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exmerge auf Exchange 2003 geht nicht

Ich muß eineige Postfächer aus meinem Exchange in PST Dateien konvertieren.

Hi Leute
brauche echt Hilfe habe einen SBS 2003 mit Exchange 2003 nun versuche ich schon Zeit Tagen mit exmerge von einigen Benutzern die Mailbox in eine PST Datei zu kopieren.
Leider will es mir nicht gelingen. Die erstellte Datei ist immer nur 32 K groß. Kann mir jemand helfen?

Content-ID: 24606


Ausgedruckt am: 07.03.2025 um 02:03 Uhr

MagicM 26.01.2006 um 20:17:57 Uhr
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versuchst Du das mit dem jeweiligen Postfachbesitzer?
Als Admin hast Du ab Ex2003 nicht mehr automatisch Zugriff auf alle Postfächer... Daher mal die Berechtigungen im AD überprüfen.

seven-of-nine 26.01.2006 um 20:37:25 Uhr
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Ich habe mir in der AD einen Benutzer angelegt der auf dem Ordner Postfachspeicher alle Rechte hat, mit diesem Benutzer habe ich das Programm dann gestartet leider ohne erfolg.
seven-of-nine 26.01.2006 um 20:43:34 Uhr
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Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Merge Program, v6.5.7529.0
Start Logging:January 26, 2006 20:41:03

[20:41:03] Logging Level: Maximum
[20:41:03] Reading settings from file 'C:\Programme\Exchsrvr\bin\EXMERGE.INI'.
[20:41:03] Merge action read from .INI file: 0
[20:41:03] DomainControllerForSourceServer read from INI file: ''
[20:41:03] SrcServerLDAP-Port read from INI file: ''
[20:41:03] Source server name read from .INI file: ''.
[20:41:03] DomainControllerForDestServer read from INI file: ''
[20:41:03] SrcServerLDAP-Port read from INI file: ''
[20:41:03] Destination server name read from .INI file: ''.
[20:41:03] Message selection start date read from .INI file: ''.
[20:41:03] Reading list of subjects for messages to be selected from file ''
[20:41:03] Subject string match criteria read from INI file:
[20:41:03] Reading list of attachment names for messages to be selected from file ''
[20:41:03] Attachment name string match criteria read from INI file:
[20:41:03] Folder process setting read from .INI file: 3
[20:41:03] Apply to sub folders setting, read from .INI file: 0
[20:41:03] List of folders to be ignored has been read. 0 folders in the list.
[20:41:03] DelimiterUsedInMailboxFile setting read from .INI file: 0
[20:41:03] File containing list of mailboxes, read from .INI file: ''.
[20:41:03] Remove intermediate PST files setting read from .INI file: 1
[20:41:03] Date attribute read from .INI file: 0
[20:41:03] Data import method read from .INI file: 1
[20:41:03] ReplaceDataOnlyIfSourceItemIsMoreRecent setting read from .INI file: 1
[20:41:03] Copy user data setting read from .INI file: 1
[20:41:03] Copy associated folder data setting read from .INI file: 0
[20:41:03] Copy folder permissions setting read from .INI file: 0
[20:41:03] Copy dumpster items setting read from .INI file: 0
[20:41:03] UseThisPSTFileForAllMailboxes setting read from .INI file: ''
[20:41:03] MapFolderNameToLocalisedName setting read from .INI file: 0
[20:41:03] RenameFoldersBasedOnFolderMappings setting read from INI file: 0
[20:41:03] RenameSpecialFolders setting read from INI file: 1
[20:41:03] Default Locale read from INI file:
[20:41:03] UseLastLogonLocaleID setting read from INI file: 0
[20:41:03] Current machine locale ID is 0x407
[20:41:03] Command line received:
[20:41:03] Processor architecture: Intel
[20:41:03] Operating System Version 5.2 (Build 3790)
[20:41:13] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::IdentifyFamilyOfExchangeRunningOnServer)
[20:41:13] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData)
[20:41:13] BaseDN: 'LDAP:MAIL-SERVER/rootDSE'
[20:41:13] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData)
[20:41:13] Default Naming Context: 'DC=base,DC=rosch-computer,DC=de'
[20:41:13] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData)
[20:41:13] BaseDN: 'LDAP:
[20:41:13] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData)
[20:41:13] Default Naming Context: 'DC=base,DC=rosch-computer,DC=de'
[20:41:13] Accessing Domain Controller 'MAIL-SERVER'
[20:41:13] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo)
[20:41:13] BaseDN: 'LDAP:MAIL-SERVER/CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=base,DC=rosch-computer,DC=de'
[20:41:13] Got IDirectorySearch interface
[20:41:13] Set search preferences
[20:41:13] Filter used: '(&(objectCategory=msexchExchangeServer)(cn=MAIL-SERVER))'
[20:41:13] Successfully executed directory search
[20:41:13] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo)
[20:41:13] 'MAIL-SERVER' is running Exchange Server 2000 or later
[20:41:13] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::IdentifyFamilyOfExchangeRunningOnServer)
[20:41:13] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerStorageGroupInfo)
[20:41:13] BaseDN: 'GC:
CN=InformationStore,CN=MAIL-SERVER,CN=Servers,CN=erste administrative gruppe,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=BASE,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=base,DC=rosch-computer,DC=de'
[20:41:13] Got IDirectorySearch interface
[20:41:13] Set search preferences
[20:41:13] Filter used: '(objectClass=msexchPrivateMDB)'
[20:41:13] Successfully executed directory search
[20:41:13] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerStorageGroupInfo)
[20:41:13] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetMailboxesHomedOnExchangeServerDatabases)
[20:41:13] Mailbox '/o=BASE/ou=first administrative group/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=MAIL-SERVER/cn=Microsoft System Attendant' will be ignored as its DN contains strings in the ignore list
[20:41:13] Mailbox '/o=BASE/ou=first administrative group/cn=Configuration/cn=Connections/cn=SMTP (MAIL-SERVER)/cn={FF4C6D98-2DD0-45F1-B9A6-7BFA0742A42B}' will be ignored as its DN contains strings in the ignore list
[20:41:13] Mailbox '/o=BASE/ou=first administrative group/cn=Recipients/cn=SystemMailbox{FF4C6D98-2DD0-45F1-B9A6-7BFA0742A42B}' will be ignored as its DN contains strings in the ignore list
[20:41:14] Found 8 mailbox(es) homed on database 'ERSTE SPEICHERGRUPPE/POSTFACHSPEICHER (MAIL-SERVER)'.
[20:41:14] Ignored 3 mailbox(es) homed on database 'ERSTE SPEICHERGRUPPE/POSTFACHSPEICHER (MAIL-SERVER)'.
[20:41:14] Found 8 mailbox(es) homed on the specified databases.
[20:41:14] Ignored 3 mailbox(es) homed on the specified databases.
[20:41:14] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetMailboxesHomedOnExchangeServerDatabases)
[20:41:14] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateSystemAttendantProfile)
[20:41:14] Entered Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::CreateSystemAttendantProfile)
[20:41:14] Entered Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::CreateSystemAttendantProfile)
[20:41:14] Entered Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::HackMapiSvcInfForSA)
[20:41:14] Ending Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::HackMapiSvcInfForSA)
[20:41:14] Ending Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::CreateSystemAttendantProfile)
[20:41:14] Ending Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::CreateSystemAttendantProfile)
[20:41:14] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateSystemAttendantProfile)
[20:41:14] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon)
[20:41:14] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit)
[20:41:14] Successfully initialized MAPI.
[20:41:14] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit)
[20:41:14] MAPI Logon successful.
[20:41:14] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon)
[20:41:14] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServer)
[20:41:14] Getting list of mailboxes on the server.
[20:41:14] Found default store.
[20:41:14] Opened Exchange Server Store.
[20:41:14] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS)
[20:41:14] GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS: QueryInterface succeeded
[20:41:14] GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS: GetMailboxTable succeeded
[20:41:14] Number of mailbox records read: 11. (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS)
[20:41:14] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS)
[20:41:14] Finished getting list of mailboxes.
[20:41:14] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServer)
[20:41:14] Session logoff successful.
[20:41:14] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile)
[20:41:14] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile)
[20:41:14] Time to get mailbox data: 0 seconds
[20:41:33] Using attribute 'PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME' for date operations.
[20:41:33] Merging data into target store. The program will copy only those messages that do not exist in the target store.
[20:41:33] Associated folder data will NOT be copied to the target store.
[20:41:33] Using 'German' (0x407) as the default locale (Code page 1252)
[20:41:33] All mailboxes will be processed, regardless of locale
[20:41:33] Using default locale for all mailboxes
[20:41:33] Program will use 1 worker threads
[20:41:34] Initializing worker thread (Thread0)
[20:41:34] ((Thread0)) Before CopyMailboxData -XIJUAN
[20:41:34] Entered Routine: EDKRoutines::CopyMailBoxData)
[20:41:34] Using locale 'German' (0x407) and code page 1252 to connect to mailbox
[20:41:34] Copying data from mailbox 'Xijuan Zhou' ('XIJUAN') on Server 'MAIL-SERVER' to file 'E:\XIJUAN.PST'.
[20:41:34] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit)
[20:41:34] Successfully initialized MAPI.
[20:41:34] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit)
[20:41:34] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateEMSPSTProfile)
[20:41:34] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateEMSPSTProfile)
[20:41:34] Successfully created profile.
[20:41:34] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon)
[20:41:34] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit)
[20:41:34] Successfully initialized MAPI.
[20:41:34] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit)
[20:41:34] MAPI Logon successful.
[20:41:34] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon)
[20:41:34] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::GetSession)
[20:41:34] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::GetSession)
[20:41:34] Entered Routine: EDKRoutines::OpenStores)
[20:41:34] OpenStores: Start
[20:41:34] GetMsgStoresTable successful.
[20:41:34] Checking service 'Microsoft Exchange-Nachrichtenspeicher'
[20:41:34] Checking service 'Persönliche Ordner'
[20:41:34] Store 'MSPST MS' was not opened.
[20:41:34] Ending Routine: EDKRoutines::OpenStores)
[20:41:34] Errors encountered. Copy process aborted for mailbox 'Xijuan Zhou' ('XIJUAN').
[20:41:34] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile)
[20:41:34] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile)
[20:41:34] Session logoff successful.
[20:41:34] Ending Routine: EDKRoutines::CopyMailBoxData)
[20:41:34] ((Thread0)) CopyMailboxData Failed -XIJUAN
[20:41:34] ((Thread0)) Incremented progress bar
[20:41:34] Number of items copied from the source store for all mailboxes processed: 0
[20:41:34] Total number of folders processed in the source store: 0
[20:41:34] 0 mailboxes successfully processed. 1 mailboxes were not successfully processed. 0 non-fatal errors encountered.
[20:41:34] Process completion time: 00:00:00
[20:41:34] MAPI uninitialized.
[20:41:36] MAPI uninitialized.

Komplette Protokolldatei face-sad
RibbelRabbel 27.01.2006 um 08:15:33 Uhr
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Ist der Exchange Server eine deutsche Version? Falls nicht liegt der Fehler an der falschen Ländereinstellung in der ExMerge.ini.
Hatte hier schonmal den gleichen Fehler. Default in der ini war auf Englisch und Exchange war eine deutsche Version. ...

Unten auf der Site gibt es noch einen Link zu dem Fehler "Store 'MSPST MS' was not opened"
seven-of-nine 27.01.2006 um 19:09:37 Uhr
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Danke für Deine schnelle Antwort und Deine Bemühungen, Du Hattest recht es war der Eintrag in der ini Datei, auf German umgestellt und es rannte wie doof.

Hier noch mal der Eintrag für den der das Problem auch hat.
1. Das Programm nach Programme\Exchsrvr\bin legen
2. In der ExMerge.ini nach dem Wort German suchen und die Zeilen wie folgt anpassen:
; LocalisedPersonalFoldersServiceName
; This setting indicates the name of the "Personal Folders" service
; in localised clients.
; French
;LocalisedPersonalFoldersServiceName=Dossiers personnels
; Spanish
;LocalisedPersonalFoldersServiceName=Carpetas personales
; German
LocalisedPersonalFoldersServiceName=Persönliche Ordner
; Italian
;LocalisedPersonalFoldersServiceName=Cartelle personali
RibbelRabbel 30.01.2006 um 07:48:34 Uhr
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Wenn dir das geholfen hat, warum dann diese schlechte Bewertung von meinem Kommentar?
seven-of-nine 31.01.2006 um 19:35:07 Uhr
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Sorry war verzweifelt und habe nicht so darauf geachtet, hatte mir auch eine Antwort vorgestellt wie ich sie dann rein geschrieben habe. Natürlich war das ok was du geschrieben hast. werde es sofort korrigieren face-smile
lurky2002 20.04.2006 um 10:44:33 Uhr
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Moin moin.

Ich hab mir das hier mal durchgelesen und find das schon sehr gut, jedoch mache ich glaube ich einen Fehler irgendwo! Vielleicht kann mir jemand sagen wo.
Ich versuche das Programm entweder auf den Exchange direkt zu installieren, und versuche es ganauso auf meinen XP Rechner ans laufen zu bekommen. Beides will nicht so recht.
Auf dem Exchange Rechner habe ich das Programm in C:\programm\exchsrvr\bin gelegt.
Da kommt folgende Fehlermeldung: Die Anwendung konnte nicht gestartet werden, weil EXCHMEM.dll nicht gefunden wurde. Was habe ich übersehen?

Auf meinen XP Rechner habe ich vorab den ExchangeSystem Manager nebest WinXP Patch installiert.
Hier kommt die Meldung "Die Anwendung konnte nicht gestartet werden weil dapi.dll nicht gefunden wurde!
Ich hoffe ich habe nichts vergessen zu erwähnen.

Der Server ist Exchange 03 SP1
Windows XP hat SP2

Hat einer eine Idee?

Gruß Lurky2002
ahe 03.05.2006 um 17:52:34 Uhr
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Hallo Lurky,

vielleicht hilft dir dieser Beitrag weiter, da sind ein 'paar' Voraussetzungen aufgeführt...

Ich habe es allerdings selbst noch nicht getestet...


Leider gibt es ein paar Probleme mit dem Link, darum hier etwas 'anders' (mit Leerzeichen) geschrieben: e x tools/exmerge.htm
10686 09.01.2007 um 16:36:11 Uhr
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ich dachte ich reisse die disskusion wieder auf...

ich habe ein problem mit Exmerge, ich habe einen kunden umgestellt auf W2003 SBS und wollte die 50 PST´s in Exchange kopieren, ich habe die .ini bearbeitet und das ging auch wunderbar mit dem Administrator.

Ich kann aber bei den usern leider nicht ins postfach schreiben, nur ins administrator postfach (bin ja auch mit administrator angemeldet am server), so dann habe ich mal gegoogelt und bei technet gefunden das man eine sicherheitsgruppe anlegen muss und den benutzer vollzugriff auf den Datenspeicher des Exchange geben muss... ist passiert ... aber leider bleibt auch nach 15 Min und gpupdate das problem das ich nicht auf die postfächer zugreifen kann!

Kann man das noch irgendwo anders einstellen ?

gruß Martin
RibbelRabbel 10.01.2007 um 09:21:07 Uhr
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Wenn ich mich recht erinnere hat doch der Exchange Admin Zugriff auf alle Postfächer. Mit dem solltest du sämtliche pst's in die zugehörigen Postfächer kopieren können.
RibbelRabbel 10.01.2007 um 09:26:40 Uhr
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sry, doppelt gepostet...
MagicM 10.01.2007 um 13:38:48 Uhr
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Nein, unter Ex2003 hat er nicht mehr automatisch Zugriff!
schmidtleitner 02.08.2007 um 13:42:23 Uhr
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Hallo, ich habe ein ähnliches Problem, denke ich.

Ich habe einen Windows Server 2003 SP 1 mit installiertem Exchange 2003.
Es ist das Ziel, von einigen Benutzern die Postfächer einzeln in PST-Dateien abzusichern.
Ich habe die Berechtigungen send-as und receive as gesetzt, wie hier schon ein paarmal beschrieben wurde.
Aber ich denke, es liegt nicht an der Berechtigung, dass ich beim Export der Postfächer eine Fehlermeldung und nur eine 32 kb große Datei bekomme.

Ich habe anbei die Log-Datei con ExMerge angefügt.
Folgende Fehlermeldung macht mich stutzig:
Error extracting information from server DN ' ' (CMapiSession::GetInfoFromProfile)

Weiss jemand, wie ich zu einer Lösung komme?

Danke für Eure Hilfe!

Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Merge Program, v4.00.021
Start Logging:August 02, 2007 12:39:49

[12:39:49] Logging Level: Maximum
[12:39:49] Reading settings from file 'C:\Programme\Exchsrvr\bin\EXMERGE.INI'.
[12:39:49] Data directory name read from .INI file: 'C:\EXMERGEDATA'.
[12:39:49] Merge action read from .INI file: 0
[12:39:49] DomainControllerForSourceServer read from INI file: ''
[12:39:49] SrcServerLDAP-Port read from INI file: ''
[12:39:49] Source server name read from .INI file: 'SRVURBANEK'.
[12:39:49] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::IdentifyFamilyOfExchangeRunningOnServer)
[12:39:49] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData)
[12:39:49] BaseDN: 'LDAP:SRVURBANEK/rootDSE'
[12:39:49] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData)
[12:39:49] Default Naming Context: 'DC=ulsr,DC=at'
[12:39:49] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData)
[12:39:49] BaseDN: 'LDAP:
[12:39:49] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData)
[12:39:49] Default Naming Context: 'DC=ulsr,DC=at'
[12:39:49] Accessing Domain Controller 'SRVURBANEK'
[12:39:49] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo)
[12:39:49] BaseDN: 'LDAP:SRVURBANEK/CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=ulsr,DC=at'
[12:39:49] Got IDirectorySearch interface
[12:39:49] Set search preferences
[12:39:49] Filter used: '(&(objectCategory=msexchExchangeServer)(cn=SRVURBANEK))'
[12:39:49] Successfully executed directory search
[12:39:49] Legacy Exchange DN: '/o=Urbanek/ou=Erste administrative Gruppe/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=SRVURBANEK' (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo)
[12:39:49] Distinguished name read: 'CN=SRVURBANEK,CN=Servers,CN=Erste administrative Gruppe,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Urbanek,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=ulsr,DC=at' (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo)
[12:39:49] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo)
[12:39:49] 'SRVURBANEK' is running Exchange Server 2000 or later
[12:39:49] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::IdentifyFamilyOfExchangeRunningOnServer)
[12:39:49] Source server read from settings file is 'SRVURBANEK'.
[12:39:49] DomainControllerForDestServer read from INI file: ''
[12:39:49] SrcServerLDAP-Port read from INI file: ''
[12:39:49] Destination server name read from .INI file: ''.
[12:39:49] Message selection start date read from .INI file: ''.
[12:39:49] Reading list of subjects for messages to be selected from file ''
[12:39:49] Subject string match criteria read from INI file: 0
[12:39:49] Reading list of attachment names for messages to be selected from file ''
[12:39:49] Attachment name string match criteria read from INI file: 1
[12:39:49] Folder process setting read from .INI file: 2
[12:39:49] Apply to sub folders setting, read from .INI file: 1
[12:39:49] List of folders to be ignored has been read. 0 folders in the list.
[12:39:49] Program will also ignore sub folders of selected folders.
[12:39:49] DelimiterUsedInMailboxFile setting read from .INI file: 0
[12:39:49] File containing list of private information store databases, read from .INI file: ''.
[12:39:49] File containing list of mailboxes, read from .INI file: 'C:\Programme\Exchsrvr\bin\MAILBOXES.TXT'.
[12:39:49] Remove intermediate PST files setting read from .INI file: 1
[12:39:49] Date attribute read from .INI file: 0
[12:39:49] Data import method read from .INI file: 2
[12:39:49] ReplaceDataOnlyIfSourceItemIsMoreRecent setting read from .INI file: 1
[12:39:49] Copy user data setting read from .INI file: 1
[12:39:49] Copy associated folder data setting read from .INI file: 1
[12:39:49] Copy folder permissions setting read from .INI file: 1
[12:39:49] Copy dumpster items setting read from .INI file: 1
[12:39:49] UseThisPSTFileForAllMailboxes setting read from .INI file: ''
[12:39:49] MapFolderNameToLocalisedName setting read from .INI file: 1
[12:39:49] Folder names mapping to localised names is enabled.
[12:39:49] RenameFoldersBasedOnFolderMappings setting read from INI file: 0
[12:39:49] Default Locale read from INI file: 1031
[12:39:49] Current machine locale ID is 0xc07
[12:39:49] Command line received:
[12:39:49] Processor architecture: Intel
[12:39:49] Operating System Version 5.2 (Build 3790)
[12:39:49] Personal Folders service name got from EXMERGE.INI file is 'Persönliche Ordner' (LocalisedPersonalFoldersServiceName entry in section [EXMERGE]).
[12:39:49] Exchange Server service name got from EXMERGE.INI file is 'Microsoft Exchange-Nachrichtenspeicher' (LocalisedExchangeServerServiceName entry in section [EXMERGE]).
[12:39:55] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::IdentifyFamilyOfExchangeRunningOnServer)
[12:39:55] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData)
[12:39:55] BaseDN: 'LDAP:
[12:39:55] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData)
[12:39:55] Default Naming Context: 'DC=ulsr,DC=at'
[12:39:55] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData)
[12:39:55] BaseDN: 'LDAP:rootDSE'
[12:39:55] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData)
[12:39:55] Default Naming Context: 'DC=ulsr,DC=at'
[12:39:55] Accessing Domain Controller 'SRVURBANEK'
[12:39:55] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo)
[12:39:55] BaseDN: 'LDAP:
SRVURBANEK/CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=ulsr,DC=at'
[12:39:55] Got IDirectorySearch interface
[12:39:55] Set search preferences
[12:39:55] Filter used: '(&(objectCategory=msexchExchangeServer)(cn=SRVURBANEK))'
[12:39:55] Successfully executed directory search
[12:39:55] Legacy Exchange DN: '/o=Urbanek/ou=Erste administrative Gruppe/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=SRVURBANEK' (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo)
[12:39:55] Distinguished name read: 'CN=SRVURBANEK,CN=Servers,CN=Erste administrative Gruppe,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Urbanek,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=ulsr,DC=at' (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo)
[12:39:55] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo)
[12:39:55] 'SRVURBANEK' is running Exchange Server 2000 or later
[12:39:55] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::IdentifyFamilyOfExchangeRunningOnServer)
[12:39:55] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerStorageGroupInfo)
[12:39:55] BaseDN: 'LDAP://SRVURBANEK/CN=InformationStore,CN=SRVURBANEK,CN=Servers,CN=Erste administrative Gruppe,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Urbanek,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=ulsr,DC=at'
[12:39:55] Got IDirectorySearch interface
[12:39:55] Set search preferences
[12:39:55] Filter used: '(objectClass=msexchPrivateMDB)'
[12:39:55] Successfully executed directory search
[12:39:55] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetMailboxesHomedOnExchangeServerDatabases)
[12:39:55] Searching the Active Directory for mailboxes homed on the following databases:
[12:39:55] CN=Postfachspeicher (SRVURBANEK),CN=Erste Speichergruppe,CN=InformationStore,CN=SRVURBANEK,CN=Servers,CN=Erste administrative Gruppe,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Urbanek,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=ulsr,DC=at
[12:39:55] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetGC)
[12:39:55] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetGC)
[12:39:55] Getting user information from Global Catalog server ''.
[12:39:55] Got IDirectorySearch interface
[12:39:55] Set search preferences
[12:39:55] Filter used: '(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(homeMDB=CN=Postfachspeicher (SRVURBANEK),CN=Erste Speichergruppe,CN=InformationStore,CN=SRVURBANEK,CN=Servers,CN=Erste administrative Gruppe,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Urbanek,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=ulsr,DC=at))'
[12:39:55] Successfully executed directory search
[12:39:55] Found 94 mailboxes, in the Active Directory, homed on the specified databases.
[12:39:55] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetMailboxesHomedOnExchangeServerDatabases)
[12:39:55] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateSystemAttendantProfile)
[12:39:55] Entered Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::CreateSystemAttendantProfile)
[12:39:55] Entered Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::CreateSystemAttendantProfile)
[12:39:55] Entered Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::HackMapiSvcInfForSA)
[12:39:55] Ending Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::HackMapiSvcInfForSA)
[12:39:55] Ending Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::CreateSystemAttendantProfile)
[12:39:55] Ending Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::CreateSystemAttendantProfile)
[12:39:55] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateSystemAttendantProfile)
[12:39:55] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon)
[12:39:55] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit)
[12:39:55] Successfully initialized MAPI.
[12:39:55] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit)
[12:39:55] MAPI Logon successful.
[12:39:55] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon)
[12:39:55] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServer)
[12:39:55] Getting list of mailboxes on the server.
[12:39:55] Found default store.
[12:39:55] Opened Exchange Server Store.
[12:39:55] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS)
[12:39:55] GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS: QueryInterface succeeded
[12:39:55] GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS: GetMailboxTable succeeded
[12:39:55] Number of mailbox records read: 95. (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS)
[12:39:55] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS)
[12:39:55] Finished getting list of mailboxes.
[12:39:55] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServer)
[12:39:55] Session logoff successful.
[12:39:55] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile)
[12:39:55] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile)
[12:39:55] Time to get mailbox data: 0 seconds
[12:40:13] Using attribute 'PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME' for date operations.
[12:40:13] Replacing data in the target store. The program will overwrite existing messages in the target store, by first deleting these messages and then copying the messages from the source store.
[12:40:13] Replacing only older items in the target store.
[12:40:13] Option to copy deleted items from the dumpster has been selected. Recoverable deleted items will only be copied when extracting data out of mailboxes on servers running Microsoft Exchange Server version 5.5 or later.
[12:40:13] Folder permissions will be saved to the target store. Any existing folder permissions in the target store will be overwritten.
[12:40:13] Associated folder data will be copied to the target store.
[12:40:13] Using 'German' (0x407) as the default locale (Code page 1252)
[12:40:13] All mailboxes will be processed, regardless of locale
[12:40:13] Program will use 1 worker threads
[12:40:13] Initializing worker thread (Thread0)
[12:40:13] ((Thread0)) Before CopyMailboxData -KITTEL
[12:40:13] Entered Routine: EDKRoutines::CopyMailBoxData)
[12:40:13] Using locale 0x407 and code page 1252 to connect to mailbox
[12:40:13] Copying data from mailbox 'Astrid Kittel' ('KITTEL') on Server 'SRVURBANEK' to file 'C:\EXMERGEDATA\KITTEL.PST'.
[12:40:13] DN of object is '/o=Urbanek/ou=Erste administrative Gruppe/cn=Recipients/cn=kittel'.
[12:40:13] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit)
[12:40:13] Successfully initialized MAPI.
[12:40:13] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit)
[12:40:13] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateEMSPSTProfile)
[12:40:13] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateEMSPSTProfile)
[12:40:13] Successfully created profile.
[12:40:13] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon)
[12:40:13] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit)
[12:40:13] Successfully initialized MAPI.
[12:40:13] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit)
[12:40:13] MAPI Logon successful.
[12:40:13] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon)
[12:40:13] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::GetInfoFromProfile)
[12:40:13] Opened profile section.
[12:40:13] Got profile properties
[12:40:13] Error extracting information from server DN '' (CMapiSession::GetInfoFromProfile)
[12:40:13] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::GetInfoFromProfile)
[12:40:13] Errors encountered. Copy process aborted for mailbox 'Astrid Kittel' ('KITTEL').
[12:40:13] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile)
[12:40:13] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile)
[12:40:13] Session logoff successful.
[12:40:13] Ending Routine: EDKRoutines::CopyMailBoxData)
[12:40:13] ((Thread0)) CopyMailboxData Failed -KITTEL
[12:40:13] ((Thread0)) Incremented progress bar
[12:40:13] Number of items copied from the source store for all mailboxes processed: 0
[12:40:13] Total number of folders processed in the source store: 0
[12:40:13] 0 mailboxes successfully processed. 1 mailboxes were not successfully processed. 0 non-fatal errors encountered.
[12:40:13] Process completion time: 00:00:00
[12:40:13] MAPI uninitialized.
[12:40:15] MAPI uninitialized.
RibbelRabbel 02.08.2007 um 13:53:12 Uhr
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Hab dazu das gefunden:

“Error extracting information from server DN '' (CMapiSession::GetInfoFromProfile)”
This is normally comes up when the source and target mailbox’s alias don’t match, normally because the target mailboxLegacyExchangeDN field has been appended by a number.

A) Using ADSI Edit view the target account’s LegacyExchangeDN field

B) Compare this with the value in the input MAILBOXES.TXT file for this account
Chances are that the LegacyExchangeDN name in the target domain has a number after to it, indicating that this LegacyExchangeDN is already used be another user

C) Update the original MAILBOXES.TXT with the correct target LegacyExchangeDN
schmidtleitner 02.08.2007 um 15:00:13 Uhr
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Hallo RibbelRabbel face-wink

Ich habe mir Deinen Vorschlag angesehen und auch gleich getestet.
Doch sobald ich den Eintrag ändere, findet er das Postfach nicht mehr.

Aber ich glaube zu wissen, dass es in diese Richtung geht.
Ich kann mich erinnern, dass mein Vorgänger die die Benutzerkonten für neue Mitarbeiter kopiert hat und dann entsprechend die Berechtigungen usw. entsprechend angepasst hat.

Ich werde mal alles durchgehen, was es dabei zu Anpassen gäbe.

LG Schmidi
RibbelRabbel 02.08.2007 um 15:22:35 Uhr
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Habt ihr vielleicht mehrere globale Adresslisten? Der Account der exportiert/importiert muss Mitglied in der selben GAL sein wie das betroffene Postfach.

Edit: Hab grad noch gelesen, dass es auch davon kommen kann, dass das Konto von der Adressliste ausgeschlossen ist. Sind es evtl. solch versteckte Mailboxen?
schmidtleitner 02.08.2007 um 15:30:37 Uhr
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Falls jemand dasselbe Problem haben sollte:

In der exmerge.ini hatte ich folgenden Wert eingtatragen:

LocalisedExchangeServerServiceName=Microsoft Exchange-Informationsspeicher

diesen habe ich auf folgenden Wert geändert:

LocalisedExchangeServerServiceName=Microsoft Exchange-Nachrichtenspeicher

Ich bin deshalb darauf gekommen, weil ich ExMerge neu vom Internet geladen und die Standard ExMerge.ini verglichen habe.

Und jetzt funktioniert es!

Habt vielen Dank für die Unterstützung !
mrowa99 03.05.2008 um 18:26:08 Uhr
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oft ist es so, dass das Wizard einfach die Sprach-spezifische-Einträge nicht aktiviert. So muss man selber hin und die Semikolns rausnehmen.