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Versenden von email an ein AOL Email Adresse klappt nicht

Wenn ich eine email an eine AOL Adresse schicken will, bekomme ich folgende Antwort von unserem Windows 2003 Server:

Ihre Nachricht hat einige oder alle Empfänger nicht erreicht.

Dieser link ist wird angehängt.

Wenn ich diesen Link eingebe kann ich dort unsere feste IP eingeben um zu überprüfen ob wir einen reverse DNS haben.

Wenn ich das gemacht habe bekomme ich folgende Antwort:

Success! It appears you have Reverse DNS. Please note the following points:
If the sender's domain is the only domain sending mail from a specific IP address, we recommend that the reverse DNS entry (PTR Record) match the domain name (A Record), but we do not require it.

AOL does require that all connecting Mail Transfer Agents have established reverse DNS, regardless of whether it matches the domain.

Reverse DNS must be in the form of a fully-qualified domain name. Reverse DNSes containing in-addr.arpa are not acceptable, as these are merely placeholders for a valid PTR record. Reverse DNSes consisting only of IP addresses are also not acceptable, as they do not correctly establish the relationship between domain and IP address.

Was soll ich jetzt machen?
Muss ich am Server irgendetwas ändern?

Content-Key: 35799

Url: https://administrator.de/contentid/35799

Printed on: May 2, 2024 at 20:05 o'clock

Member: tomh00493
tomh00493 Oct 07, 2019 at 07:05:28 (UTC)
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get to know How To Fix AOL Mail Problems In Sending Mail

Since there are many issues for the AOL Mail not working or mail not processing well. These issues can be resolved by following the steps mentioned below

The followings steps to fix offline printer are as follows

Method – 1 Check your browse- Using an outdated browser may create a problem in accessing the AOL or sending mail from that. Make sure to update or download a new browser.

Method – 2 Delete the browser’s cache

Method – 3 Disable pop-up blocking software- At the point when the pop-ups are blocked, it makes it hard for the AOL to run easily. It might limit you from sending the mail. You may contact your product seller to take help in handicapping the product incidentally. Most programs enable you to debilitate it all alone by holding the Shift key.

Method – 4 Disable Firewall

Since the steps are many so mentioneing each & every step is impossible.
To make a surity for the steps follow the website