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EGroupware mit PHP PDO IIS

Hallo zusammen,

Ich würde gerne Egroupware installieren komme auch bis zur Datenbank dann geht nichts mehr.
In PHP 5. fehlen die PDO Treiber.
Wie kann ich diese hinzufügen.
Das ganze läuft auf Wind 2003 mit IIS 6 und MS SQL 2000.

hier der installations check

Checking the eGroupWare Installation
Passed Checking required PHP version 5.1+ (recommended 5.2+): 5.2.13 ==> True
Passed Checking php.ini: safe_mode = Off: ini_get('safe_mode')='' = Off  
Passed Checking php.ini: magic_quotes_runtime = Off: ini_get('magic_quotes_runtime')='' = Off  
Passed Checking php.ini: register_globals = Off: ini_get('register_globals')='' = Off  
Passed Checking php.ini: display_errors = Off: ini_get('display_errors')='' = Off  
Passed Checking php.ini: memory_limit >= 24M: ini_get('memory_limit')='24M'  
Passed Checking php.ini: max_execution_time >= 30: ini_get('max_execution_time')='30'  
Passed Checking php.ini: file_uploads = On: ini_get('file_uploads')='1' = On  
Passed Checking php.ini: upload_max_filesize >= 8M: ini_get('upload_max_filesize')='16M'  
Passed Checking php.ini: post_max_size >= 8M: ini_get('post_max_size')='8M'  
Passed Checking php.ini: include_path contain .: ini_get('include_path')='.;C:\php5\pear'  
Warning Checking php.ini: mbstring.func_overload = 7: ini_get('mbstring.func_overload')=''  
The mbstring.func_overload = 7 is needed to fully support unicode (utf-8) or other multibyte-charsets.
Passed Checking php.ini: magic_quotes_gpc = Off: ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc')='' = Off  
Passed Checking extension session is loaded or loadable: True
Warning Checking extension pdo is loaded or loadable: False
The pdo extension is needed from: .
Warning Checking extension mysql is loaded or loadable: False
The mysql extension is needed, if you plan to use a MySQL database.
Warning Checking extension pdo_mysql is loaded or loadable: False
The pdo_mysql extension is needed, if you plan to use a MySQL database.
Warning Checking extension pgsql is loaded or loadable: False
The pgsql extension is needed, if you plan to use a pgSQL database.
Warning Checking extension pdo_pgsql is loaded or loadable: False
The pdo_pgsql extension is needed, if you plan to use a pgSQL database.
Warning Checking extension mssql is loaded or loadable: False
The mssql extension is needed, if you plan to use a MsSQL database.
Warning Checking extension pdo_dblib is loaded or loadable: False
The pdo_dblib extension is needed, if you plan to use a MsSQL database.
Passed Checking extension odbc is loaded or loadable: True
Warning Checking extension pdo_odbc is loaded or loadable: False
The pdo_odbc extension is needed, if you plan to use a MaxDB, MsSQL or Oracle database.
Warning Checking extension oci8 is loaded or loadable: False
The oci extension is needed, if you plan to use a Oracle database.
Warning Checking extension pdo_oci is loaded or loadable: False
The pdo_oci extension is needed, if you plan to use a Oracle database.
Warning Checking extension mbstring is loaded or loadable: False
The mbstring extension is needed to fully support unicode (utf-8) or other multibyte-charsets.
Warning Checking extension ldap is loaded or loadable: False
The ldap extension is needed, if you use ldap as account or contact storage, authenticate against ldap or active directory. It's not needed for a standard SQL installation.  
Passed Checking extension ctype is loaded or loadable: True
Warning Checking extension imap is loaded or loadable: False
The imap extension is needed from: EMailAdmin, felamimail, tracker.
Passed Checking extension dom is loaded or loadable: True
Warning Checking PEAR is installed: False
PEAR is needed by: Calendar (iCal import+export), EMailAdmin, felamimail, news_admin, SyncML. PEAR ( is a PHP repository and is usually in a package called php-pear.
Warning Checking PEAR::HTTP_WebDAV_Server is installed: False
PEAR::HTTP_WebDAV_Server is needed by: WebDAV. PEAR ( is a PHP repository and is usually in a package called php-pear.
Warning Checking PEAR::Auth_SASL is installed: False
PEAR::Auth_SASL is needed by: EMailAdmin, felamimail. PEAR ( is a PHP repository and is usually in a package called php-pear.
Warning Checking PEAR::Net_IMAP is installed: False
PEAR::Net_IMAP is needed by: EMailAdmin, felamimail. PEAR ( is a PHP repository and is usually in a package called php-pear.
Warning Checking PEAR::Net_Sieve is installed: False
PEAR::Net_Sieve is needed by: felamimail. PEAR ( is a PHP repository and is usually in a package called php-pear.
Warning Checking PEAR::XML_Feed_Parser is installed: False
PEAR::XML_Feed_Parser is needed by: news_admin. PEAR ( is a PHP repository and is usually in a package called php-pear.
Warning Checking PEAR::Log is installed: False
PEAR::Log is needed by: SyncML. PEAR ( is a PHP repository and is usually in a package called php-pear.
Warning Checking for GD support...: False
Your PHP installation does not have appropriate GD support. You need gd library version 1.8 or newer to see Gantt charts in projects. Passed Checking file-permissions of *Zensiert* for not world writable: nn/nn drwxrwxrwx
This might take a while, please wait ...
Passed Checking if php.ini setting session.save_path='C:\WINDOWS\Temp' is writable by the webserver: nn/nn drwxrwxrwx  

Ich hoffe mir kann jemand helfen.



Content-ID: 140140


Ausgedruckt am: 09.01.2025 um 23:01 Uhr

Arsimael.Inshan 08.04.2010 um 14:16:29 Uhr
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UFF da hast du dir was aufgehalst.

Wenn du es dir einfach machen willst, installier ne VMware mit Debian (oder ubuntu) und lasse die EGW automatisch mittels Apt-get install egroupware installieren. (Bei Debian is das nen bisschen umständlich da in den Stable releases nur die 1.4 drinnen ist, aber bei ubuntu is die 1.6 verfügbar).

Da wird dann alles automatisch richtig eingerichtet, nur dass du später eben noch die header config und die Datenbank einbinden musst.

Soweit wie ich das hier sehe fehlt dir die PEAR erweiterung. HIER Ist ein kleinen Tutorial für die Installation unter windows.