as L2TP etc. OpenVPN is used by many as well. And without knowing your VPN use or your used HW no one can tell you what you need.

aqui 14.03.2021, aktualisiert am 16.05.2023 um 15:17:26 Uhr
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The anser to the question is very simple:
All VPN protocols are reliable !! There is only one exception which is PPTP cause this is not secure anymore.
@Pjordorf already mentioned it above. Check and read all local tutorials regarding this issue and choose the one which fits your needs. face-wink Case closed....
Jicardo77 02.04.2021, aktualisiert am 16.05.2023 um 15:17:26 Uhr
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Thank you so much for your helpful post. I will definitely try it.
aqui 02.04.2021, aktualisiert am 16.05.2023 um 15:17:26 Uhr
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Then please don't forget to close this thread !
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