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AMAVISD-NEW-2.4.5 scannt nicht nach Viren

Bin echt verzweifelt.

Hallo Leute, ich bin am verzweifeln.

Mein AMAVISD-NEW scannt einfach nicht nach Viren.
Leider gibt es kein einziges Log welches einen Fehler zeigt, noch brachte

    1. amavisd debug

    einen Hinweis.

    Er tuts einfach nur nicht. Hier meine amavisd.conf

    PS: Es ist unumgänglich, da ich hier mehrere Domänen verwalten möchte, die POLICY_BANKS zu verwenden.

    Wie gesagt: Der Scanner wird nicht gestartet - kein Eintrag im Header - mit und ohne Virus.

    use strict;

    ## GENERAL

    $mydomain = 'mydomain.nonlocal';
    $myhostname = 'amavis.mydomain.nonlocal';
    $daemon_user = 'amavis';
    $daemon_group = 'amavis';
    #$MYHOME = '/home/amavis';
    $MYHOME = '/var/amavis';
    #$TEMPBASE = "/var/tempfs";
    $TEMPBASE = "/var/tmp";
    $helpers_home = "$MYHOME/var";
    $db_home = "$MYHOME/db";
    $pid_file = "$MYHOME/var/amavisd.pid";
    $lock_file = "$MYHOME/var/amavisd.lock";
    $daemon_chroot_dir = undef;
    $max_servers = 5;
    $max_requests = 20;
    $child_timeout = 8*60;
    $localpart_is_case_sensitive = 0;
    $enable_db = 1;
    $enable_global_cache = 1;
    @local_domains_maps = ([".mydomain.local", ".domain1.at", ".domain2.at", ".0"]);
    dns.org", ".0" and its subdomains
    @mynetworks = qw( [::1] [FE80::]/10 [FEC0::]/10);

    @mynetworks_maps = (\@mynetworks);


    $log_level = 1;
    $LOGFILE = "$MYHOME/amavis.log"; # Only used if Syslog not used
    $DO_SYSLOG = 0;
    $SYSLOG_LEVEL = 'mail.debug';
    1. $log_templ = ... built-in default at the end of file amavisd
    2. $log_recip_templ = ... built-in default at the end of file amavisd
    3. @debug_sender_maps = (\@debug_sender_acl); @debug_sender_acl = ();
    $sa_debug = 1;


    $inet_socket_port = [10024, 20000, 20001, 20002, 20003]; # listen on this local TCP port(s) (see )
    1. $unix_socketname = undef; # Unix socket to accept amavis helper protocol
    $inet_socket_bind = '';
    @inet_acl = qw( ::1);
    1. $protocol = ... defaults to SMTP or LMTP (autodetect) on inet socket
    $smtpd_recipient_limit = 1100;
    1. $smtpd_message_size_limit = undef; # site-wide limit
    2. @message_size_limit_maps = (); # per-recipient limits
    $smtpd_greeting_banner = '${helo-name} ${protocol} ${product} service ready';
    $smtpd_quit_banner = '${helo-name} ${product} closing transmission channel';
    1. $auth_required_inp = undef;
    2. @auth_mech_avail=(); # empty list disables incoming AUTH; or: qw(PLAIN LOGIN)


    ## see also $notify_method, $forward_method and $*_quarantine_method
    $localhost_name = 'localhost'; # my EHLO name
    $local_client_bind_address = ''; # undef
    1. $auth_required_out = undef;
    2. $amavis_auth_user = undef; # for submitting notifications and quarantine
    3. $amavis_auth_pass = undef;
    4. $auth_reauthenticate_forwarded = undef; # our credentials for forwarding too


    $forward_method = 'smtp:[]:10025'; # where to forward checked mail
    $final_virus_destiny = D_PASS; # (defaults to D_DISCARD)
    $final_banned_destiny = D_PASS; # (defaults to D_BOUNCE)
    $final_spam_destiny = D_PASS; # (defaults to D_BOUNCE)
    $final_bad_header_destiny = D_PASS; # (defaults to D_PASS), D_BOUNCE suggested


    $QUARANTINEDIR = '/var/virusmails';
    $virus_quarantine_method = 'local:virus-%i-%n';
    $spam_quarantine_method = 'local:spam-%b-%i-%n';
    $banned_files_quarantine_method = 'local:banned-%i-%n';
    $bad_header_quarantine_method = 'local:badh-%i-%n';

    #$virus_quarantine_to = 'virus-quarantine';
    #$banned_quarantine_to = 'banned-quarantine';
    #$bad_header_quarantine_to= 'bad-header-quarantine';
    #$spam_quarantine_to = 'spam-quarantine';
    #$spam_quarantine_bysender_to = undef;

    $virus_quarantine_to = undef;
    $banned_quarantine_to = undef;
    $bad_header_quarantine_to = undef;
    $spam_quarantine_to = undef;
    $spam_quarantine_bysender_to = undef;

    1. @virus_quarantine_to_maps = (\$virus_quarantine_to);
    2. @banned_quarantine_to_maps = (\$banned_quarantine_to);
    3. @bad_header_quarantine_to_maps = (\$bad_header_quarantine_to);
    4. @spam_quarantine_to_maps = (\$spam_quarantine_to);
    5. @spam_quarantine_bysender_to_maps = (\$spam_quarantine_bysender_to);
    6. %local_delivery_aliases ... predefined, used by method 'local:'
    $mailfrom_to_quarantine = undef; # undef keeps original sender


    $notify_method = $forward_method; # where to submit notifications
    #$virus_admin = "icm\@$mydomain";
    #$spam_admin = "icm\@$mydomain";

    1. @virus_admin_maps = (\%virus_admin, \$virus_admin);
    2. @spam_admin_maps = (\%spam_admin, \$spam_admin);
    3. $hdr_encoding = 'iso-8859-1'; # header field bodies charset
    4. $bdy_encoding = 'iso-8859-1'; # notification body text charset
    5. $hdr_encoding_qb = 'Q'; # quoted-printable (Q or B)
    6. $notify_sender_templ = ... built-in default at the end of file amavisd
    7. $notify_virus_sender_templ = ... built-in default at the end of file amavisd
    8. $notify_spam_sender_templ = ... built-in default at the end of file amavisd
    9. $notify_virus_admin_templ = ... built-in default at the end of file amavisd
    10. $notify_spam_admin_templ = ... built-in default at the end of file amavisd
    11. $notify_virus_recips_templ = ... built-in default at the end of file amavisd
    12. $notify_spam_recips_templ = ... built-in default at the end of file amavisd
    $mailfrom_notify_admin = undef;
    $mailfrom_notify_recip = undef;
    $mailfrom_notify_spamadmin = undef;
    ## these are after-defaults:
    1. $hdrfrom_notify_sender = "\"Content-filter at $myhostname\" <postmaster\@$myhostname>";
    2. $hdrfrom_notify_recip = ... derived from $mailfrom_notify_recip
    3. $hdrfrom_notify_admin = ... derived from $mailfrom_notify_admin
    4. $hdrfrom_notify_spamadmin = ... derived from $mailfrom_notify_spamadmin
    $warnvirussender = undef;
    $warnspamsender = undef;
    $warnbannedsender = undef;
    $warnbadhsender = undef;
    $warn_offsite = undef;
    $warnvirusrecip = undef;
    $warnbannedrecip = undef;
    $warnbadhrecip = undef;
    1. @warnvirusrecip_maps = (\$warnvirusrecip);
    2. @warnbannedrecip_maps = (\$warnbannedrecip);
    3. @warnbadhrecip_maps = (\$warnbadhrecip);


    $insert_received_line = 1; # behave like MTA: insert 'Received:' header
    $remove_existing_x_scanned_headers = 0;
    $remove_existing_spam_headers = 0;
    $X_HEADER_TAG = 'X-TEST-Virus-Scanned'; # after-default
    $X_HEADER_LINE = "$myproduct_name at $mydomain"; # after-default

    $defang_virus = undef;
    $defang_banned = undef;
    $defang_bad_header = undef;
    $defang_undecipherable = undef;
    $defang_spam = undef;
    1. $defang_all = undef; # mostly for testing
    $undecipherable_subject_tag = '* UNCHECKED * ';
    $sa_spam_subject_tag = '* SPAM * ';
    $sa_spam_modifies_subj = 1;
    $sa_spam_level_char = '*';
    $sa_spam_report_header = 1;
    1. @spam_modifies_subj_maps= (\$sa_spam_modifies_subj);
    2. @spam_subject_tag_maps = (\$sa_spam_subject_tag1); # N.B.: inconsistent name
    3. @spam_subject_tag2_maps = (\$sa_spam_subject_tag); # N.B.: inconsistent name


    1. $recipient_delimiter = undef;
    2. $replace_existing_extension = 1;
    3. $addr_extension_virus = undef;
    4. $addr_extension_spam = undef;
    5. $addr_extension_banned = undef;
    6. $addr_extension_bad_header = undef;
    7. @addr_extension_virus_maps = (\$addr_extension_virus);
    8. @addr_extension_spam_maps = (\$addr_extension_spam);
    9. @addr_extension_banned_maps = (\$addr_extension_banned);
    10. @addr_extension_bad_header_maps = (\$addr_extension_bad_header);

    1. $bypass_decode_parts = undef;
    2. $keep_decoded_original_re = undef;
    3. @keep_decoded_original_maps = (\$keep_decoded_original_re);
    4. $map_full_type_to_short_type_re = ... predefined regexp lookup table
    5. @map_full_type_to_short_type_maps = (\$map_full_type_to_short_type_re);
    6. $path = undef;
    7. $file = $gzip = $bzip2 = $lzop = $rpm2cpio = undef;
    8. $uncompress = $unfreeze = $arc = $unarj = $unrar = undef;
    9. $zoo = $lha = $cpio = $cabextract = undef;
    10. $MAXLEVELS = undef;
    11. $MAXFILES = undef;
    12. $MIN_EXPANSION_QUOTA = undef;
    13. $MAX_EXPANSION_QUOTA = undef;
    14. $MIN_EXPANSION_FACTOR = 5; # times original mail size
    15. $MAX_EXPANSION_FACTOR = 500; # times original mail size


    1. @av_scanners = ();
    2. @av_scanners_backup = ();
    3. $first_infected_stops_scan = undef;
    4. $viruses_that_fake_sender_re = undef;
    5. @viruses_that_fake_sender_maps = (\$viruses_that_fake_sender_re, 1);
    6. $banned_namepath_re = undef; # new-style
    7. $banned_filename_re = undef; # traditional
    8. @banned_filename_maps = (\$banned_filename_re); # traditional
    9. $virus_check_negative_ttl= 3*60; # time to cache contents as not infected
    10. $virus_check_positive_ttl= 30*60; # time to cache contents as infected
    11. @bypass_virus_checks_maps = (\%bypass_virus_checks, \@bypass_virus_checks_acl, \$bypass_virus_checks_re);
    @bypass_virus_checks_maps = (1); # * uncomment to DISABLE anti-virus code **
    1. @bypass_banned_checks_maps = (\%bypass_banned_checks, \@bypass_banned_checks_acl, \$bypass_banned_checks_re);
    2. @bypass_header_checks_maps = (\%bypass_header_checks, \@bypass_header_checks_acl, \$bypass_header_checks_re);
    3. @virus_lovers_maps = (\%virus_lovers, \@virus_lovers_acl, \$virus_lovers_re);
    4. @banned_files_lovers_maps = (\%banned_files_lovers, \@banned_files_lovers_acl, \$banned_files_lovers_re);
    5. @bad_header_lovers_maps = (\%bad_header_lovers, \@bad_header_lovers_acl, \$bad_header_lovers_re);

    ## ANTI-SPAM CONTROLS (SpamAssassin)

    $sa_mail_body_size_limit = 200*1024;
    $sa_local_tests_only = 0;
    1. $sa_auto_whitelist = 0; # (not used any longer since SA 3.0.0)
    2. $dspam = undef;
    $sa_timeout = 30;
    $spam_check_negative_ttl = 30*60; # time to cache contents as not spam
    $spam_check_positive_ttl = 30*60; # time to cache contents as spam
    1. @bypass_spam_checks_maps = (\%bypass_spam_checks, \@bypass_spam_checks_acl, \$bypass_spam_checks_re);
    2. @spam_lovers_maps = (\%spam_lovers, \@spam_lovers_acl, \$spam_lovers_re);
    $sa_tag_level_deflt = 2.0;
    $sa_tag2_level_deflt = 3.0;
    $sa_kill_level_deflt = $sa_tag2_level_deflt;
    $sa_dsn_cutoff_level = undef;
    1. @spam_tag_level_maps = (\$sa_tag_level_deflt);
    2. @spam_tag2_level_maps = (\$sa_tag2_level_deflt);
    3. @spam_kill_level_maps = (\$sa_kill_level_deflt);
    4. @spam_dsn_cutoff_level_maps = (\$sa_dsn_cutoff_level);

    1. Block these Senders (Default), per-recipient done with MySql
    @score_sender_maps = ({
    '.' => [ # the '.' matches any recipient
    new_RE (
    [qr'^(bulkmail|offers|cheapbenefits|earnmoney|foryou)@'i => 5.0],
    [qr'^(greatcasino|investments|lose_weight_today|market\.alert)@'i=> 5.0],
    [qr'^(money2you|MyGreenCard|new\.tld\.registry|opt-out|opt-in)@'i=> 5.0],
    [qr'^(optin|saveonlsmoking2002k|specialoffer|specialoffers)@'i => 5.0],
    [qr'^(stockalert|stopsnoring|wantsome|workathome|yesitsfree)@'i => 5.0],
    [qr'^(your_friend|greatoffers)@'i => 5.0],
    [qr'^(inkjetplanet|marketopt|MakeMoney)\d*@'i => 5.0]

    1. @blacklist_sender_maps = (\%blacklist_sender, \@blacklist_sender_acl, \$blacklist_sender_re);
    2. @whitelist_sender_maps = (\%whitelist_sender, \@whitelist_sender_acl, \$whitelist_sender_re);
    3. $per_recip_blacklist_sender_lookup_tables = undef;
    4. $per_recip_whitelist_sender_lookup_tables = undef; # deprecated

    ## SQL & LDAP

    1. @lookup_sql_dsn = (
    2. ['DBI:mysql:database=maia;host=opal.akadia.com;port=3306','amavis','some_pass']
    3. );

    #@lookup_sql_dsn = (
    1. ['DBI:mysql:database=maia;host=opal.akadia.com;port=3306','amavis','some_pass'],
    2. ['DBI:mysql:database=maia;host=rabbit.akadia.com;port=3306','amavis','some_pass']

    ## External programs

    $path = '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin';
    $file = 'file';

    1. optional:
    $gzip = 'gzip';
    $bzip2 = 'bzip2';
    $lzop = 'lzop';
    $rpm2cpio = ['rpm2cpio.pl','rpm2cpio'];
    $cabextract = 'cabextract';
    $uncompress = ['uncompress', 'gzip -d', 'zcat'];
    $unfreeze = ['unfreeze', 'freeze -d', 'melt', 'fcat'];
    $arc = ['nomarch', 'arc'];
    $unarj = ['arj', 'unarj']; # both can extract, arj is recommended
    $unrar = ['rar', 'unrar']; # both can extract, same options
    $zoo = 'zoo';
    $lha = 'lha';
    $cpio = ['gcpio','cpio'];
    $ar = 'ar';
    $dspam = 'dspam';

    ## Banned and Allowd Filename Extensions

    $banned_filename_re = new_RE(

    #------------- Domain: mydomain.local ---------------------------------------------------

    $interface_policy{'20000'} = 'mydomain.local';
    $policy_bank{'mydomain.local'} = {
        1. Loglevel für Statistiken >=2
        log_level => 2,

            1. Bypass Checks
            bypass_spam_checks_maps => [1], # don't spam-check this mail
            bypass_banned_checks_maps => [1], # don't banned-check this mail
            bypass_header_checks_maps => [1], # don't header-check this mail
            bypass_virus_checks_maps => [1], # don't check email against viruses

            mailfrom_notify_sender => undef,
            mailfrom_notify_recip => undef,
            mailfrom_notify_admin => undef,
            mailfrom_notify_spamadmin => undef,
            spam_tag_level_maps => [2.0],
            spam_tag2_level_maps => [5.0],
            spam_subject_tag_maps => ['### possible spam ###'],
            spam_subject_tag2_maps => ['### spam ###'],

                1. Wegschmeissen oder durchlassen?
                final_bad_header_destiny => D_PASS,
                final_banned_destiny => D_PASS,
                final_virus_destiny => D_PASS,
                final_spam_destiny => D_PASS,

                    1. Warn
                    warnvirussender => 0,
                    warnspamsender => 0,
                    warnbannedsender => 0,
                    warnbadhsender => 0,
                    warnoffsite => 0,

                        1. AV Scanner
                        first_infected_stops_scan => 1,
                        av_scanners => [

                        ### http://www.clamav.net/ - backs up clamd or Mail::ClamAV
                        ['ClamAV-clamscan', 'clamscan',
                        "--stdout --no-summary -r --tempdir= {}",
                        [0], qr/:.*\sFOUND$/, qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/ ],

                        av_scanners_backup => ,

                        #------------- Domain: necos.at ---------------------------------------------------

                        $interface_policy{'20001'} = 'domain1.at';
                        $policy_bank{'domain1.at'} = {
                            1. Loglevel für Statistiken >=2
                            log_level => 3,

                                1. Bypass Checks
                                bypass_spam_checks_maps => , # don't spam-check this mail
                                bypass_banned_checks_maps => , # don't banned-check this mail
                                bypass_header_checks_maps => , # don't header-check this mail
                                bypass_virus_checks_maps => , # don't check email against viruses

                                mailfrom_notify_sender => undef,
                                mailfrom_notify_recip => undef,
                                mailfrom_notify_admin => undef,
                                mailfrom_notify_spamadmin => undef,

                                spam_tag_level_maps => [2.0],
                                spam_tag2_level_maps => [5.0],
                                spam_subject_tag_maps => ['### possible spam ### '],
                                spam_subject_tag2_maps => ['### spam ### '],

                                    1. Wegschmeissen oder durchlassen?
                                    final_bad_header_destiny => D_PASS,
                                    final_banned_destiny => D_PASS,
                                    final_virus_destiny => D_PASS,
                                    final_spam_destiny => D_PASS,

                                        1. Warn
                                        warnvirussender => 0,
                                        warnspamsender => 0,
                                        warnbannedsender => 0,
                                        warnbadhsender => 0,
                                        1. warnoffsite => 0,

                                            1. AV Scanner
                                            first_infected_stops_scan => 1,
                                            av_scanners => ,
                                            av_scanners_backup => ,

                                            #------------- Domain: gbl.dyndns.org ---------------------------------------------------

                                            $interface_policy{'20002'} = 'domain2.at';
                                            $policy_bank{'domain2.at'} = {
                                                1. Loglevel für Statistiken >=2
                                                log_level => 9,

                                                    1. Bypass Checks
                                                    bypass_spam_checks_maps => , # don't spam-check this mail
                                                    bypass_banned_checks_maps => , # don't banned-check this mail
                                                    bypass_header_checks_maps => , # don't header-check this mail
                                                    bypass_virus_checks_maps => , # don't check email against viruses

                                                    mailfrom_notify_sender => undef,
                                                    mailfrom_notify_recip => undef,
                                                    mailfrom_notify_admin => undef,
                                                    mailfrom_notify_spamadmin => undef,

                                                    spam_tag_level_maps => [-999],
                                                    spam_tag2_level_maps => [2.0],
                                                    spam_tag3_level_maps => [5.0],
                                                    spam_subject_tag_maps => [''],
                                                    spam_subject_tag2_maps => ['### possible spam ###' ],
                                                    spam_subject_tag3_maps => ['### spam ### '],

                                                        1. Wegschmeissen oder durchlassen?
                                                        final_bad_header_destiny => D_PASS,
                                                        final_banned_destiny => D_PASS,
                                                        final_virus_destiny => D_PASS,
                                                        final_spam_destiny => D_PASS,

                                                            1. Warn
                                                            warnvirussender => 0,
                                                            warnspamsender => 0,
                                                            warnbannedsender => 0,
                                                            warnbadhsender => 0,
                                                            1. warnoffsite => 0,

                                                                1. AV Scanner
                                                                first_infected_stops_scan => 1,
                                                                av_scanners => [

                                                                ['Clam Antivirus-clamd',
                                                                \&ask_daemon, ["CONTSCAN {}\n", ""],
                                                                qr/\bOK$/, qr/\bFOUND$/,
                                                                qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/

                                                                av_scanners_backup => [
                                                                ['ClamAV-clamscan', 'clamscan',
                                                                "--stdout --no-summary -r --tempdir= {}",[0], qr/:.*\sFOUND$/, qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/

                                                                #------------- Domain: 0 ---------------------------------------------------

                                                                $interface_policy{'20003'} = '0';
                                                                $policy_bank{'0'} = {
                                                                    1. Loglevel für Statistiken >=2
                                                                    log_level => 2,

                                                                        1. Bypass Checks
                                                                        bypass_spam_checks_maps => [1], # don't spam-check this mail
                                                                        bypass_banned_checks_maps => [1], # don't banned-check this mail
                                                                        bypass_header_checks_maps => [1], # don't header-check this mail
                                                                        bypass_virus_checks_maps => [1], # don't check email against viruses

                                                                        mailfrom_notify_sender => undef,
                                                                        mailfrom_notify_recip => undef,
                                                                        mailfrom_notify_admin => undef,
                                                                        mailfrom_notify_spamadmin => undef,

                                                                        spam_tag_level_maps => [2.0],
                                                                        spam_tag2_level_maps => [5.0],
                                                                        spam_subject_tag_maps => ['### possible spam ###'],
                                                                        spam_subject_tag2_maps => ['### spam ###'],

                                                                            1. Wegschmeissen oder durchlassen?
                                                                            final_bad_header_destiny => D_PASS,
                                                                            final_banned_destiny => D_PASS,
                                                                            final_virus_destiny => D_PASS,
                                                                            final_spam_destiny => D_PASS,

                                                                                1. Warn
                                                                                warnvirussender => 0,
                                                                                warnspamsender => 0,
                                                                                warnbannedsender => 0,
                                                                                warnbadhsender => 0,
                                                                                warnoffsite => 0,

                                                                                    1. AV Scanner
                                                                                    first_infected_stops_scan => 1,
                                                                                    av_scanners => ,
                                                                                    av_scanners_backup => ,

                                                                                    mersi vielmals


Content-Key: 55208

Url: https://administrator.de/contentid/55208

Printed on: May 5, 2024 at 00:05 o'clock