Exchange 2010 Clientzugriffsrolle lässt sich nicht installieren Fehler bei iisreset
Hallo liebe Forengemeinde!
Nachdem ich 4 Stunden lang versucht habe die Lösung meines Problems zu ergooglen melde ich mich jetzt bei euch.
Es handelt sich um einen 2008 Server R2
Das Feature "Nicht-HTTP Aktivierung" unter .NET Framework 3.5 habe ich bereits entfernt. Den Hotfix von Microsoft (Windows6.1-KB975443-v2-x64) habe ich auch installiert. Bei der Exchange INstallation habe ich aber trotzdem immer noch das Problem, dass das Setup manche Dienste nicht starten kann. Manuell starten ist kein Problem.
Zudem habe ich in IIS auf dem Symbol meiner Default-Website ein Fragezeichen Symbol. Das sollte nach entfernen der Nicht HTTP Aktivierung eigentich genauso wie der Fehler verschwinden, tut es aber nicht.
Ich hoffe hier kann mir jemand helfen!
Achja ein Auszug aus dem ExchangeSetupLog:
[10.26.2010 13:55:52.0867] [2] Instantiating handler with index 0 for cmdlet extension agent "Admin Audit Log Agent".
[10.26.2010 13:55:52.0882] [2] Aktueller ScopeSet:{Lesebereich für Domäne:{, }, Schreibbereich(e) für Domäne:{, }, Konfigurationsbereich:{, }, Serverkonfigurationsbereich(e):{, }, , Exklusiver Bereich:{, }}
[10.26.2010 13:55:52.0882] [2] Resolved current organization: .
[10.26.2010 13:55:52.0882] [2] Starting: iisreset with arguments: /noforce /timeout:120
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0086] [2] Process standard output: Es wird versucht, den Dienst zu beenden...
Internetdienste wurden erfolgreich beendet.
Es wird versucht, den Dienst zu starten...
Fehler beim Versuch, den Dienst neu zu starten.
Der IIS-Verwaltungsdienst, der WWW-Publishingdienst oder ein von diesen Diensten abh„ngiger Dienst konnte nicht gestartet werden. M”glicherweise ist ein Fehler beim Starten des Diensts oder der abh„ngigen Dienste aufgetreten, oder sie wurden deaktiviert.
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0086] [2] Process standard error:
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0086] [2] [ERROR] Unexpected Error
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0117] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 1062.
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [2] Ending processing.
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution:
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 1062.
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 1062.
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] [ERROR] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); Start-SetupProcess -Name "iisreset" -Args "/noforce /timeout:120"" was run: "Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 1062.".
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 1062.
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] [WARNING] <<< Setup failed to execute a task. Dumping all variables.... >>>
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] $ = $null
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ? = True
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ^ = $null
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] _ = $null
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ADServerSettings = Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SetupServerSettings
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] args = $null
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ConfirmPreference = None
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ConsoleFileName =
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] DebugPreference = SilentlyContinue
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] Error = System.Collections.ArrayList {Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 1062.; }
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ErrorActionPreference = Continue
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ErrorView = NormalView
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ExchangePropertyContainer = Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.ExchangePropertyContainer
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ExecutionContext = System.Management.Automation.EngineIntrinsics
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] false = False
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] FormatEnumerationLimit = 4
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] HOME = C:\Users\administrator.igloria
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] Host = System.Management.Automation.Internal.Host.InternalHost
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] input = $null
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] MaximumAliasCount = 4096
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] MaximumDriveCount = 4096
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] MaximumErrorCount = 256
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] MaximumFunctionCount = 4096
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] MaximumHistoryCount = 64
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] MaximumVariableCount = 4096
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] MyInvocation = $null
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] NestedPromptLevel = 0
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] null = $null
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] OutputEncoding = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] PID = 4244
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ProgressPreference = Continue
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] PSBoundParameters = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Object]
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] PSCulture = de-DE
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] PSEmailServer =
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] PSHOME = C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] PSSessionApplicationName = wsman
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] PSSessionConfigurationName =
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] PSSessionOption = System.Management.Automation.Remoting.PSSessionOption
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] PSUICulture = de-DE
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] PSVersionTable = System.Collections.Hashtable {System.Collections.DictionaryEntry; System.Collections.DictionaryEntry; System.Collections.DictionaryEntry; System.Collections.DictionaryEntry; System.Collections.DictionaryEntry; System.Collections.DictionaryEntry; System.Collections.DictionaryEntry; }
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] PWD = C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Bin
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ReportErrorShowExceptionClass = 0
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ReportErrorShowInnerException = 0
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ReportErrorShowSource = 1
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ReportErrorShowStackTrace = 0
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleBinPath = C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Bin
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleCustomerFeedbackEnabled = $null
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleDatacenterPath = C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Datacenter
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointABCHContactService = <ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointDomainPartnerManageDelegation = <ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveFederationMetadata = <ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveGetUserRealm = <ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveRmsCertificationService = <ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url><CertificateSubjectName>TO BE FILLED IN </CertificateSubjectName></ServiceEndpoint>
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveRmsLicensingService = <ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url><CertificateSubjectName>TO BE FILLED IN </CertificateSubjectName></ServiceEndpoint>
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveRmsPublishingService = <ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url><CertificateSubjectName>TO BE FILLED IN </CertificateSubjectName></ServiceEndpoint>
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveServiceLogin2 = <ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointRmsPremiseAuthenticationCertificate = <ServiceEndpoint><CertificateSubjectName>, OU=Exchange, O=Microsoft, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US</CertificateSubjectName></ServiceEndpoint>
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleDomainController =
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleExternalCASServerDomain =
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleFqdnOrName =
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleInstallationMode = Install
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleInstallPath = C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleInvocationID = 20101026-1555520742751487596
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleIsAdminToolsRoleInstalled = True
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleIsBridgeheadRoleInstalled = True
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleIsDatacenter = False
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleLanguagePacksPath = D:\Exchange 2010 Installation\Exchange Server 2010\
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleLoggedOnUser = igloria\administrator
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleLoggingPath = C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Logging
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleNetBIOSName = igloriaMS03
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleNoSelfSignedCertificates = False
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RolePreviousVersion = $null
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleProductPlatform = amd64
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleRoleName = ClientAccessRole
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleRoles = BridgeheadRole,AdminToolsRole
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleSetupLoggingPath = C:\ExchangeSetupLogs
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleTargetVersion = 14.00.0639.021
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleUpdatesDir = D:\Exchange 2010 Installation\Exchange Server 2010\Updates
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ShellId = Microsoft.PowerShell
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] StackTrace = $null
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] true = True
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] VerbosePreference = SilentlyContinue
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] WarningPreference = Continue
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] WhatIfPreference = False
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] [WARNING] <<< Variable dumping complete. >>
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] Setup is stopping now because of one or more critical errors.
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] Finished executing component tasks.
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0211] [1] Ending processing.
[10.26.2010 13:56:05.0664] End of Setup
[10.26.2010 13:56:05.0664] **
Nachdem ich 4 Stunden lang versucht habe die Lösung meines Problems zu ergooglen melde ich mich jetzt bei euch.
Es handelt sich um einen 2008 Server R2
Das Feature "Nicht-HTTP Aktivierung" unter .NET Framework 3.5 habe ich bereits entfernt. Den Hotfix von Microsoft (Windows6.1-KB975443-v2-x64) habe ich auch installiert. Bei der Exchange INstallation habe ich aber trotzdem immer noch das Problem, dass das Setup manche Dienste nicht starten kann. Manuell starten ist kein Problem.
Zudem habe ich in IIS auf dem Symbol meiner Default-Website ein Fragezeichen Symbol. Das sollte nach entfernen der Nicht HTTP Aktivierung eigentich genauso wie der Fehler verschwinden, tut es aber nicht.
Ich hoffe hier kann mir jemand helfen!
Achja ein Auszug aus dem ExchangeSetupLog:
[10.26.2010 13:55:52.0867] [2] Instantiating handler with index 0 for cmdlet extension agent "Admin Audit Log Agent".
[10.26.2010 13:55:52.0882] [2] Aktueller ScopeSet:{Lesebereich für Domäne:{, }, Schreibbereich(e) für Domäne:{, }, Konfigurationsbereich:{, }, Serverkonfigurationsbereich(e):{, }, , Exklusiver Bereich:{, }}
[10.26.2010 13:55:52.0882] [2] Resolved current organization: .
[10.26.2010 13:55:52.0882] [2] Starting: iisreset with arguments: /noforce /timeout:120
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0086] [2] Process standard output: Es wird versucht, den Dienst zu beenden...
Internetdienste wurden erfolgreich beendet.
Es wird versucht, den Dienst zu starten...
Fehler beim Versuch, den Dienst neu zu starten.
Der IIS-Verwaltungsdienst, der WWW-Publishingdienst oder ein von diesen Diensten abh„ngiger Dienst konnte nicht gestartet werden. M”glicherweise ist ein Fehler beim Starten des Diensts oder der abh„ngigen Dienste aufgetreten, oder sie wurden deaktiviert.
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0086] [2] Process standard error:
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0086] [2] [ERROR] Unexpected Error
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0117] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 1062.
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [2] Ending processing.
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution:
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 1062.
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 1062.
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] [ERROR] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); Start-SetupProcess -Name "iisreset" -Args "/noforce /timeout:120"" was run: "Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 1062.".
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 1062.
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] [WARNING] <<< Setup failed to execute a task. Dumping all variables.... >>>
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] $ = $null
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ? = True
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ^ = $null
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] _ = $null
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ADServerSettings = Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SetupServerSettings
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] args = $null
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ConfirmPreference = None
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ConsoleFileName =
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] DebugPreference = SilentlyContinue
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] Error = System.Collections.ArrayList {Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 1062.; }
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ErrorActionPreference = Continue
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ErrorView = NormalView
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ExchangePropertyContainer = Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.ExchangePropertyContainer
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ExecutionContext = System.Management.Automation.EngineIntrinsics
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] false = False
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] FormatEnumerationLimit = 4
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] HOME = C:\Users\administrator.igloria
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] Host = System.Management.Automation.Internal.Host.InternalHost
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] input = $null
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] MaximumAliasCount = 4096
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] MaximumDriveCount = 4096
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] MaximumErrorCount = 256
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] MaximumFunctionCount = 4096
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] MaximumHistoryCount = 64
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] MaximumVariableCount = 4096
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] MyInvocation = $null
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] NestedPromptLevel = 0
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] null = $null
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] OutputEncoding = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] PID = 4244
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ProgressPreference = Continue
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] PSBoundParameters = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Object]
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] PSCulture = de-DE
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] PSEmailServer =
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] PSHOME = C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] PSSessionApplicationName = wsman
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] PSSessionConfigurationName =
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] PSSessionOption = System.Management.Automation.Remoting.PSSessionOption
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] PSUICulture = de-DE
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] PSVersionTable = System.Collections.Hashtable {System.Collections.DictionaryEntry; System.Collections.DictionaryEntry; System.Collections.DictionaryEntry; System.Collections.DictionaryEntry; System.Collections.DictionaryEntry; System.Collections.DictionaryEntry; System.Collections.DictionaryEntry; }
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] PWD = C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Bin
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ReportErrorShowExceptionClass = 0
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ReportErrorShowInnerException = 0
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ReportErrorShowSource = 1
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ReportErrorShowStackTrace = 0
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleBinPath = C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Bin
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleCustomerFeedbackEnabled = $null
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleDatacenterPath = C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Datacenter
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointABCHContactService = <ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointDomainPartnerManageDelegation = <ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveFederationMetadata = <ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveGetUserRealm = <ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveRmsCertificationService = <ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url><CertificateSubjectName>TO BE FILLED IN </CertificateSubjectName></ServiceEndpoint>
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveRmsLicensingService = <ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url><CertificateSubjectName>TO BE FILLED IN </CertificateSubjectName></ServiceEndpoint>
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveRmsPublishingService = <ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url><CertificateSubjectName>TO BE FILLED IN </CertificateSubjectName></ServiceEndpoint>
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveServiceLogin2 = <ServiceEndpoint><Url></Url></ServiceEndpoint>
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointRmsPremiseAuthenticationCertificate = <ServiceEndpoint><CertificateSubjectName>, OU=Exchange, O=Microsoft, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US</CertificateSubjectName></ServiceEndpoint>
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleDomainController =
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleExternalCASServerDomain =
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleFqdnOrName =
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleInstallationMode = Install
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleInstallPath = C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleInvocationID = 20101026-1555520742751487596
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleIsAdminToolsRoleInstalled = True
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleIsBridgeheadRoleInstalled = True
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleIsDatacenter = False
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleLanguagePacksPath = D:\Exchange 2010 Installation\Exchange Server 2010\
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleLoggedOnUser = igloria\administrator
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleLoggingPath = C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Logging
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleNetBIOSName = igloriaMS03
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleNoSelfSignedCertificates = False
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RolePreviousVersion = $null
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleProductPlatform = amd64
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleRoleName = ClientAccessRole
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleRoles = BridgeheadRole,AdminToolsRole
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleSetupLoggingPath = C:\ExchangeSetupLogs
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleTargetVersion = 14.00.0639.021
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] RoleUpdatesDir = D:\Exchange 2010 Installation\Exchange Server 2010\Updates
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] ShellId = Microsoft.PowerShell
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] StackTrace = $null
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] true = True
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] VerbosePreference = SilentlyContinue
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] WarningPreference = Continue
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] WhatIfPreference = False
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] [WARNING] <<< Variable dumping complete. >>
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] Setup is stopping now because of one or more critical errors.
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0132] [1] Finished executing component tasks.
[10.26.2010 13:56:03.0211] [1] Ending processing.
[10.26.2010 13:56:05.0664] End of Setup
[10.26.2010 13:56:05.0664] **
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Ausgedruckt am: 09.01.2025 um 14:01 Uhr