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Sata Raid Treiber in RIS Image integrieren (nForce 4)


ich habe einen win2k server und verwende diesen als RIS Server, mit dessen hilfe ich gerne windows xp professional installieren moechte.

ich habe ein array (raid0) in meinem client konfiguriert und jetzt muss ich daher noch die sataraid treiber integrieren.

doch ich hab absolut keinen plan wie ich das anstellen soll...denn auf die herkoemmliche weise ($OEM$\$1\Drivers) funktioniert es nicht.

kann mir jemand helfen?

im sataraid ordner befinden sich diese dateien

- disk1
- idecoi.dll
- nvatabus.sys
- nvraid.cat
- nvraid.inf
- nvraid.sys
- nvraidco.dll
- txtsetup.oem

meine versuche sehen so aus:


floppyless = "1"
msdosinitiated = "1"
OriTyp = "4"
LocalSourceOnCD = 1
DisableAdminAccountOnDomainJoin = 1

OsLoadOptions = "/noguiboot /fastdetect"
SetupSourceDevice = "\Device\LanmanRedirector\%SERVERNAME%\RemInst\%INSTALLPATH%"

OemPreinstall = yes
ExtendOEMPartition = 0
TargetPath = \WINDOWS
OemSkipEula = yes
LegacyNIC = 1
OEMPnPDriversPath = "\Drivers;\Drivers\graphix;\Drivers\nic;\Drivers\NAM;\Drivers\atk;\Drivers\amd;\Drivers\sata;\Drivers\sata\sata_ide;\Drivers\sata\sataraid;\Drivers\bus"

"NVIDIA nForce Storage Controller (required)"=OEM


OrgName = "%ORGNAME%"
ComputerName = %MACHINENAME%

OemSkipWelcome = 1
OemSkipRegional = 1
TimeZone = %TIMEZONE%
AdminPassword = "*"

BitsPerPel = 16
XResolution = 800
YResolution = 600
VRefresh = 60



DoOldStyleDomainJoin = Yes

Repartition = No
UseWholeDisk = No

Description="Windows Professional"
Help="Hiermit wird Windows Professional mit einer Standardkonfiguration installiert."

bei dieser konfiguration erscheint allerdings an der stelle, wo nach frueheren windows versionen gesucht wird, die fehlermeldung:

"Unzulaessige oder fehlende Dateitypen in Abschnitt Files.SCSI.RAIDCLASS."

die txtsetup.oem sieht so aus:

; format for txtsetup.oem.
; Follow this format for non-PNP adapters ISA
; Follow the txtsetup.oem in initio for PNP adapters like PCI and ISAPNP
; Txtsetup.oem is a generic way to install Storage adapters to get them through
; textmode setup. Do as little as possible and allow GUI mode setup to do the
; remaining work using the supplied inf.
; General format:
; [section]
; key = value1,value2,...
; The hash ('#') or semicolon (';') introduces a comment.
; Strings with embedded spaces, commas, or hashes should be double-quoted

; This section lists all disks in the disk set.
; <description> is a descriptive name for a disk, used when
; prompting for the disk
; <tagfile> is a file whose presence allows setup to recognize
; that the disk is inserted.
; <directory> is where the files are located on the disk.
d1 = "NVIDIA RAID DRIVER (SCSI)",\disk1,\

; This section lists the default selection for each 'required'
; hardware component. If a line is not present for a component,
; the default defaults to the first item in the [<component_name>]
; section (see below).
; <component_name> is one of computer, display, keyboard, mouse, scsi
; <id> is a unique <within the component> string to be associated
; with an option.

; This section lists the options available for a particular component.
; <id> is the unique string for the option
; <description> is a text string, presented to the user in a menu
; <key_name> gives the name of the key to be created for the component in
; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlSet001\Services
BUSDRV = "NVIDIA nForce Storage Controller (required)"

; This section lists the files that should be copied if the user
; selects a particular component option.
; <file_type> is one of driver, port, class, dll, hal, inf, or detect.
; See below.
; <source_disk> identifies where the file is to be copied from, and must
; match en entry in the [Disks] section.
; <filename> is the name of the file. This will be appended to the
; directory specified for the disk in the [Disks] section to form the
; full path of the file on the disk.
; <driverkey> this is the name that will show under the services\driver key
; this should be the same name as the driver that is being installed.
driver = d1,nvraid.sys,RAIDCLASS
inf = d1,nvraid.inf
dll = d1,nvraidco.dll
catalog = d1,nvraid.cat

driver = d1,nvatabus.sys,BUSDRV
inf = d1, nvraid.inf
dll = d1,idecoi.dll
catalog = d1, nvraid.cat

; This section specifies values to be set in the registry for
; particular component options. Required values in the services\xxx
; key are created automatically -- use this section to specify additional
; keys to be created in services\xxx and values in services\xxx and
; services\xxx\yyy.
; This section must be filled out for storage controllers that
; are PNP adapters like PCI and ISA PNP adapters. Failure to do this
; can cause the driver to fail to load. Must also add the section
; [HardwareIds.scsi.ID] to identify the supported ID's.
; <value_name> specifies the value to be set within the key
; <value_type> is a string like REG_DWORD. See below.
; <value> specifies the actual value; its format depends on <value_type>


; A HardwareIds.scsi.Service section specifies the hardware IDs of
; the devices that a particular mass-storage driver supports.
; [HardwareIds.scsi.Service]
; id = "deviceID","service"
; HardwareIds.scsi.Service
; Service specifies the service to be installed.
; <deviceId > Specifies the device ID for a mass-storage device.
; <service > Specifies the service to be installed for the device.
;The following example excerpt shows a HardwareIds.scsi.Service section for a disk device:

id = "GenNvRaidDisk","nvraid"
id = "*_NVRAIDBUS","nvraid"
id = "*NVRAIDBUS","nvraid"

id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_008E", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_00D5", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_00EE", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_00E3", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0036", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_003E", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0054", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0055", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0266", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0267", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_036F", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_037E", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_037F", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03F6", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03F7", "nvatabus"
id = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_03E7", "nvatabus"


kann mir jemand erklaeren wo die dateien hin muessen und was in die ristndrd.sif eingetragen werden muss, damit die raidtreiber angenommen werden?

vielen lieben dank!

waere das tollste weihnachtsgeschenk wenn das endlich klappen wuerde :P



/edit: habe das problem behoben, indem ich die zeilen, in der eine dll vorkommt aus der txtsetup.oem geloescht habe (nach anleitung dieses artikels aus der ms kb:http://support.microsoft.com/?id=275334).

jetzt werden zumindest die platten erkannt, mal sehen ob es vlt spaeter noch probleme gibt.

sollte das der fall sein, melde ich mich.

allen noch ein frohes weihnachtsfest!

Content-Key: 76536

Url: https://administrator.de/contentid/76536

Printed on: May 5, 2024 at 13:05 o'clock