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Deinstallation von Office 365 auf OEM-PC mit Windows 10 Pro

Hallo ins Forum,

entspricht es der Wahrheit, dass eine Office 365 Installation auf einem neuen OEM-PC sich nicht mehr deinstallieren lässt?

Ich habe es mit dem Tool von Microsoft versucht und auch über die Systemsteuerung. Nach dem Neustart war die Office 365 Installation noch immer vorhanden.

Ich habe dann mit der Hotline des OEM-Herstellers gesprochen. Aussage war, OEM-Hersteller werden von Microsoft dazu angehalten, die neuen PC´s mit Office 365 zu "betanken" und es gibt keine Deinstallationsroutine mehr!!! Einzige Lösung wäre eine komplette Neuinstallation von Windows 10!!

Jemand Erfahrungen hierzu gesammelt??

Gruß aus dem Norden

Content-ID: 369535


Ausgedruckt am: 24.02.2025 um 19:02 Uhr

GrueneSosseMitSpeck 28.03.2018 aktualisiert um 09:17:22 Uhr
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ja ein paar Möglichkeiten:

1.) ein Wiederherstellungspunkt. Vielleicht findet sich einer, in dem Office365 noch nicht drin ist
2.) manchmal fehlt zwar die Routine in "SYstemsteuerung - Software", aber es gibt einen "Uninstallstring". Findet man ggf. in der Registiry. Aber aus Erfahrung mit anderen Produkten - z.B. dem SQL-Server - weiß ich daß so einige Software von Microsoft nicht mehr zu entfernen ist... und nur dann sauber deinstallierbar ist wenn man a) die Diesnte alle stoppt und b) in der Systemsteuerung die Einzelkomponenten in der richtigen Reihenfolge deinstalliert.
3.) ich würd mal nach dem Fixit offline suchen. MS selbst bietet den zwar nicht mehr an, aber im Internet dürfte der wohl noch hundert mal rumliegen. Das Fixit hat ne Option "uninstall software that has problems getting uninstalled by GUI"


4.) die Wiederherstellungskonsole. F8 drücken und sich bis zu der Option durchhangeln, wo der PC komplett neu installiert wird. Es ist aber nicht auszuschließen, daß in diesem Prozeß dann das Office 365 wieder mit installiert wird... auf meim Dell Notebook bin ich die ganze Bloatware (hier ein Office Home 2010) nur durch Installation von einer Windows 7 DVD aus dem MSDN und dem KEycode auf dem Notebook losgeworden weil das Office auch in der 8 GB großen Rettungspartition drin war. Die bleibt nur noch für Notfälle, z.B. Virusbefall unterwegs face-sad
Vision2015 28.03.2018 um 09:08:48 Uhr
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Zitat von @mgcluebeck:

Hallo ins Forum,

entspricht es der Wahrheit, dass eine Office 365 Installation auf einem neuen OEM-PC sich nicht mehr deinstallieren lässt?
nö.. eigentlich nicht!

Ich habe es mit dem Tool von Microsoft versucht und auch über die Systemsteuerung. Nach dem Neustart war die Office 365 Installation noch immer vorhanden.
nur das setup... oder Installiert?

Ich habe dann mit der Hotline des OEM-Herstellers gesprochen. Aussage war, OEM-Hersteller werden von Microsoft dazu angehalten, die neuen PC´s mit Office 365 zu "betanken" und es gibt keine Deinstallationsroutine mehr!!! Einzige Lösung wäre eine komplette Neuinstallation von Windows 10!!
wer ist den der OEM?

Jemand Erfahrungen hierzu gesammelt??

Gruß aus dem Norden

lordofremixes 28.03.2018 um 09:53:32 Uhr
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Nehm mal das Script hier:

der bügelt das weg:

' Name: OffScrubC2R.vbs  
' Author: Microsoft Customer Support Services  
' Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Microsoft Corporation  
' Script to remove Office Click To Run (C2R) products  
' when a regular uninstall is no longer possible  
' Scope: Office 2013, 2016 and O365 C2R products  

Option Explicit

'   Declaration of constants  

Const SCRIPTVERSION   = "2.00"  
Const SCRIPTFILE      = "OffScrubC2R.vbs"  
Const SCRIPTNAME      = "OffScrubC2R"  
Const RETVALFILE      = "ScrubRetValFile.txt"  
Const ONAME           = "Office C2R / O365"  
Const HKCR            = &H80000000
Const HKCU            = &H80000001
Const HKLM            = &H80000002
Const HKU             = &H80000003
Const PRODLEN         = 13
Const SQUISHED        = 20
Const COMPRESSED      = 32
Const REG_ARP         = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\"  
Const VB_YES          = 6
Const VB_NO           = 7

Const ERROR_SUCCESS                 = 0   'Bit #1.  0 indicates Success. Script completed successfully  
Const ERROR_FAIL                    = 1   'Bit #1.  Failure bit. Indicates an overall script failure.  
                                          'RESERVED bit! Returned when process is killed from task manager  
Const ERROR_REBOOT_REQUIRED         = 2   'Bit #2.  Reboot bit. If set a reboot is required  
Const ERROR_USERCANCEL              = 4   'Bit #3.  User Cancel bit. Controlled cancel from script UI  
Const ERROR_STAGE1                  = 8   'Bit #4.  Informational. Msiexec based install was not possible  
Const ERROR_STAGE2                  = 16  'Bit #5.  Critical. Not all of the intended cleanup operations could be applied  
Const ERROR_INCOMPLETE              = 32  'Bit #6.  Pending file renames (del on reboot) - OR - Removal needs to run again after a system reboot.  
Const ERROR_DCAF_FAILURE            = 64  'Bit #7.  Critical. Da capo al fine (second attempt) still failed.  
Const ERROR_ELEVATION_USERDECLINED  = 128 'Bit #8.  Critical script error. User declined to allow mandatory script elevation  
Const ERROR_ELEVATION               = 256 'Bit #9.  Critical script error. The attempt to elevate the process did not succeed  
Const ERROR_SCRIPTINIT              = 512 'Bit #10. Critical script error. Initialization failed  
Const ERROR_RELAUNCH                = 1024'Bit #11. Critical script error. This is a temporary value and must not be the final return code  
Const ERROR_UNKNOWN                 = 2048'Bit #12 Critical script error. Script did not complete in a well defined state  
Const ERROR_ALL                     = 4095'Full BitMask  
Const ERROR_USER_ABORT              = &HC000013A 'RESERVED. Dec -1073741510. Critical error. Returned when user aborts with <Ctrl>+<Break> or closes the cmd window  

'   Declaration of variables  

Dim oFso, oMsi, oReg, oWShell, oWmiLocal, oShellApp
Dim ComputerItem, Key, Item, LogStream, TmpKey
Dim arrVersion
Dim dictionaryKeepLis, dicApps, dictionaryKeepFolder, dicDelRegKey, dictionaryKeepReg
Dim dicInstalledSku, dicRemoveSku, dictionaryKeepSku, dicC2RSuite, dicDelInUse
Dim dicDelFolder
Dim sAppData, sScrubDir, sProgramFiles, sProgramFilesX86, sCommonProgramFiles
Dim sAllusersProfile, sOSVersion, sWinDir, sWICacheDir, sCommonProgramFilesX86
Dim sProgramData, sPackageFolder, sLocalAppData, sOInstallRoot, sSkuRemoveList
Dim sOSinfo, sDefault, sTemp, sTmp, sCmd, sLogDir, sPrompt, sProfilesDirectory
Dim sRetVal, sScriptDir, sPackageGuid, sValue, sActiveConfiguration
Dim iVersionNT, iError, iProcCloseCnt
Dim f64, fLogInitialized, fNoCancel, fRemoveOse, fDetectOnly, fQuiet, fForce
Dim fC2R, fRemoveAll, fRebootRequired, fRerun, fSetRunOnce, fTestRerun
Dim fIsElevated, fNoElevate, fUserConsent, fCScript

'                                   Main  
'                           Main section of script  

' initialize required settings and objects  
' ----------------------------------------  

' call the command line parser  

                                ' Stage # 0 - Basic detection |  

LogH "Stage # 0 " & chr(34) & "Basic detection" & chr(34)   

' ensure integrity of WI metadata which could fail used APIs otherwise  
Log "Ensure Windows Installer metadata integrity " & " (" & Time & ")"  
EnsureValidWIMetadata HKCU,"Software\Classes\Installer\Products", COMPRESSED  
EnsureValidWIMetadata HKCR,"Installer\Products", COMPRESSED  
EnsureValidWIMetadata HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products", COMPRESSED  
EnsureValidWIMetadata HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components", COMPRESSED  
EnsureValidWIMetadata HKCR,"Installer\Components", COMPRESSED  

' build a list with installed/registered Office products  
If dicC2RSuite.Count > 0 Then 
    Log "Registered ARP product(s) found:"  
    For Each Key In dicC2RSuite.Keys
    	Log " - " & Key & " - " & dicC2RSuite.Item(Key)  
    Next 'Key  
'    For Each Item in dicC2RSuite.Items  
'        Log " - " & Item  
'    Next 'Item  
    Log "No registered product(s) found"  
End If

' locate the C2R %PackageFolder% and the PackageGuid  
sPackageFolder = ""  
If RegReadValue(HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun", "PackageFolder", sValue, "REG_SZ") Then  
	sPackageFolder = sValue
ElseIf RegReadValue(HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\ClickToRun", "PackageFolder", sPackageFolder, "REG_SZ") Then  
	sPackageFolder = sValue
ElseIf RegReadValue(HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun", "PackageFolder", sPackageFolder, "REG_SZ") Then  
	sPackageFolder = sValue
End If
' if sPackageFolder is invalid set it to the c2r registry reference string  
If NOT Len(sPackageFolder) > 0 OR IsNull(sPackageFolder) Then 
	If oFso.FolderExists(oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%programfiles%") & "\Microsoft Office 15") Then  
		sPackageFolder = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%programfiles%") & "\Microsoft Office 15"  
	ElseIf oFso.FolderExists(oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%programfiles%") & "\Microsoft Office 16") Then  
		sPackageFolder = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%programfiles%") & "\Microsoft Office 16"  
	ElseIf oFso.FolderExists(oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%programfiles%") & "\Microsoft Office\PackageManifests") Then  
		sPackageFolder = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%programfiles%") & "\Microsoft Office"  
	ElseIf oFso.FolderExists(oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%programfiles(x86)%") & "\Microsoft Office\PackageManifests") Then  
		sPackageFolder = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%programfiles(x86)%") & "\Microsoft Office"  
	End If
End If

sPackageGuid = ""  
If RegReadValue(HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun", "PackageGUID", sValue, "REG_SZ") Then  
	sPackageGuid = sValue
ElseIf RegReadValue(HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\ClickToRun", "PackageGUID", sValue, "REG_SZ") Then  
	sPackageGuid = sValue
ElseIf RegReadValue(HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun", "PackageGUID", sValue, "REG_SZ") Then  
	sPackageGuid = sValue
End If

' Init complete. Reset the return value  

                                ' Stage # 1 - Uninstall |  

LogH "Stage # 1 " & chr(34) & "Uninstall" & chr(34)  

' clean O15 SPP  
LogH1 "Clean OSPP"   

' end all running Office applications  
LogH1 "End running processes"   

' remove scheduled tasks which might interfere with uninstall  

' unpin shortcuts  
' need to unpin as long as the shortcuts are still valid!  
LogH1 "Unpinning shortcuts"   
CleanShortcuts sAllusersProfile, True, True
CleanShortcuts sProfilesDirectory, True, True

' uninstall  
LogH1 "Removing " & ONAME    

                                ' Stage # 2 - CleanUp |  
LogH "Stage # 2 " & chr(34) & "CleanUp" & chr(34)  

' Cleanup registry data  

' Cleanup files  

' for test purposes only!  
If fTestRerun Then
    LogH2 "Enforcing 'Rerun' mode for test purposes"  
    fRebootRequired = True
End If


Sub ExitScript

                                    ' Stage # 3 - Exit |  
    ' Update cached error and quit  
    If NOT CBool(iError AND (ERROR_FAIL + ERROR_INCOMPLETE)) Then RegDeleteValue HKCU, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\CleanC2R", "Rerun", False  
    SetRetVal iError

    ' log result  
    If CBool(iError AND ERROR_INCOMPLETE) Then 
        LogH2 "Removal result: " & iError & " - INCOMPLETE. Uninstall requires a system reboot to complete."  
        sTmp = " - SUCCESS"  
        If CBool(iError AND ERROR_USERCANCEL) Then sTmp = " - USER CANCELED"  
        If CBool(iError AND ERROR_FAIL) Then sTmp = " - FAIL"  
        LogH2 "Removal result: " & iError & sTmp  
    End If
    If CBool(iError AND ERROR_FAIL) Then
        If CBool(iError AND ERROR_REBOOT_REQUIRED) Then Log " - Reboot required"  
        If CBool(iError AND ERROR_USERCANCEL) Then Log " - User cancel"  
        If CBool(iError AND ERROR_STAGE1) Then Log " - Msiexec failed"  
        If CBool(iError AND ERROR_STAGE2) Then Log " - Cleanup failed"  
        If CBool(iError AND ERROR_INCOMPLETE) Then Log " - Removal incomplete. Rerun after reboot needed"  
        If CBool(iError AND ERROR_DCAF_FAILURE) Then Log " - Second attempt cleanup still incomplete"  
        If CBool(iError AND ERROR_ELEVATION_USERDECLINED) Then Log " - User declined elevation"  
        If CBool(iError AND ERROR_ELEVATION) Then Log " - Elevation failed"  
        If CBool(iError AND ERROR_SCRIPTINIT) Then Log " - Initialization error"  
        If CBool(iError AND ERROR_RELAUNCH) Then Log " - Unhandled error during relaunch attempt"  
        If CBool(iError AND ERROR_UNKNOWN) Then Log " - Unknown error"  
        ' ERROR_USER_ABORT is only valid for the temporary cached error file  
        'If CBool(iError AND ERROR_USER_ABORT) Then Log " - Process terminated by user"  
    End If

    LogH2 "Removal end."   

    ' Reboot handling  
    If fRebootRequired Then
        sPrompt = "In order to complete uninstall, a system reboot is necessary. Would you like to reboot now?"  
        If NOT fQuiet Then
            If MsgBox(sPrompt, vbYesNo, SCRIPTNAME & " - Reboot Required") = VB_YES Then  
                Dim colOS, oOS
                Dim oWmiReboot
                Set oWmiReboot = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(Shutdown)}!\\.\root\cimv2")  
                Set colOS = oWmiReboot.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")  
                For Each oOS in colOS
            End If
        End If
    End If

    wscript.quit iError
End Sub 'ExitScript  

'                                  End  Main  
'                           End of Main section  

'   Initialize  
'   Configure defaults and initialize all required objects  
Sub Initialize ()
    Dim iCnt

    ' set defaults  
    iError = ERROR_SUCCESS
    iProcCloseCnt = 0
    sLogDir = ""  
    sPackageFolder = ""  
    f64 = False
    fCScript = False
    fLogInitialized = False
    fNoCancel = False
    fRemoveOse = False
    fDetectOnly = False
    fQuiet = True
    fForce = False
    fC2R = True
    fRebootRequired = False
    fRerun = False
    fTestRerun = False
    fIsElevated = False
    fNoElevate = False
    fSetRunOnce = False
    fUserConsent = False

    ' create required objects  
    Set oWmiLocal   = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")  
    Set oWShell     = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")  
    Set oShellApp   = CreateObject("Shell.Application")  
    Set oFso        = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  
    Set oMsi        = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")  
    Set oReg        = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")  

    ' get environment path values  
    sAppData            = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%appdata%")  
    sLocalAppData       = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%localappdata%")  
    sTemp               = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%temp%")  
    sAllUsersProfile    = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%allusersprofile%")  
    RegReadValue HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList", "ProfilesDirectory", sProfilesDirectory, "REG_EXPAND_SZ"  
    If NOT oFso.FolderExists(sProfilesDirectory) Then 
        sProfilesDirectory  = oFso.GetParentFolderName(oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%userprofile%"))  
    End If
    sProgramFiles       = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%programfiles%")  
    'sProgramFilesX86   = deferred. Depends on operating system architecture check  
    sCommonProgramFiles = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%commonprogramfiles%")  
    'sCommonProgramFilesX86 = deferred. Depends on operating system architecture check  
    sProgramData        = oWSHell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%programdata%")  
    sWinDir             = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%")  
    'sPackageFolder      = deferred  
    sWICacheDir         = sWinDir & "\" & "Installer"  
    sScrubDir           = sTemp & "\" & SCRIPTNAME  
    sScriptDir          = wscript.ScriptFullName
    sScriptDir          = Left(sScriptDir, InStrRev(sScriptDir, "\"))  

    ' ensure 64 bit host if needed  
    If InStr(LCase(wscript.path), "syswow64") > 0 Then RelaunchAs64Host  

    ' create the temp folder  
    If Not oFso.FolderExists(sScrubDir) Then oFso.CreateFolder sScrubDir

    ' set the default logging directory  
    sLogDir = sScrubDir

    ' detect bitness of the operating system  
    Set ComputerItem = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")  
    For Each Item In ComputerItem
        f64 = Instr(Left(Item.SystemType, 3), "64") > 0  
    If f64 Then sProgramFilesX86 = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%programfiles(x86)%")  
    If f64 Then sCommonProgramFilesX86 = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%CommonProgramFiles(x86)%")  

    ' update error flag  

    ' get Win32_OperatingSystem details  
    Set ComputerItem = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")  
    For Each Item in ComputerItem 
        sOSinfo = sOSinfo & Item.Caption 
        sOSinfo = sOSinfo & Item.OtherTypeDescription
        sOSinfo = sOSinfo & ", " & "SP " & Item.ServicePackMajorVersion  
        sOSinfo = sOSinfo & ", " & "Version: " & Item.Version  
        sOsVersion = Item.Version
        sOSinfo = sOSinfo & ", " & "Codepage: " & Item.CodeSet  
        sOSinfo = sOSinfo & ", " & "Country Code: " & Item.CountryCode  
        sOSinfo = sOSinfo & ", " & "Language: " & Item.OSLanguage  

    ' get VersionNT number  
    arrVersion = Split(sOsVersion, Delimiter(sOsVersion))
    iVersionNt = CInt(arrVersion(0)) * 100 + CInt(arrVersion(1))

    ' ensure sufficient registry permisions  
    fIsElevated = CheckRegPermissions
    If NOT fIsElevated AND NOT fNoElevate Then
        ' try to relaunch elevated  

        ' can't relaunch. Exit out  
        SetError ERROR_ELEVATION
        If UCase(Mid(Wscript.FullName, Len(Wscript.Path) + 2, 1)) = "C" Then  
            If Not fLogInitialized Then CreateLog
            Log "Error: Insufficient registry access permissions - exiting"  
        End If
        SetRetVal iError
        wscript.quit iError
    End If

    ' clear error flags  

    ' ensure CScript as engine  
    fCScript = UCase(Mid(Wscript.FullName, Len(Wscript.Path) + 2, 1)) = "C"  
    If NOT fCScript AND NOT fQuiet Then RelaunchAsCScript

    ' set retval for file based logic  
    ' value needs to be kept on 'user abort'  

    ' create dictionary objects  
    Set dicInstalledSku = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")  
    Set dicRemoveSku = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")  
    Set dictionaryKeepSku = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")  
    Set dictionaryKeepLis = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")  
    Set dictionaryKeepFolder = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")  
    Set dicApps = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")  
    Set dicDelRegKey = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")  
    Set dictionaryKeepReg = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")  
    Set dicC2RSuite = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")  
    Set dicDelInUse = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")  
    Set dicDelFolder = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")  

    ' add initial known .exe files that need to be closed  
    dicApps.Add "appvshnotify.exe", "appvshnotify.exe"  
    dicApps.Add "integratedoffice.exe", "integratedoffice.exe"  
    dicApps.Add "integrator.exe", "integrator.exe"  
    dicApps.Add "firstrun.exe", "firstrun.exe"  
    dicApps.Add "setup.exe", "setup.exe"  
    dicApps.Add "communicator.exe", "communicator.exe"  
    dicApps.Add "msosync.exe", "msosync.exe"  
    dicApps.Add "OneNoteM.exe", "OneNoteM.exe"  
    dicApps.Add "iexplore.exe", "iexplore.exe"  
    dicApps.Add "mavinject32.exe", "mavinject32.exe"  
    dicApps.Add "werfault.exe", "werfault.exe"  
    dicApps.Add "perfboost.exe", "perfboost.exe"  
    dicApps.Add "roamingoffice.exe", "roamingoffice.exe"  
    ' SP1 additions / changes  
    dicApps.Add "officeclicktorun.exe", "officeclicktorun.exe"  
    dicApps.Add "officeondemand.exe", "officeondemand.exe"  
    dicApps.Add "OfficeC2RClient.exe", "OfficeC2RClient.exe"  

End Sub 'Initialize  

'   ParseCmdLine  
'   Command line parser  
Sub ParseCmdLine

    Dim iCnt, iArgCnt
    Dim arrArguments
    Dim sArg0
    iArgCnt = Wscript.Arguments.Count
    If iArgCnt > 0 Then
        If wscript.Arguments(0) = "UAC" Then  
            If wscript.arguments.count = 1 Then iArgCnt = 0
        End If
    End If
    If iArgCnt = 0 Then
        Select Case UCase(wscript.ScriptName)
        Case Else
            'Create the log  
            sDefault = "ALL"  
            arrArguments = Split(Trim(sDefault), " ")  
            If UBound(arrArguments) = -1 Then ReDim arrArguments(0)
        End Select
        ReDim arrArguments(iArgCnt-1)
        For iCnt = 0 To (iArgCnt-1)
            arrArguments(iCnt) = UCase(Wscript.Arguments(iCnt))
        Next 'iCnt  
    End If 'iArgCnt = 0  

    ' hardcode to full removal  
    sArg0 = "ALL"  

    Select Case UCase(sArg0)
    Case "?"  
    Case "ALL"  
        fRemoveAll = True
        fRemoveOse = False
    Case "C2R"  
        fC2R = True
        fRemoveAll = False
        fRemoveOse = False
    Case Else
        fRemoveAll = False
        fRemoveOse = False
        sSkuRemoveList = sArg0
    End Select
    For iCnt = 0 To UBound(arrArguments)
        Select Case arrArguments(iCnt)
        Case "?", "/?", "-?"  
        Case "/L", "/LOG"  
            fLogInitialized = False
            If UBound(arrArguments) > iCnt Then
                If oFso.FolderExists(arrArguments(iCnt + 1)) Then 
                    sLogDir = arrArguments(iCnt + 1)
                    On Error Resume Next
                    oFso.CreateFolder(arrArguments(iCnt + 1))
                    If Err <> 0 Then sLogDir = sScrubDir Else sLogDir = arrArguments(iCnt + 1)
                End If
            End If
        Case "/N", "/NOCANCEL"  
            fNoCancel = True
        Case "/NE", "/NOELEVATE"  
            fNoElevate = True

        Case "/O", "/OSE"  
            fRemoveOse = True
        Case "/Q", "/QUIET"  
            fQuiet = True
        ' for test purposes only!  
        Case "/TR", "/TESTRERUN"  
            fTestRerun = True
        Case Else
        End Select
    Next 'iCnt  
    If Not fLogInitialized Then CreateLog
End Sub 'ParseCmdLine  

'   ShowSyntax  
'   Show the expected syntax for the script usage  
Sub ShowSyntax
    Wscript.Echo sErr & vbCrLf & _
             SCRIPTFILE & " V " & SCRIPTVERSION & vbCrLf & _  
             "Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _  
             SCRIPTFILE & " - Remove " & ONAME & vbCrLf & _  
             "when a regular uninstall is no longer possible" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _  
             "Usage:" & vbTab & SCRIPTFILE & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _  
             vbTab & "/?                               ' Displays this help"& vbCrLf  
End Sub 'ShowSyntax  

'   FindInstalledOProducts  
'   Office configuration products are listed with their configuration product  
'   name in the "Uninstall" key.  
Sub FindInstalledOProducts
    Dim ArpItem, prod, cult
    Dim sCurKey, sValue, sConfigName, sCulture, sDisplayVersion, sProd
    Dim sUninstallString
    Dim iLeft, iRight
    Dim arrKeys, arrProducts, arrCultures
    Dim fSystemComponent0, fDisplayVersion, fUninstallString

	Const REG_ARP                 = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\"  
	Const REG_O15RPROPERTYBAG     = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\propertyBag\"  
	Const REG_O15C2RCONFIGURATION = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\Configuration\"  
	Const REG_O15C2RPRODUCTIDS    = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\ProductReleaseIDs\Active\"  
	Const REG_O16C2RCONFIGURATION = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\ClickToRun\Configuration\"  
	Const REG_O16C2RPRODUCTIDS    = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\ClickToRun\ProductReleaseIDs\Active\"  
	Const REG_C2RCONFIGURATION    = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration\"  
	Const REG_C2RPRODUCTIDS       = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\ProductReleaseIDs\"  

    If dicInstalledSku.Count > 0 Then Exit Sub 'Already done from command line parser  
    fDisplayVersion = False

    ' identify C2R products  
    LogOnly vbCrLf & "Detecting installed products "  
	LogOnly "Check for O15 C2R products"  
	' Check O15 Configuration key  
    If RegReadValue(HKLM, REG_O15C2RCONFIGURATION, "ProductReleaseIds", sValue, "REG_SZ") Then  
        arrProducts = Split(sValue, ",")  
        fDisplayVersion = RegReadValue(HKLM, REG_O15C2RPRODUCTIDS & "culture", "x-none", sDisplayVersion, "REG_SZ")  
        If NOT Err = 0 Then
            ' get version from active with fallback on configuration  
            For Each prod in arrProducts
                LogOnly "Found O15 C2R product in Configuration: " & prod  
                ' update product dictionary  
                If NOT dicInstalledSku.Exists(LCase(prod)) Then
                	LogOnly "adding new product to dictionary: " & LCase(prod)  
                	dicInstalledSku.Add LCase(prod), sDisplayVersion
                End If
            Next 'prod  
        End If
    End If
    ' Check O15 PropertyBag key  
    If RegReadValue(HKLM, REG_O15RPROPERTYBAG, "productreleaseid", sValue, "REG_SZ") Then  
        arrProducts = Split(sValue, ",")  
        fDisplayVersion = RegReadValue(HKLM, REG_O15C2RPRODUCTIDS & "culture", "x-none", sDisplayVersion, "REG_SZ")  
        If NOT Err = 0 Then
            For Each prod in arrProducts
                LogOnly "Found O15 C2R product in PropertyBag: " & prod  
                ' update product dictionary  
                If NOT dicInstalledSku.Exists(LCase(prod)) Then
                	LogOnly "adding new product to dictionary: " & LCase(prod)  
                	dicInstalledSku.Add LCase(prod), sDisplayVersion
                End If
            Next 'prod  
        End If
    End If
	'O16 section  
	LogOnly "Check for Office C2R products (>=QR8)"  
	' Check Office Configuration key  
    If RegReadValue(HKLM, REG_C2RPRODUCTIDS, "ActiveConfiguration", sActiveConfiguration, "REG_SZ") Then  
    	' Get DisplayVersion  
    	'Try QR8 logic first  
		fDisplayVersion = RegReadValue(HKLM, REG_C2RPRODUCTIDS & sActiveConfiguration & "\culture", "x-none", sDisplayVersion, "REG_SZ")  
    	If RegEnumKey(HKLM, REG_C2RPRODUCTIDS & sActiveConfiguration & "\culture", arrCultures) Then  
    		For Each cult In arrCultures
    			If InStr(LCase(cult), "x-none") > 0 Then  
    				fDisplayVersion = RegReadValue(HKLM, REG_C2RPRODUCTIDS & sActiveConfiguration & "\culture\" & cult, "Version", sDisplayVersion, "REG_SZ")  
    			End If
    		Next 'cult  
    	End If 
    	' Update product dic  
    	If RegEnumKey(HKLM, REG_C2RPRODUCTIDS & sActiveConfiguration, arrProducts) Then
    		For Each prod In arrProducts
    			sProd = LCase(prod)
    			If InStr(sProd, ".") > 0 Then sProd = Left(sProd, InStr(sProd, ".") - 1)  
    			Select Case LCase(sProd)
    			Case "culture", "stream"  
    			Case Else
	                LogOnly "Found Office C2R product in Configuration: " & prod  
	                ' update product dictionary  
	                If NOT dicInstalledSku.Exists(sProd) Then
		                LogOnly "adding new product to dictionary: " & sProd  
	                	dicInstalledSku.Add sProd, sDisplayVersion
	                End If
    			End Select
    		Next 'prod  
    	End If 'arrProducts  
    End If 'ActiveConfiguration  

	LogOnly "Check for Office C2R products (QR7)"  
	' Check Office Configuration key  
	If RegReadValue(HKLM, REG_C2RCONFIGURATION, "ProductReleaseIds", sValue, "REG_SZ") Then  
	    arrProducts = Split(sValue, ",")  
	    If Not fDisplayVersion Then fDisplayVersion = RegReadValue(HKLM, REG_C2RPRODUCTIDS & "Active\culture", "x-none", sDisplayVersion, "REG_SZ")  
	    If NOT Err = 0 Then
	        For Each prod in arrProducts
	            LogOnly "Found Office C2R product in Configuration: " & prod  
	            ' update version tracking  
	            If NOT dicInstalledSku.Exists(LCase(prod)) Then
	            	LogOnly "adding new product to dictionary: " & LCase(prod)  
	            	dicInstalledSku.Add LCase(prod), sDisplayVersion
	            End If
	        Next 'prod  
	    End If
	End If

	LogOnly "Check for O16 C2R products (QR6)"  
	' Check O16 Configuration key  
    If RegReadValue(HKLM, REG_O16C2RCONFIGURATION, "ProductReleaseIds", sValue, "REG_SZ") Then  
        arrProducts = Split(sValue, ",")  
        If Not fDisplayVersion Then fDisplayVersion = RegReadValue(HKLM, REG_O16C2RPRODUCTIDS & "culture", "x-none", sDisplayVersion, "REG_SZ")  
        If NOT Err = 0 Then
            For Each prod in arrProducts
                LogOnly "Found O16 (QR6) C2R product in Configuration: " & prod  
                ' update product dictionary  
                If NOT dicInstalledSku.Exists(LCase(prod)) Then
                	LogOnly "adding new product to dictionary: " & prod  
                	dicInstalledSku.Add LCase(prod), sDisplayVersion
                End If
            Next 'prod  
        End If
    End If

    LogOnly "Check ARP for Office C2R products"  
    ' ARP  
    RegEnumKey HKLM, REG_ARP, arrKeys
    If IsArray(arrKeys) Then
        For Each ArpItem in arrKeys
            ' filter on Office C2R products  
            sCurKey = REG_ARP & ArpItem & "\"  
            fUninstallString = RegReadValue(HKLM, sCurKey, "UninstallString", sValue, "REG_SZ")  
            If (fUninstallString And( (InStr(UCase(sValue), UCase("Microsoft Office 1")) > 0) Or (InStr(UCase(sValue), UCase("OfficeClickToRun.exe")) > 0) )) Then  
                'get Version  
                fDisplayVersion = RegReadValue(HKLM, sCurKey, "DisplayVersion", sDisplayVersion, "REG_SZ")  
                'extract the productreleaseid  
                sValue = Trim(sValue)
                prod = Trim(Mid(sValue, InStrRev(sValue, " ")))  
                prod = Replace(prod, "productstoremove=", "")  
                If InStr(prod, "_") > 0 Then  
                    prod = Left(prod, InStr(prod, "_") - 1)  
                End If
                If InStr(prod, ".1") > 0 Then  
                    prod = Left(prod, InStr(prod, ".1") - 1)  
                End If
                LogOnly "Found C2R product in ARP: " & prod  
                If NOT dicInstalledSku.Exists(LCase(prod)) Then
                	LogOnly "adding new product to dictionary: " & prod  
                	dicInstalledSku.Add LCase(prod), sDisplayVersion
                End If
                ' categorize the SKU as C2R  
                If NOT dicC2RSuite.Exists(ArpItem) Then dicC2RSuite.Add ArpItem, prod & " - " & sDisplayVersion   
	            'Legacy logic keep for compat reasons  
	            sValue = ""  
	            sDisplayVersion = ""  
	            fSystemComponent0 = NOT (RegReadValue(HKLM, sCurKey, "SystemComponent", sValue, "REG_DWORD") AND (sValue = "1"))  
	            fDisplayVersion = RegReadValue(HKLM, sCurKey, "DisplayVersion", sValue, "REG_SZ")  
	            If fDisplayVersion Then
	                sDisplayVersion = sValue
	                If Len(sValue) > 1 Then
	                	On Error Resume Next
	                    fDisplayVersion = (CInt(Left(sValue, 2)) > 14)
	                    If Not Err <> 0 Then Err.Clear
	                    fDisplayVersion = False
	                End If
	            End If
	            fUninstallString = RegReadValue(HKLM, sCurKey, "UninstallString", sUninstallString, "REG_SZ")  
	            ' filter on C2R configuration SKU  
	            If (fUninstallString And( (InStr(UCase(sUninstallString), UCase("Microsoft Office 1")) > 0) Or (InStr(UCase(sUninstallString), UCase("OfficeClickToRun.exe")) > 0) )) Then  
	                ' Extract the ProductReleaseID  
	                If InStr(sUninstallString, "productstoremove=") > 0 Then  
		                sConfigName = Trim(Mid(sValue, InStrRev(sUninstallString, " ")))  
		                sConfigName = Replace(sConfigName, "productstoremove=", "")  
		                If InStr(prod, "_") > 0 Then  
		                    sConfigName = Left(sConfigName, InStr(sConfigName, "_") - 1)  
		                End If
		                iLeft = InStr(ArpItem, " - ") + 2  
		                iRight = InStr(iLeft, ArpItem, " - ") - 1  
		                If iRight > 0 Then
		                    sConfigName = Trim(Mid(ArpItem, iLeft, (iRight - iLeft)))
		                    sCulture = Mid(ArpItem, iRight + 3)
		                    sConfigName = Trim(Left(ArpItem, iLeft - 3))
		                    sCulture = Mid(ArpItem, iLeft)
		                End If
		                sConfigName = Replace(sConfigName, "Microsoft", "")  
		                sConfigName = Replace(sConfigName, "Office", "")  
		                sConfigName = Replace(sConfigName, "Professional", "Pro")  
		                sConfigName = Replace(sConfigName, "Standard", "Std")  
		                sConfigName = Replace(sConfigName, "(Technical Preview)", "")  
		                sConfigName = Replace(sConfigName, "15", "")  
		                sConfigName = Replace(sConfigName, "16", "")  
		                sConfigName = Replace(sConfigName, "2013", "")  
		                sConfigName = Replace(sConfigName, "2016", "")  
		                sConfigName = Replace(sConfigName, " ", "")  
		                sConfigName = Replace(sConfigName, "Project", "Prj")  
		                sConfigName = Replace(sConfigName, "Visio", "Vis")  
	                End If
	                If NOT dicInstalledSku.Exists(LCase(sConfigName)) Then
	                	LogOnly "adding new product to dictionary (ARP Legacy): " & sConfigName  
	                	dicInstalledSku.Add LCase(sConfigName), sDisplayVersion
	                End If
	                ' categorize the SKU as C2R  
	                If NOT dicC2RSuite.Exists(ArpItem) Then dicC2RSuite.Add ArpItem, sConfigName & " - " & sDisplayVersion   
	            ElseIf (fSystemComponent0 AND fDisplayVersion AND (InStr(UCase(ArpItem), UCase("OFFICE15.")) > 0 Or InStr(UCase(ArpItem), UCase("OFFICE16.")) > 0)) Then  
	                ' classic .msi install SKU  
	                iLeft = InStr(ArpItem, ".") + 1  
	                iRight = InStr(iLeft, ArpItem, "-") - 1  
	                sConfigName = Mid(ArpItem, iLeft)
	                sCulture = ""  
	                If NOT dictionaryKeepSku.Exists(ArpItem) Then dictionaryKeepSku.Add ArpItem, sConfigName & " - " & sDisplayVersion  
	            End If
	            ' Other products  
	            If InScope(ArpItem) Then
	                Select Case Mid(ArpItem,11,4)
	                ' 007E = Licensing  
	                ' 008C = Extensibility Components  
	                Case "007E", "008F", "008C"  
	                    sConfigName = "Habanero"  
	                    RegReadValue HKLM, sCurKey, "DisplayName", sConfigName, "REG_SZ"  
	                    If NOT dicInstalledSku.Exists(LCase(ArpItem)) Then
	                    	LogOnly "adding new product to dictionary (ARP Legacy other): " & ArpItem  
	                    	dicInstalledSku.Add LCase(ArpItem), sDisplayVersion
	                    End If
	                    If NOT dicC2RSuite.Exists(ArpItem) Then dicC2RSuite.Add ArpItem, sConfigName & " - " & sDisplayVersion  
	                Case "24E1", "237A"  
	                    sConfigName = "MSOIDLOGIN"  
	                    If NOT dicInstalledSku.Exists(LCase(ArpItem)) Then
	                    	LogOnly "adding new product to dictionary (ARP Legacy other): " & ArpItem  
	                    	dicInstalledSku.Add LCase(ArpItem), sDisplayVersion
	                    End If
	                    If NOT dicC2RSuite.Exists(ArpItem) Then dicC2RSuite.Add ArpItem, sConfigName & " - " & sDisplayVersion  
	                Case Else
	                    ' not in scope for c2r removal!  
	                    If NOT dictionaryKeepSku.Exists(ArpItem) Then dictionaryKeepSku.Add ArpItem, ArpItem
	                End Select
	            End If 'InScope    
	            ' End legacy logic  
            End If
        Next 'ArpItem  
    End If
End Sub 'FindInstalledOProducts  

'   EnsureValidWIMetadata  
'   Ensures that only valid metadata entries exist to avoid API failures.  
'   Invalid entries will be removed  
Sub EnsureValidWIMetadata(hDefKey, sKey, iValidLength)
    Dim arrKeys
    Dim SubKey

    If Len(sKey) > 1 Then
        If Right(sKey, 1) = "\" Then sKey = Left(sKey, Len(sKey) - 1)  
    End If

    If RegEnumKey(hDefKey, sKey, arrKeys) Then
        For Each SubKey in arrKeys
            If NOT Len(SubKey) = iValidLength Then
                RegDeleteKey hDefKey, sKey & "\" & SubKey & "\"  
            End If
        Next 'SubKey  
    End If
End Sub 'EnsureValidWIMetadata  

'   CleanOSPP  
'   Clean out licenses from the Office Software Protection Platform   
Sub CleanOSPP
    Dim oProductInstances, pi
    Dim sCleanOSPP, sCmd, sRetVal

    CONST OfficeAppId = "0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663"  'Office 2013  

    sCleanOSPP = "x64\CleanOSPP.exe"  
    If Not f64 Then sCleanOSPP = "x86\CleanOSPP.exe"  
    If oFso.FileExists(sScriptDir & sCleanOSPP) Then
        sCmd = sScriptDir & sCleanOSPP
        Log "   Running: " & sCmd  
        On Error Resume Next
        sRetVal = oWShell.Run(sCmd, 0, True)
        Log "   Return value: " & sRetVal  
        On Error Goto 0
        Exit Sub
    End If
    On Error Resume Next
    If NOT (dicC2RSuite.Count > 0 OR dictionaryKeepSku.Count > 0) Then
        Log "Skipping CleanOSPP"  
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Initialize the software protection platform object with a filter on Office 2013 products  
    If iVersionNT > 601 Then
        Set oProductInstances = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("SELECT ID, ApplicationId, PartialProductKey, Name, ProductKeyID FROM SoftwareLicensingProduct WHERE ApplicationId = '" & OfficeAppId & "' " & "AND PartialProductKey <> NULL")  
        Set oProductInstances = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("SELECT ID, ApplicationId, PartialProductKey, Name, ProductKeyID FROM OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct WHERE ApplicationId = '" & OfficeAppId & "' " & "AND PartialProductKey <> NULL")  
    End If

    ' Remove all licenses  
    For Each pi in oProductInstances
        If NOT IsNull(pi) Then
            pi.UninstallProductKey( pi.ProductKeyID)
        End If
    Next 'pi  

End Sub 'CleanOSPP  

'   DelSchtasks  
'   Delete know scheduled tasks.  
Sub DelSchtasks ()
    Dim sCmd

    If CBool(iError AND ERROR_USERCANCEL) Then Exit Sub

    LogH2 "Removing scheduled tasks"   

    LogOnly "FF_INTEGRATEDstreamSchedule"  
    oWShell.Run "SCHTASKS /Delete /TN FF_INTEGRATEDstreamSchedule /F", 0, False  
    wscript.sleep 500

    wscript.sleep 500

    LogOnly "C2RAppVLoggingStart"  
    oWShell.Run "SCHTASKS /Delete /TN C2RAppVLoggingStart /F", 0, False  
    wscript.sleep 500

    LogOnly "Office 15 Subscription Heartbeat"  
    sCmd = "SCHTASKS /Delete /TN " & Chr(34) & "Office 15 Subscription Heartbeat" & Chr(34) & " /F"  
    oWShell.Run sCmd, 0, False
    wscript.sleep 500

    LogOnly "Microsoft Office 15 Sync Maintenance"  
    sCmd = "SCHTASKS /Delete /TN " & Chr(34) & "Microsoft Office 15 Sync Maintenance for {d068b555-9700-40b8-992c-f866287b06c1}" & Chr(34) & " /F"  
    oWShell.Run sCmd, 0, False
    wscript.sleep 500

    LogOnly "OfficeInventoryAgentFallBack"  
    sCmd = "SCHTASKS /Delete /TN " & Chr(34) & "\Microsoft\Office\OfficeInventoryAgentFallBack" & Chr(34) & " /F"  
    oWShell.Run sCmd, 0, False
    wscript.sleep 500

    LogOnly "OfficeTelemetryAgentFallBack"  
    sCmd = "SCHTASKS /Delete /TN " & Chr(34) & "\Microsoft\Office\OfficeTelemetryAgentFallBack" & Chr(34) & " /F"  
    oWShell.Run sCmd, 0, False
    wscript.sleep 500

    LogOnly "OfficeInventoryAgentLogOn"  
    sCmd = "SCHTASKS /Delete /TN " & Chr(34) & "\Microsoft\Office\OfficeInventoryAgentLogOn" & Chr(34) & " /F"  
    oWShell.Run sCmd, 0, False

    LogOnly "OfficeTelemetryAgentLogOn"  
    sCmd = "SCHTASKS /Delete /TN " & Chr(34) & "\Microsoft\Office\OfficeTelemetryAgentLogOn" & Chr(34) & " /F"  
    oWShell.Run sCmd, 0, False

    LogOnly "Office Background Streaming"  
    sCmd = "SCHTASKS /Delete /TN " & Chr(34) & "Office Background Streaming" & Chr(34) & " /F"  
    oWShell.Run sCmd, 0, False
    wscript.sleep 500

    LogOnly "Office Automatic Updates"  
    sCmd = "SCHTASKS /Delete /TN " & Chr(34) & "\Microsoft\Office\Office Automatic Updates" & Chr(34) & " /F"  
    oWShell.Run sCmd, 0, False
    wscript.sleep 500

    LogOnly "Office ClickToRun Service Monitor"  
    sCmd = "SCHTASKS /Delete /TN " & Chr(34) & "\Microsoft\Office\Office ClickToRun Service Monitor" & Chr(34) & " /F"  
    oWShell.Run sCmd, 0, False
    wscript.sleep 500

    LogOnly "Office Subscription Maintenance"  
    sCmd = "SCHTASKS /Delete /TN " & Chr(34) & "Office Subscription Maintenance" & Chr(34) & " /F"  
    oWShell.Run sCmd, 0, False
    wscript.sleep 500

End Sub

'   CloseOfficeApps  
'   End all running instances of applications that will be removed.  
Sub CloseOfficeApps
    Dim Processes, Process, app, prop
    Dim sAppName, sOut, sUserWarn
    Dim fWait
    Dim iRet
    On Error Resume Next
    fWait = False
    iProcCloseCnt = iProcCloseCnt + 1
    If fRerun Then Exit Sub

    If NOT fUserConsent Then
        ' detect processes to allow a user warning  
        sUserWarn =  "Please save all open documents and close all Office, IE and Windows Explorer applications before proceeding." & vbCrLf & _  
                    "When you click OK this removal process will terminate all running Office, IE and Windows Explorer processes and applications." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _  
                    "Click ‘Cancel’ to to end this removal now."  
        For Each app in dicApps.Keys
            sAppName = Replace(app, ".", "%.")  
            Set Processes = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process Where Name like '" & sAppName & "'")  
            For Each Process in Processes
                If NOT InStr(sUserWarn, Process.Name) > 0 Then sUserWarn = sUserWarn & vbCrLf & " - " & Process.Name  
            Next 'Process  
        Next 'app  
        Set Processes = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process")  
        For Each Process in Processes
            For Each prop in Process.Properties_
                If prop.Name = "ExecutablePath" Then   
                    If IsC2R(prop.Value) Then sUserWarn = sUserWarn & vbCrLf & " - " & Process.Name  
                End If 'ExcecutablePath  
            Next 'prop  
        Next 'Process  
        If (InStr(sUserWarn, " - ") > 0 AND NOT fQuiet) Then  
            iRet = MsgBox(sUserWarn, 49, "Save your unsaved work now!")  
            If iRet = 2 Then 
                SetError ERROR_USERCANCEL
                fUserConsent = True
            End If
        End If
    End If 'fUserConsent  

    ' end known processes first  
    For Each app in dicApps.Keys
        sAppName = Replace(app, ".", "%.")  
        Set Processes = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process Where Name like '" & sAppName & "'")  
        For Each Process in Processes
            sOut = "End process '" & Process.Name  
            iRet = Process.Terminate()
            CheckError "CloseOfficeApps: " & "Process.Name"  
            Log sOut & "' returned: " & iRet  
            fWait = True
        Next 'Process  
    Next 'app  

    ' end running applications  
    Set Processes = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process")  
    For Each Process in Processes
        For Each prop in Process.Properties_
            If prop.Name = "ExecutablePath" Then   
                If IsC2R(prop.Value) Then
                    sOut = "End process '" & Process.Name  
                    iRet = Process.Terminate()
                    CheckError "CloseOfficeApps: " & "Process.Name"  
                    Log sOut & "' returned: " & iRet  
                    fWait = True
                End If 
            End If 'ExcecutablePath  
        Next 'prop  
    Next 'Process  
    If fWait Then wscript.sleep 5000
End Sub 'CloseOfficeApps  

'   Uninstall  
'   Identify and invoke default uninstall command for a regular uninstall.  
Sub Uninstall
    Dim OseService, srvc
    Dim hDefKey, sSubKeyName, sValue, Name, arrNames, arrTypes
    Dim sku, prod, sUninstallCmd, sReturn, sMsiProp, sCmd
    Dim sPkgFld, sPkgGuid
    Dim i

    If CBool(iError AND ERROR_USERCANCEL) Then Exit Sub

    ' check if OSE service is *installed, *not disabled, *running under System context.  
    LogH2 "Checking state of OSE service"  
    Set OseService = oWmiLocal.Execquery("Select * From Win32_Service Where Name like 'ose%'")  
    For Each srvc in OseService
        If (srvc.StartMode = "Disabled") AND (Not srvc.ChangeStartMode("Manual") = 0) Then _  
            Log "Conflict detected: OSE service is disabled"  
        If (Not srvc.StartName = "LocalSystem") AND (srvc.Change( , , , , , , "LocalSystem", "")) Then _  
            Log "Conflict detected: OSE service not running as LocalSystem"  
    Next 'srvc  

    If NOT dicC2RSuite.Count > 0 Then
        Log "No uninstallable C2R items registered in Uninstall"  
    End If

    ' remove the published component registration for C2R packages  
    LogH2 "Removing published component registration for C2R packages"  
    ' delete the manifest files  
    For i = 1 To 4
    	Select Case i
    	Case 1
	    	RegReadValue HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun", "PackageFolder", sPkgFld, "REG_SZ"   
	    	RegReadValue HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun", "PackageGUID", sPkgGuid, "REG_SZ"  
	    Case 2
	    	RegReadValue HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\ClickToRun", "PackageFolder", sPkgFld, "REG_SZ"   
	    	RegReadValue HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\ClickToRun", "PackageGUID", sPkgGuid, "REG_SZ"  
	    Case 3
	    	RegReadValue HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun", "PackageFolder", sPkgFld, "REG_SZ"   
	    	RegReadValue HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun", "PackageGUID", sPkgGuid, "REG_SZ"  
	    Case 4
	    	sPkgFld = sPackageFolder
	    	sPkgGuid = sPackageGuid
	    End Select
	    If oFso.FolderExists(sValue & "\root\Integration") Then  
	        sCmd = "cmd.exe /c del " & chr(34) & sPkgFld & "\root\Integration\C2RManifest*.xml" & chr(34)  
	        Log "   Running: " & sCmd  
	        sReturn = oWShell.Run (sCmd, 0, True)
	        Log "   Return value: " & sReturn  
	        If oFso.FileExists(sPkgFld & "\root\Integration\integrator.exe") Then  
	            sCmd = chr(34) & sPkgFld & "\root\Integration\integrator.exe" & chr(34) & " /U  /Extension PackageRoot=" & chr(34) & sPkgFld & "\root" & chr(34) & " PackageGUID=" & sPkgGuid  
	            Log "   Running: " & sCmd  
	            sReturn = oWShell.Run (sCmd, 0, True)
	            Log "   Return value: " & sReturn  
	            sCmd = chr(34) & sPkgFld & "\root\Integration\integrator.exe" & chr(34) & " /U"  
	            Log "   Running: " & sCmd  
	            sReturn = oWShell.Run (sCmd, 0, True)
	            Log "   Return value: " & sReturn  
	        End If
	        If oFso.FileExists(sProgramData & "\Microsoft\ClickToRun\{" & sPkgGuid & "}\integrator.exe") Then  
	            sCmd = chr(34) & sProgramData & "\Microsoft\ClickToRun\{" & sPkgGuid & "}\integrator.exe" & chr(34) & " /U  /Extension PackageRoot=" & chr(34) & sPkgFld & "\root" & chr(34) & " PackageGUID=" & sPkgGuid  
	            Log "   Running: " & sCmd  
	            sReturn = oWShell.Run (sCmd, 0, True)
	            Log "   Return value: " & sReturn  
	        End If
	    End If
    Next 'i  

    ' delete potential blocking registry keys for msiexec based tasks  
    LogH2 "Removing C2R and App-V registry data"  
    For Each sku in dicC2RSuite.Keys
        ' remove the ARP entry  
        RegDeleteKey HKLM, REG_ARP & sku
    Next 'sku  
    RegDeleteKey HKCU, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun"  
    RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun"  
    RegDeleteKey HKCU, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\ClickToRun"  
    RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\ClickToRun"  
    RegDeleteKey HKCU, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun"  
    RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun"  
    ' AppV keys  
    hDefKey = HKCU
    sSubKeyName = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppV\ISV"  
        If RegEnumValues(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, arrNames, arrTypes) Then
            For Each Name in arrNames
                If IsC2R(Name) Then RegDeleteValue hDefKey, sSubKeyName, Name, False
            Next 'Name  
        End If 'RegEnumValues  
        If hDefKey = HKLM Then Exit Do
        hDefKey = HKLM

    ' msiexec based uninstall  
    sMsiProp = " REBOOT=ReallySuppress NOREMOVESPAWN=True"  
    LogH2 "Detect Msi based products"  
    For Each prod in oMsi.Products
        If CheckDelete(prod) Then
            Log "Calling msiexec.exe to remove " & prod   
            sUninstallCmd = "msiexec.exe /x" & prod & sMsiProp  
            If fQuiet Then 
                sUninstallCmd = sUninstallCmd & " /q"  
                sUninstallCmd = sUninstallCmd & " /qb-!"  
            End If
            sUninstallCmd = sUninstallCmd & " /l*v " & chr(34) & sLogDir & "\Uninstall_" & prod & ".log" & chr(34)  
            LogOnly "Calling msiexec with '" & sUninstallCmd & "'"  
            sReturn = oWShell.Run(sUninstallCmd, 0, True)
            Log "msiexec returned: " & SetupRetVal(sReturn) & " (" & sReturn & ")" & vbCrLf  
            fRebootRequired = fRebootRequired OR (sReturn = "3010")  
            If fRebootRequired Then SetError ERROR_REBOOT_REQUIRED
            Select Case CInt(sReturn)
                'success no action required  
            Case Else
                SetError ERROR_STAGE1
            End Select
        	LogOnly "Skipping out of scope product: " & prod  
        End If 'CheckDelete  
    Next 'Product  
    oWShell.Run "cmd.exe /c net stop msiserver", 0, False  
End Sub 'Uninstall  

'   RegWipe  
'   Removal of left behind registry data   
Sub Regwipe
    Dim hDefKey, item, name, value, RetVal
    Dim sGuid, sSubKeyName, sValue, sCmd
    Dim i, iLoopCnt
    Dim arrKeys, arrNames, arrTypes, arrTestNames, arrTestTypes
    Dim arrMultiSzValues, arrMultiSzNewValues
    Dim fDelReg

    If CBool(iError AND ERROR_USERCANCEL) Then Exit Sub

    LogH1 "Registry CleanUp"  

    ' Note: ARP entries have already been cleared in uninstall stage  

    ' HKCU Registration  
    RegDeleteKey HKCU, "Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Registration"  
    RegDeleteKey HKCU, "Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Registration"  
    RegDeleteKey HKCU, "Software\Microsoft\Office\Registration"  

    ' C2R specifics  
    ' AppV key "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppV" has already been cleared in uninstall stage  

    ' Virtual InstallRoot  
    RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\InstallRoot\Virtual"  
    RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\InstallRoot\Virtual"  
    RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Common\InstallRoot\Virtual"  

    ' Mapi reg  
    If NOT dictionaryKeepSku.Count > 0 Then RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{2027FC3B-CF9D-4ec7-A823-38BA308625CC}"  
    ' C2R keys  
    RegDeleteKey HKCU, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun"  
    RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun"  
    RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRunStore"  
    RegDeleteKey HKCU, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\ClickToRun"  
    RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\ClickToRun"  
    RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\ClickToRunStore"  
    RegDeleteKey HKCU, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun"  
    RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun"  
    RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRunStore"  
    ' Office key in HKLM  
    If Not dictionaryKeepSku.Count > 0 Then
    	'double calls to ensure Wow6432 gets cleared out as well  
    	RegDeleteKey HKLM, "Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0"  
    	RegDeleteKey HKLM, "Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0"  
    	RegDeleteKey HKLM, "Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0"  
    	RegDeleteKey HKLM, "Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0"  
    End If
    ClearOfficeHKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office"  

    ' Run key  
    sSubKeyName = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"  
    If RegEnumValues (HKLM, sSubKeyName, arrNames, arrTypes) Then
        For Each name in arrNames
            If RegReadValue(HKLM, sSubKeyName, name, sValue, "REG_SZ") Then  
                If IsC2R(sValue) Then RegDeleteValue HKLM, sSubKeyName, name, False
            End If
        Next 'item  
    End If
    RegDeleteValue HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "Lync15", False  
    RegDeleteValue HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "Lync16", False  
    If NOT dictionaryKeepSku.Count > 0 Then 
        ' Protocol Handlers  
        RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Classes\Protocols\Handler\osf"  
        ' Groove ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers  
        RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers\Microsoft SPFS Icon Overlay 1 (ErrorConflict)"  
        RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers\Microsoft SPFS Icon Overlay 2 (SyncInProgress)"  
        RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers\Microsoft SPFS Icon Overlay 3 (InSync)"  
        RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers\Microsoft SPFS Icon Overlay 1 (ErrorConflict)"  
        RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers\Microsoft SPFS Icon Overlay 2 (SyncInProgress)"  
        RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers\Microsoft SPFS Icon Overlay 3 (InSync)"  

        ' Shell extensions  
        RegDeleteValue HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved\", "{B28AA736-876B-46DA-B3A8-84C5E30BA492}", False  
        RegDeleteValue HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved\", "{8B02D659-EBBB-43D7-9BBA-52CF22C5B025}", False  
        RegDeleteValue HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved\", "{0875DCB6-C686-4243-9432-ADCCF0B9F2D7}", False  
        RegDeleteValue HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved\", "{42042206-2D85-11D3-8CFF-005004838597}", False  
        RegDeleteValue HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved\", "{993BE281-6695-4BA5-8A2A-7AACBFAAB69E}", False  
        RegDeleteValue HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved\", "{C41662BB-1FA0-4CE0-8DC5-9B7F8279FF97}", False  
        RegDeleteValue HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved\", "{506F4668-F13E-4AA1-BB04-B43203AB3CC0}", False  
        RegDeleteValue HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved\", "{D66DC78C-4F61-447F-942B-3FB6980118CF}", False  
        RegDeleteValue HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved\", "{46137B78-0EC3-426D-8B89-FF7C3A458B5E}", False  
        ' BHO  
        RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{31D09BA0-12F5-4CCE-BE8A-2923E76605DA}"  
        RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{B4F3A835-0E21-4959-BA22-42B3008E02FF}"  
        RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{D0498E0A-45B7-42AE-A9AA-ABA463DBD3BF}"  
        RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{31D09BA0-12F5-4CCE-BE8A-2923E76605DA}"  
        RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{B4F3A835-0E21-4959-BA22-42B3008E02FF}"  
        RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{D0498E0A-45B7-42AE-A9AA-ABA463DBD3BF}"  
        ' OneNote Namespace Extension for Desktop  
        RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace\{0875DCB6-C686-4243-9432-ADCCF0B9F2D7}"  
        ' Web Sites  
        RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\Namespace\{B28AA736-876B-46DA-B3A8-84C5E30BA492}"  
        RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\NetworkNeighborhood\Namespace\{46137B78-0EC3-426D-8B89-FF7C3A458B5E}"  

        ' VolumeCaches  
        RegDeleteKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VolumeCaches\Microsoft Office Temp Files"  
    End If 'NOT dictionaryKeepSku.Count > 0  

    ' ARP  
    ' Note: configuration entries have already been removed   
    ' as part of the 'Uninstall' stage  
    If RegEnumKey(HKLM, REG_ARP, arrKeys) Then
        For Each item in arrKeys
            If Len(item) > 37 Then
                sGuid = UCase(Left(item, 38))
                If CheckDelete(sGuid) Then RegDeleteKey HKLM, REG_ARP & item & "\"  
            End If 'Len(Item)>37  
        Next 'Item  
    End If

    ' UpgradeCodes, WI config, WI global config  
    LogH2 "Scanning Windows Installer metadata for removeable UpgradeCodes"  
    For iLoopCnt = 1 to 5
        Select Case iLoopCnt
        Case 1
            sSubKeyName = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UpgradeCodes\"  
            hDefKey = HKLM
        Case 2 
            sSubKeyName = "Installer\UpgradeCodes\"  
            hDefKey = HKCR
        Case 3
            sSubKeyName = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\"  
            hDefKey = HKLM
        Case 4 
            sSubKeyName = "Installer\Features\"  
            hDefKey = HKCR
        Case 5 
            sSubKeyName = "Installer\Products\"  
            hDefKey = HKCR
        End Select
        If RegEnumKey(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, arrKeys) Then
            For Each item in arrKeys
                ' ensure the expected length for a compressed GUID  
                If Len(item) = 32 Then
                    ' expand the GUID  
                    sGuid = GetExpandedGuid(item) 
                    ' check if it's an Office key  
                    If CheckDelete(sGuid) Then
                        If iLoopCnt < 3 Then
                            ' enum all entries  
                            RegEnumValues hDefKey, sSubKeyName & item, arrNames, arrTypes
                            If IsArray(arrNames) Then
                                ' delete entries within removal scope  
                                For Each name in arrNames
                                    If Len(name) = 32 Then
                                        sGuid = GetExpandedGuid(name)
                                        If CheckDelete(sGuid) Then RegDeleteValue hDefKey, sSubKeyName & item & "\", name, True  
                                        ' invalid data -> delete the value  
                                        RegDeleteValue hDefKey, sSubKeyName & item & "\", name, True  
                                    End If
                                Next 'Name  
                            End If 'IsArray(arrNames)  
                            ' if all entries were removed - delete the key  
                            If NOT RegEnumValues(hDefKey, sSubKeyName & item, arrNames, arrTypes) Then RegDeleteKey hDefKey, sSubKeyName & item & "\"  
                        Else 'iLoopCnt >= 3  
                            RegDeleteKey hDefKey, sSubKeyName & item & "\"  
                        End If 'iLoopCnt < 3  
                    End If 'InScope  
                End If 'Len(Item)=32  
            Next 'Item  
        End If 'RegEnumKey  
    Next 'iLoopCnt  

    ' Components in Global  
    LogH2 "Scanning Windows Installer Global Components metadata"  
    sSubKeyName = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\"  
    hDefKey = HKLM
    If RegEnumKey(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, arrKeys) Then
        For Each item in arrKeys
            ' ensure the expected length for a compressed GUID  
            If Len(Item) = 32 Then
                If RegEnumValues(hDefKey, sSubKeyName & item, arrNames, arrTypes) Then
                    For Each name in arrNames
                        If Len(Name) = 32 Then
                            sGuid = GetExpandedGuid(Name)
                            If CheckDelete(sGuid) Then
                                RegDeleteValue hDefKey, sSubKeyName & item & "\", name, False  
                                ' if all entries were removed - delete the key  
                                If NOT RegEnumValues(hDefKey, sSubKeyName & item, arrTestNames, arrTestTypes) Then RegDeleteKey hDefKey, sSubKeyName & item & "\"  
                            End If
                        End If '32  
                    Next 'Name  
                End If 'RegEnumValues  
            End If '32  
        Next 'Item  
    End If 'RegEnumKey  

    ' Published Components  
    LogH2 "Scanning Windows Installer Published Components metadata"  
    sSubKeyName = "Installer\Components\"  
    hDefKey = HKCR
    If RegEnumKey(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, arrKeys) Then
        For Each item in arrKeys
            ' ensure the expected length for a compressed GUID  
            If Len(Item) = 32 Then
                If RegEnumValues(hDefKey, sSubKeyName & item, arrNames, arrTypes) Then
                    For Each name in arrNames
                        If RegReadValue (hDefKey, sSubKeyName & item, name, sValue, "REG_MULTI_SZ") Then  
                            arrMultiSzValues = Split(sValue, chr(13))
                            If IsArray(arrMultiSzValues) Then
                                i = -1
                                ReDim arrMultiSzNewValues(-1)
                                fDelReg = False
                                For Each value in arrMultiSzValues
                                    If Len(value) > 19 Then
                                        sGuid = ""  
                                        If GetDecodedGuid(Left(value, SQUISHED), sGuid) Then
                                            If CheckDelete(sGuid) Then
                                                fDelReg = True
                                                i = i + 1 
                                                ReDim Preserve arrMultiSzNewValues(i)
                                                arrMultiSzNewValues(i) = value
                                            End If 'CheckDelete  
                                        End If 'decode  
                                    End If '19  
                                Next 'Value  
                                If NOT (i = -1) Then
                                    If NOT UBound(arrMultiSzValues) = i Then oReg.SetMultiStringValue hDefKey, sSubKeyName & item, name,arrMultiSzNewValues
                                    If fDelReg Then
                                        RegDeleteValue hDefKey, sSubKeyName & item & "\", name, True  
                                        ' if all entries were removed - delete the key  
                                        If NOT RegEnumValues(hDefKey, sSubKeyName & item, arrTestNames, arrTestTypes) Then RegDeleteKey hDefKey, sSubKeyName & item & "\"  
                                    End If 'DelReg  
                                End If
                            End If 'IsArray  
                        End If
                    Next 'Name  
                End If 'RegEnumValues  
            End If '32  
        Next 'Item  
    End If 'RegEnumKey  

End Sub 'Regwipe  

'   FileWipe  
'   Removal of left behind services, files and shortcuts   
Sub FileWipe
    Dim scRoot
    Dim fDelFolders
    If CBool(iError AND ERROR_USERCANCEL) Then Exit Sub

    LogH1 "File Cleanup"   

    fDelFolders = False

    ' remove the OfficeSvc service  
    LogH2 "Deleting OfficeSvc service"  
    DeleteService "OfficeSvc"  

    ' SP1 addition / change  
    ' remove the ClickToRunSvc service  
    LogH2 "Deleting ClickToRunSvc service"   
    DeleteService "ClickToRunSvc"  

    ' adding additional processes for termination  
    dicApps.Add "explorer.exe", "explorer.exe"  
    dicApps.Add "msiexec.exe", "msiexec.exe"  
    dicApps.Add "ose.exe", "ose.exe"  
    If fC2R Then
	    ' delete C2R package files  
        LogH2 "Deleting C2R package files"   
        If oFso.FolderExists(sProgramFiles & "\Microsoft Office 15") _  
        Or oFso.FolderExists(sProgramFiles & "\Microsoft Office 16") _  
        Or oFso.FolderExists(oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%programfiles%") & "\Microsoft Office\PackageManifests") _  
        Or oFso.FolderExists(oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%programfiles(x86)%") & "\Microsoft Office\PackageManifests") Then  
            fDelFolders = True
            Log "   Attention: Now closing Explorer.exe for file delete operations"  
            Log "   Explorer will automatically restart."  
            wscript.sleep 2000
        End If
        ' delete Office folders  
        LogH2 "Deleting Office folders"  
        DeleteFolder sProgramFiles & "\Microsoft Office 15"  
        DeleteFolder sProgramFiles & "\Microsoft Office 16"  
        If f64 Then 
        	DeleteFolder sCommonProgramFilesX86 & "\Microsoft Office 15"  
        	DeleteFolder sCommonProgramFilesX86 & "\Microsoft Office 16"  
        End If
        If fDelFolders Then
        	DeleteFolder sProgramFiles & "\Microsoft Office\PackageManifests"  
        	DeleteFolder sProgramFiles & "\Microsoft Office\PackageSunrisePolicies"  
        	DeleteFolder sProgramFiles & "\Microsoft Office\root"  
        	DeleteFile sProgramFiles & "\Microsoft Office\AppXManifest.xml"  
         	DeleteFile sProgramFiles & "\Microsoft Office\FileSystemMetadata.xml"  
        	If Not dictionaryKeepSku.Count > 0 Then 
        		DeleteFolder sProgramFiles & "\Microsoft Office\Office16"  
        		DeleteFolder sProgramFiles & "\Microsoft Office\Office15"  
        	End If
        	If f64 Then
	        	DeleteFolder sProgramFilesX86 & "\Microsoft Office\PackageManifests"  
	        	DeleteFolder sProgramFilesX86 & "\Microsoft Office\PackageSunrisePolicies"  
	        	DeleteFolder sProgramFilesX86 & "\Microsoft Office\root"  
	        	DeleteFile sProgramFilesX86 & "\Microsoft Office\AppXManifest.xml"  
	         	DeleteFile sProgramFilesX86 & "\Microsoft Office\FileSystemMetadata.xml"  
	        	If Not dictionaryKeepSku.Count > 0 Then 
	        		DeleteFolder sProgramFilesX86 & "\Microsoft Office\Office16"  
	        		DeleteFolder sProgramFilesX86 & "\Microsoft Office\Office15"  
	        	End If
       		End If
		End If
        DeleteFolder sProgramData & "\Microsoft\ClickToRun"  
        DeleteFolder sCommonProgramFiles & "\microsoft shared\ClickToRun"  
        DeleteFolder sProgramData & "\Microsoft\office\FFPackageLocker"  
        DeleteFolder sProgramData & "\Microsoft\office\ClickToRunPackageLocker"  
        If oFso.FileExists(sProgramData & "\Microsoft\office\FFPackageLocker") Then DeleteFile sProgramData & "\Microsoft\office\FFPackageLocker"  
        If oFso.FileExists(sProgramData & "\Microsoft\office\FFStatePBLocker") Then DeleteFile sProgramData & "\Microsoft\office\FFStatePBLocker"  
        If NOT dictionaryKeepSku.Count > 0 Then DeleteFolder sProgramData & "\Microsoft\office\Heartbeat"  
        DeleteFolder oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%userprofile%") & "\Microsoft Office"  
        DeleteFolder oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%userprofile%") & "\Microsoft Office 15"  
        DeleteFolder oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%userprofile%") & "\Microsoft Office 16"  
    End If

    ' restore explorer.exe if needed  

    ' delete shortcuts  
    LogH2 "Search and delete shortcuts"  
    CleanShortcuts sAllUsersProfile, True, False
    CleanShortcuts sProfilesDirectory, True, False

    ' delete empty folder structures  
    If dicDelFolder.Count > 0 Then
        LogH2 "Removing empty folders"  
    End If

    ' add the collected files in use for delete on reboot  
    If dicDelInUse.Count > 0 Then ScheduleDeleteEx

    LogH2 "File Cleanup complete"  
End Sub ' FileWipe  

'   CleanShortcuts  
'   Recursively search all profile folders for Office shortcuts in scope   
Sub CleanShortcuts (sFolder, fDelete, fUnPin)
    Dim oFolder, fld, file, sc, item
    Dim fDeleteSC

	Set oFolder = oFso.GetFolder(sFolder)
	' exclude system protected link folders  
    If CBool(oFolder.Attributes AND 1024) Then Exit Sub

    On Error Resume Next
    For Each fld In oFolder.SubFolders
        If Err <> 0 Then
		    CheckError "CleanShortcuts: " & vbTab & sFolder  
            CleanShortcuts fld.Path, fDelete, fUnPin
        End If
    For Each file In oFolder.Files
		If LCase(Right(file.Path, 4)) = ".lnk" Then  
            fDeleteSC = False
            LogOnly " check file: " & file.Path  
            set sc = oWShell.CreateShortcut(file.Path)
            If Err <> 0 Then
		        CheckError "CleanShortcutsSC: " & vbTab & sFolder  
                'Compare if the shortcut target is in the list of executables that will be removed  
                'LogOnly "  - SC.TargetPath: " & sc.TargetPath  
                If Len(sc.TargetPath) > 0 Then
                    If InStr(sc.TargetPath,"{") > 0 Then  
                        'Handle Windows Installer shortcuts  
                        If Len(sc.TargetPath) >= InStr(sc.TargetPath,"{") + 37 Then  
                            If CheckDelete(Mid(sc.TargetPath, InStr(sc.TargetPath,"{"), 38)) Then fDeleteSC = True  
                        End If
                        'Handle regular shortcuts  
                        If IsC2R(sc.TargetPath) Then fDeleteSC = True
                        If NOT oFso.FileExists(sc.TargetPath) Then
                            ' Shortcut target does not exist  
                            If IsC2R(sc.TargetPath) Then
                                LogOnly "removing Office shortcut with non-existent target: " & file.Path & " - " & sc.TargetPath  
                                fDeleteSC = True
                                'LogOnly "  - keep orphaned SC as target is not in scope: " & sc.TargetPath  
                            End If
                            'LogOnly "  - keep SC as shortcut target does still exist: " & sc.TargetPath  
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            If fDeleteSC Then 
                If NOT dicDelFolder.Exists(sFolder) Then dicDelFolder.Add sFolder, sFolder
                If fUnPin Then UnPin file
                If fDelete Then
                    UnPin file
                    DeleteFile file.Path
                End If
                fDeleteSC = False
            End If 'fDeleteSC  
        End If
    On Error Goto 0
End Sub 'CleanShortcuts  

'   UnPin  
'   Unpins a shortcut from the taskbar or start menu   
Sub UnPin(file)
    Dim fldItem, verb

    On Error Resume Next
    Set fldItem = oShellApp.NameSpace(file.ParentFolder.Path).ParseName(file.Name)
    For Each verb in fldItem.Verbs
        Select Case Replace(verb, "&", "")  
        Case "Unpin from Taskbar", "Von Taskleiste lösen", "Détacher du barre des tâches", "Détacher de la barre des tâches", "Desanclar de la barra de tareas", "Ta bort från Aktivitetsfältet", "タスク バーに表示しない(K)", "작업 표시줄에서 제거(K)", "Открепить от панели задач"  
        Case "Unpin from Start Menu", "Vom Startmenü lösen", "Détacher du menu Démarrer", "Détacher de la menu Démarrer"  
            If iVersionNT > 600 Then verb.DoIt
        End Select
    On Error Goto 0
End Sub

'   ClearOfficeHKLM  
'   Recursively search and clear the HKLM Office key from references in scope   
Sub ClearOfficeHKLM (sSubKeyName)
    Dim key, name
    Dim sValue
    Dim arrKeys, arrNames, arrTypes
    Dim arrTestNames, arrTestTypes, arrTestKeys

    ' recursion  
    If RegEnumKey(HKLM, sSubKeyName, arrKeys) Then
        For Each key in arrKeys
            ClearOfficeHKLM sSubKeyName & "\" & key  
        Next 'key  
    End If
    ' identify & clear removable entries  
    If RegEnumValues(HKLM, sSubKeyName, arrNames, arrTypes) Then
        For Each name in arrNames
            If RegReadValue(HKLM, sSubKeyName, name, sValue, "REG_SZ") Then  
                If IsC2R(sValue) Then RegDeleteValue HKLM, sSubKeyName, name, False
            End If
        Next 'item  
    End If
    ' clear out empty keys  
    If (NOT RegEnumValues(HKLM, sSubKeyName, arrNames, arrTypes)) AND _
       (NOT RegEnumKey(HKLM, sSubKeyName, arrKeys)) AND _
       (NOT dictionaryKeepSku.Count > 0) Then _
        RegDeleteKey HKLM, sSubKeyName
End Sub

'                                        Helper Functions  

'   IsC2R  
'   Check if the passed in string is related to C2R  
'   Returns TRUE if in C2R scope  
Function IsC2R (sValue)

	Const OREF            = "\ROOT\OFFICE1"  
	Const OREFROOT        = "Microsoft Office\Root\"  
	Const OREGREFC2R15    = "Microsoft Office 15"  
	Const OREGREFC2R16    = "Microsoft Office 16"  
	Const OCOMMON		  = "\microsoft shared\ClickToRun"  
	Const OMANIFEST		  = "\Microsoft Office\PackageManifests"  
	Const OSUNRISE		  = "\Microsoft Office\PackageSunrisePolicies"  
	Dim fReturn
	fReturn = False
    If InStr(LCase(sValue), LCase(OREF)) > 0 _
    Or InStr(LCase(sValue), LCase(OREFROOT)) > 0 _
    Or InStr(LCase(sValue), LCase(OCOMMON)) > 0 _
    Or InStr(LCase(sValue), LCase(OMANIFEST)) > 0 _
    Or InStr(LCase(sValue), LCase(OSUNRISE)) > 0 _
    Or InStr(LCase(sValue), LCase(OREGREFC2R15)) > 0 _
    Or InStr(LCase(sValue), LCase(OREGREFC2R16)) > 0 Then fReturn = True
	IsC2R = fReturn
End Function

'   CheckRegPermissions  
'   Test the permissions on some key registry locations to determine if   
'   sufficient permissions are given.  
Function CheckRegPermissions
    Const KEY_QUERY_VALUE       = &H0001
    Const KEY_SET_VALUE         = &H0002
    Const KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY    = &H0004
    Const DELETE                = &H00010000

    Dim sSubKeyName
    Dim fReturn

    CheckRegPermissions = True
    sSubKeyName = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\"  
    oReg.CheckAccess HKLM, sSubKeyName, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, fReturn
    If Not fReturn Then CheckRegPermissions = False
    oReg.CheckAccess HKLM, sSubKeyName, KEY_SET_VALUE, fReturn
    If Not fReturn Then CheckRegPermissions = False
    oReg.CheckAccess HKLM, sSubKeyName, KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, fReturn
    If Not fReturn Then CheckRegPermissions = False
    oReg.CheckAccess HKLM, sSubKeyName, DELETE, fReturn
    If Not fReturn Then CheckRegPermissions = False

End Function 'CheckRegPermissions  

'   GetMyProcessId  
'   Returns the process id of the own process  
Function GetMyProcessId()
    Dim iParentProcessId

    iParentProcessId = 0
    ' try to obtain from creating a new cscript instance  
    On Error Resume Next
    iParentProcessId = GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2").Get("Win32_Process.Handle='" & oWShell.Exec("cscript.exe").ProcessId & "'").ParentProcessId  
    On Error Goto 0
    If iParentProcessId > 0 Then
        ' succeeded to obtain the process id  
        GetMyProcessId = iParentProcessId
        Exit Function
    End If

    ' failed to obtain the id from the creation of a new instance  
    ' get it from enum of Win32_Process  
    Dim Process, Processes
    Set Processes = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process WHERE Name='cscript.exe' AND CommandLine like '%" & SCRIPTNAME & "%'")  
    For Each Process in Processes
        iParentProcessId = Process.ProcessId
        Exit For
    GetMyProcessId = iParentProcessId
End Function 'GetMyProcessId  

'   Delimiter  
'   Returns the delimiter for a passed in string  
Function Delimiter (sVersion)
    Dim iCnt, iAsc

    Delimiter = " "  
    For iCnt = 1 To Len(sVersion)
        iAsc = Asc(Mid(sVersion, iCnt, 1))
        If Not (iASC >= 48 And iASC <= 57) Then 
            Delimiter = Mid(sVersion, iCnt, 1)
            Exit Function
        End If
    Next 'iCnt  
End Function

'   GetExpandedGuid  
'   Returns the expanded string from a compressed GUID  
Function GetExpandedGuid (sGuid)
    Dim i

    'Ensure valid length  
    If NOT Len(sGuid) = 32 Then Exit Function

    GetExpandedGuid = "{" & StrReverse(Mid(sGuid,1,8)) & "-" & _  
                       StrReverse(Mid(sGuid,9,4)) & "-" & _  
                       StrReverse(Mid(sGuid,13,4))& "-"  
    For i = 17 To 20
	    If i Mod 2 Then
		    GetExpandedGuid = GetExpandedGuid & mid(sGuid,(i + 1),1)
		    GetExpandedGuid = GetExpandedGuid & mid(sGuid,(i - 1),1)
	    End If
    GetExpandedGuid = GetExpandedGuid & "-"  
    For i = 21 To 32
	    If i Mod 2 Then
		    GetExpandedGuid = GetExpandedGuid & mid(sGuid,(i + 1),1)
		    GetExpandedGuid = GetExpandedGuid & mid(sGuid,(i - 1),1)
	    End If
    GetExpandedGuid = GetExpandedGuid & "}"  
End Function 'GetExpandedGuid  

'   GetCompressedGuid  
'   Returns the compressed string for a GUID  
Function GetCompressedGuid (sGuid)
    Dim sCompGUID
    Dim i
    'Ensure Valid Length  
    If NOT Len(sGuid) = 38 Then Exit Function

    sCompGUID = StrReverse(Mid(sGuid,2,8))  & _
                StrReverse(Mid(sGuid,11,4)) & _
    For i = 21 To 24
	    If i Mod 2 Then
		    sCompGUID = sCompGUID & Mid(sGuid, (i + 1), 1)
		    sCompGUID = sCompGUID & Mid(sGuid, (i - 1), 1)
	    End If
    For i = 26 To 37
	    If i Mod 2 Then
		    sCompGUID = sCompGUID & Mid(sGuid, (i - 1), 1)
		    sCompGUID = sCompGUID & Mid(sGuid, (i + 1), 1)
	    End If
    GetCompressedGuid = sCompGUID
End Function

'   GetDecodedGuid  
'   Returns the GUID from a squished format  
Function GetDecodedGuid(sEncGuid, sGuid)

Dim sDecode, sTable, sHex, iChr
Dim arrTable
Dim i, iAsc, pow85, decChar
Dim lTotal
Dim fFailed

    fFailed = False

    sTable =    "0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff," & _  
                "0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff," & _  
                "0xff,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09,0x0a,0x0b,0xff," & _  
                "0x0c,0x0d,0x0e,0x0f,0x10,0x11,0x12,0x13,0x14,0x15,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x16,0xff,0x17," & _  
                "0x18,0x19,0x1a,0x1b,0x1c,0x1d,0x1e,0x1f,0x20,0x21,0x22,0x23,0x24,0x25,0x26,0x27," & _  
                "0x28,0x29,0x2a,0x2b,0x2c,0x2d,0x2e,0x2f,0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,0xff,0x34,0x35,0x36," & _  
                "0x37,0x38,0x39,0x3a,0x3b,0x3c,0x3d,0x3e,0x3f,0x40,0x41,0x42,0x43,0x44,0x45,0x46," & _  
    arrTable = Split(sTable,",")  
    lTotal = 0 : pow85 = 1
    For i = 0 To 19
        fFailed = True
        If i Mod 5 = 0 Then
            lTotal = 0 : pow85 = 1
        End If ' i Mod 5 = 0  
        iAsc = Asc(Mid(sEncGuid,i+1,1))
        sHex = arrTable(iAsc)
        If iAsc >=128 Then Exit For
        If sHex = "0xff" Then Exit For  
        iChr = CInt("&h"&Right(sHex,2))  
        lTotal = lTotal + (iChr * pow85)
        If i Mod 5 = 4 Then sDecode = sDecode & DecToHex(lTotal)
        pow85 = pow85 * 85
        fFailed = False
    Next 'i  
    If NOT fFailed Then sGuid = "{"&Mid(sDecode,1,8)&"-"& _  
                                Mid(sDecode,13,4)&"-"& _  
                                Mid(sDecode,9,4)&"-"& _  
                                Mid(sDecode,23,2) & Mid(sDecode,21,2)&"-"& _  
                                Mid(sDecode,19,2) & Mid(sDecode,17,2) & Mid(sDecode,31,2) & Mid(sDecode,29,2) & Mid(sDecode,27,2) & Mid(sDecode,25,2) &"}"  

    GetDecodedGuid = NOT fFailed

End Function 'GetDecodedGuid  

'   DecToHex  
'   Convert a long decimal to hex  
Function DecToHex(lDec)
    Dim sHex
    Dim iLen
    Dim lVal, lExp
    Dim arrChr
    arrChr = Array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F")  
    sHex = ""  
    lVal = lDec
    lExp = 16^10
    While lExp >= 1
        If lVal >= lExp Then
            sHex = sHex & arrChr(Int(lVal / lExp))
            lVal = lVal - lExp * Int(lVal / lExp)
            sHex = sHex & "0"  
            If sHex = "0" Then sHex = ""  
        End If
        lExp = lExp / 16

    iLen = 8 - Len(sHex)
    If iLen > 0 Then sHex = String(iLen, "0") & sHex  
    DecToHex = sHex
End Function

'   RelaunchAs64Host  
'   Relaunch self with 64 bit CScript host  
Sub RelaunchAs64Host
    Dim Argument, sCmd

    sCmd = Replace(LCase(wscript.Path), "syswow64", "sysnative") & "\cscript.exe " & Chr(34) & WScript.scriptFullName & Chr(34)  
    If Wscript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then
        For Each Argument in Wscript.Arguments
            sCmd = sCmd  &  " " & chr(34) & Argument & chr(34)  
        Next 'Argument  
    End If
    Wscript.Quit CLng(oWShell.Run(sCmd, 1, True))

End Sub 'RelaunchAs64Host  

'   RelaunchElevated  
'   Relaunch the script with elevated permissions  
Sub RelaunchElevated
    Dim Argument, Process, Processes
    Dim iParentProcessId, iSpawnedProcessId
    Dim sCmdLine, sRetValFile, sValue
    Dim oShell

    ' Shell object for relaunch  
    Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")  
    ' build command line for relaunch  
    sCmdLine = Chr(34) & WScript.ScriptFullName & Chr(34)
    If Wscript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then
        For Each Argument in Wscript.Arguments
            Select Case UCase(Argument)
            Case "/Q","/QUIET"  
                'Don't try to relaunch in quiet mode  
                Exit Sub
                SetError ERROR_ELEVATION_FAILED
            Case "UAC"  
                'Already tried elevated relaunch  
                SetError ERROR_ELEVATION_FAILED
                Exit Sub
            Case Else
                sCmdLine = sCmdLine  &  " " & chr(34) & Argument & chr(34)  
            End Select
        Next 'Argument  
    End If
    ' prep work to get the return value from the elevated process  
    iParentProcessId = GetMyProcessId 
'    ' make user aware of elevation attempt after reboot  
'    If RegReadValue(HKCU, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\CleanC2R", "Rerun", sValue, "REG_DWORD") Then  
'        oWShell.Popup "System reboot complete. OffScrub will now prompt for elevation!", 10, SCRIPTNAME & " - NOTE!"  
'    End If  
    ' launch the elevated instance  
    oShell.ShellExecute "cscript.exe", sCmdLine & " /NoElevate UAC", "", "runas", 1  
    ' get the process id of the spawned instance  
    WScript.Sleep 500
    Set Processes = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process WHERE ParentProcessId='" & iParentProcessId & "'")  
    If Processes.Count > 0 Then
        For Each Process in Processes
		    iSpawnedProcessId = Process.ProcessId
		    Exit For
        Next 'Process  
        ' monitor the tasklist to detect the end of the spawned process  
        While oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId='" & iSpawnedProcessId & "'").Count > 0  
            WScript.Sleep 3000
        ' get the return value from the file  
        Wscript.Quit GetRetValFromFile
    End If
    ' elevation failed (user declined)  
End Sub 'RelaunchElevated  

'   RelaunchAsCScript  
'   Relaunch self with Cscript as host  
Sub RelaunchAsCScript
    Dim Argument
    Dim sCmdLine
    sCmdLine = "cmd.exe /c " & WScript.Path & "\cscript.exe //NOLOGO " & Chr(34) & WScript.scriptFullName & Chr(34)  
    If Wscript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then
        For Each Argument in Wscript.Arguments
            sCmdLine = sCmdLine  &  " " & chr(34) & Argument & chr(34)  
        Next 'Argument  
    End If
    Wscript.Quit CLng(oWShell.Run(sCmdLine, 1, True))
End Sub 'RelaunchAsCScript  

'   SetError  
'   Set error bit(s)   
Sub SetError(ErrorBit)
    iError = iError OR ErrorBit
    Select Case ErrorBit
        iError = iError OR ERROR_FAIL
    End Select
End Sub

'   ClearError  
'   Unset error bit(s)   
Sub ClearError(ErrorBit)
    iError = iError AND (ERROR_ALL - ErrorBit)
    Select Case ErrorBit
        iError = iError AND (ERROR_ALL - ERROR_FAIL)
    End Select
End Sub

'   SetRetVal  
'   Write return value to file  
Sub SetRetVal(iError)
    Dim RetValFileStream
    'don't fail script execution if writing the return value to file fails  
    On Error Resume Next 

    Set RetValFileStream = oFso.createTextFile(sScrubDir & "\" & RETVALFILE, True, True)  
    RetValFileStream.Write iError
    On Error Goto 0
End Sub 'SetRetVal  

'   GetRetValFromFile  
'   Read return value from file.  
'   Used to ensure return value can get obtained from an elevated process  
Function GetRetValFromFile ()
    Dim RetValFileStream
    Dim iRetValFromFile

    On Error Resume Next 'don't fail script execution when getting the return value from file fails  

    If oFso.FileExists(sScrubDir & "\" & RETVALFILE) Then  
        Set RetValFileStream = oFso.OpenTextFile(sScrubDir & "\" & RETVALFILE, 1, False, -2)  
        GetRetValFromFile = RetValFileStream.ReadAll
        Exit Function
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
    GetRetValFromFile = ERROR_UNKNOWN
End Function 'GetRetValFromFile  

'   CreateLog  
'   Create the removal log file  
Sub CreateLog
    Dim DateTime
    Dim sLogName
    On Error Resume Next
    ' create the log file  
    Set DateTime = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")  
    DateTime.SetVarDate Now, True
    sLogName = sLogDir & "\" & oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMPUTERNAME%")  
    sLogName = sLogName &  "_" & Left(DateTime.Value, 14)  
    sLogName = sLogName & "_ScrubLog.txt"  
    Set LogStream = oFso.CreateTextFile(sLogName, True, True)
    If Err <> 0 Then 
        sLogDir = sScrubDir
        sLogName = sLogDir & "\" & oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMPUTERNAME%")  
        sLogName = sLogName &  "_" & Left(DateTime.Value, 14)  
        sLogName = sLogName & "_ScrubLog.txt"  
        Set LogStream = oFso.CreateTextFile(sLogName, True, True)
    End If
    On Error Goto 0

    Log "Microsoft Customer Support Services - " & ONAME & " Removal Utility" & vbCrLf &_  
        "Removes "& ONAME & " when a regular uninstall is no longer possible." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _  
        "Version: " & vbTab & SCRIPTVERSION & vbCrLf & _  
        "64 bit OS: " & vbTab & f64 & vbCrLf & _  
        "Removal start: " & vbTab & Time & vbCrLf  
    fLogInitialized = True
End Sub 'CreateLog  

'   HiveString  
'   Translates the numeric constant into the human readable registry hive string  
Function HiveString(hDefKey)
    Select Case hDefKey
        Case HKCR : HiveString = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"  
        Case HKCU : HiveString = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER"  
        Case HKLM : HiveString = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"  
        Case HKU  : HiveString = "HKEY_USERS"  
        Case Else : HiveString = hDefKey
    End Select
End Function

'   RegKeyExists  
'   Returns a boolean for the test on existence of a given registry key  
Function RegKeyExists(hDefKey, sSubKeyName)
    Dim arrKeys
    RegKeyExists = False
    If oReg.EnumKey(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, arrKeys) = 0 Then RegKeyExists = True
End Function

'   RegValExists  
'   Returns a boolean for the test on existence of a given registry value  
Function RegValExists(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,sName)
    Dim arrValueTypes, arrValueNames
    Dim i

    RegValExists = False
    If Not RegKeyExists(hDefKey,sSubKeyName) Then Exit Function
    If oReg.EnumValues(hDefKey,sSubKeyName,arrValueNames,arrValueTypes) = 0 AND IsArray(arrValueNames) Then
        For i = 0 To UBound(arrValueNames) 
            If LCase(arrValueNames(i)) = Trim(LCase(sName)) Then RegValExists = True
    End If 'oReg.EnumValues  
End Function

'   RegReadValue  
'   Read the value of a given registry entry  
'   The correct type has to be passed in as argument  
Function RegReadValue(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, sName, sValue, sType)
    Dim RetVal
    Dim Item
    Dim arrValues
    Select Case UCase(sType)
        Case "1", "REG_SZ"  
            RetVal = oReg.GetStringValue(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, sName, sValue)
            If Not RetVal = 0 AND f64 Then RetVal = oReg.GetStringValue(hDefKey, Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName), sName, sValue)
        Case "2", "REG_EXPAND_SZ"  
            RetVal = oReg.GetExpandedStringValue(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, sName, sValue)
            If NOT RetVal = 0 AND f64 Then RetVal = oReg.GetExpandedStringValue(hDefKey, Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName), sName, sValue)
        Case "3", "REG_BINARY"  
            RetVal = oReg.GetBinaryValue(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, sName, sValue)
            If NOT RetVal = 0 AND f64 Then RetVal = oReg.GetBinaryValue(hDefKey, Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName), sName, sValue)
        Case "4", "REG_DWORD"  
            RetVal = oReg.GetDWORDValue(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, sName, sValue)
            If NOT RetVal = 0 AND f64 Then RetVal = oReg.GetDWORDValue(hDefKey, Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName), sName, sValue)
        Case "7", "REG_MULTI_SZ"  
            RetVal = oReg.GetMultiStringValue(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, sName, arrValues)
            If NOT RetVal = 0 AND f64 Then RetVal = oReg.GetMultiStringValue(hDefKey, Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName), sName, arrValues)
            If RetVal = 0 Then sValue = Join(arrValues, chr(13))
        Case Else
            RetVal = -1
    End Select 'sValue  
    RegReadValue = (RetVal = 0)
End Function 'RegReadValue  

'   RegEnumValues  
'   Enumerate a registry key to return all values  
Function RegEnumValues(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, arrNames, arrTypes)
    Dim RetVal, RetVal64
    Dim arrNames32, arrNames64, arrTypes32, arrTypes64
    If f64 Then
        RetVal = oReg.EnumValues(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, arrNames32, arrTypes32)
        RetVal64 = oReg.EnumValues(hDefKey, Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName), arrNames64, arrTypes64)
        If (RetVal = 0) AND (NOT RetVal64 = 0) AND IsArray(arrNames32) AND IsArray(arrTypes32) Then 
            arrNames = arrNames32
            arrTypes = arrTypes32
        End If
        If (NOT RetVal = 0) AND (RetVal64 = 0) AND IsArray(arrNames64) AND IsArray(arrTypes64) Then 
            arrNames = arrNames64
            arrTypes = arrTypes64
        End If
        If (RetVal = 0) AND (RetVal64 = 0) AND IsArray(arrNames32) AND IsArray(arrNames64) AND IsArray(arrTypes32) AND IsArray(arrTypes64) Then 
            arrNames = RemoveDuplicates(Split((Join(arrNames32, "\") & "\" & Join(arrNames64, "\")), "\"))  
            arrTypes = RemoveDuplicates(Split((Join(arrTypes32, "\") & "\" & Join(arrTypes64, "\")), "\"))  
        End If
        RetVal = oReg.EnumValues(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, arrNames, arrTypes)
    End If 'f64  
    RegEnumValues = ((RetVal = 0) OR (RetVal64 = 0)) AND IsArray(arrNames) AND IsArray(arrTypes)
End Function 'RegEnumValues  

'   RegEnumKey  
'   Enumerate a registry key to return all subkeys  
Function RegEnumKey(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, arrKeys)
    Dim RetVal, RetVal64
    Dim arrKeys32, arrKeys64
    If f64 Then
        RetVal = oReg.EnumKey(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, arrKeys32)
        RetVal64 = oReg.EnumKey(hDefKey, Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName), arrKeys64)
        If (RetVal = 0) AND (NOT RetVal64 = 0) AND IsArray(arrKeys32) Then arrKeys = arrKeys32
        If (Not RetVal = 0) AND (RetVal64 = 0) AND IsArray(arrKeys64) Then arrKeys = arrKeys64
        If (RetVal = 0) AND (RetVal64 = 0) Then 
            If IsArray(arrKeys32) AND IsArray (arrKeys64) Then 
                arrKeys = RemoveDuplicates(Split((Join(arrKeys32, "\") & "\" & Join(arrKeys64, "\")), "\"))  
            ElseIf IsArray(arrKeys64) Then
                arrKeys = arrKeys64
                arrKeys = arrKeys32
            End If
        End If
        RetVal = oReg.EnumKey(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, arrKeys)
    End If 'f64  
    RegEnumKey = ((RetVal = 0) OR (RetVal64 = 0)) AND IsArray(arrKeys)
End Function 'RegEnumKey  

'   RegDeleteValue  
'   Wrapper around oReg.DeleteValue to handle 64 bit  
Sub RegDeleteValue(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, sName, fRegMultiSZ)
    Dim sDelKeyName, sValue
    Dim iRetVal
    Dim fKeep
    ' ensure trailing "\"  
    sSubKeyName = sSubKeyName & "\"  
    While InStr(sSubKeyName, "\\") > 0  
        sSubKeyName = Replace(sSubKeyName, "\\", "\")  

    fKeep = dictionaryKeepReg.Exists(LCase(sSubKeyName & sName))
    If (NOT fKeep AND f64) Then fKeep = dictionaryKeepReg.Exists(LCase(Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName) & sName))
    If fKeep Then
        LogOnly "Disallowing the delete of still required keypath element: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "\" & sSubKeyName & sName  
        If NOT fForce Then Exit Sub
    End If
    ' check on forced delete  
    If fKeep Then
        LogOnly "Enforced delete of still required keypath element: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "\" & sSubKeyName & sName  
        LogOnly "   Remaining applications will need a repair!"  
    End If
    ' ensure value exists  
    If RegValExists(hDefKey, sSubKeyName, sName) Then
        sDelKeyName = sSubKeyName
    ElseIf RegValExists(hDefKey, Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName), sName) Then
        sDelKeyName =  Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName)
        LogOnly "Value not found. Cannot delete value: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "\" & sSubKeyName & sName  
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' prevent unintentional, unsafe REG_MULTI_SZ delete  
    If RegReadValue(hDefKey, sDelKeyName, sName, sValue, "REG_MULTI_SZ") AND NOT fRegMultiSZ Then  
        LogOnly "Disallowing unsafe delete of REG_MULTI_SZ: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "\" & sDelKeyName & sName  
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' execute delete operation  
    If Not fDetectOnly Then 
        LogOnly "Delete registry value: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "\" & sDelKeyName & " -> " & sName  
        iRetVal = 0
        iRetVal = oReg.DeleteValue(hDefKey, sDelKeyName, sName)
        CheckError "RegDeleteValue"  
        If NOT (iRetVal = 0) Then
            LogOnly "     Delete failed. Return value: " & iRetVal  
            SetError ERROR_STAGE2
        End If
        LogOnly "Preview mode. Disallowing delete registry value: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "\" & sDelKeyName & " -> " & sName  
    End If
    On Error Goto 0

End Sub 'RegDeleteValue  

'   RegDeleteKey  
'   Wrappper around RegDeleteKeyEx to handle 64bit  
Sub RegDeleteKey(hDefKey, sSubKeyName)
    Dim sDelKeyName
    Dim fKeep
    ' ensure trailing "\"  
    sSubKeyName = sSubKeyName & "\"  
    While InStr(sSubKeyName, "\\") > 0  
        sSubKeyName = Replace(sSubKeyName, "\\", "\")  

    fKeep = dictionaryKeepReg.Exists(LCase(sSubKeyName))
    If (NOT fKeep AND f64) Then fKeep = dictionaryKeepReg.Exists(LCase(Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName)))
    If fKeep Then
        LogOnly "Disallowing the delete of still required keypath element: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "\" & sSubKeyName  
        If NOT fForce Then Exit Sub
    End If
    ' check on forced delete  
    If fKeep Then
        LogOnly "Enforced delete of still required keypath element: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "\" & sSubKeyName  
        LogOnly "   Remaining applications will need a repair!"  
    End If
    If Len(sSubKeyName) > 1 Then
        'Strip of trailing "\"  
        sSubKeyName = Left(sSubKeyName, Len(sSubKeyName) - 1)
    End If
    ' ensure key exists  
    If RegKeyExists(hDefKey, sSubKeyName) Then
        sDelKeyName = sSubKeyName
    ElseIf f64 AND RegKeyExists(hDefKey, Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName)) Then
        sDelKeyName = Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName)
        LogOnly "Key not found. Cannot delete key: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "\" & sSubKeyName  
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' execute delete  
    If Not fDetectOnly Then
        LogOnly "Delete registry key: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "\" & sDelKeyName  
        On Error Resume Next
        RegDeleteKeyEx hDefKey, sDelKeyName
        On Error Goto 0
        LogOnly "Preview mode. Disallowing delete of registry key: " & HiveString(hDefKey) & "\" & sSubKeyName  
    End If
End Sub 'RegDeleteKey  

'   RegDeleteKeyEx  
'   Recursively delete a registry structure  
Sub RegDeleteKeyEx(hDefKey, sSubKeyName) 
    Dim arrSubkeys
    Dim sSubkey
    Dim iRetVal

    'Strip of trailing "\"  
    If Len(sSubKeyName) > 1 Then
        If Right(sSubKeyName, 1) = "\" Then sSubKeyName = Left(sSubKeyName, Len(sSubKeyName) - 1)  
    End If
    On Error Resume Next

    ' exception handler  
    If (hDefKey = HKLM) AND (sSubKeyName = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun") Then  
        iRetVal = oWShell.Run("reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun /f", 0, True)  
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' regular recursion  
    oReg.EnumKey hDefKey, sSubKeyName, arrSubkeys
    If IsArray(arrSubkeys) Then 
        For Each sSubkey In arrSubkeys 
            RegDeleteKeyEx hDefKey, sSubKeyName & "\" & sSubkey   
    End If 
    If Not fDetectOnly Then 
        iRetVal = 0
        iRetVal = oReg.DeleteKey(hDefKey, sSubKeyName)
        If NOT (iRetVal = 0) Then LogOnly "     Delete failed. Return value: "&iRetVal  
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
End Sub 'RegDeleteKeyEx  

'   Wow64Key  
'   Return the 32bit regkey location on a 64bit environment  
Function Wow64Key(hDefKey, sSubKeyName)
    Dim iPos

    Select Case hDefKey
    Case HKCU
        If Left(sSubKeyName, 17) = "Software\Classes\" Then  
            Wow64Key = Left(sSubKeyName, 17) & "Wow6432Node\" & Right(sSubKeyName, Len(sSubKeyName) - 17)  
            iPos = InStr(sSubKeyName, "\")  
            Wow64Key = Left(sSubKeyName, iPos) & "Wow6432Node\" & Right(sSubKeyName, Len(sSubKeyName) - iPos)  
        End If
    Case HKLM
        If Left(sSubKeyName, 17) = "Software\Classes\" Then  
            Wow64Key = Left(sSubKeyName, 17) & "Wow6432Node\" & Right(sSubKeyName, Len(sSubKeyName) - 17)  
            iPos = InStr(sSubKeyName, "\")  
            Wow64Key = Left(sSubKeyName, iPos) & "Wow6432Node\" & Right(sSubKeyName, Len(sSubKeyName) - iPos)  
        End If
    Case Else
        Wow64Key = "Wow6432Node\" & sSubKeyName  
    End Select 'hDefKey  
End Function 'Wow64Key  

'   RemoveDuplicates  
'   Remove duplicate entries from a one dimensional array  
Function RemoveDuplicates(Array)
    Dim Item
    Dim dicNoDupes
    Set dicNoDupes = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")  
    For Each Item in Array
        If Not dicNoDupes.Exists(Item) Then dicNoDupes.Add Item,Item
    Next 'Item  
    RemoveDuplicates = dicNoDupes.Keys
End Function 'RemoveDuplicates  

'   CheckError  
'   Checks the status of 'Err' and logs the error details if <> 0  
Sub CheckError(sModule)
    If Err <> 0 Then 
        LogOnly "   Error: " & sModule & " - Source: " & Err.Source & "; Err# (Hex): " & Hex( Err ) & _  
               "; Err# (Dec): " & Err & "; Description : " & Err.Description  
    End If 'Err = 0  
End Sub

'   LogH  
'   Write a header log string to the log file  
Sub LogH (sLog)
    LogStream.WriteLine ""  
    sLog = sLog & vbCrLf & String(Len(sLog), "=")  
    If NOT fQuiet AND fCScript Then wscript.echo ""  
    If NOT fQuiet AND fCScript Then wscript.echo sLog
    LogStream.WriteLine sLog
End Sub 'Logh  

'   LogH1  
'   Write a header log string to the log file  
Sub LogH1 (sLog)
    LogStream.WriteLine ""  
    sLog = sLog & vbCrLf & String(Len(sLog), "-")  
    If NOT fQuiet AND fCScript Then wscript.echo ""  
    If NOT fQuiet AND fCScript Then wscript.echo sLog
    LogStream.WriteLine sLog
End Sub 'LogH1  

'   LogH2  
'   Write w/o indent Cmd window and the log file  
Sub LogH2 (sLog)
    If NOT fQuiet AND fCScript Then wscript.echo sLog
    LogStream.WriteLine ""  
    LogStream.WriteLine sLog
End Sub 'LogH2  

'   Log  
'   Echos the log string to the Cmd window and the log file  
Sub Log (sLog)
    If NOT fQuiet AND fCScript Then wscript.echo sLog
    LogStream.WriteLine "   " & Time & ": " & sLog  
End Sub 'Log  

'   LogOnly  
'   Commits the log string to the log file  
Sub LogOnly (sLog)
    LogStream.WriteLine "   " & Time & ": " & sLog  
End Sub 'Log  

'   InScope  
'   Check if ProductCode is in scope for removal  
'Check if ProductCode is in scope  
Function InScope(sProductCode)
    Dim fInScope
    Dim sProd
	Const OFFICEID = "0000000FF1CE}"  
	On Error Resume Next

    fInScope = False
    If Len(sProductCode) = 38 Then
        sProd = UCase(sProductCode)
        If Right(sProd, PRODLEN) = OFFICEID Then
        	If CInt(Mid(sProd, 4, 2)) > 14 Then 
	            If Err <> 0 Then
	            	Exit Function
	            End If
	            Select Case Mid(sProd, 11, 4)
	            Case "007E", "008F", "008C", "24E1", "237A"  
	                fInScope = True
	            End Select
            End If
        End If
        ' Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant (x64 ship and x86 ship)  
        If sProd = "{6C1ADE97-24E1-4AE4-AEDD-86D3A209CE60}" Then fInScope = True  
        If sProd = "{9520DDEB-237A-41DB-AA20-F2EF2360DCEB}" Then fInScope = True  
        If sProd = UCase(sPackageGuid) Then fInScope = True
        If sProd = UCase("{9AC08E99-230B-47e8-9721-4577B7F124EA}") Then fInScope = True  
    End If '38  

    InScope = fInScope
End Function 'InScope  

'   CheckDelete  
'   Check a ProductCode is known to stay installed  
Function CheckDelete(sProductCode)

    CheckDelete = False
    ' ensure valid GUID length  
    If NOT Len(sProductCode) = 38 Then Exit Function
    ' only care if it's in the expected ProductCode pattern   
    If NOT InScope(sProductCode) Then Exit Function
    ' check if it's a known product that should be kept  
    If dictionaryKeepSku.Exists(UCase(sProductCode)) Then Exit Function
    CheckDelete = True
End Function 'CheckDelete  

'   DeleteService  
'   Delete a service  
'Delete a service  
Sub DeleteService(sName)
    Dim Services, srvc, Processes, process
    Dim sQuery, sStates, sProcessName, sCmd
    Dim iRet
    On Error Resume Next
    sStates = "STARTED;RUNNING"  
    sQuery = "Select * From Win32_Service Where Name='" & sName & "'"  
    Set Services = oWmiLocal.Execquery(sQuery)
    ' stop and delete the service  
    For Each srvc in Services
        Log "   Found service " & sName & " (" & srvc.DisplayName & ") in state " & srvc.State  
        ' get the process name  
        sProcessName = Trim(Replace(Mid(srvc.PathName, InStrRev(srvc.PathName,"\") + 1), chr(34), ""))  
        ' stop the service  
        If InStr(sStates, UCase(srvc.State)) > 0 Then
            iRet = srvc.StopService()
            LogOnly " attempt to stop service " & sName & " returned: " & iRet  
        End If
        ' ensure no more instances of the service are running  
        Set Processes = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process Where Name='" & sProcessName & "'")  
        For Each process in Processes
            iRet = process.Terminate()
        Next 'Process  
        If fDetectOnly Then 
            Log "   Not deleting service " & sName & " in preview mode"  
            Exit Sub
        End If
        iRet = srvc.Delete()
        Log "   Delete service " & sName & " returned: " & iRet  
    Next 'srvc  

    ' check if service got deleted  
    Set Services = oWmiLocal.Execquery(sQuery)
    For Each srvc in Services
        ' failed to delete service. retry with 'sc' command  
        sLog " Deleting service " & sName & " failed. Retry delete using 'SC' command"  
        sCmd = "sc delete " & sName  
        iRet = oWShell.Run(sCmd, 0, True)
    Next 'srvc  

    Set Services = Nothing
    On Error Goto 0
End Sub 'DeleteService  

'   SetupRetVal  
'   Translation for known uninstall return values  
Function SetupRetVal(RetVal)
    Select Case RetVal
        Case 0 : SetupRetVal = "Success"  
        'msiexec return values  
        Case 1259 : SetupRetVal = "APPHELP_BLOCK"  
        Case 1601 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_SERVICE_FAILURE"  
        Case 1602 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_USEREXIT"  
        Case 1603 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_FAILURE"  
        Case 1604 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_SUSPEND"  
        Case 1605 : SetupRetVal = "UNKNOWN_PRODUCT"  
        Case 1606 : SetupRetVal = "UNKNOWN_FEATURE"  
        Case 1607 : SetupRetVal = "UNKNOWN_COMPONENT"  
        Case 1608 : SetupRetVal = "UNKNOWN_PROPERTY"  
        Case 1609 : SetupRetVal = "INVALID_HANDLE_STATE"  
        Case 1610 : SetupRetVal = "BAD_CONFIGURATION"  
        Case 1611 : SetupRetVal = "INDEX_ABSENT"  
        Case 1612 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_SOURCE_ABSENT"  
        Case 1613 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_PACKAGE_VERSION"  
        Case 1614 : SetupRetVal = "PRODUCT_UNINSTALLED"  
        Case 1615 : SetupRetVal = "BAD_QUERY_SYNTAX"  
        Case 1616 : SetupRetVal = "INVALID_FIELD"  
        Case 1618 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_ALREADY_RUNNING"  
        Case 1619 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_PACKAGE_OPEN_FAILED"  
        Case 1620 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_PACKAGE_INVALID"  
        Case 1621 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_UI_FAILURE"  
        Case 1622 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_LOG_FAILURE"  
        Case 1623 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_LANGUAGE_UNSUPPORTED"  
        Case 1624 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_TRANSFORM_FAILURE"  
        Case 1625 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_PACKAGE_REJECTED"  
        Case 1626 : SetupRetVal = "FUNCTION_NOT_CALLED"  
        Case 1627 : SetupRetVal = "FUNCTION_FAILED"  
        Case 1628 : SetupRetVal = "INVALID_TABLE"  
        Case 1629 : SetupRetVal = "DATATYPE_MISMATCH"  
        Case 1630 : SetupRetVal = "UNSUPPORTED_TYPE"  
        Case 1631 : SetupRetVal = "CREATE_FAILED"  
        Case 1632 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_TEMP_UNWRITABLE"  
        Case 1633 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_PLATFORM_UNSUPPORTED"  
        Case 1634 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_NOTUSED"  
        Case 1635 : SetupRetVal = "PATCH_PACKAGE_OPEN_FAILED"  
        Case 1636 : SetupRetVal = "PATCH_PACKAGE_INVALID"  
        Case 1637 : SetupRetVal = "PATCH_PACKAGE_UNSUPPORTED"  
        Case 1638 : SetupRetVal = "PRODUCT_VERSION"  
        Case 1639 : SetupRetVal = "INVALID_COMMAND_LINE"  
        Case 1640 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_REMOTE_DISALLOWED"  
        Case 1641 : SetupRetVal = "SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED"  
        Case 1642 : SetupRetVal = "PATCH_TARGET_NOT_FOUND"  
        Case 1643 : SetupRetVal = "PATCH_PACKAGE_REJECTED"  
        Case 1644 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_TRANSFORM_REJECTED"  
        Case 1645 : SetupRetVal = "INSTALL_REMOTE_PROHIBITED"  
        Case 1646 : SetupRetVal = "PATCH_REMOVAL_UNSUPPORTED"  
        Case 1647 : SetupRetVal = "UNKNOWN_PATCH"  
        Case 1648 : SetupRetVal = "PATCH_NO_SEQUENCE"  
        Case 1649 : SetupRetVal = "PATCH_REMOVAL_DISALLOWED"  
        Case 1650 : SetupRetVal = "INVALID_PATCH_XML"  
        Case 3010 : SetupRetVal = "SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED"  
        Case Else : SetupRetVal = "Unknown Return Value"  
    End Select
End Function 'SetupRetVal  

'   DeleteFile  
'   Wrapper to delete a file  
Sub DeleteFile(sFile)
    Dim File, attr
    Dim sDelFile, sFileName, sNewPath
    Dim fKeep
    On Error Resume Next

    fKeep = dictionaryKeepFolder.Exists(LCase(sFile))
    If (NOT fKeep AND f64) Then fKeep = dictionaryKeepFolder.Exists(LCase(Wow64Folder(sFile)))
    If fKeep Then
        LogOnly "Disallowing the delete of still required keypath element: " & sFile  
        If NOT fForce Then Exit Sub
    End If

    ' check on forced delete  
    If fKeep Then
        LogOnly "Enforced delete of still required keypath element: " & sFile  
        LogOnly "   Remaining applications will need a repair!"  
    End If

    If oFso.FileExists(sFile) Then
        sDelFile = sFile
    ElseIf f64 AND oFso.FileExists(Wow64Folder(sFile)) Then
        sDelFile = Wow64Folder(sFile)
        LogOnly "Path not found. Cannot not delete folder: " & sFile  
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Not fDetectOnly Then 
        LogOnly "Delete file: " & sDelFile  
		Set File = oFso.GetFile(sDelFile)
        ' ensure read-only flag is not set  
        attr =  File.Attributes
        If CBool(attr AND 1) Then File.Attributes = attr AND (attr - 1)
        ' add folder to empty folder cleanup list  
        If NOT dicDelFolder.Exists(File.ParentFolder.Path) Then dicDelFolder.Add File.ParentFolder.Path, File.ParentFolder.Path
        ' delete the file  
        sFile = File.Path
        File.Delete True
        Set File = Nothing
        If Err <> 0 Then
            CheckError "DeleteFile"  
            ' schedule file for delete on next reboot  
            ScheduleDeleteFile sFile
        End If 'Err <> 0  
        LogOnly "Preview mode. Disallowing delete for folder: " & sDelFile  
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
End Sub 'DeleteFile  

'   DeleteFolder  
'   Wrapper to delete a folder  
Sub DeleteFolder(sFolder)
    Dim Folder, fld, attr
    Dim sDelFolder, sFolderName, sNewPath, sCmd
    Dim fKeep
    ' ensure trailing "\"  
    ' trailing \ is required for dictionaryKeepFolder comparisons  
    sFolder = sFolder & "\"  
    While InStr(sFolder,"\\")>0  
        sFolder = Replace(sFolder,"\\","\")  

    ' prevent delete of folders that are known to be still required  
    fKeep = dictionaryKeepFolder.Exists(LCase(sFolder))
    If (NOT fKeep AND f64) Then fKeep = dictionaryKeepFolder.Exists(LCase(Wow64Folder(sFolder)))
    If fKeep Then
        LogOnly "Disallowing the delete of still required keypath element: " & sFolder  
        If NOT fForce Then Exit Sub
    End If

    ' check on forced delete  
    If fKeep Then
        LogOnly "Enforced delete of still required keypath element: " & sFolder  
        LogOnly "   Remaining applications will need a repair!"  
    End If
    ' strip trailing "\"  
    If Len(sFolder) > 1 Then
        sFolder = Left(sFolder, Len(sFolder) - 1)
    End If

    On Error Resume Next
    If oFso.FolderExists(sFolder) Then 
        sDelFolder = sFolder
    ElseIf f64 AND oFso.FolderExists(Wow64Folder(sFolder)) Then 
        sDelFolder = Wow64Folder(sFolder)
        LogOnly "Path not found. Cannot not delete folder: " & sFolder  
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Not fDetectOnly Then 
        LogOnly "Delete folder: " & sDelFolder  
        Set Folder = oFso.GetFolder(sDelFolder)
        ' ensure to remove read only flag  
        attr =  Folder.Attributes
        If CBool(attr AND 1) Then Folder.Attributes = attr AND (attr - 1)
        ' add to empty folder cleanup list  
        If NOT dicDelFolder.Exists(Folder.Path) Then dicDelFolder.Add Folder.Path, Folder.Path
        ' delete the folder  
        ' for performance reasons try 'rd' first  
        Set Folder = Nothing
        sCmd = "cmd.exe /c rd /s " & chr(34) & sDelFolder & chr(34) & " /q"  
        oWShell.Run sCmd, 0, True
        If NOT oFso.FolderExists(sDelFolder) Then Exit Sub
        ' rd didn't work check with FileSystemObject  
        Set Folder = oFso.GetFolder(sDelFolder)
        Folder.Delete True
        Set Folder = Nothing
        ' error handling  
        If Err <> 0 Then
            Select Case Err
            Case 70
                ' Access Denied  
                ' Retry after closing running processes  
                CheckError "DeleteFolder"  
                If NOT fRerun Then
                    ' attempt 'rd' command  
                    LogOnly "   Attempt to remove with 'rd' command"  
                    sCmd = "cmd.exe /c rd /s " & chr(34) & sDelFolder & chr(34) & " /q"  
                    oWShell.Run sCmd, 0, True
                    If NOT oFso.FolderExists(sDelFolder) Then Exit Sub
                End If

            Case 76 
                ' check on invalid path lengt issues Err 76 (0x4C) "Path not found"  
                ' attempt 'rd' command  
                CheckError "DeleteFolder"  
                LogOnly "   Attempt to remove with 'rd' command"  
                sCmd = "cmd.exe /c rd /s " & chr(34) & sDelFolder & chr(34) & " /q"  
                oWShell.Run sCmd, 0, True
                If NOT oFso.FolderExists(sDelFolder) Then Exit Sub
            End Select
            ' stil failed!  
            Log "   Failed to delete folder: " & sDelFolder  
            CheckError "DeleteFolder"  

            ' try to delete as many folder contents as possible  
            ' before the recursive error handling is called  
            Set Folder = oFso.GetFolder(sDelFolder)
            For Each fld in Folder.Subfolders
                sCmd = "cmd.exe /c rd /s " & chr(34) & fld.Path & chr(34) & " /q"  
                oWShell.Run sCmd, 0, True
            Next 'fld  
            sCmd = "cmd.exe /c del " & chr(34) & fld.Path & "\*.*" & chr(34)  
            oWShell.Run sCmd, 0, True
            Set Folder = Nothing

            ' schedule an additional run of the tool after reboot  
            If NOT fRerun Then Rerun

            ' schedule folder for delete on next reboot  
            ScheduleDeleteFolder sDelFolder
        End If 'Err <> 0  
        LogOnly "Preview mode. Disallowing delete of folder: " & sDelFolder  
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
End Sub 'DeleteFolder  

Sub DeleteFolder_WMI (sFolder)
    Dim Folder, Folders
    Dim sWqlFolder
    Dim iRet

    sWqlFolder = Replace(sFolder, "\", "\\")  
    Set Folders = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Directory where name = '" & sWqlFolder & "'")  
    For Each Folder in Folders
        iRet = Folder.Delete
    Next 'Folder  
    LogOnly "   Delete (wmi) for folder " & sFolder & " returned: " & iRet  
End Sub

'   Wow64Folder  
'   Returns the WOW folder structure to handle folder-path operations on  
'   64 bit environments  
Function Wow64Folder(sFolder)
    If LCase(Left(sFolder, Len(sWinDir & "\System32"))) = LCase(sWinDir & "\System32") Then   
        Wow64Folder = sWinDir & "\syswow64" & Right(sFolder, Len(sFolder) - Len(sWinDir & "\System32"))  
    ElseIf LCase(Left(sFolder, Len(sProgramFiles))) = LCase(sProgramFiles) Then 
        Wow64Folder = sProgramFilesX86 & Right(sFolder, Len(sFolder) - Len(sProgramFiles))
        Wow64Folder = "?" 'Return invalid string to ensure the folder cannot exist  
    End If
End Function 'Wow64Folder  

'   ScheduleDeleteFile  
'   Adds a file to the list of items to delete on reboot  
Sub ScheduleDeleteFile (sFile)
    If NOT dicDelInUse.Exists(sFile) Then dicDelInUse.Add sFile, sFile Else Exit Sub
    LogOnly "Adding file in use for delete on reboot: " & sFile  
    fRebootRequired = True
End Sub 'ScheduleDeleteFile  

'   ScheduleDeleteFolder  
'   Recursively adds a folder and its contents to the list of   
'   items to delete on reboot  
Sub ScheduleDeleteFolder (sFolder)
    Dim oFolder, fld, file, attr

	Set oFolder = oFso.GetFolder(sFolder)
	' exclude hidden system  folders  
    attr = oFolder.Attributes
    If CBool(attr AND 6) Then Exit Sub

	For Each fld In oFolder.SubFolders
		DeleteFolder fld.Path
	For Each file In oFolder.Files
		DeleteFile file.Path
	If NOT dicDelInUse.Exists(oFolder.Path) Then dicDelInUse.Add oFolder.Path, "" Else Exit Sub  
    LogOnly "Adding folder for delete on reboot: " & oFolder.Path  
    fRebootRequired = True
End Sub 'ScheduleDeleteFile  

'   ScheduleDeleteEx  
'   Schedules the delete of files/folders in use on next reboot by adding  
'   affected files/folders to the PendingFileRenameOperations registry entry  
Sub ScheduleDeleteEx ()
    Dim key, hDefKey, sKeyName, sValueName
    Dim i
    Dim arrData

    hDefKey = HKLM
    sKeyName = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager"  
    sValueName = "PendingFileRenameOperations"  
    LogH2 "Adding " & dicDelInUse.Count & " PendingFileRenameOperations"  
    If NOT RegValExists(hDefKey, sKeyName, sValueName) Then
        ReDim arrData(-1)
        oReg.GetMultiStringValue hDefKey, sKeyName, sValueName, arrData
    End If
    i = UBound(arrData) + 1
    ReDim Preserve arrData(UBound(arrData) + (dicDelInUse.Count * 2))
    For Each key in dicDelInUse.Keys
        LogOnly "   " & key  
        arrData(i) = "\??\" & key  
        arrData(i + 1) = ""  
        i = i + 2
    Next 'key  
    oReg.SetMultiStringValue hDefKey, sKeyName, sValueName, arrData
End Sub 'ScheduleDeleteEx  

'   DeleteEmptyFolders  
'   Deletes an individual folder structure if empty  
Sub DeleteEmptyFolder (sFolder)
    Dim Folder
    ' cosmetic' task don't fail on error  
    On Error Resume Next
    If oFso.FolderExists(sFolder) Then
        Set Folder = oFso.GetFolder(sFolder)
        If (Folder.Subfolders.Count = 0) AND (Folder.Files.Count = 0) Then 
            Set Folder = Nothing
            SmartDeleteFolder sFolder
        End If
    End If
    CheckError "DeleteEmptyFolder"  
    On Error Goto 0
End Sub 'DeleteEmptyFolders  

'   DeleteEmptyFolders  
'   Delete an empty folder structure  
Sub DeleteEmptyFolders
    Dim Folder
    Dim sFolder
    ' cosmetic' task don't fail on error  
    On Error Resume Next
    DeleteEmptyFolder sCommonProgramFiles & "\Microsoft Shared\Office15"  
    DeleteEmptyFolder sCommonProgramFiles & "\Microsoft Shared\Office16"  
    DeleteEmptyFolder sCommonProgramFiles & "\Microsoft Shared\"   
    DeleteEmptyFolder sProgramFiles & "\Microsoft Office\Office15"  
    DeleteEmptyFolder sProgramFiles & "\Microsoft Office\Office16"  
    For Each sFolder in dicDelFolder.Keys
        If oFso.FolderExists(sFolder) Then
            Set Folder = oFso.GetFolder(sFolder)
            If (Folder.Subfolders.Count = 0) AND (Folder.Files.Count = 0) Then 
                Set Folder = Nothing
                SmartDeleteFolder sFolder
            End If
        End If
    Next 'sFolder  
    CheckError "DeleteEmptyFolders"  
    On Error Goto 0
End Sub 'DeleteEmptyFolders  

'   SmartDeleteFolder  
'   Wrapper to delete a folder and the empty parent folder structure  
Sub SmartDeleteFolder(sFolder)
    Dim sDelFolder

    If oFso.FolderExists(sFolder) Then
        sDelFolder = sFolder
    ElseIf f64 AND oFso.FolderExists(Wow64Folder(sFolder)) Then
        sDelFolder = Wow64Folder(sFolder)
        Exit Sub
    End If

    If Not fDetectOnly Then
        LogOnly "Request SmartDelete for folder: " & sDelFolder  
        SmartDeleteFolderEx sDelFolder
        LogOnly "Preview mode. Disallowing SmartDelete request for folder: " & sDelFolder  
    End If
End Sub 'SmartDeleteFolder  

'   SmartDeleteFolderEx  
'   Executes the folder delete operation(s)  
Sub SmartDeleteFolderEx(sFolder)
    Dim Folder
    On Error Resume Next
    DeleteFolder sFolder : CheckError "SmartDeleteFolderEx"  
    On Error Goto 0
    Set Folder = oFso.GetFolder(oFso.GetParentFolderName(sFolder))
    If (Folder.Subfolders.Count = 0) AND (Folder.Files.Count = 0) Then SmartDeleteFolderEx(Folder.Path)
End Sub 'SmartDeleteFolderEx  

'   RestoreExplorer  
'   Ensure Windows Explorer is restarted if needed  
Sub RestoreExplorer
    Dim Processes, Result, oAT, DateTime, JobID
    Dim sCmd
    'Non critical routine. Don't fail on error  
    On Error Resume Next
    wscript.sleep 1000
    Set Processes = oWmiLocal.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process Where Name='explorer.exe'")  
    If Processes.Count < 1 Then 
        oWShell.Run "explorer.exe"  
        'To handle this in case of System context, schedule and run as interactive task  
        oWShell.Run "SCHTASKS /Create /TN OffScrEx /TR explorer /SC ONCE /ST 12:00 /IT", 0, True  
        oWShell.Run "SCHTASKS /Run /TN OffScrEx", 0, True  
        oWShell.Run "SCHTASKS /Delete /TN OffScrEx /F", 0, False  
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
End Sub 'RestoreExploer  

'   MyJoin  
'   Replacement function to the internal Join function to prevent failures  
'   that were seen in some instances  
Function MyJoin(arrToJoin, sSeparator)
    Dim sJoined
    Dim i

    sJoined = ""  
    If IsArray(arrToJoin) Then
        For i = 0 To UBound(arrToJoin)
            sJoined = sJoined & arrToJoin(i) & sSeparator
        Next 'i  
    End If
    If Len(sJoined) > 1 Then sJoined = Left(sJoined, Len(sJoined) - 1)
    MyJoin = sJoined
End Function

'   Rerun  
'   Flag need for reboot and schedule autorun to run the tool again on reboot.  
Sub Rerun ()
    Dim sValue

    ' check if Rerun has already been called  
    If fRerun Then Exit Sub

    ' set Rerun flag  
    fRerun = True

    ' check if the previous run already initiated the Rerun  
    If RegReadValue(HKCU, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\CleanC2R", "Rerun", sValue, "REG_DWORD") Then  
        ' Rerun has already been tried  
        LogH2 "Error: Removal failed"  
        Exit Sub
    End If

    fRebootRequired = True

    ' cache the script to the local scrub folder  
    oFso.CopyFile WScript.scriptFullName, sScrubDir & "\" & SCRIPTFILE  

    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE"  
    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft"  
    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office"  
    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0"  
    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\CleanC2R"  
    oReg.SetDWordValue HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\CleanC2R", "Rerun", 1  

    fSetRunOnce = True
'    oReg.CreateKey HKCU, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce"  
'    oReg.SetStringValue HKCU, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce", "CleanC2R", "cscript.exe " & chr(34) & sScrubDir & "\" & SCRIPTFILE & chr(34)  
End Sub

'   SetRunOnce  
'   Create a RunOnce entry to resume setup after a reboot  
Sub SetRunOnce
    Dim sValue

    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"  
    oReg.CreateKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce"  
    sValue = "cscript.exe " & chr(34) &  sScrubDir & "\" & SCRIPTFILE & chr(34) & " /NoElevate /Relaunched"  
    oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce", "O15CleanUp", sValue  

End Sub 'SetRunOnce  

Als VBS speichern und dann ausführen!

mgcluebeck 28.03.2018 um 11:29:02 Uhr
Goto Top
Sowohl das Script als auch der Tipp der manuellen Deinstallation waren nicht zielführend. Auch gab es leider keine Wiederherstellungspunkte.

Es handelt sich um einen neuen PC mit vorinstalliertem Windows 10 Pro von Wortmann.
lordofremixes 28.03.2018 um 11:40:16 Uhr
Goto Top
Wie hast du das Script denn ausgeführt?

probiere es mal in einer cmd:

cscript //B "Pfad zum Script\Script.vbs"
Pjordorf 28.03.2018 um 13:20:52 Uhr
Goto Top

Zitat von @mgcluebeck:
Sowohl das Script als auch der Tipp der manuellen Deinstallation waren nicht zielführend
Gab es denn irgendwelche Meldungen die wir wissen sollen?

Es handelt sich um einen neuen PC mit vorinstalliertem Windows 10 Pro von Wortmann.
Und was spricht dagegen eben ein neues Win 10 von Dir aufbügeln zu lassen? Das Media Creation Tool hilft auch dir...

Vision2015 28.03.2018 um 13:38:55 Uhr
Goto Top
Zitat von @Pjordorf:


Zitat von @mgcluebeck:
Sowohl das Script als auch der Tipp der manuellen Deinstallation waren nicht zielführend
Gab es denn irgendwelche Meldungen die wir wissen sollen?
eh.. mach keinen mist... ich poliere grade meine glaskugel, mit wir bessere erkenntnisse bekommen!

Es handelt sich um einen neuen PC mit vorinstalliertem Windows 10 Pro von Wortmann.
Und was spricht dagegen eben ein neues Win 10 von Dir aufbügeln zu lassen? Das Media Creation Tool hilft auch dir...
jo.. nach 10 minuten ist das problem erledigt face-smile

mgcluebeck 28.03.2018 um 15:10:48 Uhr
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also das Script läuft durch ohne Fehler, jedoch ändert es nichts an der Officeinstallation.

Natürlich ist es möglich Windows 10 neu zu installieren. Ich persönlich finde den Aufwand dafür zu groß.
Ein BS neu zu installieren um eine nervige Office Installation los zu werden??

Des Rätsels Lösung kam dann doch vom OEM:

um die Office OEM Vorinstallation zu entfernen, können Sie folgende Befehle ausführen.
Öffnen Sie dazu die PowerShell als Administrator.

Wärend der Ausführung können Fehlermeldungen auftreten, die aber ignoriert werden können.

Remove-AppxPackage -allusers -Package Microsoft.Office.Desktop.Access_16000.8528.2136.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe
Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online -PackageName Microsoft.Office.Desktop.Access_16000.8528.2136.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe
Remove-AppxPackage -allusers -Package Microsoft.Office.Desktop.Excel_16000.8528.2136.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe
Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online -PackageName Microsoft.Office.Desktop.Excel_16000.8528.2136.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe
Remove-AppxPackage -allusers -Package Microsoft.Office.Desktop.Outlook_16000.8528.2136.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe
Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online -PackageName Microsoft.Office.Desktop.Outlook_16000.8528.2136.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe
Remove-AppxPackage -allusers -Package Microsoft.Office.Desktop.PowerPoint_16000.8528.2136.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe
Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online -PackageName Microsoft.Office.Desktop.PowerPoint_16000.8528.2136.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe
Remove-AppxPackage -allusers -Package Microsoft.Office.Desktop.Publisher_16000.8528.2136.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe
Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online -PackageName Microsoft.Office.Desktop.Publisher_16000.8528.2136.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe
Remove-AppxPackage -allusers -Package Microsoft.Office.Desktop.Word_16000.8528.2136.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe
Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online -PackageName Microsoft.Office.Desktop.Word_16000.8528.2136.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe
Remove-AppxPackage -allusers -Package Microsoft.Office.Desktop_16000.8528.2136.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe
Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online -PackageName Microsoft.Office.Desktop_16000.8528.2136.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe

del C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\layoutmodification.xml
Pjordorf 28.03.2018 um 15:57:47 Uhr
Goto Top

Zitat von @mgcluebeck:
Natürlich ist es möglich Windows 10 neu zu installieren. Ich persönlich finde den Aufwand dafür zu groß.
Finde ich nicht da ich nie weiß was der OEM alles aufgespielt hat, wie was eingestellt ist usw. Da ist es sicherer und schneller selnst ein W10 drauf zu bügeln und anschliessend in meiner Domäne anzusiedeln. Da weis man was man hat.

Ein BS neu zu installieren um eine nervige Office Installation los zu werden??
Ich kenne keine OEM Installation wo nur eine Office werkelt. face-smile
