Keine Updates nach Windows 2003 Server Reparatur
Hallo liebes Forum,
Es musste eine Reparatur eines Windows 2k3 Servers Enterprise wegen Hardwarewechsel erfolgen. Eine Neuinstallation war nicht möglich wg. div. Licensemanager die gegen die Mac der alten Netzwerkkarte laufen und keiner weiß, wie die alle eingerichtet waren.
Reparatur w2k3 Enterprise Server, die Reparatur war erfolgreich, alle Komponenten wurden erkannt, der Licensemanager läuft.
SP2 Udates per gelbem Schild wird eingespielt
Weitere Updates per gelben Schild folgen (automatische Updates sind konfiguriert)
Es werden keine Updates mehr angezeigt.
Updates von Hand über werden gesucht und gefunde, 48Stk.
Updates werden heruntergeladen, bis Update 11(!!!) danach hängt sich Downloadfenster auf.
Das Fenster ist nur mit dem Taskmanager zu schließen.
Ein erneutes aufrufen der Updateseite funktioniert nicht, der Browser friert ein, alle anderen Seiten im Netz sind verfügar.
Updates von Hand über werden gesucht und gefunde, 48Stk.
Updates werden heruntergeladen, bis Update 11(!!!) danach hängt sich Downloadfenster auf.
Das Fenster ist nur mit dem Taskmanager zu schließen.
Ein erneutes aufrufen der Updateseite funktioniert nicht, der Browser friert ein, alle anderen Seiten im Netz sind verfügar.
Sus wird eingerichtet, keine Updates werden heruntergeladen
wups2.dll wird neu registriert, kein Erfolg,
Updates von Hand über werden gesucht und gefunde, 48Stk.
Updates werden heruntergeladen, bis Update 11(!!!) danach hängt sich Downloadfenster auf.
Das Fenster ist nur mit dem Taskmanager zu schließen.
Ein erneutes aufrufen der Updateseite funktioniert nicht, der Browser friert ein, alle anderen Seiten im Netz sind verfügar.
Hat jemand schon mal so etwas gehabt?`
Ich nicht, anbei die Log der Updates.
2009-01-20 09:14:44:234 3828 f7c COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Download [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:14:44:234 3828 f7c COMAPI - WARNING: Download call aborted
2009-01-20 09:14:44:234 3828 f7c COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x80240FFF; Call error code = 0x8024000B
2009-01-20 09:14:44:234 3828 f7c COMAPI ---------
2009-01-20 09:14:44:234 3828 f7c COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Download [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:14:44:234 3828 f7c COMAPI -------------
2009-01-20 09:14:57:375 3828 ed8 COMAPI -------------
2009-01-20 09:14:57:375 3828 ed8 COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:14:57:375 3828 ed8 COMAPI ---------
2009-01-20 09:14:57:375 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:14:57:375 1084 d4c Agent START Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:14:57:375 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:14:57:375 1084 d4c Agent * Online = Yes; Ignore download priority = No
2009-01-20 09:14:57:375 1084 d4c Agent * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and IsHidden=0"
2009-01-20 09:14:57:375 1084 d4c Agent * ServiceID = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-XXXXXXXXC77}
2009-01-20 09:14:57:375 1084 d4c Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}
2009-01-20 09:14:57:375 3828 ed8 COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:14:58:125 1084 d4c Misc Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-XXXXXXXXC77\
2009-01-20 09:14:58:125 1084 d4c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-01-20 09:14:58:140 1084 d4c Misc Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-XXXXXXXXC77\
2009-01-20 09:14:58:140 1084 d4c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-01-20 09:14:58:140 1084 d4c PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server updates +++++++++++
2009-01-20 09:14:58:140 1084 d4c PT + ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-XXXXXXXXC77}, Server URL =
2009-01-20 09:15:00:218 1084 d4c Driver DriverUtil marking {9A0D5836-3DB1-4FDE-B43D-EE0A878F807E}.101 e_detectionStateInstallable
2009-01-20 09:15:00:218 1084 d4c Driver Calculated driver attributes as 0x00000001
2009-01-20 09:15:00:218 1084 d4c Driver DriverUtil marking {724DB93B-DD1C-46D3-AECA-0B463E40B44B}.100 e_detectionStateInstallable
2009-01-20 09:15:00:218 1084 d4c Driver Calculated driver attributes as 0x00000001
2009-01-20 09:15:00:375 1084 d4c Misc Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-XXXXXXXXC77\
2009-01-20 09:15:00:375 1084 d4c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-01-20 09:15:00:390 1084 d4c Misc Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-XXXXXXXXC77\
2009-01-20 09:15:00:390 1084 d4c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-01-20 09:15:00:390 1084 d4c PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing extended update info +++++++++++
2009-01-20 09:15:00:390 1084 d4c PT + ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-XXXXXXXXC77}, Server URL =
2009-01-20 09:15:00:718 1084 934 AU Triggering Offline detection (non-interactive)
2009-01-20 09:15:00:718 1084 934 AU #############
2009-01-20 09:15:00:718 1084 934 AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates
2009-01-20 09:15:00:718 1084 934 AU #########
2009-01-20 09:15:00:718 1084 934 AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {0212B2A0-AEBD-4570-BC9A-259D675A1202}]
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {724DB93B-DD1C-46D3-AECA-0B463E40B44B}.100 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {D33194B5-F3EA-4907-A956-489AA497566D}.104 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {B8F88A6A-6F9A-4F2E-A026-BE387E21F522}.100 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {6BE5D5F8-A1A0-4531-A10F-ABBFD0B81355}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {4D237148-9D3A-4739-B747-8B344DA68C6A}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {6E44AF3D-CB15-4499-87E7-97FD2F323603}.102 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {82AA7A7A-C2C3-47B4-AB32-CB35C0E41FFC}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {FB97B8B1-11FB-4282-A6F6-35A7835C8D6E}.101 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {36DAB2F4-990F-4FF2-9C68-E4C9935F4105}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {61C08DF5-C3EF-4C47-BB76-9A04CA4F2F86}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {82BA1D24-9D40-4267-9613-B392B98ECE5F}.102 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {EE4FE560-4A46-47F3-B455-3283A6DEE5F7}.102 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {21455A34-0669-494C-A6FD-4D1C1EDC28D2}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {9303E168-92F6-4379-968F-CE8978632AC5}.104 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {D14671DD-493C-4F8C-801D-2ADD272DCA5D}.103 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {0F82679D-E4A9-42FA-A3CA-80A4A96C7967}.103 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {96DDC0EC-CBFB-47FA-BBC3-CD9ED8B3766E}.102 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {CCCE547C-EF18-4099-98D6-95C2CE1AA207}.100 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {33E261E8-16A2-4A4C-A09B-15D072150112}.105 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {D3EBD5A9-454D-498A-A432-38919CEF0254}.103 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {6B4CA623-1F67-422F-9B7F-7DAB513D7C9F}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {13A2F5A8-2591-4AD3-A463-34B1AE4FF088}.102 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {E4F40372-D543-4810-A3A8-6298E73191F2}.103 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {F7FB7D58-712A-403E-B541-5FE8AB34E5ED}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {F53DF679-97A4-4087-99B4-F06C03228409}.102 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {511F4A6E-7093-4158-9A01-FDBA68FFDB2A}.100 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {5ABC0778-2418-4EDF-B4A9-038B9F296DC6}.103 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {265378EA-892C-4A51-95E3-F08B41D8DE67}.104 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {822C72D8-1F7E-4884-AFD4-A6B7FC757921}.102 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {1A61D52C-CFA2-417A-BD93-3C7A248FB05D}.104 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {B84407BA-00A3-4FB2-8C8B-A9C17BEAC302}.105 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {3C077E3F-2D0B-4441-B580-C64D9DD72CB0}.101 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {31B41429-2FF8-47E8-B7CD-0FF719F8D6AF}.103 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {3ABBB854-9941-4B7B-8B31-DDE787A6E23C}.104 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {B90826EF-F4D7-45EF-9001-91688B95DDD5}.101 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {25E4704D-AF55-427C-98A3-F724B792DE35}.104 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {D97DC842-DDE4-44C3-851D-23E4A3BC72A1}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {43AA8322-6A3C-4883-943E-29236F43E9D0}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {1935D72E-82F7-4B86-90D6-B858B9DEBEEF}.103 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {4483F57E-7C9D-42E0-9641-49C284E51ADD}.100 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {FE886A79-D52E-4734-B808-1B808AC6848E}.102 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {8C0EB495-47B8-4728-8E0C-26A87B7A18D9}.103 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {B7BB5FD5-6EE1-4A83-94C4-F868980FB065}.102 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {F02399FB-9130-4097-8202-43DCD4A7C100}.102 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {9331D00E-485A-4C71-B6FF-7828D64776FA}.104 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {DE7E4A92-A2E8-4599-92A4-2E6EE83CB190}.106 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {DE2C8030-41CF-4F64-9DC5-EE96D944E383}.107 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {2BA85467-DEAF-44A1-A035-697742EFAB0F}.103 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {B0A6A382-7029-4546-85E9-039DBBB800F7}.109 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {0691CBEC-A8AA-48F5-BD7F-54CF1F64E196}.103 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {E8A49607-7F8E-47CB-A487-A7465B733A7D}.103 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {18D7F2C6-DEC9-4FE1-A743-6A4210646A2B}.103 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {7F5706E9-E27C-4A33-B55B-049F44D0B76C}.102 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {931067DD-3B53-4F2F-B4D7-21165F454CCD}.102 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {09778F00-D058-4851-899B-B139EE1D66D8}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {4C278596-AF21-442F-AB9B-CE916BD9B633}.104 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {9A0D5836-3DB1-4FDE-B43D-EE0A878F807E}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {8F4FB598-1E17-4F54-9A73-67CD40A67047}.106 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {F536CF5E-F74E-4F29-A562-FD78ED07A723}.102 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {0437FD3B-8E82-4989-BC54-B1C2BD098C33}.102 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {F08E4144-5CAB-42CA-A9DA-87D7BF08A27C}.102 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {C6C278B6-E66E-4104-AEC0-7755F94B4F9B}.101 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {02754C95-2A6A-40AF-8EF5-98A6199F8F42}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {0A63AB0A-FA37-47FD-BF3C-C34457D954CB}.102 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {B65EE9A7-2C2A-4509-AFCA-A26867D85276}.103 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {0E6CF83E-0217-488E-82A9-686B3D80A80A}.102 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {6485E5A2-7B05-4C94-B3C9-FDD7C0797089}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {E9D59D08-D622-41F8-BA5D-D39077FA6278}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {B014A927-5C2B-4CF8-A28F-76482E6B9DF8}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {FE5E082A-F85A-4414-9A46-09D4B72219DA}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {5FD8B062-40C1-4C70-AEF9-C770C9B5B98C}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {D98D6A5E-CD0D-44DF-A538-869E92A2FB25}.103 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {F3741FBB-1957-4945-8BDD-6C903AAD9482}.103 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {1F392D05-76AC-4D60-9B9D-D6F95EEA3BC9}.102 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Found 51 updates and 13 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 572 out of 828 deployed entities
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent END Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent START Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Online = No; Ignore download priority = No
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Criteria = "IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1"
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}
2009-01-20 09:15:00:750 3828 a40 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:00:765 3828 a40 COMAPI - Updates found = 51
2009-01-20 09:15:00:765 3828 a40 COMAPI ---------
2009-01-20 09:15:00:765 3828 a40 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:00:765 3828 a40 COMAPI -------------
2009-01-20 09:15:00:765 3828 ed8 COMAPI -------------
2009-01-20 09:15:00:765 3828 ed8 COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:00:765 3828 ed8 COMAPI ---------
2009-01-20 09:15:00:765 3828 ed8 COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 d4c Agent * Found 0 updates and 0 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 0 out of 0 deployed entities
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 d4c Agent END Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 d4c Agent START Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 d4c Agent * Online = No; Ignore download priority = No
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 d4c Agent * Criteria = "IsInstalled = 0 and IsHidden = 1"
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 d4c Agent * ServiceID = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-XXXXXXXXC77}
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 d4c Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 870 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {0212B2A0-AEBD-4570-BC9A-259D675A1202}]
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 870 AU # 0 updates detected
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 870 AU #########
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 870 AU ## END ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {0212B2A0-AEBD-4570-BC9A-259D675A1202}]
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 870 AU #############
2009-01-20 09:15:00:984 1084 d4c Driver DriverUtil marking {9A0D5836-3DB1-4FDE-B43D-EE0A878F807E}.101 e_detectionStateInstallable
2009-01-20 09:15:00:984 1084 d4c Driver Calculated driver attributes as 0x00000001
2009-01-20 09:15:00:984 1084 d4c Driver DriverUtil marking {724DB93B-DD1C-46D3-AECA-0B463E40B44B}.100 e_detectionStateInstallable
2009-01-20 09:15:00:984 1084 d4c Driver Calculated driver attributes as 0x00000001
2009-01-20 09:15:01:015 1084 d4c Agent * Found 0 updates and 13 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 35 out of 828 deployed entities
2009-01-20 09:15:01:015 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:15:01:015 1084 d4c Agent END Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:01:015 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:15:01:015 1084 d4c Report REPORT EVENT: {FA2361AD-989D-4433-BB15-93C936E30B98} 2009-01-20 09:15:00:734+0100 1 147 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 WindowsUpdate Success Software Synchronization Windows Update Client successfully detected 51 updates.
2009-01-20 09:15:01:031 3828 a40 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:01:031 3828 a40 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2009-01-20 09:15:01:031 3828 a40 COMAPI ---------
2009-01-20 09:15:01:031 3828 a40 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:01:031 3828 a40 COMAPI -------------
2009-01-20 09:15:05:328 3828 ed8 COMAPI -------------
2009-01-20 09:15:05:328 3828 ed8 COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Download [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:05:328 3828 ed8 COMAPI ---------
2009-01-20 09:15:05:328 3828 ed8 COMAPI - Forced: No; Download priority: 3
2009-01-20 09:15:05:328 3828 ed8 COMAPI - Updates in request: 43
2009-01-20 09:15:05:328 3828 ed8 COMAPI - ServiceID = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-XXXXXXXXC77}
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 3828 ed8 COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Download [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c DnldMgr *
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c DnldMgr START DnldMgr: Downloading updates [CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c DnldMgr *
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Call ID = {E296C765-B10D-4551-B394-EBC07DAAEC18}
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Priority = 3, Interactive = 1, Owner is system = 0, Explicit proxy = 1, Proxy session id = -1, ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-XXXXXXXXC77}
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Updates to download = 43
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB935966)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {4D237148-9D3A-4739-B747-8B344DA68C6A}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {BCB53AF1-DAE6-4F3A-B3B6-F7F7BFD04988}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Update für Windows Server 2003 (KB927891)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {82AA7A7A-C2C3-47B4-AB32-CB35C0E41FFC}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {88773D12-57CB-4473-8619-CE417CF1EB80}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Kumulatives Sicherheitsupdate für Outlook Express unter Windows Server 2003 (KB929123)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {36DAB2F4-990F-4FF2-9C68-E4C9935F4105}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {91141695-8506-40B7-BB90-008331C02561}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB935840)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {61C08DF5-C3EF-4C47-BB76-9A04CA4F2F86}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {31F537DA-A188-4B24-8355-F5222F84AAD9}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB935839)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {82BA1D24-9D40-4267-9613-B392B98ECE5F}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {2C318A27-1457-40C4-B66C-A4233DBAD06B}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB926122)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {EE4FE560-4A46-47F3-B455-3283A6DEE5F7}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {87A30A0D-46BE-4C76-AA41-311F9BF907FC}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB936782)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {21455A34-0669-494C-A6FD-4D1C1EDC28D2}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {DC3257AB-4425-4BF9-BF71-58BDA0D1A91B}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB938127)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {0F82679D-E4A9-42FA-A3CA-80A4A96C7967}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {CC2E257C-8476-4F8A-B1E8-41AAC768D0FB}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 1.1 Service Pack 1 (KB933854)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {D3EBD5A9-454D-498A-A432-38919CEF0254}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {E040E472-AC6F-431E-AC35-1635D7DF1CD8}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB933729)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {6B4CA623-1F67-422F-9B7F-7DAB513D7C9F}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {34BF701F-8347-4466-B1D1-A361A29716FC}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Update für Windows Server 2003 (KB936357)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {F7FB7D58-712A-403E-B541-5FE8AB34E5ED}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {06FF1E3C-86D7-4900-AF1D-F7CC90338474}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Windows Internet Explorer 7 für Windows Server 2003
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {F53DF679-97A4-4087-99B4-F06C03228409}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {4DD2F904-52F9-4866-99AB-12E37623900A}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB943460)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {511F4A6E-7093-4158-9A01-FDBA68FFDB2A}.100
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {DEAFBEFF-A9B4-46C6-8344-FD754EECA50C}.100
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB944653)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {1A61D52C-CFA2-417A-BD93-3C7A248FB05D}.104
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {CE1D2522-56DD-4E4D-A559-5A8B69C9547C}.104
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB941569)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {B84407BA-00A3-4FB2-8C8B-A9C17BEAC302}.105
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {593DD26D-BDD4-45DF-8A70-85BD767DC974}.105
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB943485)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {3ABBB854-9941-4B7B-8B31-DDE787A6E23C}.104
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {FD783E81-ADBE-4F7C-B0E0-D7DCED5C74D3}.104
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB942830)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {25E4704D-AF55-427C-98A3-F724B792DE35}.104
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {23CBA42B-A02F-400C-84E3-A1DD986EB3E5}.104
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB942831)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {D97DC842-DDE4-44C3-851D-23E4A3BC72A1}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {2239FD27-7B81-4D1C-AF9E-FE7D23662A63}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB946026)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {43AA8322-6A3C-4883-943E-29236F43E9D0}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {C1320D42-E207-400D-8A3B-B6B85622A227}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB943055)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {1935D72E-82F7-4B86-90D6-B858B9DEBEEF}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {798EC106-CEF1-45FA-AA72-6E97087365E2}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Update für Windows Server 2003 (KB948496)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {4483F57E-7C9D-42E0-9641-49C284E51ADD}.100
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {B94C2C8B-F8B0-4830-BFAE-78B252D2770C}.100
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB945553)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {8C0EB495-47B8-4728-8E0C-26A87B7A18D9}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {578B4B0C-7DDA-4D05-A94A-ADE69FC5AC08}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB950762)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {DE7E4A92-A2E8-4599-92A4-2E6EE83CB190}.106
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {7E69E55A-27CB-46D0-9C9B-24DC7095188B}.106
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB951698)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {DE2C8030-41CF-4F64-9DC5-EE96D944E383}.107
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {265E1629-6E81-44A0-8DE0-EF6536D49B2A}.107
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB951748)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {B0A6A382-7029-4546-85E9-039DBBB800F7}.109
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {1E53550C-34C9-46BD-A95E-1F0A5D5017E0}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Outlook Express unter Windows Server 2003 (KB951066)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {0691CBEC-A8AA-48F5-BD7F-54CF1F64E196}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {7C6AEC3E-6635-49F7-B30E-F2BF1A3F5B68}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB952954)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {E8A49607-7F8E-47CB-A487-A7465B733A7D}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {6B970F72-F767-4BAA-9619-C8F517C5931C}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB950974)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {7F5706E9-E27C-4A33-B55B-049F44D0B76C}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {A156559D-2C6B-42F4-8F58-B0449F30C04F}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB944338)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {09778F00-D058-4851-899B-B139EE1D66D8}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {FDDBDB32-B76E-4AC2-8116-C214803FCEBE}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB938464)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {4C278596-AF21-442F-AB9B-CE916BD9B633}.104
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {74D604FF-370E-4536-9386-66B8D61CE914}.104
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB954211)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {F536CF5E-F74E-4F29-A562-FD78ED07A723}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {36A3A62D-495E-4941-93CC-7B43F21517E8}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB956841)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {0437FD3B-8E82-4989-BC54-B1C2BD098C33}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {26A3C34F-22CB-4B33-B8DD-5F1E8F497514}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB958644)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {02754C95-2A6A-40AF-8EF5-98A6199F8F42}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {52B7DE61-65D1-4B9D-A4C8-4B81FA0536EA}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB955069)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {0A63AB0A-FA37-47FD-BF3C-C34457D954CB}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {BC6A3D5D-F788-4771-A5BB-0C2BD9641A09}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB957097)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {B65EE9A7-2C2A-4509-AFCA-A26867D85276}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {4E1D0079-589A-4E9A-8506-2FA6DD1E1936}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB952069)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {6485E5A2-7B05-4C94-B3C9-FDD7C0797089}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {51128E11-32C7-4716-90C6-488F5A5897CE}.100
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB954600)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {E9D59D08-D622-41F8-BA5D-D39077FA6278}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {16E4E3A4-5B71-4856-9EDC-4A3334EF2520}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB956802)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {B014A927-5C2B-4CF8-A28F-76482E6B9DF8}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {92F9731F-4636-4F4D-91C7-5C97D0A982E6}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Kumulatives Sicherheitsupdate für Internet Explorer 6 unter Windows Server 2003 (KB958215)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {FE5E082A-F85A-4414-9A46-09D4B72219DA}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {990084F6-EC17-485C-BBF7-EB16EEE4EA6B}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Update für Windows Server 2003 (KB955839)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {5FD8B062-40C1-4C70-AEF9-C770C9B5B98C}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {F343DFF4-5190-4806-8E99-B8C7C06F5E35}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Internet Explorer 6 unter Windows Server 2003 (960714)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {D98D6A5E-CD0D-44DF-A538-869E92A2FB25}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {935BEE3E-959A-423F-A7C5-F9D2418F1BDB}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB956803)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {F3741FBB-1957-4945-8BDD-6C903AAD9482}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {68B78E79-B598-4254-BB31-EBF254EAA70B}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB958687)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {1F392D05-76AC-4D60-9B9D-D6F95EEA3BC9}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {FCA3C5A8-9728-45CE-A992-373D4EF6A9BA}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {BCB53AF1-DAE6-4F3A-B3B6-F7F7BFD04988}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {BCB53AF1-DAE6-4F3A-B3B6-F7F7BFD04988}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:390 1084 d4c Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {BCB53AF1-DAE6-4F3A-B3B6-F7F7BFD04988}: selected action is download express (delta).
2009-01-20 09:15:07:031 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {BCB53AF1-DAE6-4F3A-B3B6-F7F7BFD04988}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:07:031 1084 d4c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-01-20 09:15:07:093 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {88773D12-57CB-4473-8619-CE417CF1EB80}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:07:093 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-01-20 09:15:07:093 1084 d4c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {88773D12-57CB-4473-8619-CE417CF1EB80}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:07:140 1084 d4c Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {88773D12-57CB-4473-8619-CE417CF1EB80}: selected action is download full-file.
2009-01-20 09:15:07:140 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {88773D12-57CB-4473-8619-CE417CF1EB80}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:07:140 1084 d4c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-01-20 09:15:07:203 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {91141695-8506-40B7-BB90-008331C02561}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:07:218 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-01-20 09:15:07:218 1084 d4c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {91141695-8506-40B7-BB90-008331C02561}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:07:250 1084 d4c Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {91141695-8506-40B7-BB90-008331C02561}: selected action is download full-file.
2009-01-20 09:15:07:265 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {91141695-8506-40B7-BB90-008331C02561}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:07:265 1084 d4c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-01-20 09:15:07:265 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {31F537DA-A188-4B24-8355-F5222F84AAD9}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:07:265 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-01-20 09:15:07:265 1084 d4c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {31F537DA-A188-4B24-8355-F5222F84AAD9}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:07:296 1084 d4c Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {31F537DA-A188-4B24-8355-F5222F84AAD9}: selected action is download express (delta).
2009-01-20 09:15:08:875 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {31F537DA-A188-4B24-8355-F5222F84AAD9}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:08:875 1084 d4c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-01-20 09:15:08:937 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {2C318A27-1457-40C4-B66C-A4233DBAD06B}.102] *
2009-01-20 09:15:08:937 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-01-20 09:15:08:937 1084 d4c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {2C318A27-1457-40C4-B66C-A4233DBAD06B}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:08:968 1084 d4c Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {2C318A27-1457-40C4-B66C-A4233DBAD06B}: selected action is download express (delta).
2009-01-20 09:15:10:703 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {2C318A27-1457-40C4-B66C-A4233DBAD06B}.102] *
2009-01-20 09:15:10:703 1084 d4c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-01-20 09:15:10:750 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {87A30A0D-46BE-4C76-AA41-311F9BF907FC}.102] *
2009-01-20 09:15:10:750 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-01-20 09:15:10:750 1084 d4c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {87A30A0D-46BE-4C76-AA41-311F9BF907FC}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:10:781 1084 d4c Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {87A30A0D-46BE-4C76-AA41-311F9BF907FC}: selected action is download express (delta).
2009-01-20 09:15:12:609 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {87A30A0D-46BE-4C76-AA41-311F9BF907FC}.102] *
2009-01-20 09:15:12:609 1084 d4c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-01-20 09:15:12:656 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {DC3257AB-4425-4BF9-BF71-58BDA0D1A91B}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:12:656 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-01-20 09:15:12:656 1084 d4c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {DC3257AB-4425-4BF9-BF71-58BDA0D1A91B}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:12:703 1084 d4c Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {DC3257AB-4425-4BF9-BF71-58BDA0D1A91B}: selected action is download express (delta).
2009-01-20 09:15:15:921 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {DC3257AB-4425-4BF9-BF71-58BDA0D1A91B}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:15:921 1084 d4c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-01-20 09:15:15:984 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {CC2E257C-8476-4F8A-B1E8-41AAC768D0FB}.103] *
2009-01-20 09:15:15:984 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-01-20 09:15:15:984 1084 d4c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {CC2E257C-8476-4F8A-B1E8-41AAC768D0FB}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:16:015 1084 d4c Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {CC2E257C-8476-4F8A-B1E8-41AAC768D0FB}: selected action is download full-file.
2009-01-20 09:15:16:015 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {CC2E257C-8476-4F8A-B1E8-41AAC768D0FB}.103] *
2009-01-20 09:15:16:031 1084 d4c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-01-20 09:15:16:078 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {E040E472-AC6F-431E-AC35-1635D7DF1CD8}.103] *
2009-01-20 09:15:16:078 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-01-20 09:15:16:078 1084 d4c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {E040E472-AC6F-431E-AC35-1635D7DF1CD8}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:16:203 1084 d4c Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {E040E472-AC6F-431E-AC35-1635D7DF1CD8}: selected action is download full-file.
2009-01-20 09:15:16:203 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {E040E472-AC6F-431E-AC35-1635D7DF1CD8}.103] *
2009-01-20 09:15:16:218 1084 d4c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-01-20 09:15:16:234 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {34BF701F-8347-4466-B1D1-A361A29716FC}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:16:234 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-01-20 09:15:16:234 1084 d4c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {34BF701F-8347-4466-B1D1-A361A29716FC}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:16:281 1084 d4c Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {34BF701F-8347-4466-B1D1-A361A29716FC}: selected action is download express (delta).
2009-01-20 09:15:17:921 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {34BF701F-8347-4466-B1D1-A361A29716FC}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:17:921 1084 d4c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-01-20 09:15:17:921 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {06FF1E3C-86D7-4900-AF1D-F7CC90338474}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:17:921 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-01-20 09:15:17:921 1084 d4c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {06FF1E3C-86D7-4900-AF1D-F7CC90338474}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:17:937 1084 d4c Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {06FF1E3C-86D7-4900-AF1D-F7CC90338474}: selected action is download express (delta).
2009-01-20 09:15:19:015 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {06FF1E3C-86D7-4900-AF1D-F7CC90338474}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:19:031 1084 d4c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-01-20 09:15:19:031 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:15:19:031 1084 d4c Agent END Agent: Downloading updates [CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:19:031 1084 d4c Agent *
Es musste eine Reparatur eines Windows 2k3 Servers Enterprise wegen Hardwarewechsel erfolgen. Eine Neuinstallation war nicht möglich wg. div. Licensemanager die gegen die Mac der alten Netzwerkkarte laufen und keiner weiß, wie die alle eingerichtet waren.
Reparatur w2k3 Enterprise Server, die Reparatur war erfolgreich, alle Komponenten wurden erkannt, der Licensemanager läuft.
SP2 Udates per gelbem Schild wird eingespielt
Weitere Updates per gelben Schild folgen (automatische Updates sind konfiguriert)
Es werden keine Updates mehr angezeigt.
Updates von Hand über werden gesucht und gefunde, 48Stk.
Updates werden heruntergeladen, bis Update 11(!!!) danach hängt sich Downloadfenster auf.
Das Fenster ist nur mit dem Taskmanager zu schließen.
Ein erneutes aufrufen der Updateseite funktioniert nicht, der Browser friert ein, alle anderen Seiten im Netz sind verfügar.
Updates von Hand über werden gesucht und gefunde, 48Stk.
Updates werden heruntergeladen, bis Update 11(!!!) danach hängt sich Downloadfenster auf.
Das Fenster ist nur mit dem Taskmanager zu schließen.
Ein erneutes aufrufen der Updateseite funktioniert nicht, der Browser friert ein, alle anderen Seiten im Netz sind verfügar.
Sus wird eingerichtet, keine Updates werden heruntergeladen
wups2.dll wird neu registriert, kein Erfolg,
Updates von Hand über werden gesucht und gefunde, 48Stk.
Updates werden heruntergeladen, bis Update 11(!!!) danach hängt sich Downloadfenster auf.
Das Fenster ist nur mit dem Taskmanager zu schließen.
Ein erneutes aufrufen der Updateseite funktioniert nicht, der Browser friert ein, alle anderen Seiten im Netz sind verfügar.
Hat jemand schon mal so etwas gehabt?`
Ich nicht, anbei die Log der Updates.
2009-01-20 09:14:44:234 3828 f7c COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Download [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:14:44:234 3828 f7c COMAPI - WARNING: Download call aborted
2009-01-20 09:14:44:234 3828 f7c COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x80240FFF; Call error code = 0x8024000B
2009-01-20 09:14:44:234 3828 f7c COMAPI ---------
2009-01-20 09:14:44:234 3828 f7c COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Download [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:14:44:234 3828 f7c COMAPI -------------
2009-01-20 09:14:57:375 3828 ed8 COMAPI -------------
2009-01-20 09:14:57:375 3828 ed8 COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:14:57:375 3828 ed8 COMAPI ---------
2009-01-20 09:14:57:375 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:14:57:375 1084 d4c Agent START Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:14:57:375 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:14:57:375 1084 d4c Agent * Online = Yes; Ignore download priority = No
2009-01-20 09:14:57:375 1084 d4c Agent * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and IsHidden=0"
2009-01-20 09:14:57:375 1084 d4c Agent * ServiceID = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-XXXXXXXXC77}
2009-01-20 09:14:57:375 1084 d4c Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}
2009-01-20 09:14:57:375 3828 ed8 COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:14:58:125 1084 d4c Misc Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-XXXXXXXXC77\
2009-01-20 09:14:58:125 1084 d4c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-01-20 09:14:58:140 1084 d4c Misc Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-XXXXXXXXC77\
2009-01-20 09:14:58:140 1084 d4c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-01-20 09:14:58:140 1084 d4c PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server updates +++++++++++
2009-01-20 09:14:58:140 1084 d4c PT + ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-XXXXXXXXC77}, Server URL =
2009-01-20 09:15:00:218 1084 d4c Driver DriverUtil marking {9A0D5836-3DB1-4FDE-B43D-EE0A878F807E}.101 e_detectionStateInstallable
2009-01-20 09:15:00:218 1084 d4c Driver Calculated driver attributes as 0x00000001
2009-01-20 09:15:00:218 1084 d4c Driver DriverUtil marking {724DB93B-DD1C-46D3-AECA-0B463E40B44B}.100 e_detectionStateInstallable
2009-01-20 09:15:00:218 1084 d4c Driver Calculated driver attributes as 0x00000001
2009-01-20 09:15:00:375 1084 d4c Misc Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-XXXXXXXXC77\
2009-01-20 09:15:00:375 1084 d4c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-01-20 09:15:00:390 1084 d4c Misc Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-XXXXXXXXC77\
2009-01-20 09:15:00:390 1084 d4c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-01-20 09:15:00:390 1084 d4c PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing extended update info +++++++++++
2009-01-20 09:15:00:390 1084 d4c PT + ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-XXXXXXXXC77}, Server URL =
2009-01-20 09:15:00:718 1084 934 AU Triggering Offline detection (non-interactive)
2009-01-20 09:15:00:718 1084 934 AU #############
2009-01-20 09:15:00:718 1084 934 AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates
2009-01-20 09:15:00:718 1084 934 AU #########
2009-01-20 09:15:00:718 1084 934 AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {0212B2A0-AEBD-4570-BC9A-259D675A1202}]
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {724DB93B-DD1C-46D3-AECA-0B463E40B44B}.100 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {D33194B5-F3EA-4907-A956-489AA497566D}.104 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {B8F88A6A-6F9A-4F2E-A026-BE387E21F522}.100 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {6BE5D5F8-A1A0-4531-A10F-ABBFD0B81355}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {4D237148-9D3A-4739-B747-8B344DA68C6A}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {6E44AF3D-CB15-4499-87E7-97FD2F323603}.102 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {82AA7A7A-C2C3-47B4-AB32-CB35C0E41FFC}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {FB97B8B1-11FB-4282-A6F6-35A7835C8D6E}.101 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {36DAB2F4-990F-4FF2-9C68-E4C9935F4105}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {61C08DF5-C3EF-4C47-BB76-9A04CA4F2F86}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {82BA1D24-9D40-4267-9613-B392B98ECE5F}.102 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {EE4FE560-4A46-47F3-B455-3283A6DEE5F7}.102 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {21455A34-0669-494C-A6FD-4D1C1EDC28D2}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {9303E168-92F6-4379-968F-CE8978632AC5}.104 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {D14671DD-493C-4F8C-801D-2ADD272DCA5D}.103 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {0F82679D-E4A9-42FA-A3CA-80A4A96C7967}.103 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {96DDC0EC-CBFB-47FA-BBC3-CD9ED8B3766E}.102 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {CCCE547C-EF18-4099-98D6-95C2CE1AA207}.100 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {33E261E8-16A2-4A4C-A09B-15D072150112}.105 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {D3EBD5A9-454D-498A-A432-38919CEF0254}.103 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {6B4CA623-1F67-422F-9B7F-7DAB513D7C9F}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {13A2F5A8-2591-4AD3-A463-34B1AE4FF088}.102 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {E4F40372-D543-4810-A3A8-6298E73191F2}.103 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {F7FB7D58-712A-403E-B541-5FE8AB34E5ED}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {F53DF679-97A4-4087-99B4-F06C03228409}.102 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {511F4A6E-7093-4158-9A01-FDBA68FFDB2A}.100 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {5ABC0778-2418-4EDF-B4A9-038B9F296DC6}.103 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {265378EA-892C-4A51-95E3-F08B41D8DE67}.104 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {822C72D8-1F7E-4884-AFD4-A6B7FC757921}.102 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {1A61D52C-CFA2-417A-BD93-3C7A248FB05D}.104 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {B84407BA-00A3-4FB2-8C8B-A9C17BEAC302}.105 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {3C077E3F-2D0B-4441-B580-C64D9DD72CB0}.101 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {31B41429-2FF8-47E8-B7CD-0FF719F8D6AF}.103 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {3ABBB854-9941-4B7B-8B31-DDE787A6E23C}.104 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {B90826EF-F4D7-45EF-9001-91688B95DDD5}.101 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {25E4704D-AF55-427C-98A3-F724B792DE35}.104 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {D97DC842-DDE4-44C3-851D-23E4A3BC72A1}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {43AA8322-6A3C-4883-943E-29236F43E9D0}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {1935D72E-82F7-4B86-90D6-B858B9DEBEEF}.103 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {4483F57E-7C9D-42E0-9641-49C284E51ADD}.100 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {FE886A79-D52E-4734-B808-1B808AC6848E}.102 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {8C0EB495-47B8-4728-8E0C-26A87B7A18D9}.103 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {B7BB5FD5-6EE1-4A83-94C4-F868980FB065}.102 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {F02399FB-9130-4097-8202-43DCD4A7C100}.102 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {9331D00E-485A-4C71-B6FF-7828D64776FA}.104 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {DE7E4A92-A2E8-4599-92A4-2E6EE83CB190}.106 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {DE2C8030-41CF-4F64-9DC5-EE96D944E383}.107 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {2BA85467-DEAF-44A1-A035-697742EFAB0F}.103 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {B0A6A382-7029-4546-85E9-039DBBB800F7}.109 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {0691CBEC-A8AA-48F5-BD7F-54CF1F64E196}.103 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {E8A49607-7F8E-47CB-A487-A7465B733A7D}.103 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {18D7F2C6-DEC9-4FE1-A743-6A4210646A2B}.103 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {7F5706E9-E27C-4A33-B55B-049F44D0B76C}.102 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {931067DD-3B53-4F2F-B4D7-21165F454CCD}.102 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {09778F00-D058-4851-899B-B139EE1D66D8}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {4C278596-AF21-442F-AB9B-CE916BD9B633}.104 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {9A0D5836-3DB1-4FDE-B43D-EE0A878F807E}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {8F4FB598-1E17-4F54-9A73-67CD40A67047}.106 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {F536CF5E-F74E-4F29-A562-FD78ED07A723}.102 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {0437FD3B-8E82-4989-BC54-B1C2BD098C33}.102 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {F08E4144-5CAB-42CA-A9DA-87D7BF08A27C}.102 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent Update {C6C278B6-E66E-4104-AEC0-7755F94B4F9B}.101 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {02754C95-2A6A-40AF-8EF5-98A6199F8F42}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {0A63AB0A-FA37-47FD-BF3C-C34457D954CB}.102 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {B65EE9A7-2C2A-4509-AFCA-A26867D85276}.103 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {0E6CF83E-0217-488E-82A9-686B3D80A80A}.102 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {6485E5A2-7B05-4C94-B3C9-FDD7C0797089}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {E9D59D08-D622-41F8-BA5D-D39077FA6278}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {B014A927-5C2B-4CF8-A28F-76482E6B9DF8}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {FE5E082A-F85A-4414-9A46-09D4B72219DA}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {5FD8B062-40C1-4C70-AEF9-C770C9B5B98C}.101 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {D98D6A5E-CD0D-44DF-A538-869E92A2FB25}.103 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {F3741FBB-1957-4945-8BDD-6C903AAD9482}.103 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Added update {1F392D05-76AC-4D60-9B9D-D6F95EEA3BC9}.102 to search result
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Found 51 updates and 13 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 572 out of 828 deployed entities
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent END Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent START Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Online = No; Ignore download priority = No
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Criteria = "IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1"
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2009-01-20 09:15:00:734 1084 d4c Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}
2009-01-20 09:15:00:750 3828 a40 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:00:765 3828 a40 COMAPI - Updates found = 51
2009-01-20 09:15:00:765 3828 a40 COMAPI ---------
2009-01-20 09:15:00:765 3828 a40 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:00:765 3828 a40 COMAPI -------------
2009-01-20 09:15:00:765 3828 ed8 COMAPI -------------
2009-01-20 09:15:00:765 3828 ed8 COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:00:765 3828 ed8 COMAPI ---------
2009-01-20 09:15:00:765 3828 ed8 COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 d4c Agent * Found 0 updates and 0 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 0 out of 0 deployed entities
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 d4c Agent END Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 d4c Agent START Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 d4c Agent * Online = No; Ignore download priority = No
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 d4c Agent * Criteria = "IsInstalled = 0 and IsHidden = 1"
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 d4c Agent * ServiceID = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-XXXXXXXXC77}
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 d4c Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 870 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {0212B2A0-AEBD-4570-BC9A-259D675A1202}]
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 870 AU # 0 updates detected
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 870 AU #########
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 870 AU ## END ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {0212B2A0-AEBD-4570-BC9A-259D675A1202}]
2009-01-20 09:15:00:828 1084 870 AU #############
2009-01-20 09:15:00:984 1084 d4c Driver DriverUtil marking {9A0D5836-3DB1-4FDE-B43D-EE0A878F807E}.101 e_detectionStateInstallable
2009-01-20 09:15:00:984 1084 d4c Driver Calculated driver attributes as 0x00000001
2009-01-20 09:15:00:984 1084 d4c Driver DriverUtil marking {724DB93B-DD1C-46D3-AECA-0B463E40B44B}.100 e_detectionStateInstallable
2009-01-20 09:15:00:984 1084 d4c Driver Calculated driver attributes as 0x00000001
2009-01-20 09:15:01:015 1084 d4c Agent * Found 0 updates and 13 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 35 out of 828 deployed entities
2009-01-20 09:15:01:015 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:15:01:015 1084 d4c Agent END Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:01:015 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:15:01:015 1084 d4c Report REPORT EVENT: {FA2361AD-989D-4433-BB15-93C936E30B98} 2009-01-20 09:15:00:734+0100 1 147 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 WindowsUpdate Success Software Synchronization Windows Update Client successfully detected 51 updates.
2009-01-20 09:15:01:031 3828 a40 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:01:031 3828 a40 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2009-01-20 09:15:01:031 3828 a40 COMAPI ---------
2009-01-20 09:15:01:031 3828 a40 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:01:031 3828 a40 COMAPI -------------
2009-01-20 09:15:05:328 3828 ed8 COMAPI -------------
2009-01-20 09:15:05:328 3828 ed8 COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Download [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:05:328 3828 ed8 COMAPI ---------
2009-01-20 09:15:05:328 3828 ed8 COMAPI - Forced: No; Download priority: 3
2009-01-20 09:15:05:328 3828 ed8 COMAPI - Updates in request: 43
2009-01-20 09:15:05:328 3828 ed8 COMAPI - ServiceID = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-XXXXXXXXC77}
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 3828 ed8 COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Download [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c DnldMgr *
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c DnldMgr START DnldMgr: Downloading updates [CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c DnldMgr *
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Call ID = {E296C765-B10D-4551-B394-EBC07DAAEC18}
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Priority = 3, Interactive = 1, Owner is system = 0, Explicit proxy = 1, Proxy session id = -1, ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-XXXXXXXXC77}
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Updates to download = 43
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB935966)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {4D237148-9D3A-4739-B747-8B344DA68C6A}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {BCB53AF1-DAE6-4F3A-B3B6-F7F7BFD04988}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Update für Windows Server 2003 (KB927891)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {82AA7A7A-C2C3-47B4-AB32-CB35C0E41FFC}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {88773D12-57CB-4473-8619-CE417CF1EB80}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Kumulatives Sicherheitsupdate für Outlook Express unter Windows Server 2003 (KB929123)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {36DAB2F4-990F-4FF2-9C68-E4C9935F4105}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {91141695-8506-40B7-BB90-008331C02561}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB935840)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {61C08DF5-C3EF-4C47-BB76-9A04CA4F2F86}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {31F537DA-A188-4B24-8355-F5222F84AAD9}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB935839)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {82BA1D24-9D40-4267-9613-B392B98ECE5F}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {2C318A27-1457-40C4-B66C-A4233DBAD06B}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB926122)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {EE4FE560-4A46-47F3-B455-3283A6DEE5F7}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {87A30A0D-46BE-4C76-AA41-311F9BF907FC}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB936782)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {21455A34-0669-494C-A6FD-4D1C1EDC28D2}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {DC3257AB-4425-4BF9-BF71-58BDA0D1A91B}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB938127)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {0F82679D-E4A9-42FA-A3CA-80A4A96C7967}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {CC2E257C-8476-4F8A-B1E8-41AAC768D0FB}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 1.1 Service Pack 1 (KB933854)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {D3EBD5A9-454D-498A-A432-38919CEF0254}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {E040E472-AC6F-431E-AC35-1635D7DF1CD8}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB933729)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {6B4CA623-1F67-422F-9B7F-7DAB513D7C9F}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {34BF701F-8347-4466-B1D1-A361A29716FC}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Update für Windows Server 2003 (KB936357)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {F7FB7D58-712A-403E-B541-5FE8AB34E5ED}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {06FF1E3C-86D7-4900-AF1D-F7CC90338474}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Windows Internet Explorer 7 für Windows Server 2003
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {F53DF679-97A4-4087-99B4-F06C03228409}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {4DD2F904-52F9-4866-99AB-12E37623900A}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB943460)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {511F4A6E-7093-4158-9A01-FDBA68FFDB2A}.100
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {DEAFBEFF-A9B4-46C6-8344-FD754EECA50C}.100
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB944653)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {1A61D52C-CFA2-417A-BD93-3C7A248FB05D}.104
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {CE1D2522-56DD-4E4D-A559-5A8B69C9547C}.104
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB941569)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {B84407BA-00A3-4FB2-8C8B-A9C17BEAC302}.105
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {593DD26D-BDD4-45DF-8A70-85BD767DC974}.105
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB943485)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {3ABBB854-9941-4B7B-8B31-DDE787A6E23C}.104
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {FD783E81-ADBE-4F7C-B0E0-D7DCED5C74D3}.104
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB942830)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {25E4704D-AF55-427C-98A3-F724B792DE35}.104
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {23CBA42B-A02F-400C-84E3-A1DD986EB3E5}.104
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB942831)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {D97DC842-DDE4-44C3-851D-23E4A3BC72A1}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {2239FD27-7B81-4D1C-AF9E-FE7D23662A63}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB946026)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {43AA8322-6A3C-4883-943E-29236F43E9D0}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {C1320D42-E207-400D-8A3B-B6B85622A227}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB943055)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {1935D72E-82F7-4B86-90D6-B858B9DEBEEF}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {798EC106-CEF1-45FA-AA72-6E97087365E2}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Update für Windows Server 2003 (KB948496)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {4483F57E-7C9D-42E0-9641-49C284E51ADD}.100
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {B94C2C8B-F8B0-4830-BFAE-78B252D2770C}.100
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB945553)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {8C0EB495-47B8-4728-8E0C-26A87B7A18D9}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {578B4B0C-7DDA-4D05-A94A-ADE69FC5AC08}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB950762)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {DE7E4A92-A2E8-4599-92A4-2E6EE83CB190}.106
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {7E69E55A-27CB-46D0-9C9B-24DC7095188B}.106
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB951698)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {DE2C8030-41CF-4F64-9DC5-EE96D944E383}.107
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {265E1629-6E81-44A0-8DE0-EF6536D49B2A}.107
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB951748)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {B0A6A382-7029-4546-85E9-039DBBB800F7}.109
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {1E53550C-34C9-46BD-A95E-1F0A5D5017E0}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Outlook Express unter Windows Server 2003 (KB951066)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {0691CBEC-A8AA-48F5-BD7F-54CF1F64E196}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {7C6AEC3E-6635-49F7-B30E-F2BF1A3F5B68}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB952954)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {E8A49607-7F8E-47CB-A487-A7465B733A7D}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {6B970F72-F767-4BAA-9619-C8F517C5931C}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB950974)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {7F5706E9-E27C-4A33-B55B-049F44D0B76C}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {A156559D-2C6B-42F4-8F58-B0449F30C04F}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB944338)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {09778F00-D058-4851-899B-B139EE1D66D8}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {FDDBDB32-B76E-4AC2-8116-C214803FCEBE}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB938464)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {4C278596-AF21-442F-AB9B-CE916BD9B633}.104
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {74D604FF-370E-4536-9386-66B8D61CE914}.104
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB954211)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {F536CF5E-F74E-4F29-A562-FD78ED07A723}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {36A3A62D-495E-4941-93CC-7B43F21517E8}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB956841)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {0437FD3B-8E82-4989-BC54-B1C2BD098C33}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {26A3C34F-22CB-4B33-B8DD-5F1E8F497514}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB958644)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {02754C95-2A6A-40AF-8EF5-98A6199F8F42}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {52B7DE61-65D1-4B9D-A4C8-4B81FA0536EA}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB955069)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {0A63AB0A-FA37-47FD-BF3C-C34457D954CB}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {BC6A3D5D-F788-4771-A5BB-0C2BD9641A09}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB957097)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {B65EE9A7-2C2A-4509-AFCA-A26867D85276}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {4E1D0079-589A-4E9A-8506-2FA6DD1E1936}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB952069)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {6485E5A2-7B05-4C94-B3C9-FDD7C0797089}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {51128E11-32C7-4716-90C6-488F5A5897CE}.100
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB954600)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {E9D59D08-D622-41F8-BA5D-D39077FA6278}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {16E4E3A4-5B71-4856-9EDC-4A3334EF2520}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB956802)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {B014A927-5C2B-4CF8-A28F-76482E6B9DF8}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {92F9731F-4636-4F4D-91C7-5C97D0A982E6}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Kumulatives Sicherheitsupdate für Internet Explorer 6 unter Windows Server 2003 (KB958215)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {FE5E082A-F85A-4414-9A46-09D4B72219DA}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {990084F6-EC17-485C-BBF7-EB16EEE4EA6B}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Update für Windows Server 2003 (KB955839)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {5FD8B062-40C1-4C70-AEF9-C770C9B5B98C}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {F343DFF4-5190-4806-8E99-B8C7C06F5E35}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Internet Explorer 6 unter Windows Server 2003 (960714)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {D98D6A5E-CD0D-44DF-A538-869E92A2FB25}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {935BEE3E-959A-423F-A7C5-F9D2418F1BDB}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB956803)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {F3741FBB-1957-4945-8BDD-6C903AAD9482}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {68B78E79-B598-4254-BB31-EBF254EAA70B}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 (KB958687)
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * UpdateId = {1F392D05-76AC-4D60-9B9D-D6F95EEA3BC9}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c Agent * {FCA3C5A8-9728-45CE-A992-373D4EF6A9BA}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {BCB53AF1-DAE6-4F3A-B3B6-F7F7BFD04988}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-01-20 09:15:05:359 1084 d4c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {BCB53AF1-DAE6-4F3A-B3B6-F7F7BFD04988}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:05:390 1084 d4c Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {BCB53AF1-DAE6-4F3A-B3B6-F7F7BFD04988}: selected action is download express (delta).
2009-01-20 09:15:07:031 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {BCB53AF1-DAE6-4F3A-B3B6-F7F7BFD04988}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:07:031 1084 d4c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-01-20 09:15:07:093 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {88773D12-57CB-4473-8619-CE417CF1EB80}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:07:093 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-01-20 09:15:07:093 1084 d4c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {88773D12-57CB-4473-8619-CE417CF1EB80}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:07:140 1084 d4c Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {88773D12-57CB-4473-8619-CE417CF1EB80}: selected action is download full-file.
2009-01-20 09:15:07:140 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {88773D12-57CB-4473-8619-CE417CF1EB80}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:07:140 1084 d4c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-01-20 09:15:07:203 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {91141695-8506-40B7-BB90-008331C02561}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:07:218 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-01-20 09:15:07:218 1084 d4c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {91141695-8506-40B7-BB90-008331C02561}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:07:250 1084 d4c Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {91141695-8506-40B7-BB90-008331C02561}: selected action is download full-file.
2009-01-20 09:15:07:265 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {91141695-8506-40B7-BB90-008331C02561}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:07:265 1084 d4c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-01-20 09:15:07:265 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {31F537DA-A188-4B24-8355-F5222F84AAD9}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:07:265 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-01-20 09:15:07:265 1084 d4c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {31F537DA-A188-4B24-8355-F5222F84AAD9}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:07:296 1084 d4c Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {31F537DA-A188-4B24-8355-F5222F84AAD9}: selected action is download express (delta).
2009-01-20 09:15:08:875 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {31F537DA-A188-4B24-8355-F5222F84AAD9}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:08:875 1084 d4c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-01-20 09:15:08:937 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {2C318A27-1457-40C4-B66C-A4233DBAD06B}.102] *
2009-01-20 09:15:08:937 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-01-20 09:15:08:937 1084 d4c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {2C318A27-1457-40C4-B66C-A4233DBAD06B}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:08:968 1084 d4c Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {2C318A27-1457-40C4-B66C-A4233DBAD06B}: selected action is download express (delta).
2009-01-20 09:15:10:703 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {2C318A27-1457-40C4-B66C-A4233DBAD06B}.102] *
2009-01-20 09:15:10:703 1084 d4c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-01-20 09:15:10:750 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {87A30A0D-46BE-4C76-AA41-311F9BF907FC}.102] *
2009-01-20 09:15:10:750 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-01-20 09:15:10:750 1084 d4c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {87A30A0D-46BE-4C76-AA41-311F9BF907FC}.102
2009-01-20 09:15:10:781 1084 d4c Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {87A30A0D-46BE-4C76-AA41-311F9BF907FC}: selected action is download express (delta).
2009-01-20 09:15:12:609 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {87A30A0D-46BE-4C76-AA41-311F9BF907FC}.102] *
2009-01-20 09:15:12:609 1084 d4c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-01-20 09:15:12:656 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {DC3257AB-4425-4BF9-BF71-58BDA0D1A91B}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:12:656 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-01-20 09:15:12:656 1084 d4c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {DC3257AB-4425-4BF9-BF71-58BDA0D1A91B}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:12:703 1084 d4c Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {DC3257AB-4425-4BF9-BF71-58BDA0D1A91B}: selected action is download express (delta).
2009-01-20 09:15:15:921 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {DC3257AB-4425-4BF9-BF71-58BDA0D1A91B}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:15:921 1084 d4c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-01-20 09:15:15:984 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {CC2E257C-8476-4F8A-B1E8-41AAC768D0FB}.103] *
2009-01-20 09:15:15:984 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-01-20 09:15:15:984 1084 d4c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {CC2E257C-8476-4F8A-B1E8-41AAC768D0FB}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:16:015 1084 d4c Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {CC2E257C-8476-4F8A-B1E8-41AAC768D0FB}: selected action is download full-file.
2009-01-20 09:15:16:015 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {CC2E257C-8476-4F8A-B1E8-41AAC768D0FB}.103] *
2009-01-20 09:15:16:031 1084 d4c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-01-20 09:15:16:078 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {E040E472-AC6F-431E-AC35-1635D7DF1CD8}.103] *
2009-01-20 09:15:16:078 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-01-20 09:15:16:078 1084 d4c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {E040E472-AC6F-431E-AC35-1635D7DF1CD8}.103
2009-01-20 09:15:16:203 1084 d4c Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {E040E472-AC6F-431E-AC35-1635D7DF1CD8}: selected action is download full-file.
2009-01-20 09:15:16:203 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {E040E472-AC6F-431E-AC35-1635D7DF1CD8}.103] *
2009-01-20 09:15:16:218 1084 d4c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-01-20 09:15:16:234 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {34BF701F-8347-4466-B1D1-A361A29716FC}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:16:234 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-01-20 09:15:16:234 1084 d4c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {34BF701F-8347-4466-B1D1-A361A29716FC}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:16:281 1084 d4c Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {34BF701F-8347-4466-B1D1-A361A29716FC}: selected action is download express (delta).
2009-01-20 09:15:17:921 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {34BF701F-8347-4466-B1D1-A361A29716FC}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:17:921 1084 d4c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-01-20 09:15:17:921 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {06FF1E3C-86D7-4900-AF1D-F7CC90338474}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:17:921 1084 d4c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-01-20 09:15:17:921 1084 d4c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {06FF1E3C-86D7-4900-AF1D-F7CC90338474}.101
2009-01-20 09:15:17:937 1084 d4c Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {06FF1E3C-86D7-4900-AF1D-F7CC90338474}: selected action is download express (delta).
2009-01-20 09:15:19:015 1084 d4c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {06FF1E3C-86D7-4900-AF1D-F7CC90338474}.101] *
2009-01-20 09:15:19:031 1084 d4c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-01-20 09:15:19:031 1084 d4c Agent *
2009-01-20 09:15:19:031 1084 d4c Agent END Agent: Downloading updates [CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2009-01-20 09:15:19:031 1084 d4c Agent *
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Content-ID: 106527
Ausgedruckt am: 07.03.2025 um 02:03 Uhr
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Als Versuch:
Schonmal das
Nach Migration mit Sysprep oder Reparaturinstallation geht automatisches Update von Windows XP nicht mehr
Oder WUfix.bat?
Nach Migration mit Sysprep oder Reparaturinstallation geht automatisches Update von Windows XP nicht mehr
Oder WUfix.bat?