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SharePoint 2013 Installation


ich habe folgendes Problem: ich möchte auf meinem Server (2012 R2) den SharePoint Server 2013 Installieren. Also, iso in ordner auf den desktop kopiert, und zuerst den "Prerequisites Installer" gestartet. Dann hat der Server neugestartet, und der Installer ging weiter. Dann wollte er wieder Neustart, wieder Assistent, wieder Neustart... Dann ist mir aufgefallen das am Ende des Assistenten bei "Server AppFabric" Installationsfehler steht. Also hab ich versucht, die AppFabric manuell runterzuladen und zu installieren. Der Installer bricht das aber jedesmal mit dem Fehlercode 1603 ab.

Kann mir jemand helfen?

Gruß tomolpi

Content-Key: 261946


Printed on: July 27, 2024 at 00:07 o'clock

Member: Vision2015
Vision2015 Feb 01, 2015 updated at 13:53:32 (UTC)
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Member: Dani
Dani Feb 01, 2015 at 12:56:06 (UTC)
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Hallo tomolpi,
Windows Server 2012R2 wird nur supportet, wenn Sharepoint 2013 mit SP1 installiert wird. Hast du das richtige ISO?
 Windows Server 2012 R2 is only supported on a SharePoint Server 2013 Service Pack 1 environment. For additional information about Windows Server 2012 R2 support, see SharePoint 2013 SP1 support in Windows Server 2012 R2. 

Member: tomolpi
tomolpi Feb 01, 2015 at 12:59:59 (UTC)
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Die Datei die ich habe bzw der Ordner heißt "SharePoint Server 2013 with SP1 64-Bit (German)" und die ISO da drinne "de_sharepoint_server_2013_with_sp1_x64_dvd_3832206". Also die passenden. Die Anleitung oben hatte ich auch schon, hat aber bei mir irgendwie nix gebracht...Habe die Umgebungsvariablen so angepasst, das ging nicht.


Member: Vision2015
Vision2015 Feb 01, 2015 updated at 13:14:34 (UTC)
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hast du nur die Umgebungsvariablen angepasst ?
hast du die anderen punkte dir auch mal angesehen ?
Sorry das ich frage - kannst du die Anleitung Lesen ? Englischkenntnisse ?
ist nicht böse gemeint- aber ich kenne genug ADMINS die kein Wort Englisch können ?
falls du es nicht kannst- wissen wir, wo wir bei der Hilfe ansetzen müssen/können.

alle updates drauf etc.. ?
Member: tomolpi
tomolpi Feb 01, 2015 at 13:23:59 (UTC)
Goto Top
Umgebungsvariablen angepasst: Fehler
Die anderen Punkte hab ich auch kontolliert, das mit der cmd und dem manuellen Pfad geht auch nicht, dann bricht der Installer der SharePoint Vorraussetzungen ab mit Unbekanntem Fehler...
Braucht ihr das logfile?
Den Rest manuell installiert, jetzt fehlt nur noch die AppFabric.
Und ja, englisch kann ich ;)
Updates findet WindowsUpdate keine...


Member: Vision2015
Vision2015 Feb 01, 2015 at 13:27:10 (UTC)
Goto Top
Zitat von @tomolpi:

Umgebungsvariablen angepasst: Fehler
Die anderen Punkte hab ich auch kontolliert, das mit der cmd und dem manuellen Pfad geht auch nicht, dann bricht der Installer der
SharePoint Vorraussetzungen ab mit Unbekanntem Fehler...
Braucht ihr das logfile?
jo- wär nicht übel face-smile
Den Rest manuell installiert, jetzt fehlt nur noch die AppFabric.
Und ja, englisch kann ich ;)
war wirklich nicht persönlich gemeint face-smile
Updates findet WindowsUpdate keine...


Member: tomolpi
tomolpi Feb 01, 2015 at 13:30:15 (UTC)
Goto Top
Da wäre es:

2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Processor architecture is (9)
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Common Startup
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - The value is...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Trying to remove the startup task if there is any.
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\SharePointServerPreparationToolStartup_0FF1CE14-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.cmd
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Error: Startup task doesn't exist. This is not a continuation after a restart.
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Locating the following command line arguments file:
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\SharePoint\PrerequisiteInstaller.Arguments.txt
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Error: This file does not exist
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Details of the current operating system:
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Major version number of the operating system: (6)
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Minor version number of the operating system: (2)
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Build number of the operating system: (0X23F0=9200)
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Major version number of the latest Service Pack: (0)
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Minor version number of the latest Service Pack: (0)
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Platform ID of the operating system: (2)
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Product suites available on the operating system: (0X190=400)
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Product type of the operating system: VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONROLLER
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Product type: (0)
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - OS type: (2)
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Configuring the application's property sheet...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Windows Management Framework 3.0
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - PowerShellVersion
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\PowerShellEngine
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - The value is...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - 4.0
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - A higher version of the prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Install
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Net Framework Setup\NDP\V4\full
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - The value is (1)
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Version
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Net Framework Setup\NDP\V4\full
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - The value is...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - 4.5.51650
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - A post release .NET 4.5 is installed
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Windows Identity Foundation (KB974405)
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 -
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Identity Foundation\Setup\v3.5
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - The value is...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - 6.1.7600.0
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - The prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 SP1 (x64)
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Reading version of the following file...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.Synchronization\\Microsoft.Synchronization.dll
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - The version is...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - 1.0.3010.0
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - The prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Systemeigener Client von Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Version
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\SQLNCLI10\CurrentVersion
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - The value is...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - 10.51.2500.0
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - A higher version of the prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Windows Server AppFabric
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - ProductVersion
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppFabric\V1.0
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Windows Identity Foundation (KB974405)
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 -
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Identity Extensions\Setup\1.0
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - The value is...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - 2.0.1230.0
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - The prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Microsoft Information Protection and Control-Client
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 -
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSIPC\CurrentVersion
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - The value is...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - 1.0.621.117
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - A higher version of the prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.0
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Version
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft WCF Data Services\5.0
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.6
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Version
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft WCF Data Services\5.6
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Kumulatives Updatepaket 1 für Microsoft AppFabric 1.1 für Windows Server (KB2671763)
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - IsInstalled
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:26:43 - SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Updates\AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server\KB2671763
2015-02-01 14:26:48 - Beginning download/installation
2015-02-01 14:26:48 - Created thread for installer
2015-02-01 14:26:48 - "C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe" /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /norestart
2015-02-01 14:26:49 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:26:50 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:26:51 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:26:52 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:26:53 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:26:53 - Install process returned (0)
2015-02-01 14:26:53 - [In HRESULT format] (0)
2015-02-01 14:26:53 - "C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -ExecutionPolicy Bypass "C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\Pre6E47.tmp.PS1"
2015-02-01 14:26:54 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:26:55 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:26:56 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:26:57 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:26:58 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:26:59 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:00 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:01 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:02 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:03 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:04 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:05 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:06 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:07 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:08 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:09 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:10 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:11 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:12 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:13 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:14 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:15 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:15 - Install process returned (0)
2015-02-01 14:27:15 - [In HRESULT format] (0)
2015-02-01 14:27:15 - "C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe" /online /enable-feature /all /featurename:IIS-ASPNET45 /norestart
2015-02-01 14:27:16 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:17 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:18 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:19 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:20 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:21 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:22 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:23 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:24 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:25 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:26 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:27 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:28 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:29 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:30 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:31 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:32 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:33 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:34 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:35 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:36 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:37 - Install process returned (0)
2015-02-01 14:27:37 - [In HRESULT format] (0)
2015-02-01 14:27:37 - "C:\Windows\system32\iisreset.exe" /noforce
2015-02-01 14:27:37 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:38 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:39 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:40 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:41 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:42 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:43 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:44 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:45 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:46 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:47 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 14:27:48 - Install process returned (0)
2015-02-01 14:27:48 - [In HRESULT format] (0)
2015-02-01 14:27:48 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2015-02-01 14:27:48 - DCC
2015-02-01 14:27:48 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:27:48 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppFabric\V1.0\Features
2015-02-01 14:27:48 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2015-02-01 14:27:48 - DCS
2015-02-01 14:27:48 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:27:48 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppFabric\V1.0\Features
2015-02-01 14:27:48 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2015-02-01 14:27:48 - DCA
2015-02-01 14:27:48 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:27:48 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppFabric\V1.0\Features
2015-02-01 14:27:48 - Der Download von "Windows Server AppFabric" wird gestartet.
2015-02-01 14:27:48 -
2015-02-01 14:27:50 - Size of download of "Windows Server AppFabric" in bytes is "33646240"
2015-02-01 14:27:50 - Download of "Windows Server AppFabric" completed successfully
2015-02-01 14:27:50 - configuring FTP/Windows Services for AppFabric
2015-02-01 14:27:50 - Warning : Call to OpenService(...,SERVICE_START | SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS | SERVICE_STOP | SERVICE_PAUSE_CONTINUE) function to get handle to the service failed (0X424=1060)
2015-02-01 14:27:50 - Warning : [In HRESULT format] (0X80070424=-2147023836)
2015-02-01 14:27:50 - FTP service is not installed.
2015-02-01 14:27:50 - The current status of the service is...
2015-02-01 14:27:50 - SERVICE_RUNNING
2015-02-01 14:27:50 - Windows update service is already running
2015-02-01 14:27:50 - Warning : Call to OpenService(...,SERVICE_START | SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS | SERVICE_STOP | SERVICE_PAUSE_CONTINUE) function to get handle to the service failed (0X424=1060)
2015-02-01 14:27:50 - Warning : [In HRESULT format] (0X80070424=-2147023836)
2015-02-01 14:27:50 - AppFabric caching service is not installed.
2015-02-01 14:27:50 - All services have been configured successfully for AppFabric.
2015-02-01 14:27:50 - Windows Server AppFabric wird installiert.
2015-02-01 14:27:50 - "C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\App5AAB.tmp.exe" /i CacheClient,CachingService,CacheAdmin /gac
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Install process returned (0X643=1603)
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - [In HRESULT format] (0X80070643=-2147023293)
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - All services have been configured successfully after AppFabric installation
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Last return code (0X643=1603)
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Flags
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\UpdateExeVolatile
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - PendingFileRenameOperations
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - The value is...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - \??\d:\4f0f820e5303356ab3145de4ad3b2199
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - File Rename operations are pending a reboot.
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Install needs restart
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Common Startup
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - The value is...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Trying to create the startup task.
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\SharePointServerPreparationToolStartup_0FF1CE14-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.cmd
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Windows Management Framework 3.0
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - PowerShellVersion
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\PowerShellEngine
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - The value is...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - 4.0
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - A higher version of the prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Install
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Net Framework Setup\NDP\V4\full
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - The value is (1)
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Version
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Net Framework Setup\NDP\V4\full
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - The value is...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - 4.5.51650
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - A post release .NET 4.5 is installed
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Windows Identity Foundation (KB974405)
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 -
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Identity Foundation\Setup\v3.5
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - The value is...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - 6.1.7600.0
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - The prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 SP1 (x64)
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Reading version of the following file...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.Synchronization\\Microsoft.Synchronization.dll
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - The version is...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - 1.0.3010.0
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - The prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Systemeigener Client von Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Version
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\SQLNCLI10\CurrentVersion
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - The value is...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - 10.51.2500.0
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - A higher version of the prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Windows Server AppFabric
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - ProductVersion
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppFabric\V1.0
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Windows Identity Foundation (KB974405)
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 -
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Identity Extensions\Setup\1.0
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - The value is...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - 2.0.1230.0
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - The prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Microsoft Information Protection and Control-Client
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 -
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSIPC\CurrentVersion
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - The value is...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - 1.0.621.117
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - A higher version of the prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.0
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Version
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft WCF Data Services\5.0
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.6
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Version
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft WCF Data Services\5.6
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Kumulatives Updatepaket 1 für Microsoft AppFabric 1.1 für Windows Server (KB2671763)
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - IsInstalled
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:28:11 - SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Updates\AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server\KB2671763
2015-02-01 14:28:16 - Opening log file
2015-02-01 14:28:16 - Opened action for user
2015-02-01 14:28:16 - C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\prerequisiteinstaller.2015.02.01-14.26.43.log

Und wenn ich das über cmd probiere:

2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Processor architecture is (9)
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Common Startup
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - The value is...
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Trying to remove the startup task if there is any.
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\SharePointServerPreparationToolStartup_0FF1CE14-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.cmd
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Successfully deleted the startup task
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Analyzing the following command line argument:
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - /C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64.exe
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Found the following command line option:
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - C
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Error: Unrecognized command line option
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Details of the current operating system:
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Major version number of the operating system: (6)
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Minor version number of the operating system: (2)
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Build number of the operating system: (0X23F0=9200)
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Major version number of the latest Service Pack: (0)
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Minor version number of the latest Service Pack: (0)
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Platform ID of the operating system: (2)
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Product suites available on the operating system: (0X190=400)
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Product type of the operating system: VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONROLLER
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Product type: (0)
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - OS type: (2)
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Configuring the application's property sheet...
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Cannot retry
2015-02-01 14:30:00 - Opening log file
2015-02-01 14:30:00 - Opened action for user
2015-02-01 14:30:00 - C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\prerequisiteinstaller.2015.02.01-14.29.58.log
Member: Vision2015
Vision2015 Feb 01, 2015 at 13:51:01 (UTC)
Goto Top
bin grad mal nur so drübergeflogen, aber:
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Analyzing the following command line argument:
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - /C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64.exe
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Found the following command line option:
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - C
2015-02-01 14:29:58 - Error: Unrecognized command line option

macht mich etwas stutzig!
Member: tomolpi
tomolpi Feb 01, 2015 at 13:52:39 (UTC)
Goto Top
Und was heißt das genau? Ich versteh das selber nicht face-sad
Member: tomolpi
tomolpi Feb 01, 2015 at 13:54:41 (UTC)
Goto Top
Und warum ist die Frage als gelöst markiert? Wie kann ich das wieder wegmachen? Bei keiner Antwort steht Lösung...
Member: Vision2015
Vision2015 Feb 01, 2015 at 14:01:49 (UTC)
Goto Top
poste mal deine command line

bzw. schieb die WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64.exe nach C:\tempirgendwas, und lass noch mal laufen...
Member: Vision2015
Vision2015 Feb 01, 2015 at 14:02:42 (UTC)
Goto Top
Zitat von @tomolpi:

Und warum ist die Frage als gelöst markiert? Wie kann ich das wieder wegmachen? Bei keiner Antwort steht Lösung...

bist wohl an den button gekommen face-smile
Member: tomolpi
tomolpi Feb 01, 2015 updated at 14:12:39 (UTC)
Goto Top
Hier die commandline:

C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\SharePoint>prerequisiteinstaller.exe /AppFabric:C:\tempirgendwas\WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64.exe

Dann geht jetzt der Assistent auf und er installiert alles nochmal...

Im Abschluss dann wieder:

• Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5: gleichwertige Produkte waren bereits installiert (es ist keine Aktion erfolgt).
• Windows Management Framework 3.0: gleichwertige Produkte waren bereits installiert (es ist keine Aktion erfolgt).
• Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS): erfolgreich konfiguriert.
• Systemeigener Client von Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1: gleichwertige Produkte waren bereits installiert (es ist keine Aktion erfolgt).
• Windows Identity Foundation (KB974405): war bereits installiert (es ist keine Aktion erfolgt).
• Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 SP1 (x64): war bereits installiert (es ist keine Aktion erfolgt).
• Windows Server AppFabric: Installationsfehler
• Microsoft Identity-Erweiterungen: war bereits installiert (es ist keine Aktion erfolgt).
• Microsoft Information Protection and Control-Client: gleichwertige Produkte waren bereits installiert (es ist keine Aktion erfolgt).
• Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.0: Installation übersprungen.
• Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.6: Installation übersprungen.
• Kumulatives Updatepaket 1 für Microsoft AppFabric 1.1 für Windows Server (KB2671763): Installation übersprungen.
Member: Vision2015
Vision2015 Feb 01, 2015 at 14:15:56 (UTC)
Goto Top
bitte noch mal den log posten..
Member: tomolpi
tomolpi Feb 01, 2015 at 14:20:06 (UTC)
Goto Top
Das kommt am Ende raus:

2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Processor architecture is (9)
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Common Startup
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - The value is...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Trying to remove the startup task if there is any.
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\SharePointServerPreparationToolStartup_0FF1CE14-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.cmd
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Error: Startup task doesn't exist. This is not a continuation after a restart.
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Analyzing the following command line argument:
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - /AppFabric:C:\tempirgendwas\WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64.exe
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Found the following command line option:
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - AppFabric
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Found the following custom file location:
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - C:\tempirgendwas\WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64.exe
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Details of the current operating system:
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Major version number of the operating system: (6)
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Minor version number of the operating system: (2)
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Build number of the operating system: (0X23F0=9200)
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Major version number of the latest Service Pack: (0)
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Minor version number of the latest Service Pack: (0)
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Platform ID of the operating system: (2)
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Product suites available on the operating system: (0X190=400)
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Product type of the operating system: VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONROLLER
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Product type: (0)
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - OS type: (2)
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Configuring the application's property sheet...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Windows Management Framework 3.0
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - PowerShellVersion
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\PowerShellEngine
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - The value is...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - 4.0
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - A higher version of the prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Install
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Net Framework Setup\NDP\V4\full
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - The value is (1)
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Version
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Net Framework Setup\NDP\V4\full
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - The value is...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - 4.5.51650
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - A post release .NET 4.5 is installed
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Windows Identity Foundation (KB974405)
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 -
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Identity Foundation\Setup\v3.5
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - The value is...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - 6.1.7600.0
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - The prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 SP1 (x64)
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Reading version of the following file...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.Synchronization\\Microsoft.Synchronization.dll
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - The version is...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - 1.0.3010.0
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - The prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Systemeigener Client von Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Version
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\SQLNCLI10\CurrentVersion
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - The value is...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - 10.51.2500.0
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - A higher version of the prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Windows Server AppFabric
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - ProductVersion
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppFabric\V1.0
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Windows Identity Foundation (KB974405)
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 -
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Identity Extensions\Setup\1.0
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - The value is...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - 2.0.1230.0
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - The prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Microsoft Information Protection and Control-Client
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 -
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSIPC\CurrentVersion
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - The value is...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - 1.0.959.0
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - A higher version of the prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.0
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Version
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft WCF Data Services\5.0
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.6
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Version
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft WCF Data Services\5.6
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Kumulatives Updatepaket 1 für Microsoft AppFabric 1.1 für Windows Server (KB2671763)
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - IsInstalled
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:18:28 - SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Updates\AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server\KB2671763
2015-02-01 15:18:32 - Beginning download/installation
2015-02-01 15:18:32 - Created thread for installer
2015-02-01 15:18:32 - "C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe" /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /norestart
2015-02-01 15:18:33 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:34 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:35 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:36 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:37 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:38 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:39 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:41 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:42 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:43 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:43 - Install process returned (0)
2015-02-01 15:18:43 - [In HRESULT format] (0)
2015-02-01 15:18:43 - "C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -ExecutionPolicy Bypass "C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\PreBE7A.tmp.PS1"
2015-02-01 15:18:44 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:45 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:46 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:47 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:48 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:49 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:50 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:51 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:52 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:53 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:54 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:55 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:56 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:57 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:58 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:18:59 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:00 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:01 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:02 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:03 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:04 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:05 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:05 - Install process returned (0)
2015-02-01 15:19:05 - [In HRESULT format] (0)
2015-02-01 15:19:05 - "C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe" /online /enable-feature /all /featurename:IIS-ASPNET45 /norestart
2015-02-01 15:19:06 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:07 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:08 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:09 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:10 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:11 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:12 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:13 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:14 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:15 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:16 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:17 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:18 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:18 - Install process returned (0)
2015-02-01 15:19:18 - [In HRESULT format] (0)
2015-02-01 15:19:18 - "C:\Windows\system32\iisreset.exe" /noforce
2015-02-01 15:19:19 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:20 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:21 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:22 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:23 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:24 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:25 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:26 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:27 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:28 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:29 - Request for install time of Anwendungsserverrolle, Webserverrolle (IIS)
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - Install process returned (0)
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - [In HRESULT format] (0)
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - DCC
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppFabric\V1.0\Features
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - DCS
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppFabric\V1.0\Features
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - DCA
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppFabric\V1.0\Features
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - configuring FTP/Windows Services for AppFabric
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - Warning : Call to OpenService(...,SERVICE_START | SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS | SERVICE_STOP | SERVICE_PAUSE_CONTINUE) function to get handle to the service failed (0X424=1060)
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - Warning : [In HRESULT format] (0X80070424=-2147023836)
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - FTP service is not installed.
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - The current status of the service is...
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - SERVICE_RUNNING
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - Windows update service is already running
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - Warning : Call to OpenService(...,SERVICE_START | SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS | SERVICE_STOP | SERVICE_PAUSE_CONTINUE) function to get handle to the service failed (0X424=1060)
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - Warning : [In HRESULT format] (0X80070424=-2147023836)
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - AppFabric caching service is not installed.
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - All services have been configured successfully for AppFabric.
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - Windows Server AppFabric wird installiert.
2015-02-01 15:19:30 - "C:\tempirgendwas\WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64.exe" /i CacheClient,CachingService,CacheAdmin /gac
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Install process returned (0X643=1603)
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - [In HRESULT format] (0X80070643=-2147023293)
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - All services have been configured successfully after AppFabric installation
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Last return code (0X643=1603)
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Flags
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\UpdateExeVolatile
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - PendingFileRenameOperations
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - The value is...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - \??\d:\b4a20663b6fed3010f94ef7075
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - File Rename operations are pending a reboot.
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Install needs restart
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Common Startup
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - The value is...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Trying to create the startup task.
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\SharePointServerPreparationToolStartup_0FF1CE14-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.cmd
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Windows Management Framework 3.0
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - PowerShellVersion
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\PowerShellEngine
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - The value is...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - 4.0
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - A higher version of the prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Install
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Net Framework Setup\NDP\V4\full
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - The value is (1)
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Version
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Net Framework Setup\NDP\V4\full
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - The value is...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - 4.5.51650
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - A post release .NET 4.5 is installed
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Windows Identity Foundation (KB974405)
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 -
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Identity Foundation\Setup\v3.5
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - The value is...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - 6.1.7600.0
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - The prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 SP1 (x64)
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Reading version of the following file...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.Synchronization\\Microsoft.Synchronization.dll
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - The version is...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - 1.0.3010.0
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - The prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Systemeigener Client von Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Version
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\SQLNCLI10\CurrentVersion
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - The value is...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - 10.51.2500.0
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - A higher version of the prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Windows Server AppFabric
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - ProductVersion
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppFabric\V1.0
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Windows Identity Foundation (KB974405)
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 -
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Identity Extensions\Setup\1.0
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - The value is...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - 2.0.1230.0
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - The prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Microsoft Information Protection and Control-Client
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 -
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSIPC\CurrentVersion
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - The value is...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - 1.0.959.0
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - A higher version of the prerequisite above is already installed
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.0
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Version
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft WCF Data Services\5.0
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.6
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Version
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft WCF Data Services\5.6
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Check whether the following prerequisite is installed:
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Kumulatives Updatepaket 1 für Microsoft AppFabric 1.1 für Windows Server (KB2671763)
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - IsInstalled
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 15:19:51 - SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Updates\AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server\KB2671763
2015-02-01 15:19:54 - Opening log file
2015-02-01 15:19:54 - Opened action for user
2015-02-01 15:19:54 - C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\prerequisiteinstaller.2015.02.01-15.18.28.log
Mitglied: 114757
114757 Feb 01, 2015 updated at 14:45:49 (UTC)
Goto Top
mal nachgeschaut ob der FTP-Dienst läuft, wenn ja deaktivieren.

Und warum ist die Frage als gelöst markiert? Wie kann ich das wieder wegmachen?
Ursprüngliche Frage bearbeiten und rechts den Haken rausnehmen, feddich.

Gruß jodel32
Member: Vision2015
Vision2015 Feb 01, 2015 updated at 14:49:17 (UTC)
Goto Top
mit dem ftp ist ne gute idee...
ich schaue gleich nach mal, bei mir ist grad kaffee und kuchen zeit face-smile
Member: tomolpi
tomolpi Feb 01, 2015 at 14:50:13 (UTC)
Goto Top
Wie heißt der beim Server 2012 R2? Unter FTP in den Diensten ist nix :/
Member: tomolpi
tomolpi Feb 01, 2015 at 14:52:20 (UTC)
Goto Top
Also wenn ich auf Rollen und Features entfernen gehe, dann steht da FTP-Server (nicht installiert)...
Member: tomolpi
tomolpi Feb 01, 2015 at 18:13:59 (UTC)
Goto Top
Noch jemand eine Idee?
Member: Dani
Dani Feb 01, 2015 at 18:29:39 (UTC)
Goto Top
Versuch bitte folgenden Schritte, hat bei uns damals funktioniert:
Step 1: regedit-->search  "AppFabric" and delete all entries in regedit  
Step 2:restart
Step 3: Open powershell as admin
Step 4: run the below command

$SharePoint2013Path = "D:\Appl\SP"  

Start-Process "$SharePoint2013Path\PrerequisiteInstaller.exe" /KB2671763:$SharePoint2013Path\PrerequisiteInstallerFiles\AppFabric1.1-RTM-KB2671763-x64-ENU.exe  

Start-Process "$SharePoint2013Path\PrerequisiteInstaller.exe" /AppFabric:$SharePoint2013Path\PrerequisiteInstallerFiles\WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64.exe  

Step  5: Restart
Step 6: Start SP2013 SP1 installation,Successfully Cheers :)
Quelle: ...

Member: tomolpi
tomolpi Feb 01, 2015 at 18:30:32 (UTC)
Goto Top
Hallo @Dani,

muss ich da noch irgendwelche Pfade anpassen?
Vielen Dank!
Member: tomolpi
tomolpi Feb 01, 2015 at 18:31:38 (UTC)
Goto Top
Und die PowerShell Commands,
alle hintereinander oder?
Member: Dani
Dani Feb 01, 2015 updated at 18:34:11 (UTC)
Goto Top
Natürlich... den Pfad "D:\App1" durch deinen Pfad zur Setupdateien ersetzen (z.B. "C:\temp\sharepoint_sp1").
Anführungszeichen nicht vergessen.

Und die PowerShell Commands, alle hintereinander oder?
Ja. Bist du sicher, dass Sharepoint deine Kragenweite ist?

Member: tomolpi
tomolpi Feb 01, 2015 at 18:34:40 (UTC)
Goto Top
Ok vielen Dank! Das teste ich gleich face-smile
Member: tomolpi
tomolpi Feb 01, 2015 at 18:42:43 (UTC)
Goto Top
EDIT: Klappt nicht, bei den PowerShell Befehlen kommt gleich der Assistent und meldet einen "Fehler bei der Installation".
Log Befehl 1:
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - Processor architecture is (9)
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - Common Startup
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - The value is...
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - Trying to remove the startup task if there is any.
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\SharePointServerPreparationToolStartup_0FF1CE14-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.cmd
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - Error: Startup task doesn't exist. This is not a continuation after a restart.
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - Analyzing the following command line argument:
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - /KB2671763:D:\Downloads\sharepoint\PrerequisiteInstallerFiles\AppFabric1.1-RTM-KB2671763-x64-ENU.exe
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - Found the following command line option:
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - KB2671763
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - Found the following custom file location:
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - D:\Downloads\sharepoint\PrerequisiteInstallerFiles\AppFabric1.1-RTM-KB2671763-x64-ENU.exe
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - The following file does not exist:
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - D:\Downloads\sharepoint\PrerequisiteInstallerFiles\AppFabric1.1-RTM-KB2671763-x64-ENU.exe
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - Error: Custom file location is not accessible
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - Details of the current operating system:
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - Major version number of the operating system: (6)
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - Minor version number of the operating system: (2)
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - Build number of the operating system: (0X23F0=9200)
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - Major version number of the latest Service Pack: (0)
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - Minor version number of the latest Service Pack: (0)
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - Platform ID of the operating system: (2)
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - Product suites available on the operating system: (0X190=400)
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - Product type of the operating system: VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONROLLER
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - Product type: (0)
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - OS type: (2)
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - Configuring the application's property sheet...
2015-02-01 19:41:46 - Cannot retry
2015-02-01 19:41:47 - Opening log file
2015-02-01 19:41:47 - Opened action for user
2015-02-01 19:41:47 - C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\PrerequisiteInstaller.2015.02.01-19.41.46.log

Log Befehl 2:

2015-02-01 19:42:24 - Processor architecture is (9)
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - Reading the following string value/name...
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - Common Startup
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - from the following registry location...
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - The value is...
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - Trying to remove the startup task if there is any.
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\SharePointServerPreparationToolStartup_0FF1CE14-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.cmd
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - Error: Startup task doesn't exist. This is not a continuation after a restart.
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - Analyzing the following command line argument:
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - /KB2671763:D:\Downloads\sharepoint\PrerequisiteInstallerFiles\AppFabric1.1-RTM-KB2671763-x64-ENU.exe
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - Found the following command line option:
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - KB2671763
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - Found the following custom file location:
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - D:\Downloads\sharepoint\PrerequisiteInstallerFiles\AppFabric1.1-RTM-KB2671763-x64-ENU.exe
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - The following file does not exist:
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - D:\Downloads\sharepoint\PrerequisiteInstallerFiles\AppFabric1.1-RTM-KB2671763-x64-ENU.exe
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - Error: Custom file location is not accessible
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - Details of the current operating system:
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - Major version number of the operating system: (6)
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - Minor version number of the operating system: (2)
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - Build number of the operating system: (0X23F0=9200)
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - Major version number of the latest Service Pack: (0)
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - Minor version number of the latest Service Pack: (0)
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - Platform ID of the operating system: (2)
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - Product suites available on the operating system: (0X190=400)
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - Product type of the operating system: VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONROLLER
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - Product type: (0)
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - OS type: (2)
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - Configuring the application's property sheet...
2015-02-01 19:42:24 - Cannot retry
2015-02-01 19:42:25 - Opening log file
2015-02-01 19:42:25 - Opened action for user
2015-02-01 19:42:25 - C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\PrerequisiteInstaller.2015.02.01-19.42.24.log
Member: tomolpi
tomolpi Feb 01, 2015 updated at 18:55:48 (UTC)
Goto Top
Hab mal geschaut, in dem betreffenden Ordner ist nur "filterpack" drinne...

@Dani: Hab die Dateien manuell runtergeladen und in den Ordner gepackt. Wenn ich dann den ersten Befehl absetze, kommt der Assistent und will alles nochmal installieren...
Member: Dani
Dani Feb 01, 2015 updated at 18:54:08 (UTC)
Goto Top
Die Datei "D:\Downloads\sharepoint\PrerequisiteInstallerFiles\AppFabric1.1-RTM-KB2671763-x64-ENU.exe" existiert?
Hat die Installation mit deiner ISO-Datei schon einmal funktioniert? Evtl. nochmals herunterladen.
Der Server auf dem du Sharepoint installeren möchtest, ist Memberserver - kein Domain Controller?
Member: tomolpi
tomolpi Feb 01, 2015, updated at Feb 02, 2015 at 11:37:16 (UTC)
Goto Top
@Dani: Hab die Dateien manuell runtergeladen und in den Ordner gepackt. Wenn ich dann den ersten Befehl absetze, kommt der Assistent und will alles nochmal installieren... Bringt am Ende wieder, das AppFabric nicht installiert wurde und will nen Neustart...

Nein, kein DC...

Werde testweise mal nen anderen Server testen...

Hab jetzt mir mal nen 2012er (Kein R2, aber auch Datacenter) geschnappt und werde das da mal testen. Zuerst mit der ISO incl SP1, dann wenn das nicht geht mit ner ISO ohne SP1...

Hat sonst noch jemand eine Idee?
Member: tomolpi
tomolpi Feb 02, 2015 at 17:52:56 (UTC)
Goto Top

Hab das ganze auf nem 2012er Datacenter mit SQL 2014 Express installiert - alles erfolgreich durchgelaufen!

Euch aber trotzdem vielen Dank für eure Tipps und Ideen!

