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Lotus Notes Task von Access heraus erzeugen

Nach langem herumprobieren habe ich folgenden Code geschrieben um aus Access Lotus Notes Tasks, auch mit Attachments, zu erstellen.

Private Sub 'Aufrufprozedur um den Task zu erstellen  
	Dim UID as String 'UniversalID of TaskDocument  
	UID = CreateNotesTask("Subject-Text", "Body-Text" , "01.01.2010 12:00:00", "C:\test.doc") 'die UID Speichere ich ab um danach wieder direkt auf den Task zugreifen zu können  
End sub

Public Function CreateNotesTask(Subject As String, Body As String, Task_Date As Date, Attachment_NO As String, Optional Attachment As String)
    Dim MailDbName             As String
    Dim ServerName             As String
    Dim TaskDoc                As Object
    Dim WorkSpace              As Object
    Dim objFso                 As New FileSystemObject
	'Definition for the Server and Mail Database  
    ServerName = "mail01/ffm01/aps"  
    MailDbName = "mail01\5010.nsf"  

    Set session = CreateObject("Notes.Notessession")  
    Set Maildb = session.GetDatabase(ServerName, MailDbName)
	'Create document  
	Set TaskDoc = Maildb.CreateDocument
	'Define type of document to create  
    TaskDoc.Form = "Task"  
    'TaskDoc.CHAIR = <responsible Person or group>  
    TaskDoc.DUESTATE = 2 ' 1 = Started, 2 = Not started, 8 = canceled, 9 = done  
	'Set all Datevalues, so that the task will only be shown at the Task_Date  
	TaskDoc.startDate = CStr(FormatDateTime(Task_Date, vbShortDate))
    TaskDoc.StartDateTime = CStr(FormatDateTime(Task_Date, vbShortDate))
    TaskDoc.DueDateTime = CStr(FormatDateTime(Task_Date, vbShortDate))
    TaskDoc.DueDate = CStr(FormatDateTime(Task_Date, vbShortDate))
    TaskDoc.enddate = CStr(FormatDateTime(Task_Date, vbShortDate))
    TaskDoc.EndDateTime = CStr(FormatDateTime(Task_Date, vbShortDate))
    TaskDoc.CALENDARDATETIME = CStr(FormatDateTime(Task_Date, vbShortDate))

	'Optional a Category	  
    TaskDoc.Categories = "What you want"  

    'Optional to set a priority  
    TaskDoc.Priority = 2 
	'Set the Body Text  
    Body = "Body Text"  
	'If there is a path to an attachment  
    If Attachment > "" Then  
		'Check if the Path is correct  
        FileExists = objFso.FileExists(Attachment)
        If Not FileExists Then
            MsgBox "Path to Attachment: " & Attachment & " is not valid!"  
			Set TaskDoc = Nothing
			Set WorkSpace = Nothing
			exit function
        End If
        Set AttachME = TaskDoc.CreateRichTextItem("Attachment")  
        Set EmbedObj = AttachME.EmbedObject(1454, "", Attachment, "Attachment")  
    End If
	'Set Body-Text  
    TaskDoc.Body = Body
	'Set Subject Text  
    TaskDoc.Subject = Subject
	'Save the Document  
    Call TaskDoc.ComputeWithForm(False, False)
    Call TaskDoc.Save(True, False, True)
    'Return of the  UniversalID  
	SendNotesTask = TaskDoc.UniversalID
	Close everything
    Set TaskDoc = Nothing
    Set WorkSpace = Nothing
End Function

Content-ID: 111332

Url: https://administrator.de/knowledge/lotus-notes-task-von-access-heraus-erzeugen-111332.html

Ausgedruckt am: 23.02.2025 um 05:02 Uhr

Dani 14.03.2009 um 19:15:45 Uhr
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ich finde es immer schön, wenn auch entsprechende Code mit ausreichend Kommentar versehen wird. du musst daran denken, dass andere User / Besucher nicht so "denken" wie du.
Bitte noch nachtragen...
