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Backup mehreren RAR Dateien (4,3GiB DVD Größe) mithilfe Batch und ImgBurn.exe zu jeweils einer ISO Datei mit anschließendem brennen via Batch und ImgBurn.exe

Hallo und schönen Abend zusammen,

aus diversen Gründen würde ich gern weiternhin meine Backups monatlich auf DVD brennen. Der zu sichernde Ordner ist nun mitlerweile aber recht groß geworden (ca. 32GiB) und ich dachte mir das mit einem Batch Script, WinRAR und ImgBurn ( zu vereinfachen bzw. automatisieren.

dazu würde ich gern folgende Schritte zusammenhängend automatisieren (was ich bis jetzt noch nicht hinbekommen habe):

1. Schritt: Ordner via WinRAR und Batch in entsprechend gleichgroße Packete packen (DVD Größe 4481M)

rar.exe a E:\Burn\_DVD_Backup\Dokumente.rar E:\_BACKUP\Dokumente\  -r -m0 -v4481M

Es entstehen momentan 8 RAR Packete

2. Schritt: Diese einzelnen RAR Packete als ISO mit ImgBurn.exe packen

imgburn.exe /mode build /buildmode imagefile /SRC "E:\Burn\_DVD_Backup\Dokumente.part1.rar" /dest "E:\Burn\_DVD_Backup\Dokumente1.iso" /FILESYSTEM "UDF" /UDFREVISION "2.01" /VOLUMELABEL "BU_Dokumente" /rootfolder yes /noimagedetails /start /close  

Es würde für jedes entsprechende RAR Packet, eine entsprechende ISO erstellt. Der Batch Code müßte dazu entsprechend der Anzahl der RAR Packete oft wiederholt werden. Hier liegt z.B. das Problem das die Anzahl der RAR Packete je nach variierender Ordnergröße nicht konstant bleibt. Wie könnte das automatisiert werden falls der Ordner mal größer oder kleiner ist und damit die RAR Pakete in ihrer Anzahl variieren?

Es würde momentan bei händisch generierter 8facher Codezeile folgende Dateien generiert:

3. Schritt: Brennen der einzelnen ISO Dateien mit anschließendem Auswerfen und warten auf neuen DVD Rohling


Hier müßte auch für jede ISO eine Zeile Batch Code generiert werden damit das nicht händisch gemacht werden muß.

Hat jemand eine Idee wie ich das zusammenhängend in einer Batch automatisiert bekommen?
Habe hier noch die Batch Commands von ImgBurn:

| Program Name: | ImgBurn          |
| Author:       | LIGHTNING UK!    |

Supported Command Line Switches:

(You can get a basic version of this list via 'ImgBurn.exe /?')  

	Used to tell the program which 'Mode' to open up in.  

	Used to tell the program which 'Build Input Mode' to open up in.  
	Only applies to BUILD mode.

	Used to tell the program which 'Build Output Mode' to open up in.  
	Only applies to BUILD mode.

/SRC <Drive Letter | SCSI Address> | "<Folder Name>\" | "<File Name>" | ALLSECTORS | <Custom Number Of Sectors>  
	Used to select the source drive or filename.
	Drive Letter or SCSI Address applies to READ and VERIFY modes.
	Folder Name applies to BUILD mode.
        File Name applies to BUILD and WRITE modes.
	ALLSECTORS applies to DISCOVERY mode.
	Custom Number Of Sectors applies to DISCOVERY mode.
	Examples: /SRC J:
		  /SRC 1:0:0
		  /SRC "C:\BackupProject.IBB"  
		  /SRC 2295000

	In BUILD mode, you can specify an '.IBB' file as the source.  
	This is an 'ImgBurn Backup Project' file and is a simple text file containing the names of folders / files to add to the image, along with the various configuration options.  
	The simplest way to find the correct syntax for an '.IBB' file is to have ImgBurn create one via the 'Save Project...' option in the 'File' menu, and then look at it in notepad.  

	In BUILD mode, you can specify multiple folders / files directly if you put a pipe character ('|') between them.  
	Example: /SRC "C:\Folder1\|C:\Folder2\|C:\Document1.txt|C:\Document2.txt"  

/SRCLIST "<File Name>"  
	Used to specify a text file that represents a basic list of folders / files to be added to the 'Source' box.  
	Only applies to BUILD mode.
	Example: /SRCLIST "C:\BackupList.txt"  

/DEST <Drive Letter | SCSI Address> | "<File Name>"   
	Used to select the filename or drive.
	Drive Letter or SCSI Address applies to BUILD, WRITE and DISCOVERY modes.
	File Name applies to READ, BUILD and VERIFY modes ('DEST' actually means 'Compare' here for VERIFY mode).  
	Examples: /DEST J:
		  /DEST 1:0:0

	When in READ mode, you can use '[DISC_LABEL]' | '[DATETIME]' | '[DATE]' | '[TIME]' (without quotes) anywhere in the file name specified with this switch, and the program will replace it with the appropriate value.  
	When in BUILD mode, you can use '[DATETIME]' | '[DATE]' | '[TIME]' (without quotes) anywhere in the file name specified with this switch, and the program will replace it with the appropriate value.  
	          /DEST "C:\DVDIMAGES\DailyBackup_[DATETIME].ISO"  

/FILESYSTEM "<File System>"  
	Used to change the value of the 'File System' drop down list.  
	Only applies to BUILD mode.
	The parameter must match the value within the drop down list exactly.
	Examples: /FILESYSTEM "ISO9660"  
		  /FILESYSTEM "ISO9660 + Joliet"  
		  /FILESYSTEM "ISO9660 + UDF"  

/UDFREVISION "<UDF Revision>"  
	Used to change the value of the 'UDF Revision' drop down list.  
	Only applies to BUILD mode.
	The parameter must match the value within the drop down list exactly.
	Examples: /UDFREVISION "1.02"  
		  /UDFREVISION "2.50"  

/VOLUMELABEL "<Volume Label>"  
	Used to set the value of the volume label fields.
	Only applies to BUILD mode.
	Length limits are automatically applied. i.e. 32 chars for ISO9660, 16 for Joliet, 126 for UDF.

	To specify different volume labels for each file system, the following switches are also available:

	/VOLUMELABEL_ISO9660 "<Volume Label>"  
	/VOLUMELABEL_JOLIET "<Volume Label>"  
	/VOLUMELABEL_UDF "<Volume Label>"  

	These will override what's been set (if anything) by the '/VOLUMELABEL' switch.  

/SPEED <Write Speed>
	Used to change the value of the 'Write Speed' drop down list.  
	The parameter must match the value within the drop down list exactly.
	Examples: /SPEED MAX
		  /SPEED 1x
		  /SPEED 2.4x (or 2,4x depending on regional settings)

/COPIES <Number Of Copies>
	Used to change the value of the 'Copies' drop down list.  
	The parameter must match the value within the drop down list exactly.
	Only applies to WRITE mode.
	Example: /COPIES 2

	Used to tell the program where to put the layerbreak.
	Only applies to WRITE and DISCOVERY modes and only when burning DVD+R DL discs.
        Example: /LAYERBREAK 2000000

	Used to automatically erase / format / overwrite media.

	Used to force the program to either overwrite all existing files, or never overwrite them.

	Used to make the program simulate the burn - whereby no data is actually written to the disc.
	Basically, it just checks (or unchecks!) the 'Test Mode' box for you!  

	Used to make the program verify a disc is readable after it has been burnt.
	Basically, it just checks (or unchecks!) the 'Verify after write' box for you!  

	Used to make the program delete the image after it has been burnt.
	Basically, it just checks (or unchecks!) the 'Delete Image When Done' box for you!  

	Used to make the program delete the source files after they've been burnt.  
	Only applies to BUILD mode. *** USE WITH CAUTION ***

	Used to make the program eject the disc after it has been burnt.
	Basically, it just checks (or unchecks!) the 'Eject Tray When Done' box for you!  

	Used to start the burn process automatically when the program has finished initialising.
	Basically, it just presses the 'Build' / 'Read' / 'Verify' / 'Write' button for you!  

	Used to close the program when the burn process has finished.
	Basically, it just presses the 'Close' button for you!  

	Used to close the program when the text file specified by '/INFO' has been created.  
	Basically, it just presses the 'Close' button for you!  

	Used to close the program when the burn process has finished AND was successful.
	Basically, it just presses the 'Close' button for you!  

	Used to shutdown the computer when the program has finished burning.
	Basically, it just checks the 'Shutdown computer when done' box for you!  

	Used in combination with /START and /CLOSE to wait until the program is 'Ready' to burn before trying to start.  
	Normally, if the program isn't 'Ready', the /CLOSE switch causes the program to close without having done anything.  

	Used to make the program ignore any 'Access is denied' errors it might run into when it tries to lock the drive for exclusive access, meaning the burn can continue without user intervention.  
	This is mainly for 3rd party applications that are unable to release any 'handles' that they might have open to the drive - thus preventing ImgBurn from obtaining the lock.  

	Used to stop the program from displaying details about the image.
	Only applies to BUILD mode.

	Used to automate the 'Root Folder' prompt you get when only adding a single folder to the source list.  
	Only applies to STANDARD input mode within BUILD mode.

	Used to override the 'Create BDMV Folders' option in the settings.  
	Only applies to BUILD mode.

	Used to automate the 'Certificate Folder' prompt you get when a 'CERTIFICATE' folder is present at the same directory level as the BDAV/BDMV folder but hasn't been included.  
	It will also override the 'Create CERTIFICATE Folder' option in the settings.  
	Only applies to BUILD mode.

	Basically, it just checks (or unchecks!) the 'Preserve Full Pathnames' box for you!  
	Only applies to BUILD mode.

	Basically, it just checks (or unchecks!) the 'Recurse Subdirectories' box for you!  
	Only applies to BUILD mode.

	Basically, it just checks (or unchecks!) the 'Include Hidden Files' box for you!  
	Only applies to BUILD mode.

	Basically, it just checks (or unchecks!) the 'Include System Files' box for you!  
	Only applies to BUILD mode.

	Basically, it just checks (or unchecks!) the 'Include Archive Files Only' box for you!  
	Only applies to BUILD mode.

	Basically, it just checks (or unchecks!) the 'Clear Archive Attribute' box for you!  
	Only applies to BUILD mode.

	Used to make the program create an image with nothing but the file system in it - i.e. no actual file data (or anything that would normally come after the file data).
	The image will be useless for anything except looking at the file system layout, you have been warned!
	Only applies to BUILD mode. *** USE WITH CAUTION ***

	Used to make the program detect duplicate files within your compilation and only store the data for those files once - thus saving disc space.
	Only applies to BUILD mode.

/BOOTEMUTYPE <0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4>
	Basically, it just modifies the 'Emulation Type' field on the 'Advanced' -> 'Bootable Disc' tab for you!  
	Only applies to BUILD mode.
        0 = None (Custom)
	1 = Floppy Disk (1.20 MB)
	2 = Floppy Disk (1.44 MB)
	3 = Floppy Disk (2.88 MB)
	4 = Hard Disk
	Example: /BOOTEMUTYPE 0

/BOOTIMAGE "<File Name>"  
	Basically, it just modifies the 'Boot Image' field on the 'Advanced' -> 'Bootable Disc' tab for you!  
	Only applies when the '/BOOTEMUTYPE' switch is also specified.  
	Only applies to BUILD mode.
	Example: /BOOTIMAGE "C:\BootImage.ima"  

	Basically, it just modifies the 'Developer ID' field on the 'Advanced' -> 'Bootable Disc' tab for you!  
	Only applies when the '/BOOTEMUTYPE' switch is also specified.  
	Only applies to BUILD mode.

	Basically, it just modifies the 'Load Segment' field on the 'Advanced' -> 'Bootable Disc' tab for you!  
	Only applies when the '/BOOTEMUTYPE' switch is also specified.  
	Only applies to BUILD mode.
	"Load Segment" should be specified as 4 digit/character hexadecimal value.  

	Basically, it just modifies the 'Sectors To Load' field on the 'Advanced' -> 'Bootable Disc' tab for you!  
	Only applies when the '/BOOTEMUTYPE' switch is also specified.  
	Only applies to BUILD mode.

	Basically, it just checks the 'Patch Boot Information Table' box on the 'Advanced' -> 'Bootable Disc' tab for you!  
	Only applies when the '/BOOTEMUTYPE' switch is also specified.  
	Only applies to BUILD mode.

/IBG "<File Name>"  
	Used to make the program write the graph data to a file of the specified name after burning (or verifying if it's enabled).  

/LOG "<File Name>"  
	Used to make the program write the log to a file of the specified name when closing down.
	You can use '[DATETIME]' | '[DATE]' | '[TIME]' (without quotes) anywhere in the file name specified with this switch, and the program will replace it with the appropriate value.  
	Example: /LOG "C:\ImgBurn Logs\DailyBackup_[DATETIME].log"  

	When used in combination with '/LOG "<File Name>"', it will make the program try and append to the file rather than overwrite it.  

	When used in combination with '/LOG "<File Name>"', it will make the program add a header to the log showing the program version, date and time.  
	It is recommended that this switch be used when creating a new log file that you will later append to via use of the '/LOGAPPEND' switch.	  
        The same header is automatically added when using the '/LOGAPPEND' switch so this switch need not be specified.  

	Used to tell the program not to save the log when it's closed.  

/INFO "<File Name>"  
	Used to make the program write the contents of the drive/media information window (on the right side of the main window) to a file of the specified name after full initialising the media.

	Used to make the program skip the sections where it would normally write file association / autoplay / shell extension data to the registry.
	When used in combination with '/SETTINGS "<File Name>"', you can make it so ImgBurn doesn't make any changes to the PC it's being run on. This is useful if you're running it from a USB pen etc.  

/LANGID <Language Identifier>
	Used to tell the program which language to start up in. Values can be in decimal or hexadecimal formats. The appropriate '*.lng' file must exist in the 'Languages' folder.  
	Example: /LANGID 0x0809
		 /LANGID 2057
		 Both of the above will cause the program to start with the GUI interface in the 'English (United Kingdom)' language.  

/SETTINGS "<File Name>"  
	Used to override loading the settings from the registry, and instead load from / save to the specified file.
	If the file does not exist, default settings will be used and the program will attempt to save to the specified file when it's closed.  

	Even if this switch is not specified, the program will attempt to load from 'ImgBurn.ini' in the application exe's directory BEFORE it loads from the registry.  

	Used to tell the program not to save ANY settings when it's closed.  


ErrorLevel / Exit / Return values:

0 = No error detected.
1 = Read/Write/Build/Verify/Discovery couldn't start - drive not ready etc.  
2 = Read/Write/Build/Discovery failed.
3 = Verify failed.
4 = Read/Write/Build/Discovery aborted.
5 = Verify aborted. 



Danke schonmal für Eure Hilfe
Grüße bengun

Content-ID: 253171


Ausgedruckt am: 22.01.2025 um 04:01 Uhr

bastla 27.10.2014 um 22:27:24 Uhr
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Hallo bengun!

Im einfachsten Fall (und weitgehend ungetestet) könnte das etwa so aussehen:
@echo off & setlocal
set "Name=Dokumente"  
set "Pre=part"  
set "TypQ=rar"  
set "TypZ=iso"  
pushd E:\Burn\_DVD_Backup

rar.exe a %Name%.%TypQ% *.*  -r -m0 -v4481M
echo RAR-Files erstellt.
for /f "tokens=2 delims=." %%i in ('dir /b "%Name%.%Pre%*.%TypQ%"') do set "Part=%%i" & call :MakeISO  
echo ISO-Files erstellt.
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b "%Name%*.%TypZ%"') do echo ImgBurn.exe /MODE WRITE /SRC "%%~i" /DEST F: /FILESYSTEM "ISO9660 + UDF" /UDFREVISION "2.50" /VOLUMELABEL "Dokumente" /SPEED 1x /VERIFY YES /START /WAITFORMEDIA /EJECT YES /CLOSESUCCESS   
echo Brennen beendet.
goto :eof

call set "Nr=%%Part:%Pre%=%%"  
set "Quelle=%Name%.%Part%.%TypQ%"  
set "Ziel=%Name%%Nr%.%TypZ%"  
echo imgburn.exe /mode build /buildmode imagefile /SRC "%Quelle%" /dest "%Ziel%" /FILESYSTEM "UDF" /UDFREVISION "2.01" /VOLUMELABEL "BU_Dokumente" /rootfolder yes /noimagedetails /start /close  
goto :eof
Die echo in den Zeilen 16 und 26 sorgen dafür, dass der Ablauf (durch Ausgabe der entsprechenden Befehle) zunächst nur simuliert wird - wenn das Ganze vernünftig aussieht, einfach diese echo entfernen ...

bengun 28.10.2014 aktualisiert um 00:35:32 Uhr
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Hallo bastla,

: ) Danke dir schonmal für deine Hilfe! Tut aber leider noch nicht ganz was es soll. Ich versuche mal aufzulisten was soweit passiert.

1. Wenn ich eine Batch Datei mit deinem Batch Script im WinRAR/ImgBurn Programm Ordner erstelle und ausführe gibt mir das DOS Fenster die Rückmeldung das der Befehl "rar.exe" nicht gefunden wurde oder falsch geschrieben ist. Habe dann als Versuch den vollständigen Pfad zur rar.exe (in Zeile 08) angegeben und dann wurde der rar.exe Befehl erst erkannt. Die Batchdatei, rar.exe und imgburn.exe befinden sich aber im selben Verzeichniss.

2. Nach dem hinzufügen des vollständigen Pfades zur rar.exe, hat der Befehl den Inhalt des Ordners E:\Burn\_DVD_Backup (siehe Zeile 06) angefangen in RAR Dateien innerhalb des Ordners zu packen. Ziel wäre eigentlich gewesen das der Ordner E:\_BACKUP\Dokumente\ nach E:\Burn\_DVD_Backup\Dokumente.rar gepackt wird.

So wie in diesem Standolane Batch Code für WinRar:
rar.exe a E:\Burn\_DVD_Backup\Dokumente.rar E:\_BACKUP\Dokumente\  -r -m0 -v4481M

Weiteres passiert dann nicht mehr. Es wird keine ISO erstellt, auch nicht nach entfernen des "echo" in Zeile 27 und hinzufügen der vollen Pfadangaben für imgburn.exe. Die ISOs können auch in den Ordner E:\Burn\_DVD_Backup\ und sollen nach erfolgreichem brennen zusammen mit den RAR Dateien wieder automatisch gelöscht werden. Vergaß ich vorher noch zu erwähnen , sorry. face-smile
Der Bereich des Codes mit dem brennen verhält sich dann wahrscheinlich ähnlich.

Oder aber ich habe was falsch gemacht?
bastla 29.10.2014 aktualisiert um 00:38:31 Uhr
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Hallo bengun!

Sorry - hatte nicht auf die verschiedenen Pfade geachtet ... face-sad

Neuer Versuch (aber immer noch ungetestet):
@echo off & setlocal
set "Name=Dokumente"  
set "Pre=part"  
set "TypQ=rar"  
set "TypZ=iso"  
pushd E:\Burn\_DVD_Backup

"%~dp0rar.exe" a %Name%.%TypQ% E:\_BACKUP\Dokumente\ -r -m0 -v4481M  
echo RAR-Files erstellt.
for /f "tokens=2 delims=." %%i in ('dir /b "%Name%.%Pre%*.%TypQ%"') do set "Part=%%i" & call :MakeISO  
echo ISO-Files erstellt.
set "Fehler="  
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b "%Name%*.%TypZ%"') do (  
    echo Brenne %%i
    echo "%~dp0ImgBurn.exe" /MODE WRITE /SRC "%%~i" /DEST F: /FILESYSTEM "ISO9660 + UDF" /UDFREVISION "2.50" /VOLUMELABEL "Dokumente" /SPEED 1x /VERIFY YES /START /WAITFORMEDIA /EJECT YES /CLOSESUCCESS || set "Fehler=true"  
if defined Fehler (
    echo (
    echo Fehler beim Brennen aufgetreten!
    echo (
    goto :eof
echo Brennen beendet.
echo RAR- und ISO-Dateien loeschen
del *.%TypQ%
del *.%TypZ%
goto :eof

call set "Nr=%%Part:%Pre%=%%"  
set "Quelle=%Name%.%Part%.%TypQ%"  
set "Ziel=%Name%%Nr%.%TypZ%"  
echo "%~dp0imgburn.exe" /mode build /buildmode imagefile /SRC "%Quelle%" /dest "%Ziel%" /FILESYSTEM "UDF" /UDFREVISION "2.01" /VOLUMELABEL "BU_Dokumente" /rootfolder yes /noimagedetails /start /close  
goto :eof
Wenn "rar.exe" und "imgburn.exe" im gleichen Ordner wie die Batchdatei liegen, sollte die Pfadangabe "%~dp0" genügen.

Zeile 18 sorgt dafür, dass vor dem Brennen jeweils der Name der ISO-Datei ausgegeben wird - dieses echo (und jenes in Zeile 20 für die Ausgabe einer Leerzeile) daher nicht entfernen ...

Falls ein Fehler beim Brennen aufgetreten ist, wird dies in der Variablen %Fehler% festgehalten und das Löschen aller RAR- und ISO-Dateien unterbleibt - aufgrund der erwähnten Anzeigen der ISO-Dateinamen könntest Du dann zumindest (von Hand) die fehlerhaft gebrannte(n) DVD nochmals erstellen.

bengun 29.10.2014 um 11:35:15 Uhr
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Hallo bastla,

das mit den Pfadangaben funktioniert jetzt zumindest bei der Erstellung der RAR-Dateien wunderbar. Danach passiert aber nichts mehr. Hier ein Bild der Batchmeldung ...

Es scheint das die RAR Dateien für die ISO Erstellung nicht gefunden werden.

bastla 29.10.2014 um 14:01:34 Uhr
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Hallo bengun!
Es scheint das die RAR Dateien für die ISO Erstellung nicht gefunden werden.
Hätte ich auch so gesehen ...

Auch wenn ich nicht annehme, dass für die Archiv-Dateien komplette Pfade erforderlich sind, könntest Du versuchsweise die Zeile 8 auf
"%~dp0rar.exe" a E:\Burn\_DVD_Backup\%Name%.%TypQ% E:\_BACKUP\Dokumente\ -r -m0 -v4481M
ändern ...

bengun 30.10.2014 um 00:18:14 Uhr
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Hallo bastla,

habe die vorgeschlagene Änderung in Zeile 8 gemacht und die ISO Dateien werden immer noch nicht gefunden. Leider : (

bastla 30.10.2014 um 16:19:30 Uhr
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Hallo bengun!

Dann mach mal aus dem "echo off" ein "echo on" und sieh Dir den Ablauf in einem CMD-Fenster an ...

Wenn Du alternativ dazu nach der Zeile 11 eine weitere Zeile
dir *.rar & pause
und vor Zeile 46
echo "%Quelle%" --^> "%Ziel%"
einbaust, kannst Du zusätzliche Informationen ausgeben lassen, um zu sehen, ob die RAR-Dateien erstellt wurden bzw mit welchen Daten für die ISO-Erstellung gearbeitet wird.
