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Accespoint 1142N Cisco konfiguration mit WDS Autonom

Hallo allerseits

Ich habe folgendes Problem. Ich habe Zwei Accespoint 1142N Cisco Autonom konfiguriert, soweit funktionieren beide. Ich habe auf dem einen WDS konfiguriert, Abstand ca. 30m Nach dem WDS Aktivierung kann ich mich teilweise Verschieben und WLAN funktioniert und teilweise nicht.
Wenn ich den WDS Status anschaue,dann sehe ich die eigene Mac/IP Adresse. AP's ist aber 0 müsste da nicht 1 sein?
Komme einfach nicht weiter Danke im voraus für Eure Hilfe.

Gruss Giusi1

Content-ID: 235755


Ausgedruckt am: 10.03.2025 um 13:03 Uhr

aqui 16.04.2014 aktualisiert um 16:28:43 Uhr
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Meinst du damit den WDS Service von Cisco: ...
oder Standard Wireless Distribution Service also einen simplen und doofen Repeater ? ...
Bedenke das WDS nur WEP als Verschlüsselung akzeptiert und WEP als geknackt gilt !
Wenn du also ein unsicheres WLAN vermeiden willst, dann konfigurierst du einen Universal Repeater der auch WPA-2 supported.
Giusi1 16.04.2014 um 16:54:37 Uhr
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Hallo Aqui

Danke für den Hinweis ich bin mir nicht so sicher. Ich habe im Cisco Handbuch gelesen, dass ich mehrere Accespoint mit dem WDS verbinden kann, Sprich der eine wird als WDS konfiguriert und die anderen normal. Da ich 3 AP brauche alle vom gleichen Hersteller und diese Autonom sind möchte ich diese eben zusammen verbinden (WDS)
damit wenn ich von einem Punkt zum anderen gehe angemeldet bleibe.

Danke im voraus

Lösung aqui 16.04.2014, aktualisiert am 29.04.2014 um 09:10:18 Uhr
Goto Top
OK, das ist das Cisco WDS und (glücklicherweise) KEIN Repeating.
Da arbeitet quasi einer der APs als WLAN Controller für die andere und übernimmt das Client Roaming !
Dann gilt für dich die Setup Steps wie sie hier alle aufgeführt sind: ...
  • Hast du wirklich alle diese Konfig Schritte ausgeführt die dort genannt sind ?
  • Hast du die APs so eingestellt das sie den erforderlichen Kanalabstand haben ?? Bei WLAN ist ein Kanalabstand von mindestens 4 Funkkanälen zwingend damit es nicht zu Überlappungen kommt und Störungen ! Das gilt auch für ggf. empfangbare Nachbar WLANs. Ein freier WLAN Scanner wie WiFiInfoView zeigt dir diese an:
  • 20 Mhz Bandbreite fest einstellen bei 2,4 Ghz und AES-CCMP als Schlüsselprotokoll ohne Mischbetrieb mit TKIP sollte auch klar sein.
Eine non WDS Beispielkonfig findest du hier im Kapitel "Praxisbeispiel".
Giusi1 17.04.2014 aktualisiert um 11:22:24 Uhr
Goto Top
Hallo und Guten Morgen Aqui
Vorab Danke für deine super Mitteilung. Ich habe nun die Kanäle eingestellt. Was ich nicht verstehe ist, den WDS AP habe ich an meinem Arbeitsplatz, trotzdem der Login ist auf dem AP wo weiter weg ist (Association Client:1) und nicht bei dem mit WDS, müsste ich nicht auf dem AP sein wo näher ist? muss ich den Zweiten AP auch als Participate in SWAN Infrastruktur Enablen? Was ich aber nicht sehe sind immer noch die Accsesspoint am konfigurierten WDS. Im Anhang sende ich Dir meine Konfig's Event. siehst du mein Fehler

Gruss und Danke für deine Unterstützung.

WDS Registration
APs: 0
Mobile Nodes: 0
AP Information

version 15.2
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
service password-encryption
hostname Wireless2
logging rate-limit console 9
enable secret 5 $1$GDlu$ZxW82tDe66UG1DnJ4hmJ51
aaa new-model
aaa group server radius rad_eap
 server name  xxxxxxxx
aaa group server radius rad_mac
aaa group server radius rad_acct
aaa group server radius rad_admin
 server name  xxxxxxxx
aaa group server tacacs+ tac_admin
aaa group server radius rad_pmip
aaa group server radius dummy
aaa group server radius rad_eap2
 server name  xxxxxxxx
aaa group server radius rad_acct2
 server name  xxxxxxxx
aaa group server radius rad_eap1
 server name  xxxxxxxx
aaa group server radius rad_acct1
 server name  xxxxxxxx
aaa group server radius wireless2
 server name xxxxxxxx
 server name xxxxxxxx
aaa authentication login eap_methods group rad_eap
aaa authentication login mac_methods local
aaa authentication login eap_methods1 group rad_eap1
aaa authentication login eap_methods2 group rad_eap2
aaa authentication login method_wireless2 group wireless2
aaa authorization exec default local
aaa accounting network acct_methods start-stop group rad_acct
aaa accounting network acct_methods1 start-stop group rad_acct1
aaa accounting network acct_methods2 start-stop group rad_acct2
aaa session-id common
clock timezone +0100 1 0
no ip cef
ip domain name dolphin.local
ip name-server
ip name-server xxx.xx.xx.xx
dot11 syslog
dot11 ssid  xxxxxxxx
   vlan 690
   authentication open eap eap_methods1
   authentication network-eap eap_methods1
   authentication key-management wpa version 2 cckm
   accounting acct_methods1
   mbssid guest-mode
dot11 ssid xxxxxxxx
   vlan 691
   authentication open eap eap_methods2
   authentication network-eap eap_methods2
   authentication key-management wpa version 2 cckm
   accounting acct_methods2
dot11 guest
eap profile Cisco
 method peap
 revocation-check none
 rsakeypair TP-self-signed-3314814114
username xxxxxxxxx password 7 112A1016141D
bridge irb
interface Dot11Radio0
 no ip address
 no ip route-cache
 encryption mode ciphers aes-ccm
 encryption vlan 690 mode ciphers aes-ccm
 encryption vlan 691 mode ciphers aes-ccm
 encryption vlan 650 mode ciphers aes-ccm
 ssid  xxxxxxxx
 ssid  xxxxxxxx
 antenna gain 0
 channel 2412
 station-role root access-point
 world-mode legacy
interface Dot11Radio0.650
 encapsulation dot1Q 650 native
 no ip route-cache
 no cdp enable
 bridge-group 1
 bridge-group 1 subscriber-loop-control
 bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
 bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source
 no bridge-group 1 source-learning
 no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding
interface Dot11Radio0.690
 encapsulation dot1Q 690
 no ip route-cache
 bridge-group 90
 bridge-group 90 subscriber-loop-control
 bridge-group 90 spanning-disabled
 bridge-group 90 block-unknown-source
 no bridge-group 90 source-learning
 no bridge-group 90 unicast-flooding
interface Dot11Radio0.691
 encapsulation dot1Q 691
 no ip route-cache
 bridge-group 91
 bridge-group 91 subscriber-loop-control
 bridge-group 91 spanning-disabled
 bridge-group 91 block-unknown-source
 no bridge-group 91 source-learning
 no bridge-group 91 unicast-flooding
interface Dot11Radio1
 no ip address
 encryption mode ciphers aes-ccm
 encryption vlan 691 mode ciphers aes-ccm
 encryption vlan 690 mode ciphers aes-ccm
 encryption vlan 650 mode ciphers aes-ccm
 ssid xxxxxx

 ssid xxxxxx
 antenna gain 1
 dfs band 2 3 block
 speed  basic-6.0 9.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0 m0. m1. m2. m3. m4. m5. m6. m7. m8. m9. m10. m11. m12. m13. m14. m15.
 channel dfs
 station-role root
 world-mode legacy
interface Dot11Radio1.650
 encapsulation dot1Q 650 native
 bridge-group 1
 bridge-group 1 subscriber-loop-control
 bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
 bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source
 no bridge-group 1 source-learning
 no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding
interface Dot11Radio1.690
 encapsulation dot1Q 690
 bridge-group 90
 bridge-group 90 subscriber-loop-control
 bridge-group 90 spanning-disabled
 bridge-group 90 block-unknown-source
 no bridge-group 90 source-learning
 no bridge-group 90 unicast-flooding
interface Dot11Radio1.691
 encapsulation dot1Q 691
 bridge-group 91
 bridge-group 91 subscriber-loop-control
 bridge-group 91 spanning-disabled
 bridge-group 91 block-unknown-source
 no bridge-group 91 source-learning
 no bridge-group 91 unicast-flooding
interface GigabitEthernet0
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface GigabitEthernet0.650
 encapsulation dot1Q 650 native
 bridge-group 1
 bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
 no bridge-group 1 source-learning
interface GigabitEthernet0.690
 encapsulation dot1Q 690
 bridge-group 90
 bridge-group 90 spanning-disabled
 no bridge-group 90 source-learning
interface GigabitEthernet0.691
 encapsulation dot1Q 691
 bridge-group 91
 bridge-group 91 spanning-disabled
 no bridge-group 91 source-learning
interface BVI1
 ip address
 no ip route-cache
 ipv6 address dhcp
 ipv6 address autoconfig
ip default-gateway
ip forward-protocol nd
ip http server
ip http secure-server
ip radius source-interface BVI1
no cdp run
radius-server attribute 32 include-in-access-req format %h
radius-server vsa send accounting
radius server xxxxxxxx
 address ipv4 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
 key 7 131112011F050A2D78
radius server xxxxxxxx
 address ipv4  auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
 key 7 14031718180D242C77
bridge 1 route ip
wlccp ap username Wireless2 password 7 09584B1A0D0C191559
wlccp ap wds ip address
wlccp authentication-server client any method_wireless2
wlccp wds priority 255 interface BVI1
line con 0
line vty 0 4
 transport input all
sntp server xx.xx.x.x
sntp broadcast client


version 15.2
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
service password-encryption
hostname Wireless3
logging rate-limit console 9
enable secret 5 $1$GDlu$ZxW82tDe66UG1DnJ4hmJ51
aaa new-model
aaa group server radius rad_eap
 server name xxxxxxxxxx
aaa group server radius rad_mac
aaa group server radius rad_acct
 server name  xxxxxxxxxx
aaa group server radius rad_admin
 server name  xxxxxxxxxx
aaa group server tacacs+ tac_admin
aaa group server radius rad_pmip
aaa group server radius dummy
aaa group server radius rad_eap2
 server name  xxxxxxxxxx
aaa group server radius rad_acct2
 server name  xxxxxxxxxx
aaa group server radius rad_eap1
 server name  xxxxxxxxxx
aaa group server radius rad_acct1
 server name  xxxxxxxxxx
aaa group server radius wireless3
 server name  xxxxxxxxxx
aaa authentication login eap_methods group rad_eap
aaa authentication login mac_methods local
aaa authentication login eap_methods2 group rad_eap2
aaa authentication login method_wireless3 group wireless3
aaa authentication login eap_methods1 group rad_eap1
aaa authorization exec default local
aaa accounting network acct_methods start-stop group rad_acct
aaa accounting network acct_methods2 start-stop group rad_acct2
aaa accounting network acct_methods1 start-stop group rad_acct1
aaa session-id common
clock timezone +0100 1 0
no ip cef
ip domain name dolphin.local
ip name-server
ip name-server
dot11 syslog
dot11 ssid xxxXXX
   vlan 690
   authentication open eap eap_methods1
   authentication network-eap eap_methods1
   authentication key-management wpa version 2 cckm
   accounting acct_methods1
   mbssid guest-mode
dot11 ssid xxxxxxxx
   vlan 691
   authentication open eap eap_methods2
   authentication network-eap eap_methods2
   authentication key-management wpa version 2 cckm
   accounting acct_methods2
   mbssid guest-mode
dot11 guest
eap profile Cisco
 method peap
 revocation-check none
 rsakeypair TP-self-signed-3172570099

username XXXXXXXXXx password 7 112A1016141D
bridge irb
interface Dot11Radio0
 no ip address
 no ip route-cache
 encryption mode ciphers aes-ccm
 encryption vlan 690 mode ciphers aes-ccm
 encryption vlan 691 mode ciphers aes-ccm
 ssid xxxxx
 ssid xxxxxxx
 antenna gain 0
 channel 2437
 station-role root
 world-mode legacy
interface Dot11Radio0.650
 encapsulation dot1Q 650 native
 no ip route-cache
 no cdp enable
 bridge-group 1
 bridge-group 1 subscriber-loop-control
 bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
 bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source
 no bridge-group 1 source-learning
 no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding
interface Dot11Radio0.690
 encapsulation dot1Q 690
 no ip route-cache
 bridge-group 90
 bridge-group 90 subscriber-loop-control
 bridge-group 90 spanning-disabled
 bridge-group 90 block-unknown-source
 no bridge-group 90 source-learning
 no bridge-group 90 unicast-flooding
interface Dot11Radio0.691
 encapsulation dot1Q 691
 no ip route-cache
 bridge-group 91
 bridge-group 91 subscriber-loop-control
 bridge-group 91 spanning-disabled
 bridge-group 91 block-unknown-source
 no bridge-group 91 source-learning
 no bridge-group 91 unicast-flooding
interface Dot11Radio1
 no ip address
 encryption mode ciphers aes-ccm
 encryption vlan 691 mode ciphers aes-ccm
 encryption vlan 690 mode ciphers aes-ccm
 ssid xxxxxxx
 ssid xxxxxx
 antenna gain 1
 dfs band 1 2 block
 speed  basic-6.0 9.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0 m0. m1. m2. m3. m4. m5. m6. m7. m8. m9. m10. m11. m12. m13. m14. m15.
 channel dfs
 station-role root
 world-mode legacy
interface Dot11Radio1.650
 encapsulation dot1Q 650 native
 bridge-group 1
 bridge-group 1 subscriber-loop-control
 bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
 bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source
 no bridge-group 1 source-learning
 no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding
interface Dot11Radio1.690
 encapsulation dot1Q 690
 bridge-group 90
 bridge-group 90 subscriber-loop-control
 bridge-group 90 spanning-disabled
 bridge-group 90 block-unknown-source
 no bridge-group 90 source-learning
 no bridge-group 90 unicast-flooding
interface Dot11Radio1.691
 encapsulation dot1Q 691
 bridge-group 91
 bridge-group 91 subscriber-loop-control
 bridge-group 91 spanning-disabled
 bridge-group 91 block-unknown-source
 no bridge-group 91 source-learning
 no bridge-group 91 unicast-flooding
interface GigabitEthernet0
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface GigabitEthernet0.650
 encapsulation dot1Q 650 native
 bridge-group 1
 bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
 no bridge-group 1 source-learning
interface GigabitEthernet0.690
 encapsulation dot1Q 690
 bridge-group 90
 bridge-group 90 spanning-disabled
 no bridge-group 90 source-learning
interface GigabitEthernet0.691
 encapsulation dot1Q 691
 bridge-group 91
 bridge-group 91 spanning-disabled
 no bridge-group 91 source-learning
interface BVI1
 ip address
 no ip route-cache
 ipv6 address dhcp
 ipv6 address autoconfig
ip default-gateway
ip forward-protocol nd
ip http server
ip http secure-server
ip radius source-interface BVI1
no cdp run
radius-server attribute 32 include-in-access-req format %h
radius-server vsa send accounting
radius server xxxxxxxxx
 address ipv4 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
 key 7 131112011F050A2D78
radius server xxxxxxxx
 address ipv4 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
 key 7 14031718180D242C77
bridge 1 route ip
wlccp ap username Wireless3 password 7 00101615105205015C
wlccp authentication-server client eap method_wireless3
  ssid users
  ssid visitors
wlccp authentication-server client any method_wireless3
line con 0
line vty 0 4
 transport input all
sntp server xx.xx.xx.x
sntp broadcast client

aqui 17.04.2014 um 08:39:44 Uhr
Goto Top
Was ich nicht verstehe ist, den WDS AP habe ich an meinem Arbeitsplatz, trotzdem der Login ist auf dem AP wo weiter weg ist (Association Client:1) und nicht bei dem mit WDS, müsste ich nicht auf dem AP sein wo näher ist?
Ganz ehrlich...? Ganz verstehe ich die Frage nicht.
Zuallererst: Generell sollte man KEIN Login in die AP Konfig über die Wireless Schnittstelle erlauben. Kein Netzwerker macht sowas um dort sicher zu sein.
Wenn dann Login immer nur über die Drahtschnittstelle (LAN).
DNS Namen mit .local als Rootdomain sollte man niemals verwenden, denn das kollidiert mit dem mDNS Standard der das per Definitoon benutzt.
Früher oder später wird das zu Problemen fü aber ne andere Baustelle...

Hast du diesen Punkt beachtet:
"At least one access point or switch (equipped with a Wireless LAN Services Module) that you can configure as the WDS device"
Frage als: Ist mindestens einer deiner APs oder dein Switch mit einem WLSM Modul ausgestattet ?
Ansonsten geht es eh nicht !
Auffällig ist auch das du eine unterschiedliche wlccp Authentication Methode auf den APs eingestellt hast, was laut Konfig nicht erlaubt ist.

Sinnvoll wäre noch ein Auszug des AP Logs was du mit show logg sehen kannst mal zu posten !
Sind dort irgendwelche Fehlermeldungen in Bezug auf WDS zu sehen ??
Damit die sinnvoll mit der korrekten Zeit geloggt werden solltest du ggf. noch das auf den APs konfigurieren:
service timestamps log datetime localtime
logging buffered
clock timezone CET 1 0
clock summer-time CEST recurring last Sun Mar 2:00 last Sun Oct 3:00
Giusi1 17.04.2014 aktualisiert um 11:22:58 Uhr
Goto Top
Hallo Aqui
ich habe die Zeit Einstellung angepasst die war nicht richtig. Warum kann ich nicht sagen ich hatte diese schon mehrmals eingestellt. Seit einer Stunde stimmt Sie jetzt. Ist zum verzweifeln Die Konfig in den Bücher sieht recht einfach aus und trotzdem komme ich nicht voran. Herzliche Dank für deine Unterstützung.

Gruss Giusi1

Apr 11 23:22:09.007: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 11 23:22:09.013: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 11 23:22:09.020: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 11 23:23:10.627: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 11 23:23:10.633: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 11 23:23:10.639: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 11 23:23:33.562: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 11 23:23:33.569: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 11 23:23:33.576: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 11 23:23:33.580: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 11 23:23:33.581: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 11 23:23:33.583: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 11 23:23:33.588: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 11 23:23:33.591: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 11 23:28:53.178: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 12 00:23:00.621: %DOT11-6-ROAMED: Station c446.193a.96e5 Roamed to 0023.ebe5.a910
*Apr 12 00:24:03.260: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 12 00:24:03.261: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 12 00:24:03.263: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 12 00:24:03.264: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 12 00:52:29.350: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 12 00:53:32.668: %LEAPCL-3-TIMEOUT: AP Timed out authenticating to the WDS
*Apr 12 00:55:47.161: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 12 00:55:47.167: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 12 00:55:47.174: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 12 00:55:47.178: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 12 00:55:47.180: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 12 00:55:47.181: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 12 00:55:47.186: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 12 00:55:47.190: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 12 01:01:16.148: %LINK-6-UPDOWN: Interface Dot11Radio1, changed state to down
*Apr 12 01:01:16.155: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Dot11Radio1, changed state to reset
*Apr 12 01:01:17.148: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Dot11Radio1, changed state to down
Frequency  Carrier Busy %
---------  --------------
   5180          0
   5200          0
   5220          0
   5240          0
   5260          0
   5280          0
   5300          0
   5320          0
   5500          0
   5520          0
   5540          0
   5560          0
   5580          0
   5660          0
   5680          0
   5700          0
*Apr 12 01:01:25.873: %LINK-6-UPDOWN: Interface Dot11Radio1, changed state to up
*Apr 12 01:01:26.873: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Dot11Radio1, changed state to up
*Apr 12 01:17:56.445: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 12 01:17:56.449: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 17 08:08:22.000: %SYS-6-CLOCKUPDATE: System clock has been updated from 02:17:56 +0100 Sat Apr 12 2014 to 09:08:22 +0100 Thu Apr 17 2014, configured from console by  on console.
Apr 17 07:11:49.658: %SYS-6-CLOCKUPDATE: System clock has been updated from 08:11:49 +0100 Thu Apr 17 2014 to 07:11:49 +0000 Thu Apr 17 2014, configured from console by  on console.
Apr 17 07:11:49.659: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
Apr 17 07:11:49.664: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
Apr 17 09:11:25.000: %SYS-6-CLOCKUPDATE: System clock has been updated from 07:11:49 +0000 Thu Apr 17 2014 to 09:11:25 +0000 Thu Apr 17 2014, configured from console by  on console.
Apr 17 09:14:30.000: %SYS-6-CLOCKUPDATE: System clock has been updated from 07:14:48 +0000 Thu Apr 17 2014 to 09:14:30 +0000 Thu Apr 17 2014, configured from console by  on console.
Apr 17 07:49:26.178: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
Apr 17 07:49:26.182: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
Apr 17 09:49:35.000: %SYS-6-CLOCKUPDATE: System clock has been updated from 07:49:26 +0000 Thu Apr 17 2014 to 09:49:35 +0000 Thu Apr 17 2014, configured from console by  on console.

im Anhang sende ich Dir von beiden AP den Log
*Apr 12 07:45:18.083: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 07:45:24.569: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client d89e.3f31.6880 reached max retries               , removing the client
*Apr 12 07:45:24.570: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.               3f31.6880 Reason: Previous authentication no longer valid
*Apr 12 07:45:24.574: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client d89e.3f31.6880 reached max retries               , removing the client
*Apr 12 07:48:28.817: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet0, change               d state to down
*Apr 12 07:49:28.817: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet0, change               d state to up
*Apr 12 07:49:48.817: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet0, change               d state to down
*Apr 12 07:50:03.681: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet0, change               d state to up
*Apr 12 07:51:55.902: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d0e1.40bc.f1b0 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 07:53:09.673: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client d0e1.40bc.f1b0 reached max retries               , removing the client
*Apr 12 07:53:09.673: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d0e1.               40bc.f1b0 Reason: Previous authentication no longer valid
*Apr 12 07:53:09.680: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client d0e1.40bc.f1b0 reached max retries               , removing the client
*Apr 12 07:57:23.804: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 07:58:12.374: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.               3f31.6880 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 07:58:51.883: %DOT11-7-AUTH_FAILED: Station c446.193a.96e5 Authentication failed
*Apr 12 08:05:21.098: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:09:38.052: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d0e1.40bc.f1b0 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:09:53.465: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d0e1.               40bc.f1b0 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:10:17.863: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d0e1.40bc.f1b0 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:12:01.644: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:13:00.762: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.               3f31.6880 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:13:27.323: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:14:32.536: %DOT11-7-AUTH_FAILED: Station 5cb5.2427.db35 Authentication failed
*Apr 12 08:17:49.310: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.               3f31.6880 Reason: Previous authentication no longer valid
*Apr 12 08:25:05.991: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:25:16.941: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.               3f31.6880 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:37:00.336: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:37:00.358: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Reassoci               ated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2-CP]
*Apr 12 08:37:20.585: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:37:20.610: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Reassoci               ated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2-CP]
*Apr 12 08:37:44.947: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:37:45.195: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:38:25.900: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:38:26.138: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:38:43.426: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:38:43.732: %DOT11-7-AUTH_FAILED: Station c446.193a.96e5 Authentication failed
*Apr 12 08:38:43.735: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client c446.193a.96e5 reached max retries               , removing the client
*Apr 12 08:38:54.806: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:39:02.227: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:39:13.357: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.               3f31.6880 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:39:20.944: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:39:31.956: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:39:32.922: %DOT11-7-AUTH_FAILED: Station c446.193a.96e5 Authentication failed
*Apr 12 08:39:32.930: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client c446.193a.96e5 reached max retries               , removing the client
*Apr 12 08:39:36.358: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Reassoci               ated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:39:47.757: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.               3f31.6880 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:40:09.128: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:40:09.361: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:40:38.925: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:40:39.154: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:41:00.553: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:41:00.576: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Reassoci               ated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2-CP]
*Apr 12 08:41:27.984: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:41:28.203: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:41:58.904: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:41:59.313: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:42:32.645: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:42:32.870: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:43:05.676: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:43:05.704: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Reassoci               ated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2-CP]
*Apr 12 08:43:30.039: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:43:30.270: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:44:03.205: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:44:03.431: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:44:33.688: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:44:33.908: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:45:34.236: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:45:34.479: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:46:12.601: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:46:12.848: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:46:29.560: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:46:29.590: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Reassoci               ated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2-CP]
*Apr 12 08:46:52.549: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:46:58.010: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:46:58.235: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:47:13.514: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.               3f31.6880 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:47:27.199: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:47:27.436: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:48:02.430: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:48:02.736: %DOT11-7-AUTH_FAILED: Station c446.193a.96e5 Authentication failed
*Apr 12 08:48:02.740: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client c446.193a.96e5 reached max retries               , removing the client
*Apr 12 08:48:12.981: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Reassoci               ated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:49:00.998: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:49:01.281: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:50:24.602: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:50:24.818: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:52:08.273: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 12 08:52:08.274: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 12 08:52:08.276: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 12 08:52:08.277: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 12 08:52:46.421: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:55:42.496: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.               3f31.6880 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:55:42.988: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:56:08.045: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.               3f31.6880 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:57:21.704: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:57:24.409: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:57:30.875: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 08:57:42.405: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 08:59:18.351: %DOT11-7-AUTH_FAILED: Station 1cb0.94a6.ef42 Authentication failed
*Apr 12 09:00:18.551: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 09:00:53.510: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client 4874.6e9f.fb25 reached max retries               , removing the client
*Apr 12 09:00:53.511: Client 4874.6e9f.fb25 failed: reached maximum retries
*Apr 12 09:00:53.512: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client 4874.6e9f.fb25 reached max retries               , removing the client
*Apr 12 09:01:30.492: %DOT11-7-AUTH_FAILED: Station 4874.6e9f.fb25 Authentication failed
*Apr 12 09:01:30.493: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client 4874.6e9f.fb25 reached max retries               , removing the client
*Apr 12 09:02:00.921: %DOT11-7-AUTH_FAILED: Station 4874.6e9f.fb25 Authentication failed
*Apr 12 09:02:00.922: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client 4874.6e9f.fb25 reached max retries               , removing the client
*Apr 12 09:04:26.542: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d0e1.               40bc.f1b0 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 09:04:57.528: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d0e1.40bc.f1b0 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 09:06:24.166: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.               3f31.6880 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 09:06:24.652: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 09:07:15.443: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Previous authentication no longer valid
*Apr 12 09:07:16.143: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.               3f31.6880 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 09:07:59.354: %DOT11-7-AUTH_FAILED: Station c446.193a.96e5 Authentication failed
*Apr 12 09:08:15.354: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 09:09:58.119: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.               193a.96e5 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 09:10:01.291: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 09:10:40.329: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 09:11:01.004: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.               3f31.6880 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 09:11:15.888: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 09:15:25.466: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.               3f31.6880 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 09:20:39.770: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 09:20:43.134: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.               3f31.6880 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 09:33:26.835: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 09:33:38.045: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.               3f31.6880 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 09:44:36.687: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associat               ed KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
*Apr 12 09:44:41.454: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.               3f31.6880 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
*Apr 12 09:46:06.110: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 12 09:46:06.114: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
*Apr 17 08:08:35.000: %SYS-6-CLOCKUPDATE: System clock has been updated from 10:46:06 +0100 Sa               t Apr 12 2014 to 09:08:35 +0100 Thu Apr 17 2014, configured from console by  on console.
Apr 17 07:10:05.930: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associate               d KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
Apr 17 07:10:18.351: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.3               f31.6880 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
Apr 17 08:10:53.000: %SYS-6-CLOCKUPDATE: System clock has been updated from 08:11:04 +0100 Thu                Apr 17 2014 to 09:10:53 +0100 Thu Apr 17 2014, configured from console by  on console.
Apr 17 08:11:00.690: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet0, changed                state to down
Apr 17 08:12:00.690: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet0, changed                state to up
Apr 17 08:12:20.690: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet0, changed                state to down
Apr 17 08:12:35.568: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet0, changed                state to up
Apr 17 07:35:42.465: %DOT11-7-AUTH_FAILED: Station 78d6.f08f.d25d Authentication failed
Apr 17 07:37:55.449: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associate               d KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
Apr 17 07:38:03.154: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.3               f31.6880 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
Apr 17 07:38:12.629: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associate               d KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
Apr 17 07:38:39.598: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.3               f31.6880 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
Apr 17 07:40:20.648: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associate               d KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
Apr 17 07:40:22.020: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.3               f31.6880 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
Apr 17 07:43:46.385: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client c446.193a.96e5 reached max retries,                removing the client
Apr 17 07:43:46.386: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station c446.1               93a.96e5 Reason: Previous authentication no longer valid
Apr 17 07:43:46.390: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client c446.193a.96e5 reached max retries,                removing the client
Apr 17 07:51:09.502: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
Apr 17 07:54:16.052: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from http by  on
Apr 17 08:54:49.000: %SYS-6-CLOCKUPDATE: System clock has been updated from 08:54:16 +0100 Thu                Apr 17 2014 to 09:54:49 +0100 Thu Apr 17 2014, configured from console by  on console.
Apr 17 08:55:01.874: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associate               d KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
Apr 17 08:55:07.120: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.3               f31.6880 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
Apr 17 08:57:11.577: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associate               d KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
Apr 17 09:02:09.036: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.3               f31.6880 Reason: Previous authentication no longer valid
Apr 17 09:15:26.508: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associate               d KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
Apr 17 09:18:42.748: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   c446.193a.96e5 Reassocia               ted KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
Apr 17 09:19:39.740: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.3               f31.6880 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
Apr 17 09:20:18.107: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d0e1.4               0bc.f1b0 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
Apr 17 09:22:01.629: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d89e.3f31.6880 Associate               d KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
Apr 17 09:22:30.485: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   d0e1.40bc.f1b0 Associate               d KEY_MGMT[WPAv2]
Apr 17 09:24:17.612: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station d89e.3               f31.6880 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS